.., the latest chapter of the ultimate student in the city!

Picking up the cup of coffee in front of her and taking a sip, Pan Xiaoting looked at Li Zedao, her tone full of jokes: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in you anymore, even if you want to chase me, I still have to think about it."

Li Zedao felt a little helpless, this woman said this in a joking tone, didn't it make it clear that I was chasing you?

At the moment, he deliberately breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good, then I wish you, cousin, to find your own happiness as soon as possible."

Pan Xiaoting was a little strange: "Why do you think I want to pick up the cup of coffee in front of me and splash it on your face?"

"Probably because... I'm too sincere and always tell the truth?" Li Zedao laughed.

Pan Xiaoting was overjoyed again, rolled her eyes at him and cursed: "Asshole."

Then he looked back, gently stirred the coffee, and said as if talking to himself: "I have been lying in the hospital for three days, and I have been thinking about it for three days..."

Li Zedao didn't answer.

Pan Xiaoting stared at the coffee in front of her, stirred it gently, and laughed at herself: "Think about it, I was so stupid before, always trying to grasp something that seems to be very ethereal now, but I ignored the most essential things in life." Things, so I was cheated by a scumbag and got an abortion, and I was slapped in the street... You deserve it... Li Zedao, do you look down on a woman like me?"

Li Zedao took a look at her, then shook his head: "It's not a big deal to look down on her, it's just... not on the same road."

"Did you really see it all that night?" Pan Xiaoting said suddenly.

"Uh...no." Li Zedao shook his head, "After all, they didn't really strip you off."

Pan Xiaoting was stunned for a moment, amused, and simply threw a hygienic eye at Li Zedao, her red lips parted slightly: "Bastard, what do you want to think?"

Such a tone and demeanor are undoubtedly provocative, but Li Zedao is no longer the impure little virgin he was at the beginning. He has a very stable aura. After a faint smile, he lowered his head and stirred the coffee without answering.

Pan Xiaoting's voice became a little softer, a little floating: "I want to work hard to get close to you, to be on the same road with you, to treat people with sincerity, to treat things with sincerity, to love and improve myself, and to stop playing that fake stuff...at least, to friends, For my family... and you, don't play! So Li Zedao, I like you, it's a very pure kind of liking, so pure... well, even if one day you become a pauper,

I have nothing, I can't even take care of myself, and then, they don't want you anymore, and I will silently stand by your side. "

"...Cousin, this coffee is not bad." Li Zedao said.

"Li Zedao, don't pretend to be stupid. I really think so. Of course, it's normal if you don't believe it, because even I can't believe it after I have such an idea." Pan Xiaoting said, brushing the few eyes in front of her eyes. With a single strand of hair, he looked a little free and easy, "I didn't ask you to accept me immediately, but I hope you can see my change and change for you."

Li Zedao was in some pain: "Cousin, don't make do with it, there are already a lot."

"Suggestion?" Pan Xiaoting asked.

Li Zedao nodded, thinking about it, it seems wrong to nod, but it was too late, because Pan Xiaoting said with a charming smile: "Good suggestion, the suggestion means that you actually accept it in your heart."

Li Zedao twitched, and didn't say anything, because Pan Xiaoyan had already walked back at this time, and this topic naturally ended here.

Afterwards, the three of them left the airport and first visited Pan Sumei at the hospital under the Tiandao Foundation. After that, Pan Xiaoyan stayed to take care of Pan Sumei, and Li Zedao sent Pan Xiaoting to Phoenix University. She still lives in the dormitory. As for where she will participate in the internship , Li Zedao didn't ask too much, and the two of them basically spent the journey in silence.

"Li Zedao, what I said is true." Finally, before Li Zedao left, Pan Xiaoting emphasized.

Li Zedao glanced at her, waved his hand, turned and left.

Before, you could tell that she was acting, but now you can't see it. Therefore, this woman has changed from a monster to an evildoer, and she should stay away from now on... This is what Li Zedao thinks in his heart.

The next day, the sky was raining moderately!

Pan Xiaoting, who spent most of the night facing the computer in the dormitory, planned to go out for a walk.

Now Pan Xiaoting is not short of money. After all, she is the only child in the family. What happened again, so her parents gave her a lot of money. They were afraid that Pan Xiaoting would sell hers for a few brand-name bags.

In addition, when she was an intern at the medical equipment company in Yanjing, she made a lot of money because of Zhao Qingbei. Later, Zhao Qingbei's wife came to apologize, saying that she had admitted to the wrong person and lost a large sum of money. Qian Pan Xiaoting accepted it without even thinking about it, and said, I forgive you, and I will not sue you and your daughter.

Afterwards, Zhao Qingbei, who got over his strength, also gave him a sum, saying that he promised to give him a car, which was the money to buy the car, and asked Pan Xiaoting to pick one for herself. , Pan Xiaoting accepted it politely, after all, it was exchanged with her own body.

In fact, Pan Xiaoting didn't plan to find any internship unit anymore. She wanted to try to use the money in her small treasury to invest in some projects. She didn't need to make a lot of money, as long as she could live comfortably. In other words, Li Zedao's future will be really miserable At that point, let the two of them have nothing to worry about.

This is the current thought in her heart, which is absurd and unbelievable, but it really exists.

At the same time, facing the computer until midnight last night, she was actually writing an online novel, not for money, and with her bad writing style, she probably wouldn't be able to make much money. It was just a whim, I wanted to write my own and Li Zedao's in the novel. I am the heroine and he is the male protagonist. As for the storyline, I still have to imagine, but the plot basically does not escape. I am a Cinderella waiting to be transformed, and Li Zedao It was the prince, and the prince tried to capture the heart of her Cinderella by various means, and finally she, the Cinderella, reluctantly agreed.

Of course, the reality is actually just the opposite, which is also in line with the practice of most people. If you lack something, you always fantasize about what you have.

Pan Xiaoting likes the city of Fenghuang very much, and even more like Fenghuang on rainy days. Holding a small flower umbrella, walking in the rain, breathing the fresh and salty air is an excellent enjoyment.

After dressing up, she took an umbrella, left the dormitory and walked into the rain curtain. After strolling around this beautiful campus, Pan Xiaoting left the campus from the west gate and continued to walk forward. The beach was in front of her.

At this moment, a black shadow that had been following her for a while suddenly accelerated and walked towards Pan Xiaoting.

Because of the rain and the eccentricity of her thoughts, Pan Xiaoting didn't even know that there was a black shadow approaching her.

Quietly and quickly approaching, Hei Ying stabbed Pan Xiaoting in the back with a small knife tightly held in his hand.

"Pfft!" The sound of the knife piercing the flesh sounded, Pan Xiaoting's walking movement suddenly stopped, and her face became stiff.

"Stinky bitch, go to hell!" A very ruthless and somewhat familiar voice sounded beside her ears.

Pan Xiaoting really wanted to turn her head to see who it was, but the other party pulled out the knife that had been pierced into her back, stabbed it in hard, then pulled it out again, and stabbed it in again.

The action was fierce, without any hesitation.

Behind them came the voices of a couple talking.

Without any hesitation, Soi Ying drew out his knife and walked away quickly.

Pan Xiaoting's body fell heavily on the ground, and the blood flowed down and mixed in the rain.

"Ah... murdered... Help..." She seemed to hear someone screaming, and seemed to see Li Zedao's face appearing in front of her.

She tried very hard to raise her hand and tried to touch that face, but she dropped it powerlessly...


The place where the incident happened was not far from the back of the school, and the person involved was a student of the University of Phoenix. Therefore, when the ambulance took Pan Xiaoting away, the incident was posted on the Internet by witnesses, which instantly detonated the entire Internet.

Some people said it was a robbery, some said it was a love murder, and some even said that this person must be the mistress who was bought by the ex-wife to kill her; The head was rolling on the ground; some people said that the girl was killed after being raped in the street, of course, they would also say that the girl was severely injured and was still being rescued, in short, there are all kinds of theories.

At the same time, this incident also made many students of Phoenix University panic, because there was a rumor that there was a perverted maniac who only targeted beautiful female students!

Of course, Phoenix University, a century-old prestigious school, has inevitably become the center of public opinion. Such a serious criminal case will inevitably damage the school's reputation.

Li Zedao heard about this when he was mopping the floor. Of course, he only heard from Li Mengchen that there was a murder at the gate of your school. A girl from Phoenix University was stabbed in the rain. She was stabbed five times in a row, but she survived. , but the injury is not optimistic.

Li Zedao didn't take it seriously, and he didn't know that the person who was contacted was Pan Xiaoting. He just wanted to say that Li Mengchen was busy again. After all, the victim was a female student, and it happened at the gate of the campus in broad daylight. The incident was extremely serious. It's bad, and the public opinion it caused is too great, so the higher authorities will definitely ask to solve the case as quickly as possible.

It wasn't until he received a call from Pan Xiaoting's mother that he knew that the female student who was stabbed was actually Pan Xiaoting.

On the phone, Fang Qing was crying so hard that she could barely speak, she looked like she was about to pass away, and finally her mobile phone was snatched by Pan Fangguo, but Pan Fangguo was extremely restless, and his voice was trembling He said they had received a call from the police station, saying that Tingting had been stabbed a few times at the school gate and was now unconscious in the hospital. They were rushing to the airport to take the nearest flight to Phoenix .

Li Zedao listened, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly. The girl who was stabbed like Li Mengchen said was...Pan Xiaoting? (The ultimate student is in the city..6464318)--(The ultimate student is in the city)

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