The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1306 The child was not kept

.., the latest chapter of the ultimate student in the city!

So, Alice was in a hurry, she didn't even have time to put on her slippers, she opened the window directly, jumped down from the second floor, then rushed across the small courtyard, before she had time to open the iron gate of the courtyard, she jumped over the wall and went out.

The security personnel in the villa thought that something had happened and ran out quickly.

Mr. Pete didn't know the situation at all. He didn't know what Li Zedao was doing, and why Alice was so anxious. However, he didn't think that the woman standing in front of Li Zedao could hurt Li Zedao at all, even though the murderous aura emanating from her body was so strong. Strong, but her own skills... Well, it's not worth mentioning, oh, she's still a pregnant woman? That's not even worth mentioning.

Nan Ji turned his head, glanced indifferently at Alice who was rushing towards him, and then the dagger in his hand pierced Li Zedao's chest as fast as lightning.

"Oh, no... honey..." Alice's eyes widened. If she had a gun in her hand, she would have fired it by now.

Then, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Li Zedao's hand had already firmly grasped Nanji's hand holding the dagger tightly, so the dagger that was shining with cold light could no longer move forward an inch.

Even, Mr. Pete did not know when he had appeared behind Nanji. If Li Zedao hadn’t held Nanji’s hand and Mr. Pete still couldn’t figure out the situation, Mr. Pete would have killed the pregnant woman with the most brutal means. up.

Li Zedao looked at Nanji's indifferent eyes full of hatred with that extremely complicated look, and said in a low voice: "I won't stand stupidly and let you kill me, I won't."

Then he suddenly felt a pungent smell of blood, looked down slightly, and his expression changed drastically.

"Let me go!" Nanji said, her voice without any warmth.

Li Zedao stretched out his other hand, and slashed at Nanji's neck with the knife.

Nanji's head suddenly became dizzy, and his body went limp.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand and hugged her horizontally, looked back at Alice anxiously and shouted, "Get ready to go to the hospital, she's bleeding."

Antarctica's lower body was bleeding, staining her calf exposed to the air red.

Alice saw this,

I also panicked, and hurried back to prepare the car.


Ten minutes later, Antarctica was sent to the third hospital closest to the villa. On the way, Alice, who had no time to change into her clothes and put on her shoes, also helped her with some first aid measures.

At the same time, the other women in the villa were also alarmed. Most of them only knew that Nanji had betrayed Li Zedao and was pregnant with someone else's child, but they really didn't know that Nanji was always very close to them. They rushed to the hospital one after another.

Especially Susan and Ying, who had a close relationship with Antarctica before, felt even more uncomfortable.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Antarctica was immediately pushed into the operating room.

Half an hour later, the director of the gynecology department came out, looked at Li Zedao sadly with an apologetic expression, and said, "I'm very sorry, we have tried our best, but we still couldn't keep the baby."

Li Zedao squatted down deeply with a painful expression on his face. Two big hands clenched tightly, messing up his hair. There seemed to be a raging fire burning in his chest, but he couldn't let it out, he could only let it burn his heart to ashes.

His heart is full of self-blame. If he is more careful, more careful, will the child in Anji's belly finally come out of her belly safely?

At the same time, Susan's eyes were red, and her shadows were even more crisp. Bean-sized teardrops were desperately falling down, and the other women had the same gloomy expressions and wiped away their tears.

In the past, when they knew that Anji had betrayed Li Zedao, or that this woman approached Li Zedao for a certain purpose or mission, they hated this woman to death, but now...

"Oh, my dear, it's not your fault, don't do this." Alice with red eyes saw Li Zedao in such pain, squatted down, hugged his head, and comforted him softly.

Li Zedao looked up at her, nodded slightly, and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Then he stood up, glanced at the girls one by one and said: "Go back, there is no need to visit her, she hates me to the bone now, so naturally she won't give you a good face... I'll take care of things after that."

At that moment, all the girls left the hospital one by one, and Li Zedao stayed in the hospital alone.

A few minutes later, Nanji, who was still in a coma, was pushed out of the operating room and pushed into the ward. Li Zedao followed him in, looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar face for a while, then called Yanhuang, and briefly explained to him Let's look at the situation.

Three hours later, Yanhuang had already appeared in the hospital. After receiving a call from Li Zedao, this retired man who was once known as the patron saint of China directly asked the military plane of the military region to take him to Phoenix as quickly as possible. city.

Yes, Yanhuang is now in the state of retirement, because the official order from above came down, and the Shenlong organization's bright group was officially disbanded. The members of the original bright group either joined the dark group, or were sent to other places. Only the non-staff personnel like Li Zedao and the big boss Yanhuang are left.

Li Zedao is a special existence, so the superiors will not force him to do anything. As for Yanhuang, he ran to see Chief No. 1, and said that he was old and had more energy than energy, and it was time to rest. Of course, he was duty-bound to do whatever the country needed him to do.

Chief No. 1 approved his request.

When Yanhuang came over, Nanji's eyes were still closed and she was not awake. Of course, even if she was awake, she couldn't move anymore. Afraid that she would wake up and break down and do something dangerous, Li Zedao simply blocked her Acupuncture points on the body.

Li Zedao briefly talked about the whole matter, and at the same time mentioned the fc organization to Yanhuang.

"Why did this happen?" Yanhuang glanced at Nanji on the hospital bed, and sighed heavily. He never thought that since Nanji was a traitor just like Datou Iron Hand and Penguin, he never thought that Nanji was still that Tom's woman, and that she was pregnant with that Tom's child instead of Li Zedao's child, and she was in the villa before. She was taken away when she was here, but she was just putting on a show.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, he also wanted to know why this happened.

"How did those from Antarctica join the Ming Group of the Dragon Organization?" Li Zedao asked.

"It was recommended by the dark team." Yanhuang said, "The discovery of talents and the cultivation of talents have always been in charge of a certain department of the dark team, and I was afraid that Antarctica would be bullied, so I accepted her as a foster daughter. As for her previous affairs ,I'm not so sure either."

In other words, as long as a girl enters the hospital where the Ming Group becomes the Ming Group, Yanhuang will demand that the other party be a adopted daughter. In this way, even if the other members are itchy, they will never dare to mess with these female members.

In addition, Yanhuang actually had selfish intentions. When he was young, he actually had a wife and the wife gave birth to a lovely daughter for him. However, an accident happened later. Therefore, Yanhuang especially liked girls and took them as foster daughters. Afterwards, they can entrust their longing for their biological girl.

Of course, Yanhuang never told anyone about these things.

"Dark group?" Li Zedao frowned slightly, "So some people in the dark group have a lot to do with the fc organization?"

Yanhuang smiled wryly, this is an obvious fact. Of course, this is the first time he has heard about the fc organization, and he has never heard of it before. It's no wonder, after all, for so many years, the main task of the Ming group in charge of Yanhuang is to target those outsiders who are trying to attack China. Unfavorable organizations or something, as for China's internal affairs, the Ming group basically can't get involved.

"The previous big head told Tie Shou that my master introduced him to join the Shenlong organization?" Li Zedao asked again.

"Indeed, that's the answer given by the dark team." Yanhuang said.

"So, you don't really know much about the dark group?" Li Zedao asked again.

Yanhuang nodded: "I really don't know much about it. Although they are both a branch of the Shenlong organization, the two departments actually don't have much overlap at ordinary times. The only intersection is that the dark group is responsible for sending talents to the bright group and their R \u0026 D Some high-tech products that come out, such as the simulated masks worn when traveling to island countries and Las Vegas.”

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. In fact, he also asked Shadow about the dark team, and what Shadow knew was only the R\u0026D department she was in.

Looking at it now, this dark group is huge and deeply hidden, so deep that even Yanhuang, the big boss of the bright group, doesn't know much about it.

"I know what you are doubting. I have actually mentioned the matter you doubted to Chief No. 1." Yanhuang said, "Of course, at that time, I didn't know the organization fc existed. I just told Chief No. 1. , there may be a problem with the dark team."

"What did Chief No. 1 say?" Li Zedao asked quickly.

"Chief No. 1 said that someone will investigate this matter, so I don't have to worry too much." Yanhuang said.

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "This is perfunctory, the old man must know something."

Yanhuang also smiled wryly and said: "What do you think? It's hard for the chief to know anything. After all, the identity and status are there. However, the check and balance between powers is very strange. The chief must have him." Considering... Forget it, let’s not talk about it, I don’t seek government affairs if I’m not in the position, so after so many years, I just keep this sentence firmly in my heart. , it’s not something I can intervene in.”

Li Zedao listened in awe.

Yanhuang's eyes fell on Nanji, and once said with a wry smile: "Let's talk about her, what are you going to do with it?"

Li Zedao glanced at Nanji, shook his head, and smiled bitterly: "If I know how to deal with it, I won't let you come over." (Ultimate student in the city..6464318)--(Ultimate student in the city)

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