The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1308 It Was Him

Driving back to the Baili Real Estate Community, Li Zedao slowly stopped the car on the side of the road in front of the first villa, then jumped out of the car and walked to the iron gate of the villa courtyard.

At this time, the villa was empty, and the owner of the villa, Nan Ji, was in the hospital. As for the two servants and the medical staff that Nan invited, they were also sent away by Li Zedao after the accident in Nan Ji.

Pushing open the courtyard door of the villa, Li Zedao walked in, first took a look at the small courtyard full of flower fragrance, and then walked towards the gate.

The door was not locked, so Li Zedao easily entered the villa.

The decoration inside is luxurious and warm, and there are many decorations that are worth a lot of money at first glance. Of course, these are not the focus of Li Zedao's attention. His focus is on the drawers of the cabinets, which are beautiful Can you find something like a photo that can figure out Tom's identity.

Obviously there is nothing like this on the first floor, so Li Zedao went straight up to the second floor. There are several rooms on the second floor. Li Zedao opened the door one by one and looked at it. Finally, he confirmed that the sunny room on the far right is where Nanji usually lives. The room, the mask in the room is quite big, mainly decorated in pink tones.

There is even a cabinet in the corner, with all kinds of instant coffee on it, as well as coffee beans, coffee machines, and a lot of coffee cups.

Li Zedao looked at it, smiled wryly, and wondered if he should pack all these things up and send them to Yanhuang?

Looking away from the cabinet, Li Zedao began to look left and right. If there is such a photo in this villa, it can only be in this room.

So, Li Zedao started rummaging through the closet openly, starting with the closet... Actually, it is basically impossible to have such things in the closet. Pajamas, sexy underwear, and a few pairs of high heels that looked so sexy appeared in front of her.

"Damn..." Li Zedao was somewhat envious and jealous. You know, Nan Ji didn't like this kind of tone when he was with him, but when he was with Nan...

"Am I sick?" Li Zedao scolded himself, and then closed the closet heavily in depression.

His eyes fell on the bedside table, he walked over, squatted down slightly, and opened it. Then, his eyes widened in an instant, and there was actually a simulated penis inside, which was quite large.

"Damn it!" Li Zedao was trampled crazily by the grass-mud horse in his heart, how could Antarctica be okay? Or maybe that guy from Nan is not at home all the time, afraid of being lonely in Antarctica, so he prepared for her? Or... that guy from Nan is actually not very good at that thing, so Nan Ji secretly prepared it for himself?

Li Zedao had reason to believe that it must be the latter, because he had seen that guy from Nan before, and compared with his own, it was really pitifully small.

Li Zedao closed the drawer heavily, then rubbed his twitching face, and continued to search. Finally, he searched both bedside tables, but he couldn't find what he wanted.

Then, his gaze fell on the desk and he walked over.

There isn't much on the desk, just a few magazines and a laptop.

Li Zedao now opened the desk drawer, looked through it, but didn't find what he wanted, picked up the basic magazine, looked through it, and threw it aside. Finally, his eyes fell on the laptop on the desktop.

Turn it on, and you will be prompted for a password to complete the boot.

Li Zedao thought about it, and entered "nan", thinking, if it's wrong, just take the whole notebook back, and the shadow can crack the password in minutes.

Facts have proved that the simple three-letter password entered by Li Zedao is correct, so he is inevitably sour again.

Soon, the laptop was turned on and entered the desktop. Li Zedao's eyes widened when he saw the wallpaper that was used as the desktop, and the muscles on his face twitched extremely violently.

It's like seeing a ghost.

The wallpaper is a photo of Antarctica with a man. At this time, Antarctica is smiling very brightly, with his head resting on the man's shoulder... Of course, Antarctica, who has never smiled and always has a straight face, is now She was smiling so brightly, and her head was still leaning on a man's shoulder, these are not the point, the point is, this man Li Zedao is too familiar, he is... the transgressive Dongfang Ming!

The ladyboy Dongfang Ming turned out to be Nan? That shemale Dongfang Ming who is thinking about his own * is that Tom?

In the photo, the ladyboy Dongfang Ming is also smiling, smiling so... charming!

"I... I rely on it!" At this moment, Li Zedao scolded his mother in his heart, messed up in the wind, his heart was trampled crazily by tens of millions of grass mud horses, and he felt that his outlook on life, outlook on life, values, and everything collapsed in an instant!

Well, if the ladyboy Dongfang Ming is Nan, it is that Tom, Li Zedao is not unacceptable, but Nanji is so devoted to such a delicate thing... Damn it!

Li Zedao suddenly felt that Dongfang Ming was quite kind. He was so kind that he blew his head off and didn't let himself see his face clearly. Otherwise, he would be scared to death when he finally saw it, right?

After being stabbed in the heart by an invisible knife for a while, Li Zedao turned off the laptop directly, and did not continue to search to see if there were any secret things stored in the computer... This is enough, He doesn't want to torture himself anymore! Besides, he is not a shadow, so he is not that interested in that kind of thing.

Then I found a suitcase from the exception room, walked to the cabinet with a lot of coffee, threw all the coffee on it into the suitcase, and then put the laptop on the desktop. go in.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao opened the drawer of the bedside table again, took out the thing that made him "blush" and put it in the suitcase.

This is... a prank, right? Then play a prank! I just don’t know what kind of expression Antarctica will have after opening the suitcase and seeing it?

After fantasizing about the reaction when he saw this thing in Antarctica, Li Zedao couldn't help being happy. After scolding himself for being bored, he closed the suitcase, left the villa and returned to the car.

After driving back to the hospital, Li Zedao called Yanhuang to let him come out of the ward, then gave him the suitcase and said, "It contains her favorite coffee and her notebook, you can give it to her."

Yanhuang nodded and said: "During your departure, I talked to her for a while, and her mood has stabilized a bit."

"Then I won't go in." Li Zedao understood Yanhuang's meaning. Of course, he actually didn't want to go in anymore. He had completely let go of this woman, she was no longer his demon.

Yanhuang nodded: "She was crying... It was the first time I saw her cry, and I just realized that she was only a girl in her twenties."

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry: "Could it be that you thought she was a man before?"

Yanhuang smiled wryly: "The achievements she has achieved are enough to make many men feel ashamed... Oh, yes, she begged me to kill you."

Li Zedao looked wary: "Have you agreed to her request?"

Yanhuang laughed and scolded: "Get out! I'm old, but I'm not stupid."


After leaving the hospital, the cell phone in Li Zedao's pocket rang. He picked it up and saw that Zhou Yan was calling. Li Zedao thought about it and picked it up.

When Zhou Yan called at this time, there were nothing more than two situations. First, he figured it out, understood his painstaking efforts, and wanted to apologize and thank you.

Second, of course, a few days have passed, but I am still extremely upset, so I want to fight.

"Boss..." Zhou Yan's voice came over.

The voice is quite normal, and he is still willing to call him the boss, which proves that he is not awkward anymore.

"What, you figured it out?" Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly.

Zhou Yan's voice was a little embarrassed, and he said: "Well, I have locked myself in the room these few days and thought about it seriously. You are right. Because of you, I have fallen and swelled. I always feel that I can become a powerful existence like you, and those girls will be fascinated by me when they see me. I want to have as many women as I want... During this time, I have lost a lot of things ..."

"That... Actually, you didn't lose anything." Li Zedao laughed, "The things you think you have lost are actually what you didn't have in the first place."

"Boss..." Zhou Yan's voice was full of resentment.

"I will study professional courses hard, I will enrich myself and improve myself, and I will also learn those fighting skills from Master Death, and I will no longer go fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days..." Zhou Yan said as if promising, "I will Be a down-to-earth person and do things seriously..."

"Why do I feel that you are reading to the manuscript now?" Li Zedao muttered.

"...Yes, I wrote it down." Zhou Yan looked embarrassed.


"It's just, boss, I really like Sun Ying. I can't forget her." Zhou Yan said again, "However, I won't bother her now. When I have enough ability, if she hasn't Boyfriend, I will pursue her again... Even if there is, as long as they are not married, I will definitely snatch her back!"

Although it sounded good, Li Zedao didn't look good: "Let's just give up, that woman is too hard for you to chase after! Besides, after you have enough ability, Sun Ying will be married a long time ago, and maybe the children will be very happy." I'm old, but I heard that on the first day Sun Ying went to Tiandao Foundation to report, there was a young talent chasing her."

"...Boss, won't your conscience hurt if you provoke me like this?" Zhou Yan complained.

Zhou Yan knew about this, because that day Zhou Yan called Sun Ying to "harass" her as before. That day was the second day that Sun Ying went to work at the Tiandao Foundation. While working at the foundation, a boy fell in love with her at first sight. She wanted to get in touch and ask Zhou Yan not to call her.

Then, she hung up the phone and turned it off!

After that, no matter how Zhou Yan called, the phone was turned off. In fact, Sun Ying got a new phone card.

"No." Li Zedao smiled.

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