The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1288 Lord Seven

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Li Zedao weighed the brick in his hand, looked back at He Laosan, said with a sinister smile, "See clearly?"

He Laosan nodded with great difficulty, his voice trembling: "Forgive...forgive us, big brother, we dare not, big brother..."

"Tell me everything you know." Li Zedao said, "It doesn't matter if you don't say it, this brick belongs to you, and I believe that your other brothers actually want to say it."

"I...I said...I said..." He Laosan was terrified, and hurriedly said, "It is... the boss asked us to come, and said that an old man, a fool and a bitch in this room... No, no, it's a girl, he asked us to take Sap away overnight..."

Li Zedao exhaled a puff of smoke slowly: "Who is your boss? Where do you want to knock us out?"

"Our boss is Qiye, he asked us to take you to the splendid entertainment city he opened." He Laosan hurriedly said.

"Qiye? Splendid Entertainment City?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded, and said, "Take out your phone and call that shitty Qiye behind you, saying that he's already knocked out and ready to go back."


Li Zedao weighed the brick in his hand, He Laosan was startled, and quickly endured the severe pain in his chest, hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and started calling.

Not long after, the call was connected: "Qiye...I'm the third child...Yes, we've all been knocked out, so we'll go back...Okay, Qiye..."

After hanging up the phone, He Laosan watched Li Zedao swallowed his saliva and said, "Qi Ye said, take him back quickly, he is waiting in Jinbihuanghuang."

Li Zedao nodded: "Let's go then." As he said that, he kicked over and kicked He Laosan's face, knocking him out quite simply.

Li Zedao entered the room, looked at the old man Jin and Jin Suyan who were waiting there, and said, "Let's go, those two beasts have been found."

Jin Suyan's body trembled, and there was a palpitating hatred in her eyes, but the old man Jin was inexplicably sad, and began to wipe tears again.

At that moment, Li Zedao threw He Laosan, who was knocked unconscious by his kick, on the passenger seat of old man Jin's broken pickup truck. As for the few people lying on the ground who could not move, they were simply thrown by Li Zedao on the pickup truck. On the cargo box, I asked old man Jin to find a bigger rag,

Cover these people.

The old man Jin is kind after all, and he can't bear it: "These people..."

"The ones who can't die are just rubbish. Let them suffer. Don't feel sorry for them. It's not bad if their legs and feet are not interrupted." Li Zedao said.

"Sigh." The old man Jin sighed softly, still a little unbearable, thinking that treating them like this would be too cruel? What is the difference between stacking one on top of another and livestock.

At present, the old man Jin and Jin Suyan were sitting in the back seat, Li Zedao was in charge of driving, and then the dilapidated pickup truck slowly left the small village and drove towards the city.

On the way, Li Zedao slapped He Laosan awake and asked him to guide the way.

He Laosan had seen the fierceness of the other party before, and he didn't dare to make any mistakes at the moment, so he guided the way honestly, and finally the car arrived at the entrance of the Jinbihuanghuang Entertainment Center in Chaoyang District.

Jinbihuanghuang entertainment center is known as the largest and most high-end entertainment center in Chaoyang District. It integrates entertainment, catering, accommodation, bathing and health care.

Of course, Li Zedao also knows that it is impossible for this kind of place not to involve black industries such as pornography and gambling. For example, the so-called bathing and health care are nothing more know it.

"Brother, it's here." He Laosan's voice trembled a little.

Li Zedao looked back at Jin Suyan and the old man Jin and said, "You guys wait here, I'll go in and take a look first."

" careful." Jin Suyan looked at Li Zedao, hesitated and said.

Old man Jin glanced at his granddaughter in surprise, thinking that the girl would be... Well, I didn’t dare to think about it any further, I just hope that the girl can recognize the relationship between himself and Mr. Li, which seems to be like heaven and earth The gap is good, don't be hurt by love in the end.

Old man Jin really wanted to remind the girl, but now, it was obviously not the time, so he had to give up.

Li Zedao smiled: "Yes."

Kim So-yeon hesitated to speak.

"It's okay, let's talk." Li Zedao said softly.

"I... have been thinking about it for a long time... I'll deal with those two birds for you. If you think they should be punished, you can punish them. I... believe you... Well, I don't want to be with that There is no contact between the two beasts, I don't even want to see them anymore." Jin Suyan said.

"Okay." Li Zedao smiled and nodded, "Leave it to me."

In fact, Li Zedao was quite happy that this girl could say such a thing, which proved that she was gradually letting go of the hatred in her heart, forgetting about this matter, and her heart gradually became brighter.

Then, he kicked He Laosan off, and got out of the car himself.

"Let's go, take me to find your so-called shit seventh master." Li Zedao looked at the magnificent entertainment center in front of the entrance where luxury cars gathered, and said sullenly.

Seeing his expression like this, He Laosan shuddered inexplicably. He felt that Master Qi was going to be unlucky... although the idea was so absurd.

In the car, old man Jin looked at his granddaughter, hesitating to speak.

Jin Suyan looked at her grandfather and said, "Grandpa, I know what you want to say, I...don't like him, I dare not like him, and I don't deserve to like him."

The old man Jin felt extremely sad in his heart: "Girl..."

"Don't worry, Grandpa, I'm fine, I feel... well, I feel very relaxed now." Kim So-yeon said.

"That's good, that's good..." Old man Jin burst into tears.


He Laosan took Li Zedao into the entertainment center through the side door, and from here, he could go directly to the floor where Qi Ye used to entertain distinguished guests.

Of course, there are many uniformly dressed men guarding the road, but He Laosan's status is not low, so naturally he didn't pay much attention to the kid following He Laosan's ass, at most he only regarded him as He Laosan A younger brother who was newly recruited by San.

He Laosan didn't think about sending out a distress signal. After all, there are so many younger brothers here, and everyone rushes to him, not afraid that he won't be able to beat him to death, but after all, he didn't dare. Tell the shining dagger, I will follow behind you, if you dare to mess around, this dagger will dare to mess with you.

He Laosan didn't want to have a few more blood holes on his back, but of course he also knew that if he escaped by chance this time, he could only run away, and he couldn't stay in Yanjing anymore, because he brought this kid here , is tantamount to betraying Seventh Master.

Soon, the two entered the elevator and finally reached the 7th floor.

According to He Laosan, the seventh floor is used by Lord Qi to entertain those distinguished guests. There are five boxes in total. They are not so much boxes as suites with complete functions. There is a small casino in this suite. There are ktv equipment, small disco, fun room and so on. There are also various types of beauties for you to choose from. Staying in it will make you happy like a fairy.

At the same time, in the first box, there was quite vibrating music. Three women with fluttering long hair and hot clothes were twisting their bodies along with the music, doing various provocative movements.

On the sofa in front, Seventh Master Zhu Canghai and Yu Fandong were sitting together, smoking cigars and drinking foreign wine.

"Young Master Zhu, Young Master Yu, my subordinates will soon be able to bring those reckless guys in front of you." Qi Ye laughed.

Seventh Master was about fifty years old, but he was thick-backed, extremely muscular, with a hint of sternness between his brows.

"Haha, we can rest assured that Seventh Master is doing business." Zhu Canghai smiled and said, "Come, Seventh Master, let me toast you." "

"Young Master Zhu is being polite." Master Qi smiled, picked up the cup, and slammed it with the other party.

"Master Qi, have you gotten any new ones recently?" Yu Fandong looked back from the woman in front of him who was wriggling her hips, looked at Master Qi and said with a smile, "You know, I like Chu's .”

"Haha, there just happened to be one here, only sixteen years old, who hasn't been fired yet, that young one, I wanted to keep it for myself, but since Yu Shao mentioned it, Qimou naturally has no reason not to give in, and he will be let out in a while. Bring her here to accompany Young Master Yu." Master Qi laughed.

Yu Fandong's heart was burning hot, he picked up his cup and said, "Then thank you Qiye."

"Dongzi, I thought you would torment that village girl." Zhu Canghai laughed.

"Tossing is naturally tossing, but it's not my baby, but..." Yu Fandong picked up an empty bottle on the table, "What do you think about using this? It doesn't seem exciting enough, Qiye, you can send someone to give it to you later. Come over with some red peppers and stuff them into her body. See if she is still pissed? Damn, dare to yell and threaten? See if I don’t play with you to death!”

Both Zhu Canghai and Qiye knew that some of Yu Fandong's methods were abnormal, but they didn't think there was anything wrong with that. That kind of bitch who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth should torture him to death.

"As for that Lengtouqing and that old man, I'll trouble Qi Ye." Zhu Canghai looked at Qi Ye and said.

"Don't worry." Qi Ye nodded and said, "They will definitely let them live without seeing the dead.

At this moment, the loud music was turned off, and the headlights in the box were turned on, instead of the ambiguous dimness before.

The three women stopped twisting their bodies, and their expressions were a little dazed.

"What's going on? What the hell are you doing?" Qi Ye was stunned for a moment, then turned around, but saw his subordinate He Laosan had walked in at some point, his hand was still on the switch next to the door, He didn't have time to leave, so he turned on the lights and turned off the music?

"Damn it, third son He, what the hell are you doing?" Master Qi stood up and cursed.

"Seventh Master..." He Laosan was wronged and worried.

"Qiye?" Li Zedao, who was standing next to He Laosan, looked at Qiye, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and then his eyes fell on Yu Fandong and Zhu Canghai who were sitting there, and the sneer intensified. (The ultimate student is in the city..6464318)--(The ultimate student is in the city)

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