The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1307 Let go of the burden

Li Zedao doesn't know how to deal with the Antarctic matter at all now, and he doesn't even know how to face her.

Her Tom is dead, so she only has hatred for herself, and now that her child is gone, her hatred for herself has multiplied. Even if she is given such a chance, she will definitely not The one who hesitated to kill himself!

So, Li Zedao really didn't know what to do, what else could he do? You can't just stand there stupidly and be killed by her, can you?

Actually, by the fountain at the entrance of the villa, when Nanji stabbed the dagger in Li Zedao's chest without hesitation, at that moment, Li Zedao suddenly figured out something, or in other words, completely let go of something. Some things, more precisely, letting go of certain fantasies and obsessions.

He felt that now he could face this woman with a completely different mood.

Of course, there is still some self-blame. After all, the child in her stomach is gone, so she has to bear some responsibility... Li Zedao has always been a person who has the courage to take mistakes. For example, he always There is a girl who is attracted to him because she can't eat or sleep, so Li Zedao will take responsibility and accompany her to eat and put her to sleep...

Besides, he was about to leave for Yanjing, so he didn't have much time to arrange for this woman, so let Yanhuang have a headache.

"I'll take her with me." Yanhuang thought for a while and said, he was also worried that this girl who had just suffered such a big blow would do something out of the ordinary.

Li Zedao nodded: "That would be the best. It's best to let her stay with you all the time. I'm afraid she will get angry with my women and attack them."

Li Zedao looked at Nanji, took a deep breath and said, "Now she is the real Nanji, not the masked Nanji we are familiar with."

"I'll take a good look at her." Yanhuang nodded and promised.

Li Zedao glanced at Yanhuang, and said with some concern: "Since you are optimistic about her, you should take other measures. I am afraid that if she is upset, she will also throw a knife at you."


Nan Ji came to her senses, her eyes scanned the ward for a few times, trying to move, but found that her body was abnormally stiff, and she couldn't move at all.

Then, when he thought of something, his face suddenly changed drastically, and he felt his stomach, and then, that face was already in a state of sluggishness, and tears fell uncontrollably.

The child... is gone! Nan's child is gone! My baby is gone! Nan is gone...

in then,

That delicate little face has already become distorted and ugly due to hatred, the veins on the forehead are bulging, the eyes are round, and there is a frightening and vicious light shining!

It's him! He is a murderer! kill him! kill him!

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Li Zedao who walked in met such a pair of familiar but strange and terrifying eyes, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

What a loving, warm and understanding partner in the past, how come they have become enemies of life and death now?

Nanji stared at this face with vicious eyes, and tried to open his trembling mouth, but he couldn't utter a word.

It wasn't because he was speechless because of excitement, but Li Zedao knew that she would yell when she woke up, and was afraid that she would affect the rest of the patients in the next ward, so he sealed some acupuncture points on her body.

At that moment, Li Zedao walked over slowly, sat down on the chair beside the bed, looked at the eyes and said, "Don't look at me with such eyes...well, whatever you want, just pretend that I didn't say anything. This."

Nanji's eyes widened, and his expression became even more vicious. The big mouth seemed to want to bite off a large piece of Li Zedao's body. Of course, if she was given this kind of Given the chance, she'd do it.

Li Zedao raised his hand to help her wipe away the tears on her face, but he stretched it halfway, and finally retracted it.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Tom...oh, it should be Nan, is that his name?"

Li Zedao caught a trace of tenderness from Nanji's eyes, laughed at himself and continued: "He wanted to kill me, so I killed him, right? You can't just be honest because... because I'm with you or something." Stand there and let him humiliate you without any resistance?"

"Besides, I didn't kill him. In the end, he killed himself."

"So, he is dead, you are not qualified to kill me to avenge him, because, from beginning to end, I was a victim, I never provoked you to provoke you, it was you who provoked me, even, you still use A beauty trick? Heh...the money spent is really big!"

Li Zedao ignored Nanji's terrifying eyes, it didn't look like he was talking to the other party, but rather he was talking to himself: "Do you know how I exposed your scheme? Because... I am infertile Yu, ha, isn't it ironic? I'm infertile! So, at that time, I was really shocked, my woman, she was pregnant? How could she be pregnant? How could she be pregnant? "

"Before Nan dies, let me take good care of you... What are you kidding?" Li Zedao said, "We are enemies of life and death, why should I take care of his woman? But, the child is innocent after all, so I use my belly I imitate Nan's voice, coaxing you... Now think about it, how could I be so cheap? Why do I still have such an illusion when I know it's impossible? But don't worry, I don't report any illusions to you now It's... As for your child gone, it's my fault? Think about it, it's really true, if I am obediently controlled by your Nan, wouldn't there be nothing to do after that? Wouldn't you be so angry because of excessive mood swings? Miscarriage? It's all my fault, my fault..."

Nanji's face was always distorted, and his eyes always showed a very strong murderous look.

Li Zedao laughed at himself and said: "I said these words not to make you feel guilty, but to complain. In short, I don't owe you anything, and you don't owe me anything. We are strangers from now on, very strange If you dare to kill me, I won't kill you, but I have many ways to torture you, you know that."

"Of course, you don't have a chance to kill me, at least within half a year, because Yanhuang will take you away and inject you with a medicine every short time, which will seriously restrict you. Eating and going to the toilet are not too affected, but don’t even think about throwing a knife like before. Maybe, you can’t even pick up a knife, and Zhou Qian can beat you by then... Oh, this kind of I provided the medicine, and after half a year, if you still want to kill me, I will continue to provide this medicine, anyway, I have money and can afford it." Li Zedao said.

This is the measure he decided to take after discussing with Yanhuangyan. As for this drug was developed by the Luciano family, it is mainly used to further restrict the actions of those controlled by the family. After the effect of the drug is too strong, the body It can be restored without any impact.

Teacher Pete made a phone call, and more than ten hours later, the medicine was sent to Fenghuang City, handed over to Li Zedao, and then Li Zedao handed it over to Yanhuang.

The face of Antarctica was even more distorted, the mouth was wide open, and the throat was wriggling, wanting to yell thank you.

Li Zedao picked up a needle tube that had been placed there on the table, and there was half a tube of medicine in the needle tube.

"It's this kind of medicine. I'll inject it into your body now, and then help you unlock the acupuncture points." Li Zedao said, ignoring Nanjitong's disagreement, and even ignoring her eyes, stretched out his hand, Picking up the stiff right hand of Antarctica, my heart trembled unavoidably.

The words were nice, and I was determined to forget about this woman, but now that I held her hand, the previous scenes still flooded my mind involuntarily.

After trying very hard to get rid of those distracting thoughts in his heart, Li Zedao resolutely pushed the medicine in the needle tube into the woman's body.

After gently putting her hand back, he patted his body a few times, unlocked the acupuncture points on her body, then turned around and was about to leave.

"I...killed you...killed you..." A weak voice sounded behind him, and then Li Zedao heard something fall from the bed.

His footsteps faltered for a while, and he didn't look back after all. He strode towards the door with big strides, then pulled the door open forcefully, and disappeared there.

Outside, Yanhuang was waiting there.

"I'm leaving." Li Zedao looked at him and said, "I'll leave her to you."

Yanhuang nodded and said with a sigh: "When her body recovers and her spirit stabilizes, I'll take her to the hut where Master lived at the foot of Pingtung Mountain. That place is secluded, maybe it can calm her down."

Li Zedao nodded, that place is indeed secluded, that is where a few unscrupulous people live, of course, these unscrupulous people in front of Yanhuang, don't even try to be tricky.

Going downstairs to the parking lot at the door, before getting in the car, Li Zedao took out the phone, squeezed it into pieces with a little force, then walked to the trash can, threw the pieces in his hand, and then , I just felt a burst of relief in my heart, this burden that made him extremely painful was finally let go.

Li Zedao feels that such an ending is of course not perfect. The perfect ending is that Nanji actually loves him very much in her heart. She rolled on her knees and tugged at Li Zedao's trousers to beg for forgiveness, and then Li Zedao struggled to accept it again...Okay , Li Zedao knew he was thinking too much.

If this is true in Antarctica, it will really scare him to death!

Therefore, such an outcome is not unacceptable.

However, Li Zedao still has a stalk in his heart, that is, he really wants to know who Nan is and what he looks like. He is so charming that a woman like Nanji can do such a thing for him.

Or, go to the villa and see if you can find things like photos?

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