.., the latest chapter of the ultimate student in the city!

Intensive Isolation Ward of the First Hospital of Fenghuang City.

Through the large glass embedded outside the ward, Li Zedao saw Pan Xiaoting who hadn't seen him for a day. At this time, Pan Xiaoting was lying there quietly with her eyes closed, her face as pale as a piece of white paper, without any trace of blood, even No breathing ups and downs can be seen.

Her injuries were too serious. The assailant stabbed her five times, all of which wounded her internal organs. It was almost fatal. The doctor had to work hard for a long time before she was temporarily pulled back from the death line. Yes, it was temporarily.

Li Zedao looked at her quietly, unable to tell what mood he was in.

Although I don't like this woman, she is still a relative now. Besides, she is still a lost lamb who has found the right path under the guidance of her own light... If she is not acting if! How could she get stabbed after changing her temper to become a good girl? Is it true that good people don't live long?

So, sad, kind of, more of suppressed anger.

An hour ago, when Pan Xiaoting was still operating in the operating room, Li Zedao had already learned about the case in detail with Li Mengchen, who was in charge of the case.

The incident happened around ten o'clock in the morning, 50 meters away from the back gate of Phoenix University. It was raining heavily at that time, so there were not many people nearby.

A couple walking in the rain witnessed this scene, and they were also the ones who called the police.

They saw a man in a raincoat kill the man, but the man turned his back to them, so they didn't see his face.

Later, the criminal police also found a raincoat near the scene of the crime, but the traces on it were washed away by the rain, so there was no way to determine who the murderer was. As for the murder weapon, they were not found and were obviously taken away by the murderer.

As for the victim's purse, jewelry and other valuable items, it can basically be ruled out that this is a robbery and murder case, and the possibility of vendetta is higher.

Li Zedao's first reaction immediately thought of Zhao Qingbei. After all, because of Pan Xiaoting, he was tortured severely by himself. Would he buy murder with a grudge? So I made several phone calls immediately, but the news hasn't come yet.

Wu Xin and Pan Xiaoyan on the side were quietly wiping away their tears and weeping suppressedly. Of course, it was only then that Wu Xin knew that Pan Xiaoting was Pan Xiaoyan's cousin.

Pan Fangguo, who had already rushed over, was also there.

He remained motionless, letting the tears keep rolling down his cheeks, but his face was full of remorse, he hated himself, why didn't he stop her from staying in Yanjing when his daughter wanted to go back to Fenghuang City, instead he strongly supported her?

As for his wife, Fang Qing, the moment she saw her daughter, she knew that her daughter's condition was not optimistic, and she might not be able to wake up, and she passed out with a black eye, and was sent to an IV.

"It's almost time, you go out." The nurse came over and reminded in a low voice.

When the four walked out of the ward, Pan Fangguo's legs suddenly became weak. Fortunately, Li Zedao supported him.

Pan Fangguo tried his best to regain his composure, looked at Li Zedao and said, "I... I really want to kill him..."

"No matter who it is, I will make him pay a painful price." Li Zedao said after taking a deep breath.

A few minutes later, Li Zedao received a call, and a man's voice came over: "Young Master Li, this matter has nothing to do with Zhao Qingbei."

Li Zedao frowned and said, "Understood, I'm in trouble."

"It should." The other party said very politely.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao frowned even more. Who else is it not Zhao Qingbei? Could it be that the other party is really a pervert with a twisted heart, committing the crime without any purpose, just to satisfy his perverted bloodthirsty heart, and Pan Xiaoting just appeared in some unlucky place?

Li Zedao's thoughts were surging, vendetta? Who did Pan Xiaoting have conflicts with? And it must be that kind of big contradiction, it can't be some trivial matter and kill people in the street, right?

That's why Li Zedao thought of Zhao Qingbei for the first time, but he only thought of Zhao Qingbei. After all, he didn't know much about Pan Xiaoting's real affairs, so naturally he didn't know who she had conflicted with.

Wu Xin came over, looked at Xiaosheng with red eyes and said: "Zedao, Xiaoting is so pitiful, she was bullied by Liang Bo before, and now this kind of thing happened again..."

Li Zedao looked at Wu Xin, his eyes widened, and asked, "Wait...what did you just say?"

"I...what's the matter with you?" Seeing Li Zedao's strange expression, Wu Xin asked.

"You just said...Liang Bo?" Li Zedao said. That's right, how could I forget about this guy? He also had a motive to kill Pan Xiaoting, and he also had the guts to do such a murderous thing! Even, if he is really the murderer, then he must also want to attack Wu Xin, right? I even thought about it a long time ago, but Wu Xin is always accompanied by someone, so there is no chance?

"Yes, Liang Bo, you know about Xiaoting's abortion." Wu Xin whispered, not daring to let Pan Xiaoyan and Pan Fangguo who were comforting Pan Fangguo over there hear it. After all, Pan Xiaoting begged her to talk about it. You and Li Zedao, don't let other people know about it, so her parents probably don't know about it either.

"I know, what I mean is, could the murderer be Liang Bo?" Li Zedao expressed his thoughts.

"Ah!" Wu Xin's expression changed drastically.

"No matter what, let's treat him as the murderer first, and find him first." Li Zedao's voice became cold.

"Yeah." Wu Xin nodded with an ugly face and said, "If it's really him, then he's too ruthless. After all, Xiaoting and him are better off."

With Li Zedao's current energy in Phoenix City, it is really not that difficult to find Liang Bo. After a few phone calls, Brother Haobei's call came in within an hour.

"Young Master Li, there is a kid like the one you are looking for in Harlequin KTV." Brother Haobei said in a respectful voice, "Do you need to control him?"

"I'll be right here, just don't let me leave." Li Zedao said.


Liang Bo was alone in a small box in Harlem KTV. The room fee was bought by group purchase, and the price was cheap enough for him to stay in there for a whole afternoon. At the same time, he also asked the waiter to deliver a dozen beers and some Snacks, he is in a good mood, so he wants to growl enough, drink enough, after singing, go to do some health care, and then the lewd nightlife begins... Life is really wonderful.

After standing up and screaming at the top of his voice, after singing the suffocating song "To Die To Love", Liang Bo picked up a can of beer on the table, raised his head and took a sip , and then laughed ferociously, and murmured nervously: "Stinky*, go to hell, haha, go to hell..."

The voice was hoarse, full of murderous intent.

He casually crushed the empty soda can and threw it on the messy table. He sat down heavily on the sofa, raised his feet and leaned against the sofa, then took out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket, and lit them. I took one, took a big puff, and then slowly exhaled the smoke.

"There's one more whore alive, well, one more..." he continued muttering.

At this moment, the door of the box was pushed open, and a figure walked over.

Subconsciously, Liang Bo looked up, but the light in the box was adjusted to the dimmest by him, so he couldn't see who came in, but the clothes he was wearing were not waiters.

"Friend, did you go to the wrong box?" Liang Bo asked hoarsely. He yelled a few songs just now, and half of his voice has been temporarily crippled.

"Senior, long time no see." Li Zedao said.

This voice...was familiar, and then Liang Bo squinted his eyes trying to see the other person's face clearly. When he saw clearly, his face suddenly changed drastically, and he subconsciously jumped up from the sofa, as if on his buttocks. Suddenly there were a few burning charcoals.

"Li... Li Zedao?" Liang Bo's hoarse voice tremblingly called out the name.

No way, the things Li Zedao did to him before really made him feel extremely horrified. Until now, he still has nightmares when he sleeps at night. He dreams that Li Zedao is holding an oversized needle tube with It was full of unknown liquid, and then gestured at his crotch, making a gesture to poke it in... Then, he woke up, and the pain woke up.

For Liang Bo, Li Zedao could be regarded as the person he most wanted to kill, and also the person he was most afraid of and least wanted to see.

"I always thought that you were a person with little courage, but now I realize that I was wrong. You are so courageous that you dare to kill people in the street." Li Zedao didn't talk nonsense, he said directly, and even stretched out his hand to spread the words. The lights in the box, which smelled acridly of alcohol, were turned on to the brightest.

Liang Bo seemed to have lived in the dark for a long time, and he was not used to the brightness at all. His eyes were squinted, and he subconsciously covered them with his hands.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about." Liang Bo took a deep breath and said, trying to calm himself down.

"Really?" Li Zedao sneered, walked up to him, glanced at the messy tabletop, and then his eyes fell on a Swiss Army knife on the tabletop, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The wound on Pan Xiaoting's back was stabbed with a knife as big as a Swiss Army knife.

And just now, Liang Bo used it to open beer.

"Is this the knife you stabbed Pan Xiaoting with?" Li Zedao said.

Liang Bo's face changed slightly, and his subconscious eyes fell on the Swiss Army Knife.

Such eyes fell into Li Zedao's eyes, and then Li Zedao knew that his guess was right, he was indeed the murderer, and this Swiss Army knife was the murder weapon.

"I don't know about you... ah..."

He let out a muffled snort, because Li Zedao had already kicked him in the stomach, kicking him hard on the ground. (The ultimate student is in the city..6464318)--(The ultimate student is in the city)

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