The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1289 Angry Li Zedao

Only then did Qi Ye notice such a strange boy standing next to He Laosan, his face darkened immediately, he stared at He Laosan and cursed: "He Laosan, what the hell are you doing? This kid Who is it? Didn't you tell me to bring people back?"

Zhu Canghai and Yu Fandong glanced at each other, their brows frowned, and they realized that the boy who seemed unfamiliar to them was looking at them with unfriendly eyes.

He Laosan wanted to cry, thinking that wouldn't this be brought?

"Okay, thank you for bringing me here, and seeing the famous Seventh Master, you can lie down now." Li Zedao looked at He Laosan and said gratefully, and then kicked over.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, He Laosan slowly knelt down on the ground clutching his stomach, unable to get up anymore.

"Ah..." The three women subconsciously exclaimed, and retreated to the corner, their little faces pale.

Qi Ye's face suddenly became gloomy, and he stared at Li Zedao with fierce eyes. If eyes could kill people, Li Zedao would have died several times.

"Brother, which way?" he asked. Qi Ye didn't think too complicated about the matter, he just thought he was sent by some force.

Yanjing's underground world is intricate and complicated. Seventh Master occupies one-third of an acre of land in Chaoyang District, which naturally makes many forces jealous, so it is inevitable to come to find trouble. Besides, he also sends people to other people's sites from time to time to find something. thing.

"Oh, I'm the stunned young man who was with old man Jin that you just said." Li Zedao twisted his neck slightly, and said in a gloomy tone, "I heard that Lord Qi decided to let me see if I live or die. corpse?"

Qiye's expression changed instantly.

Zhu Canghai and Yu Fandong also jumped up from the sofa all at once.

Qi Ye originally asked He Laosan and the others to bring the three of them back unconscious, but now he did bring the stunned young man, but... the situation is very wrong!

Shouldn't it have been dragged back? Why does it seem that he threatened He Laosan to let He Laosan bring him here? He also kicked He Laosan in front of them, and what about the others except He Laosan?

"You still said, what kind of wine bottle do you want to prepare, what kind of pepper?" Li Zedao's eyes fell on Yu Fandong, and his tone was filled with extremely strong murderous intent.

A young girl in her prime has already been ruined by you two beasts, and now she is planning to torture her in such a cruel and perverted way, which makes Li Zedao very angry.

"Who the hell are you?" Yu Fandong asked, saying that he was the disheveled idiot who appeared at the gate of the military area, and Yu Fandong refused to believe anything he said.

"Didn't I already say that? I'm the idiot you want to make sure you don't see people alive or dead." Li Zedao said.

"No matter who you are, you are so courageous that you even came to Seventh Master to make trouble." Zhu Canghai said with a cold smile, "Do you know how many subordinates Seventh Master has here? Do you think you can get out?"

"What you should care about is whether you can get out of here." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Yang Hu..." Qi Ye shouted.

Li Zedao picked his ears: "Stop shouting, the ten people guarding outside have already got down."

Qi Ye's expression changed drastically. You must know that the ten people guarding outside, headed by Yang Hu, are his ten men who can fight the most. They are usually responsible for his safety. Unexpectedly, they were all laid down. The most frightening thing was that they didn't hear any abnormal noises. Even though the music was loud, at least one person came in to give a warning, but there wasn't.

Therefore, the only possibility is that they were beaten to the ground before they had time to react.

Zhu Canghai and Yu Fandong were also a little nervous, and even Zhu Canghai quietly took out the phone, intending to call someone.

"Put down your phone." Li Zedao looked at Zhu Canghai and said, "Although I'm not afraid of the large number of you, I don't want to bother you... Oh, don't ask me why I asked you to put down your phone,

You know. "

Zhu Canghai really knew, knowing why the other party asked him to put down his phone, because of the gun in his hand, he actually had a gun! The gun was still pointed at him, so he didn't dare to act recklessly. He threw the phone on the table, and the cold sweat fell from his forehead all at once.

Although he was dawdling in the military area, he still had a good eye for whether the gun in the opponent's hand was real or fake.

Qi Ye and Yu Fandong's faces turned extremely pale in an instant. The other party was so capable of attacking so fiercely and beat up the bodyguards at the door. What they didn't expect, and what they couldn't even imagine, was that the other party had a gun in his hand!

What's the origin of this kid?

"Guess, is this a real gun or a fake gun?" Li Zedao asked, the muzzle of the gun had already moved away from Zhu Canghai's body and aimed at Yu Fandong.

While Zhu Canghai breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, Yu Fandong's heart trembled violently. Although they didn't think this kid really dared to shoot, after all, this is Huaxia. ? What if the gun accidentally goes off?

At the moment Yu Fandong swallowed his saliva and did not answer, Zhu Canghai and Qiye also remained silent, or rather, they didn't know how to answer this question, and they also needed some time to think about how to get out.

"Bang!" The gunshot rang out, and the expensive bottle of red wine on the table burst instantly, and the scarlet wine inside splashed everywhere, as if blood was spurting out.

Zhu Canghai, Yu Fandong and Seventh Master all felt their knees go limp, almost kneeling on the ground like this.

And the performance of the three women shrunk into the corner was even more unbearable, they screamed "Ahh...", as if they were being molested.

"Shut up, then turn around, close your eyes, and plug your ears." Li Zedao glanced at the three women and said coldly.

The three women were startled, shut their mouths quickly, then turned around, closed their eyes tightly, and tightly blocked their ears with their hands, but their bodies trembled slightly in disobedience.

"So, you have also seen that it is a real gun. If the bullet hits you, you may die." Li Zedao glanced at the three people one by one, and finally landed on Yu Fandong, "What do you think?"

Relatively speaking, Li Zedao hated this guy the most, because what he said just now made Li Zedao's heart boil with violence. He really didn't expect that a person could be so beastly.

Yu Fandong swallowed his saliva: "We made a mistake, we admit it, let's make a deal."

"What did you say?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"We will sincerely apologize... this matter... let's get over it." Yu Fandong's voice was hoarse and trembling, because he was afraid, "we won't trouble the grandpa and grandson anymore, and we will even give them a For large sums of money, you can write down the figures as you like, and you can even propose any compensation you need.”

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Li Zedao looked at Yu Fandong and asked.

"..." Yu Fandong really didn't know how to answer this question. To be silly, what should I do if the other party's excited gun goes off? If you say you're not stupid, then doesn't that prove that what you just said is nonsense, whoever believes it is an idiot?

"Why do you want to ruin that girl so savagely? Or why do you want to give this family that is already living a heavy life an almost fatal blow? Why are you depriving even the most basic civil rights? You plan to kill them, let them live without seeing people die, what else are you playing with chili beer bottles?" Li Zedao was almost roaring, "And now, you still say such things and don't trouble your grandpa and grandson It' fucking give grace, if you don't trouble them, they still have to be grateful to you, right? Losing money? Is it a matter of money? Is it?"

"Bang!" The gunshot! The nerves of the three of them tensed suddenly.

Yu Fandong's face turned pale, his body swayed, and he collapsed directly on the ground. There was already a bloody bullet hole in his right thigh knee.

"Ah..." He clutched his knees and screamed, his face was already pale and distorted from pain.

Zhu Canghai's complexion was as pale as Qiye's, and his body was also convulsing, as if sifting chaff.

At first, although the other party showed their pistols, they didn't think that the other party would dare to shoot, but now... is he planning to kill him? perish together?

Li Zedao aimed his gun at Zhu Canghai.

The latter's face was ashen, his legs trembled, and he knelt down directly: "Don't... shoot me, I will surrender myself, accept the most severe punishment of the law, and give that innocent girl an explanation... In addition, Please feel free to ask for any request, as long as I can do it, I will try my best to do it..."

"I don't know if you've heard a saying before?" Li Zedao said, "The bottom line of morality is the law, and the bottom line of the law... Hehe, I mean, you must have a very good father, right? Do you think you surrendered to the police?" Can the law impose the most severe sanctions on you after surrendering yourself? Do you think your father will not intervene?"


As soon as Li Zedao finished speaking, Zhu Canghai screamed out in agony. Just like Yu Fandong, he had an extra bullet hole in his right knee, bleeding profusely, and looked horrible.

Then, Li Zedao aimed his gun at Master Qi.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Qi Ye took a deep breath, but his voice was still trembling: "I... don't want to die." In his opinion, since the other party dared to shoot, it proved that he really had the determination to die. None of these people can go out.

"You can't help it." Li Zedao said coldly, "However, since you are not the main criminal, I can give you a chance to survive. Do as I said and do it well. I will not embarrass you, but other people embarrass you. It's none of my business."

Qi Ye took another deep breath: "Please tell me."

"Do as I said. First, use all your strength to beat those two animals on the ground." Li Zedao said

"...Okay." Master Qi nodded and rolled up his sleeves.

"Yang Qi, you... dare?" Yu Fandong gritted his teeth and followed.

Qi Ye stepped down very simply, and landed on the hole of his gun.



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