.., the latest chapter of the ultimate student in the city!

A few minutes later, Master Qi was out of breath, while Yu Fandong and Zhu Canghai on the ground were already bleeding, their noses were bruised, their faces were swollen, and their heads were bleeding. In order to save some effort, Master Qi even picked up the wine bottle on the table and greeted them directly on their heads. , in short, in the case of not killing people, how to be cruel.

"Okay." Li Zedao said.

Qi Ye stepped on Yu Fandong's face fiercely again, then got up, took a deep breath and looked at Li Zedao.

"The second thing is to ask your little brother to send you two nails." Li Zedao said.

"Nails?" Seventh Master was taken aback.

"Nails, cement nails, the longer the better!" Li Zedao looked at Yu Fandong and Zhu Canghai who were lying on the ground, and said with a weird smile, "Of course, before I ask your little brother to send the nails over, I'll trouble you to lie down on the outside first." The guys from here moved in, you know, I don't like trouble."


A well-known video website was hacked, and none of the original video resources could be opened, except for a video titled "Zhu Canghai vs Yu Fandong".

Moreover, the content of this video is very dirty, very violent, but also bloody and very inhuman.

The location of the video shooting should be in a certain box. The two men put their hands together, and their hands were tied behind their backs. They were sitting on the ground, and their mouths were covered with a confession. Their eyes were red and swollen, and they looked like they had been hit hard. , It is difficult to see, the naked body is covered with all kinds of dried blood, and there is almost no complete piece of flesh on the whole body.

Of course, this is not the most cruel thing. The most cruel thing is that under their crotch, a concrete nail as thick as a little finger went through their offspring's bags, nailing them to the ground...

As a result, the entire Internet exploded in an instant. After seeing it, everyone felt shocked and unbelievable, and they all left it below the video. Some said it was too bloody and inhumane, and some said that these two guys must have hacked the hacker. What if my wife suffered this kind of revenge after sleeping with her? Otherwise, the video site was hacked? Others said that I know this Yu Fandong, his father is the deputy mayor of Yanjing City, and this Zhu Canghai is his teacher...

In short, the identities of Zhu Canghai and Yu Fandong were immediately revealed.


Of course, Li Zedao asked Master Qi to do this. Since you can't control your lower body, I'll nail it tight for you.

After Qi Ye finished, Li Zedao simply took such a video, woke up Shadow in the middle of the night, sent the video to her, and asked her to hack a video website and upload it.

Being called up in the middle of the night, Shadow is naturally extremely upset, but because the video is so exciting and exciting, and because Li Zedao intends to go back and let her whip her ass hard, he doesn't follow Li Zedao After thinking about it, he hacked a video website very happily and uploaded the video.

At the same time, Qi Ye ran away overnight and disappeared without a trace. Even though he was forced to do this, he knew very well that he would not be able to survive in Yanjing or even in the whole of China.

After He Laosan woke up and saw such a terrifying scene, he almost fainted, and then ran away all night. He was afraid that Master Qi would chase and kill him, but he didn't know that Master Qi had already run a step ahead of him.

And the police were the three hostesses in Resplendent and Splendid. Before leaving, Li Zedao told them that they could call the police.


Li Zedao walked out of the splendor and returned to the pickup truck.

Old man Jin and Jin Suyan were visibly relieved when they saw him come back.

"I've already vented my anger for you, do you want to see what happens to them?" Li Zedao asked.

Jin Suyan shook her head first, and then nodded again. She really didn't want to see the faces of those two animals, but she was very curious about how Li Zedao dealt with them, and wanted to see what would happen to such beasts. one of the consequences.

Li Zedao smiled, took out his phone, found a video and handed it over.

Jin Suyan glanced at Li Zedao, took it over, and then her eyes widened suddenly, and she quickly closed her eyes.

The eyes of the old man Jin who came over were also widened. He never thought that justice could be obtained in this way. Looking at it... this is a relief, it is so refreshing, it is like eating a cold and delicious food on a hot day. Sweet like ice cream.

"It's really relieved." Old man Jin finally said with difficulty, he actually wanted to laugh for no reason.

"Mr. Li, there won't be any trouble, right?" Old man Jin was a little worried, he couldn't let Li Zedao get into any trouble because of their affairs.

Jin Soyan also looked at Li Zedao with a worried face.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Don't worry, there won't be any trouble. Even, because these two animals are soldiers, they will have to be sent to a military court to receive the most severe punishment, and the relevant personnel will also be unlucky, just wait." Bar."

With that said, Li Zedao got on the cargo box, threw the people above them out of the car one by one like throwing garbage, then returned to the driving seat, and drove away.

Just as Li Zedao predicted, tonight is destined to be a night of insomnia, and many people will suffer from insomnia.

For example, old man Jin, because he was too relieved and excited, he tossed and turned all night, even if it was not already midnight, and there was no salute at home, otherwise he would have wanted to let go.

Kim So-yeon also suffers from insomnia, this girl who has been tortured by fate for more than a year, staring at the dark ceiling with wide eyes in the dark, humming a song that only she can hear.

There are many others who suffer from insomnia.

Needless to say, Zhu Canghai and Yu Fandong, these two people lost half of their lives after being tortured like this. When the tape on their mouths was torn off, they were directly involved in the wound, screaming in pain of.

The criminal police who rushed over after receiving the report were destined to suffer from insomnia too. They knew they couldn't laugh, but for some reason they just wanted to laugh so much, so they couldn't hold back.

There was also the doctor who rushed over. When they saw the situation, they said with a dumb face that they had to ask the fire department for help first, and then quickly found a place where there was no one, and started laughing.

In the end, with the joint efforts of the criminal police, doctors, and firefighters, Zhu Canghai and Yu Fandong were carried into the ambulance. Of course, they took away the cement nails, and there was a big hole in the floor of the box, which was almost as close as downstairs. The ceiling of the first floor is connected.

Then, Deputy Mayor Yu, who had already fallen asleep, was awakened. Similarly, Mr. Zhu, who had already fallen asleep, was also awakened.

Then, Li Zedao sent the video to Shadow, asking her to hack a video website and post it, and then the two names "Zhu Canghai" and "Yu Fandong" spread all over the Internet.

Then, the owner of the video site also suffered from insomnia. He really didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He should have cried. After all, the site was hacked, and he might even be charged with illegally distributing some kind of film. hat, but... I couldn't help it after reading it, I just wanted to laugh.


Almost when the shadow hacked the video site, both Yu Fandong and Zhu Canghai were lying on the operating table. Because Li Zedao hated Yu Fandong more, he naturally "take care" of him. Naturally, he was seriously injured. When he arrived at the hospital, he was already in pain. I couldn't even make a sound.

However, Zhu Canghai's injury was a little less serious, and with the support of the hatred and anger in his heart, he even actively cooperated with the criminal police's simple questioning before the operation, and he was still a little nervous on the way to the operating room. Confusedly shouting over there: "Yang Qi...it's Yang Qi...the culprit is that idiot..."

For the criminal police handling the case, the nature of this case was extremely bad, and they even shot two victims, so they had to take it seriously.

After that, they found out that one of the two victims was the son of the commander of the military region, and the other was the son of Deputy Mayor Yu. This was even more serious.

So, all of a sudden, many people in the whole city of Yanjing moved, trying to dig out Yang Qi, the owner of Jinbihuihuang Entertainment Center, also known as Master Qi.

As for the idiot Zhu Canghai mentioned, the criminal police couldn't figure out who he was referring to, but in their view, as long as Yang Qi was caught, that idiot would be caught naturally.

Of course, they were doomed to fail, because Yang Qi had already left Yanjing without a trace.


"Find it, find it for me. If no one can be found by dawn, you all get out of here!" Deputy Mayor Yu yelled at the criminal police, "Besides, why don't you hurry up and get someone to hand over that broken website to you?" Did I turn it off? Delete that video for me?”

What a shame, I really lost it to my grandma's house! And that thing was nailed in such a way, isn't it going to make his old Yu's family die?

Master Zhu, who was also the family member of the victim, had a gloomy and embarrassed expression. He almost couldn't hold back and called back to the military area directly to ask a few regiments to come over. He couldn't believe that he couldn't find that shit.

Then, Deputy Mayor Yu's driver came over, whispered in his ear that Secretary Su had called, and gave him a cell phone.

Deputy Mayor Yu glanced at it with some doubts, wondering if his son's incident had caused too much impact and alarmed Secretary Su? Immediately picked it up, and after a few phone calls with Secretary Su, his eyes widened and his face became very ugly.

At the same time, a soldier under Commander Zhu also handed the phone to Commander Zhu, saying that Commander Jiang was looking for him. Commander Zhu was stunned for a moment, and quickly took the phone. After a swearing meal, he said a few things angrily.

After listening, Mr. Zhu seemed to be struck by lightning, and his whole body was already in a state of sluggishness.


Early the next morning, the appearance of several cars broke the silence of this small village, and finally, these cars stopped in front of the house where old man Jin lived.

The car door was opened, and a group of people got out of the car. Judging from the cars and clothes, these people were either rich or expensive, but they all looked haggard. It was obvious that they didn't sleep well last night, and something was bothering them. Haunt them to death. (The ultimate student is in the city..6464318)--(The ultimate student is in the city)

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