The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1309 Corruption

Zhou Yan was silent for a while, and then said: "If the other party is a young talent like me who is so handsome and has high moral character..."

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, he wanted to thank you for being so uneducated, otherwise you can't boast for an hour? Why is this guy getting more and more shameless?

"Then I will sincerely bless her as you said." Zhou Yan said, "but now I know that the guy chasing her is a despicable, notorious, shameless, shameless, heartless , ingratiating, notorious, shameless, shameless, extravagantly licentious..."

Li Zedao was dumbfounded, it turned out that this guy was so educated.

Zhou Yan's tone was resentful: "Well, I deliberately slandered that guy, after all, whether that guy is a fat pig or a telegraph pole, I don't even know..."


"If there is nothing else, I'll hang up." Li Zedao really didn't want to talk nonsense with this guy anymore. Shameless and stupid things might be contagious. Li Zedao didn't want to talk to this guy.

"No, boss, there is something to do, really something to do, in is my birthday." Zhou Yan said.

"Your birthday? None of my business."

"Boss, doesn't your conscience hurt when you say such things?" Zhou Yan was so depressed that he was dying, "I have already decided that after this birthday, I will work hard to meet the brand new me... planning I have already prepared the table, and it will start to execute tomorrow, so..."

"So..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face were twitching.

"So, I want to go to the bar to drink, it's to help me celebrate my birthday, and I will completely bid farewell to the decadent and inflated self!" Zhou Yan said very seriously, as if going to the bar to drink is a sacred thing like.

"Wine... bar?" Li Zedao felt that he had heard it wrong because the change was so fast.

"Yes, the bar!" Zhou Yan said, "I want to go crazy for a while, celebrate my birthday for myself, and then completely say goodbye to my past self..."

"Stop!" Li Zedao really didn't want to hear any nonsense from him, "So, you've been talking nonsense for a long time, don't you want me to accompany you?"

Zhou Yan was shy: "Those who know me, the boss also... In fact, the most important reason is that I am shy."


In the end, Li Zedao couldn't resist Zhou Yan's stubbornness, and even threatened Li Zedao with vicious methods such as "If you don't come with me, I will spread the word that the basketball super prince has an affair with me", so Li Zedao had to drive to Zhou Yan's house Picked up Zhou Yan, and then took him to a bar called "Halle Bar", which according to Zhou Yan has been very popular recently.

Zhou Yan said that he had been here once before, and Deng Xiaomin brought him here.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, wanting to say that brother is still the owner of this bar.

Both Harlequin Bar and Halle Ktv belong to Brother Haobei. Of course, half of them belong to Li Zedao. Every month, Brother Haobei will take the initiative to put the money that Li Zedao should get into Li Zedao’s account. Of course Yes, it has changed now, just donate directly to the Tiandao Foundation, and Li Zedao asks Brother Haobei to donate in his own name.

Brother Haobei is very grateful, he knows that Li Zedao is helping him bleach, so he is also very conscious, and now he will take out a little every month, and donate it to the Tiandao Foundation along with Li Zedao's share.

Therefore, Brother Haobei is now considered a well-known philanthropist in Phoenix City.

After parking the car, the two walked into the noisy bar.

To be honest, Li Zedao doesn’t like places like bars very much, because he thinks the so-called bars are nothing more than places where men and women say they are stressed and have too much energy, and then they go to indulge, and the so-called indulgence is naturally not drinking, dancing and dancing So easy.

In other words, to put it bluntly, the bar is actually a place full of pornography, promiscuity, flesh and flesh transactions, and the people who go in are almost all places where women's bodies are exchanged for fine wine and money! And the so-called relaxation is just a high-sounding excuse.

Of course, this is just Li Zedao's understanding of the bar, that's all, he doesn't like it, but he won't stop others from liking it, just like Zhou Yan, he is not so boring telling Zhou Yan that the bar is not good, then no Okay, what is full of violence* and the like, after all, everyone has their own attitude and understanding of life.

Besides, he also wanted to see if Zhou Yan was really determined to bid farewell to the decadent, flamboyant and inflated him after playing wildly for a while.

In line with the principle that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change, Li Zedao doesn't really believe it...

The bar was already full at this time. Since the bar was high-grade and the security was well done, the business of this bar was much better than other bars.

Then Zhou Yan brought Li Zedao to the bar with ease... This let Li Zedao know that this guy is talking nonsense again, he must have come here more than once. After Li Zedao asked the waiter to serve some beer, the two drank.

"Boss, actually I don't really like this kind of place." Zhou Yan looked at the men and women on the dance floor and said, "But since we're here, isn't it pretending not to play? Besides, today is my birthday, and it's also my birthday." The last day of depravity, how can we do without playing?"

As he said that, a wretched smile appeared on Zhou Yan's face.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly, and then slowly spit out two words: "Bitch!" It seems that Deng Xiaomin is really not a good bird, Zhou Yan, who was originally a little innocent, has only been with her for a long time , it was completely dark.

"Let's go, boss, let's dance." Zhou Yan looked eager to try, "I am the future Asian dance king."

"Asian bastard is about the same." Li Zedao said with a speechless face, "Go and go by yourself."

If you want to dance, won't you go back and find all the girls to dance with? So such a picture instantly appeared in Li Zedao's mind. He was sitting on the sofa very comfortably, and Miss Nintendo Mitty and the others danced hotly in front of him for him to see...

"Boss, what are you thinking about? Why do you have such a wretched face? Damn, there is still saliva on the corner of your mouth? Could it be that you saw some beautiful woman and flirted there?" Zhou Yan looked at Wang Zi with contempt and said , and then looked around the bar, his face was already a little flushed with excitement.

There are really many beauties in the bar, are there any? Those beauties are wearing so little clothes, is there any reason?

In such an environment, if I don't fall, who will fall? Besides, this is the last fall. Starting tomorrow, I have to follow the plan I made, and spend every day hard but fulfillingly. So if I don't fall a little lower now, wouldn't it be too bad?

Then Zhou Yan looked towards the stage with his wide eyes, and saw a familiar figure.

Su Mengna, Zhou Yan's classmate, has a good figure, and her face is the one after removing makeup, but she is quite attractive after putting on makeup. As for the dress, it's sexy and hot, very avant-garde. So when I was in class, the boys in the class always liked to sit near her, and then silently fancied her.

Some time ago, when Zhou Yan and Deng Xiaomin were fighting fiercely, this Su Mengna actually approached Zhou Yan on her own initiative. At that time, Zhou Yan's heart swelled so much that he thought that he was like the boss and could release his dominance at will. Then, the two of them Hooked up a few times in the dark.

One night, in the grove inside the school, Su Mengna beat him even harder.

Afterwards, grandma went to school to make trouble, and Zhou Yan became the most famous slut in the school for a while. After that, Zhou Yan had to ask for leave for a period of time, and after being stimulated by Li Zedao, the number of times he went to school Even less, Zhou Yan temporarily forgot about this woman. Of course, during this time, Su Mengna did not take the initiative to contact Zhou Yan.

Seeing her again now, seeing her twisting her body desperately in a short black skirt, thinking of the beauty in the grove, Zhou Yan couldn't help feeling itchy.

"Boss, did you see that woman? Those in our class, followed me through the school's grove..." Zhou Yan said embarrassingly.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched. It turned out that Zhou Yan was more depraved than he imagined. He glanced at the woman and said angrily, "*huh?"

"Boss, how can it be called *? She and I are a perfect combination of a handsome guy with too much energy and a not-so-good-looking girl with too much energy..."

"Uh..." Li Zedao looked at Zhou Yan who rushed to the dance floor before he finished speaking, shook his head speechlessly, and then went straight to drink.

When Su Mengna was twisting her hips desperately, she felt that her ass was being touched, so she decided to turn her head to see who dared to eat her tofu. If it was a handsome guy, it would not matter if it came to her, of course. , The hotel fee has to be paid by the other party. If it is an ugly monster... In fact, if it is a rich ugly monster, it is still acceptable.

And when she saw that the person who touched her turned out to be Zhou Yan who hadn't seen him for a long time, the scene of her and Zhou Yan being crazy in the grove instantly came to mind, and he even remembered his boss, the man of the school Li Zedao, the fire in his heart had already begun to burn, and a naked smile appeared on his face: "So it's you, why, still want to eat my old lady's tofu?"

"I just don't know if you will let me eat it or not." Zhou Yan said with a chuckle, but he brushed Su Mengna's thigh with his hand as if unintentionally.

"It's not like you haven't eaten..." Su Mengna winked, and then grabbed Zhou Yan's hand and pressed it to her waist, and then their bodies were pressed together, and they began to dance.

"Are you here alone?" Su Mengna asked while panting, she was already emotional.

"Come with my boss." Zhou Yan said, then looked up at the bar, but did not see Li Zedao's figure, and said immediately, "But he seems to have left first."

"Leaving?" Su Mengna felt a little regretful, and said jokingly, "It's a pity, I still want to see the legendary frog prince up close."

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