The old man Jin staggered and was about to pounce on him, but Li Zedao quickly grabbed him from behind, cursing and cursing was fine, but if they really hit them, they might fight back.

Of course, these words that old man Jin said were not actually taught by Li Zedao in the car before, and as for such emotions, they are not something he can teach... This is old man Jin's true feelings.

For more than a month, he has been humiliated and helpless. If he is not afraid that his granddaughter will have to follow him, he really intends to drive directly into this military management area and make things infinitely worse. It is best to alarm Above, let everyone know that there are two beasts in the army.

The two guards looked at each other, and after a brief exchange of eye contact, they already remembered something. About twenty days ago, they were not in charge of guarding at that time, and an old man came to make a fuss that day, saying that he His granddaughter was ruined by two soldiers, and he wanted to see the commander or something. Of course, this matter was suppressed by the company commander, and he only said that the old man had a problem with his mind.

Could it be the old man in front of him?

"Boy, don't pull me, it's been a month, a month, no one has come forward to help us say a word, the girl is suffering, she washes her face with tears every day, I dare not close my eyes at night, I'm so scared As soon as I closed my eyes, the girl found a rope and hung her up..." Old man Jin continued to beat his chest and stamp his feet.

"Old man, there is no one you want to find here, you should go back." One of the guards said.

"You... you are officials... no, it's soldiers and soldiers fighting each other, those two beasts must be inside, they must be there." Li Zedao pulled the old man Jin, and flirted with each other, "As long as you let We met your commander and asked him to gather all the soldiers inside and let my sister identify them. She must be able to recognize the two beasts. Do you dare? Dare to let us in? Dare your commander Did you find it?"

"Comrade, please don't cause trouble here, let alone malicious slander, otherwise we have the right to take measures against you." One of the guards said with a cold expression.

"Grandpa, go back, we are in a difficult situation if you do this, if the trouble continues, we will really take measures, just for fear of hurting you." Another guard said.

"What...what are you? You are still planning to...kill people, huh?" Li Zedao pulled the old man Jin back and yelled a little bit harshly, "I tell you, we will come every day, and we will come in front of you." I don’t believe that I can’t block your commander! I still have to go to the media to expose you, and put up banners on the street to let everyone know that you are The soldiers broke into the house and ruined my sister, but they didn't want to hand over the murderer, and even planned to kill..."

"Damn it, believe it or not, I tore your mouth off?" One of them was about to step forward to beat him, while the other quickly grabbed him.

" wait, we will come again, if we don't hand over those two beasts, we will come every day, and even bring more people." Li Zedao yelled, and then opened the car door to help old man Jin He went up, jumped up himself, and drove away.

Looking at the dilapidated pickup truck in the distance, the guard said, "What should I do?"

"What else can I do, report to the company commander, let him have a headache, can't beat them up or even give them a shuttle of bullets when they come back tomorrow?" Another guard said.

"You said... this can't be true?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything."


Located in a certain dormitory building in the military area, a man in a camouflage uniform was half lying on the iron bed, smoking a cigarette in his mouth, humming a song with his eyes squinted, and he looked very pompous, not at all like a soldier. Demeanor, but like a second ruffian.

The door of the dormitory was pushed open, and a man appeared there. He looked at the man lying on the bed with a serious expression, and shouted: "Yu Fandong, what are you doing? Do you know that smoking in the dormitory is a serious violation of discipline?" ?”

"Get lost!" Yu Fandong scolded with a sideways smile,

"Even our company commander Gao can't control me, you Zhu Canghai are nothing!"

Zhu Canghai grinned, walked over with big strides, sat down on the chair, and waved to Yu Fandong.

Yu Fandong picked up the cigarette and lighter beside him and threw them over.

"Okay, the army provides cigarettes specially. It's different to have a father who is a teacher, just like a rich man in Shanxi. He stole it from your father? Are you afraid that he will kill you when you turn around?" Zhu Canghai laughed Then, he lit one beautifully, exhaled a puff of smoke, looked at Yu Fandong and said in a low voice, "Dongzi, that old man is here again."

Yu Fandong sat up from the bed all of a sudden: "The vegetable seller?"

"Who else? Company Commander Gao told me just now." Zhu Canghai said, "That old man's bumpkins and nephews even let go. They would pull up banners on the road to intercept military vehicles, saying that they could always intercept the commander." He also said that he came here every day to make trouble, and even asked the media to expose it, what to take to the streets to pull banners... Gao Cheng means that if we don't deal with it cleanly, we are afraid that we will be stabbed out. "

"Damn it, that old bastard has been silent for more than ten days. I thought he was resigned to his fate, but why did he jump up all of a sudden?" Yu Fandong scolded with an ugly face, "Didn't you just sleep with that bumpkin?" ? Damn, I didn't give you money? How much more money does he want for that kind of stuff?"

"Dongzi, now is not the time to talk about these things, let's find a way to come out, while the initiative is still in our hands, and before they make a complete disturbance." The smoke was lingering, and Zhu Canghai's face was a little sinister.

"Your father is the deputy mayor. You are better than me when it comes to conspiracies. What do you say?" Yu Fandong asked back.

Zhu Canghai smiled sinisterly, and his voice was a bit ethereal: "I've made a few phone calls before I came in, and someone will be watching them, so I'll ask for leave tonight and go out to have fun? Let's... kill people, grass-grass-women?"

"Okay... wait, you bastard, when did you ask for leave?"


Not long after the dilapidated pickup truck drove forward, Li Zedao noticed a white car sneaking behind the rear of the car, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The opponent couldn't help but want to make a move.

"Boy...Mr. Li, what should we do now? Go to the street to pull up banners? Or contact those reporters?" Old man Jin asked. Of course he didn't know that they were being followed.

"Just go back." Li Zedao said.

Old man Jin nodded without asking further questions. Now that Li Zedao has become his backbone, Li Zedao can do whatever he wants.

Li Zedao's eyes fell on the co-pilot Kim So-yeon who remained silent all the time.

The name So-yeon is nothing special, but after adding the surname "Kim", Kim So-yeon's name has a Korean drama flavor. It is indeed a bit familiar with the name of a Korean woman. Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe she My mother likes to watch Korean dramas, so she took the name directly.

Nutrition is not up to date and she has suffered two major changes, so she looks so sallow and emaciated, the most distressing thing is her eyes, empty, even if you move a few times occasionally, you will feel Is this a dead body?

Li Zedao sighed slightly, knowing that if he didn't find a way to untie the girl's knot, I'm afraid the girl would have a shadow in her heart for the rest of her life. Moreover, she is still young, which will make her lose trust in society and do great harm to her growth.

"Suyan, can I say a few words to you?" Li Zedao said.

When Jin Soyan heard the voice, she didn't raise her head, nor nodded.

The old man Jin who was driving on the side reminded: "Girl, Mr. Li is talking to you..."

Only then did Jin Suyan raise her head, turned her head slightly, glanced at Li Zedao, and nodded.

"Chasing stars?" Li Zedao asked.

It took a while for Kim So-yeon to respond, and she nodded slightly.

"Like Zhou Xiaolu?" Li Zedao asked. When he was at old man Jin's house, he accidentally saw a poster of Zhou Xiaolu on the wall of that hut.

Kim So Yeon nodded again.

The old man Jin said sadly: "Mr. Li, you don't know, the girl was not like this before, lively and cheerful, jumping up and down, but she likes to sing, and she sings very well. When she was in junior high school , she was still singing on stage during the school celebrations. I went there at that time, and it sounded good... It's a pity, after my short-lived son left, the girl became more and more silent every day, and now this happened again, oh... ..."

Li Zedao nodded, looked at Jin Suyan and asked, "Can you... sing a song? I want to hear it."

Jin Suyan froze for a moment, shook her head lightly, then turned her head and lowered her head.

"Wait...that, I'll sing it to you." She said.

Li Zedao understands what she means, wait for that beast to be punished as it should, listen to me singing! She smiled and said, "Then it's settled... Actually, I know Zhou Xiaolu, and I'll take you to see her then."

Jin Suyan raised her head, turned her head, opened her eyes slightly and looked at Li Zedao, then turned her head again, this time she didn't say anything.

"Mr. Li..." Old man Jin glanced back at Li Zedao, his voice was choked up, and all his gratitude was expressed in silence.

More than an hour later, the pickup truck returned to the hut in the small village, and soon it was getting dark. Old man Jin turned on the dim yellow incandescent lamp in the house, and fetched a basin of water for Li Zedao , I found a clean towel and asked him to wash his dirty hands and face.

Li Zedao also put back the clothes that the old man Jin helped find, and put them back into his own, but the shoes were tossed by him so that they were not in shape. Li Zedao also cared and continued to wear them.

And Jin Suyan picked the vegetables in silence, washed, cut and cooked the vegetables, maybe she didn't even realize that her movements became a little lighter, not as heavy as before.

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