The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1285 ugly yourself

When Li Zedao walked into this lifeless small courtyard, old man Jin and Jin Suyan were already there waiting for him.

When he saw Li Zedao, the old man Jin rushed over to greet him. He was enthusiastic, cautious and grateful. He didn't even know where to put his hands. He wanted to shake hands with Li Zedao, but he felt that his hands were dirty. I'm sorry, or rather, I didn't dare, for fear of scaring others.

"Mr. Li, come here... The conditions are simple, don't mind... eat first..."

Jin Suyan glanced at Li Zedao, then lowered her head and said nothing. Of course, her eyes were not the same as those she saw yesterday, they were full of hatred.

Li Zedao smiled and nodded: "Well, eat first, I can smell the aroma of the food."

The old man Jin smiled, and Jin Suyan looked up at Li Zedao again, then turned and walked towards the house.

"Mr. Li, come in, come in..." Old man Jin said.

In a small space, an old table was placed there, surrounded by several wooden chairs, and the ground was uneven, so there were small stones under the table.

There were four dishes and one soup on the table, and a small pot of rice. The food was still steaming. It was conceivable that they waited for Li Zedao to arrive soon before putting it on the table.

This scene was very familiar to Li Zedao. He and Li Dahai lived in this kind of place before, even worse than this place.

Inevitably, the past reappeared, and for a while, I was a little lost in thought.

Seeing that he was looking at the room in a daze, the old man Jin thought that the environment of the room was poor and the smell was bad, and he disliked him, so he was a little embarrassed.

At that moment, Li Zedao carefully sat down on the chair under the complex eyes of the old man Jin. You have to be careful, Li Zedao was afraid that the chair would be straddled.

After he sat down, the old man Jin sat down with Jin Suyan, who kept his head down.

"Mr. Li...the chopsticks and the bowl have been scalded with boiling water." Old man Jin looked at Li Zedao anxiously and whispered.

Li Zedao nodded with a smile, thinking that rat poison can be eaten as a meal, this so-called uncleanness is nothing, but he also knows that if he doesn't eat it, the grandfather and grandson will not use chopsticks, so he took it He picked up the chopsticks, picked up the fried cucumber slices, and put them in his mouth.

Old man Jin watched eagerly, and Jin Suyan also looked up at Li Zedao.


" Li Zedao said sincerely, looking at Jin Suyan, who had already lowered her head.

"Hey..." The smile on Old Man Jin's face grew a little more, "Young girl cooks, it's delicious... eat more."

"Okay." Li Zedao said.

Next, Li Zedao almost finished the lunch with "gulp" and wiped out most of the dishes very unceremoniously, and he was also very down-to-earth, which made the old man Jin feel warm and sour, and wanted to cry for no reason .

It's been a long time, and it's the first time someone cared so much about their feelings, didn't dislike them anymore, and took good care of their pitiful self-esteem.

During this period of time, no matter where they went, those people had their eyes high above the top, and the disgust and disdain in their eyes were not concealed.

At the same time, the frequency of Jin Suyan's raising her head was also high. This girl who was extremely depressed before and had no sunshine in her life was now getting more colorful in her eyes.

After lunch, Jin Suyan lowered her head and cleaned up the table, while Li Zedao pulled old man Jin to talk aside.

"Mr. Li, do you still want to go to the military region?" Old man Jin was puzzled.

He thought that Li Zedao came here to understand the matter again, and then started calling to arrest people. He is a colonel, and his rank is terrifying. If he wants to arrest two soldiers, it is not a matter of several phone calls?

"Go, you make a fuss at the gate of the military region, and you say you want to see the leader to seek justice. If you don't see the leader, you won't leave. You come every day, and you make a fuss. The bigger the fuss, the better." Li Zedao couldn't tell old man Jin. He explained too much, and said, "Of course, I will go with you, and I will act... your nephew, so see if there are any old clothes or something, find me a set, and I will change."

Li Zedao actually wanted to see some people's reactions. Naturally, the guards at the gate of the military area couldn't let old man Jin make trouble there, but they wouldn't be violent. They would basically try to persuade them, but if someone tried to threaten Actions or something, then it proves that that person has something to do with Jin Suyan's matter, and he can be used as a breakthrough to get those two people out.

Old man Jin was a little embarrassed: "This..."

Of course Li Zedao understood why old man Jin was embarrassed. It was nothing more than his dirty clothes. He said immediately, "Master, hurry up, it's getting late, we have to go to the military area quickly."

Old man Jin nodded in embarrassment, and went to look for clothes.

Li Zedao touched the ground with his hands, stained his hands with dust, and then scratched the hair that Alice had carefully groomed after he had just washed it that morning, so it was very crisp, and the hairstyle was naturally messy. It fell off, and the ash was stuck on it, and it became a bird's nest for a while.

There seemed to be not enough dust, and the hair seemed too clean, so Li Zedao continued to grope the ground with his hands, and continued to "toss" the hair. After tossing the hair, he tossed his fair and handsome face, and smeared dirt and dust on it What, try to uglify yourself.

Seeing his behavior like this, Jin Suyan was stunned for a moment while looking at his change.

Li Zedao looked at her grinning, revealing a whole row of neat and white teeth.

Jin Suyan lowered her head, obviously, her expression was slightly flustered.

Old man Jin found the clothes: "Mr. Li, look at this clothes...uh..."

Seeing Li Zedao, who seemed to have crawled out of the mud as if he had changed himself after only a few minutes, the old man Jin was slightly stunned, and then his heart was full of emotions, what a beautiful baby, in order to help them It's really embarrassing for him to uglify himself like this.

Old man Jin certainly knew why Li Zedao did this, he was a colonel, how many soldiers knew him, he was afraid of being recognized.

Li Zedao smiled, took the rustic and inferior yellow shirt that the old man found and put it on, and looked at it in the mirror, just like a boy from a poor country, oh, the shoes seemed to have some flaws, so Li Zedao He started to fiddle with his shoes again.

Old man Jin on the side saw that Li Zedao had trampled on the shoe and scratched it. He felt a little distressed. What a good shoe, it was ruined just like that. Of course, he didn’t have the nerve to say that I’m going to help you find a pair of shoes.

About twenty minutes later, the dilapidated pickup truck swayed forward, slowly left the small village, and then drove towards the military area.

Of course, the old man Jin drove the car. Li Zedao found that his driving skills were not very good. He was not an old driver, so he knew without asking. There, the response is naturally not so sensitive.

Jin So-yeon also followed, sitting in the co-pilot seat, looking out with a somewhat hollow expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

Leaving her at home, the old man Jin was afraid that she would not be able to think about it and do something. Besides, the girl was bullied like that because he was not there last time, so now the old man Jin doesn't want his granddaughter to leave his family. within sight.

Li Zedao knew that Jin Suyan would not do that, at least not now, because she saw hope, and she was her hope.

Li Zedao also knew that if he failed to make those two beasts pay a painful price, it would be like slashing the girl's already scarred heart a few more times, and then she would definitely go to extremes.

Li Zedao, who was sitting in the back seat, chatted with old man Jin without saying a word, mainly to explain some things, for example, don't call him Mr. Li, call him...Little Lizi? No, no, Li Zedao felt that he was in charge, how could he be called such a name? In the end, he asked old man Jin to call himself Wazi.

Old man Jin tried to call both sides, and he said it smoothly, and he also firmly remembered Li Zedao's other words, which were related to his granddaughter's personal dignity and fairness, so he dared not be careless.

As expected, this dilapidated pickup truck couldn't reach the gate of the military area at all, and was stopped by the guards.

Last time, old man Jin was also stopped here, and he couldn't make it through now.

"Old man, there is an important military area in front of us. We can't go there. Please turn around and take a detour." The soldier in charge of the guard saluted the old man Jin, which was very polite. In his opinion, the old man didn't see We arrived at the sign that said "Military important area, no traffic" ahead, and we went the wrong way.

This kind of thing happens from time to time, and these guards are not too expensive.

Old man Jin opened the door and got out of the car, Li Zedao also got out, and Jin Suyan stayed in the car.

"Comrade... I'm looking for your leader, I want to find your army commander, commander..." Old man Jin said a little excitedly, "So please, let me go, or you can call out the commander and army commander for me ..."

"Yes, call your chief out, or let us go in and look for it." Li Zedao agreed, even more excited than the old man Jin, and started gesticulating, like a two hundred and five.

"..." The two guards looked at each other, both a little dazed, it was the first time they heard such weird words that made them want to laugh.

Commander? Come on, what do they look like that we haven't even seen, okay?

"Grandpa, I don't understand what you mean, but go back, it's not good to make trouble here." A soldier said.

"Is... what's wrong? Ah... not good? What's wrong?" Old man Jin looked at the two people, choked with sobs, and suddenly poked his chest out and said, "You soldiers broke into my house Just ruin my granddaughter? Ah, and leave a thousand dollars for prostitution? Ah, do you ruin people like this? Are you worthy of the military uniform you are wearing...I... If you don’t give me or my granddaughter an explanation, and don’t severely punish those two animals, I...I will fight with you, fight..."

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