The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1297 Falling asleep while riding a bicycle

"No... no need, I can get up..." Sun Ying was a little embarrassed, she put one hand on the ground and the other hand on the car, and got up from the ground.

He glanced at the Mala Tang scattered all over the floor, bit his lips, his eyes were slightly red, and he tried hard not to let his tears fall.

Then squatted down slightly, struggling to help the fallen electric car up, but before she could do anything, Li Zedao had already helped it up.

"Thank you." Sun Ying looked at Li Zedao and said softly, then glanced at the scratch on the car, "I... will compensate."

" car is fully insured, and the insurance company has to pay for it, so you don't have to worry about it." Li Zedao wanted to say no, but remembered her temper, so he quickly changed his mind. This is a girl with strong self-esteem. If you say you don't need it, in her eyes, you are giving her alms and pity her, and it will only make her more embarrassed.

"Yeah." Sun Ying nodded lightly, slightly relieved, she believed it. It's no wonder that she believed Zhou Yan's crappy lies, let alone Li Zedao's rhetoric.

Sun Ying looked very tired, her eyelids could hardly be opened, even though she was in shock just now, she was still in a bad mood, she rubbed her face again, then looked at Li Zedao and said, "Thank you .”

Then, he bent down and squatted on the ground, took out a pack of tissues from his pocket, and picked up the Mala Tang that had spilled on the floor.

Li Zedao looked at it, and felt quite touched in his heart. In this era when so many people litter, she can do this, which is enough to show how good-natured a girl is.

Zhou Yan... What a beast!

Pan Xiaoyan also got out of the car. Of course, she didn't mean to say that this woman is also Li Zedao's woman, because Li Zedao looked at her with ordinary eyes, not ambiguous or hot, so she only regarded her as a classmate or someone Li Zedao knew. Just friends or something.

Seeing her tidying up over there, she was also touched, and said, "I'll help you."

Then he took out the tissue from the car and squatted down to help clean it up.

"Ah... no need, I'll just come, it's not good to get your clothes dirty..." Sun Ying said quickly.

"It's okay." Pan Xiaoyan smiled and insisted.

"I'll come too." Li Zedao also helped clean up. Soon, after a lot of paper towels were consumed, the Mala Tang on the ground was basically cleaned up. Then Li Zedao carried these things and threw them into the trash can not far away.


"Sun Ying said gratefully to Li Zedao and Pan Xiaoyan.

Li Zedao glanced at the wristwatch in his hand. It was still early before Pan Xiaoting's flight landed. He said, it's okay to ask her to wait a while, so he looked at Sun Ying and said, "Find a place to talk for a while?"

"... No, I spilled the guest's Mala Tang, so I have to go buy a copy and send it over." Sun Ying said. This is the remedy she can think of. Of course, a poor evaluation is inevitable, and she will even be complained and deducted money, which makes her want to cry.

"Don't give it away, you can probably fall asleep while riding an electric bike like you are now, right? You are already a road killer, so don't harm others or yourself." Li Zedao said.

Sun Ying was ashamed and embarrassed. She was sleepy when she was riding the bicycle just now, and fell asleep for no reason, and the car turned over. In order to receive more orders and earn more money, she basically had to deliver the goods after 12 o'clock in the evening every day during this period. In addition to worrying about her mother's condition, she hadn't had a good night's sleep for several days.

"Talk about Zhou Yan?" Li Zedao said, "I already know about your mother going to school to make trouble."

Sun Ying glanced at him and nodded slightly.

Li Zedao and Pan Xiaoyan got back into the car, and drove the car to the parking space on the side of the road. Pan Xiaoyan bought a car from outside, parked the car, opened the back door, and got in the car.

"You and I are considered friends, right?" Li Zedao looked back at her and asked.

Sun Ying hesitated a little and nodded.

"Then I'll ask you a few questions from the standpoint of a friend... really don't intend to accept Zhou Yan again? He hasn't let you go completely in his heart." Li Zedao said. Although he already knew the answer to the question, he still couldn't help but want to ask.

Sun Ying shook her head, very resolutely, and said, "I used to be stupid..."

Li Zedao wanted to say, you are not smart now.

"There is no burden, like a child, Zhou Yan is the same, he hasn't grown up... But now, I've grown up, Zhou Yan... still hasn't grown up, it's inappropriate, besides, my mother made such a fuss, The relationship with his mother is very stiff, we are really together, there will be constant troubles, I don’t want to do this.” Sun Ying said, “Besides, one day I saw him shopping around a woman’s waist, bless him... Trouble It's your business, you tell him not to call me, he will listen to what you say."

"He keeps calling you?" Li Zedao asked.

Sun Ying nodded: "He also said that if he doesn't accept his money, he will also do takeaway, and he will go wherever I go."

"..." Li Zedao was speechless, this is really a rascal's approach.

"I'll tell him later." Li Zedao said.

"Well, thank you." Sun Ying nodded.

"Now let's talk about you." Li Zedao said, "The job of delivering food is actually not suitable for you. It's too hard, and you don't have much time to take care of your mother, right? There is a hospital under the Tiandao Foundation that is recruiting nurses." , with your ability, it's just right to go."


"I really want to help you, but I don't feel sorry for you, because I don't think there is anything pitiful about delivering food. They are all relying on their own ability to make money, and they are all worthy of respect, so there is no need to be pitied." Li Zedao said, "I just really feel that this job is not suitable for you. Of course, I also feel a little bit sorry. After all, I was also an accomplice when Zhou Yan cheated on you. I am also responsible for your mother. I am very sorry. Besides, you also Having said that, we are friends, we should help each other, what do you think?"

Sun Ying glanced at him, bit her lips lightly, and remained silent.

Li Zedao was not in a hurry, and waited quietly for her answer.

Finally, Sun Ying said, "Thank you...I'll go."

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Then it's settled. I'll say hello later, and you can just go there. You should know the address, right? As for the salary and treatment, compared with other hospitals, it is only higher than lower."

Sun Ying nodded: "Thank you...then I'll go back and quit this delivery job."

"Don't drive the electric car, I'm afraid you'll hit someone." Li Zedao said.

"I... just step on it, no way." Sun Ying said awkwardly, then nodded to Pan Xiaoyan, then opened the door and got out of the car, and left slowly on the electric bike, just as she herself said In that way, she used to step on it, so that she could keep her spirits and not fall asleep.

Li Zedao smiled, looked away, started the car, and continued to drive towards the airport.

"Who is she?" Pan Xiaoyan asked, a little gossip.

Li Zedao talked about the naive and childish love between her and Zhou Yan. Pan Xiaoyan said, fortunately, I have a good and reasonable mother.

Then the eye sockets turned red.

Li Zedao knew that she was worried about her mother's condition, so he reached out with one free hand and touched her head: "It's okay, it will get better."

This is consolation, Pan Xiaoyan knows, because she now knows that her mother's illness is not so optimistic, of course, she likes this kind of consolation very much, although she seems a little self-deceiving. He bit his lips lightly at the moment, with a sad expression on his face: "After picking up my cousin, I want to stay in the hospital and be with my mother... Although she doesn't want me to accompany her, I don't want to go. I know why she doesn't want me Accompany me, for fear that I will feel uncomfortable seeing her like that."

"Yeah." Li Zedao nodded

After another period of silence, she said, "From now on, you don't want me anymore, and I will also deliver food, and then...scratch your car every day."


Pan Xueba once again succeeded in "teasing" Li Zedao, so Li Zedao stopped the car on the side of the road again, and rushed towards her.


Along the way, the car was scratched by Sun Ying, and sometimes teased by Pan Xiaoyan, so Li Zedao had to stop to solve the problem. In addition, Li Zedao was not in a hurry and drove the car wobbly, so after arriving at the airport, Pan Xiaoting was already Waited for ten minutes.

At this time, she was sitting in the coffee shop inside the airport, ordering a cup of coffee to pass the time.

Li Zedao and Pan Xiaoyan walked in, and she stood up and waved her hand.

I haven't seen her for a few days. She changed her hairstyle and dyed it maroon, slightly curly. It seems that she wants to "start over" in life. There is also a sunglasses on the bridge of her nose. With such a dress, she looks elegant, fashionable and sexy.

Li Zedao guessed that the reason why she was wearing sunglasses was that the panda eyes hadn't completely disappeared, right?

Next to her was a rather large suitcase, which was bulging. It seemed that there were a lot of things in it. Li Zedao looked at the corners of his mouth and twitched slightly, so... Is she planning to stay in Phoenix City?

"Cousin..." Pan Xiaoyan was a little happy.

"Cousin..." Li Zedao was also a little happy, pretending.

"I ordered two cups of coffee for you, but the waiter has not brought them yet." Pan Xiaoting laughed.

Five minutes ago, she called Pan Xiaoyan and asked her where she was. Knowing that they were coming soon, Pan Xiaoting called the waiter and ordered two more cups of coffee.

As soon as the words fell, the waiter brought over two cups of coffee.

"I want to find another internship company, and I have to go back to school occasionally, so I plan to find one in Phoenix City." Pan Xiaoting pointed to her suitcase and smiled, then glanced at Li Zedao with inexplicable eyes, Li Zedao Pretend not to see.

"Really? After that, we can meet often." Pan Xiaoyan said happily.

The two sisters said some unnutritious things again, then Pan Xiaoyan got up, went to the bathroom, and then Pan Xiaoting took off the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, looking at Li Zedao with resentful but burning eyes.

"There are no panda eyes, I thought there were." Li Zedao looked at the big eyes painted with eyeshadow, feeling a little regretful.

"...Bastard!" She couldn't hold back, laughed and cursed.

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