The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1317 Wolf Village

Huang Wen's influence in China is extremely huge, so huge that Li Zedao can't even imagine it, so it is not too difficult for him to find someone in China, even if the person he is looking for is made by himself A master who is not inferior to Li Zedao.

In less than five days after Shang Killed Xi and snatched the yellow stone, Huang Wen had already found his trace, but this Shang was not a vegetarian after all. It can only be determined that there are three places where he hides, and Li Zedao and the thousand-year-old ice in the north are responsible for going to one of them.

Wolf Village, this is a small village that can't be found on the map, and it is also the place where Li Zedao and Bei are going. It is possible that they are hiding in this small village.

Before Li Zedao set off, he specifically checked some information, and learned that this wolf village is located on a certain mountain at the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan, and belongs to Xitiao Township, Cangshan County, Sichuan Province.

Cangshan County is a national-level poverty-stricken county, while Xitiao Township... may be a world-class poverty-stricken township.

According to Huang Wen, Shang came from Wolf Village, so it is very likely that he returned to that small village after defecting.

Along the way, Li Zedao and Bei took planes and trains, and then boarded an off-road vehicle with excellent performance. After driving for most of the night, they arrived in Xitiao Township in the morning of the next day.

Along the way, Bei kept a cold face, and didn't talk nonsense to Li Zedao, and of course, didn't do anything to him. Obviously, before leaving, Huang Wen told her what to do.

Li Zedao also fell into a quiet place, and followed behind her. He followed her on the plane when she got on the plane, and he followed her on the train when she got on the train. She jumped on the off-road vehicle, and he opened the back door politely The car door was closed, and then he lay down and fell asleep.

Li Zedao has been a poor child for eighteen years, and he used to live the days when he had to drink several bowls of water to buy a popsicle worth a few cents, but after all, he still lived in the economically developed city of Fenghuang, so for the poor His concept naturally stays on the kind of life he and Li Dahai have lived in the past ten years.

But after coming to such a place, Li Zedao deeply realized what a world-class poverty-stricken township is!

The whole town is surrounded by two big mountains, the front is blocked by hills, and there is no way out. Entering Xitiao Township is undoubtedly equivalent to wine being poured into a bottle. You can only flow out from the mouth of the bottle you poured in before. , unless you smash the bottle, which means you have to level all the surrounding mountains before there is another way out.

Bei drove around the small village without saying a word, and Li Zedao naturally took a tour of the small village. He found that there was almost no car in the whole town, except for the one under his buttocks. Most of the means of transportation are bicycles. Of course, more people choose to walk. After all, the roads here are full of potholes, and even this excellent off-road vehicle is always jumping. I am afraid that people here are reluctant to buy a bicycle. Such a mountain road is ruined.

When Beibei saw an old man sitting there smoking a cigarette, he stopped the jeep, looked back at Li Zedao who was looking outside with wide-eyed eyes, and said coldly: "Hey , go down and ask the way, how can I get to Wolf Village."

Li Zedao turned his head to meet these indifferent eyes: "Why me?"

Along the way, Li Zedao was used to being "dependent" on this woman, and now being "dependent", he felt a little uncomfortable.

Bei looked at him coldly and didn't speak.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders, didn't say anything, obediently opened the car door, jumped out of the car, and walked towards the old man. He was not afraid that this cold woman would attack him in a bad way, but because he realized that, let If this woman asks for directions, she might scare the old man into a heart attack.

After driving for several hours in the north, he didn't even think about staying in the car. He opened the door and got out of the car. He leaned on the car body, took out his cigarette and lighter, and lit one. The action of smoking was extremely cold and seductive,

The burning sparks on the cigarette failed to bring any warmth, but instead made her whole body a lot colder.

The old man had also noticed the majestic big guy parked there a long time ago. His old face was full of surprise and envy. When he saw the woman in black leather clothes and leather pants who got out of the car and smoked, his cloudy old eyes straightened. , even Li Zedao had already come to the front without knowing.

Old pervert! Li Zedao gave this stunned old man with a trace of liquid in his mouth such an extremely appropriate evaluation, thinking to himself, old man, you are joking about your old life.

"Old man... old man..." Li Zedao greeted him twice, shaking his hands in front of him, and the old man finally came to his senses and looked at Li Zedao.

"What's the matter with you?" The old man looked at Li Zedao, a little embarrassed and flustered, and said in a mouthful of substandard Mandarin with a strong dialect flavor.

At first, he first noticed the majestic car, and then he saw Li Zedao who got out of the car, and after that, his eyes were attracted to the woman who jumped out of the car and smoked, so he was embarrassed and embarrassed. Yes, after all, he just stared at his wife, this man who looks better than the girls in the village wouldn't want to argue with him, would he?

Li Zedao smiled: "Grandpa, we are here from another place and want to ask for directions." As he spoke, Li Zedao took out a cigarette from his pocket, took out one and handed it over. The old man looked at him, hesitated, but still Unable to bear the temptation of the filter cigarette, he carefully reached out to take it, but instead of smoking it, he stuck it to his ear.

Li Zedao smiled, and stuffed the whole pack of cigarettes into the old man's hand.

"Say it, say it." After accepting the great gift for him, the old man replied in surprise and panic.

"Do you know how to get to Wolf Village?" Li Zedao asked.

"Wolf Village?" The old man had a thoughtful expression on his face. In fact, he has lived here for most of his life, and he has never heard of such a village around him. There is a wolf mountain. The big mountain in front is called Wolf Mountain, and there are wolves in the mountain. Aren't you too sorry for the half pack of filter cigarettes?

So, he thought and thought, and felt that the time was almost up. If he continued to think, he might be regarded as an old man with dementia, so he said, "Wolf Village, I haven't heard anyone say that it is our Xitiao Township?"

Li Zedao nodded: "Haven't heard of it?"

The old man shook his head: "No, I have lived here for most of my life, and I have never heard of such a village around."

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. That's a little strange. After all, Huang Wen's information can't be wrong. He said that if there is such a village, then there is this village. Besides, Li Zedao also checked the information, and it shows that there is indeed this village. It's just located in the deep mountains and old forests.

In short, if you want to go to Wolf Village, you have to go to Xitiao Township, Cangshan County.

At the same time, a middle-aged man not far away was carrying a big sack in his hand, and in the sack was half a bag of tattered things. , No way, Li Zedao is too handsome, better looking than the woman here, and that woman is extremely beautiful, the two of them are like characters who came out of TV and drove a luxury car to their mountain bump, how could it be unnoticed ?

After coughing lightly and spitting thick phlegm on the ground, he took the initiative to walk over and said in mandarin with a strong dialect: "Are you looking for Lang Village?"

Li Zedao glanced at him and nodded: "Do you know the place?"

When he got out of the car just now, he also noticed this guy, but he and Bei and that car are in this kind of place, it is a rare thing, it is the absolute focus, so it is understandable to be stared at with that kind of eyes Yes, the only thing he was worried about was that Bei couldn't bear the look in his eyes, so he went on a killing spree.

"I know." The middle-aged man said with a simple smile, showing his big yellow teeth, "I went there once, but it's hard to find, but I still remember the way, I can take you there."

Li Zedao nodded: "What conditions?" He knew that this person was actually here to solicit business.

The middle-aged man thought for a while and said, stretched out a hand and said, "I want five hundred yuan." In this world-class poor place, five hundred can already be regarded as a huge sum of money. Of course, 500 is the money for Nintendo and the others to smear their nail polish once. This is the disparity between the rich and the poor, which is so large that it is outrageous.

Li Zedao shook his head: "It's too much." Of course he is not short of the five hundred yuan, but he doesn't like to let others slaughter him as a fat sheep, "I will give you two hundred at most."

"Two hundred is too little." The middle-aged man shook his head, "You have never been to Wolf Village, so you don't know how difficult the mountain road is. You have to climb over the Wolf Mountain in front of you, and you have to cross several berths. Well, we will also encounter wolves and poisonous snakes, and it will take at least a whole day to walk from here, and most people can’t find that village... 400, if it’s okay, let’s set off.”

"Three hundred." Li Zedao said, "If possible, let's set off, if not, I will find someone else."

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said, "That's three hundred...but you have to give half of the deposit first."

Li Zedao took out his wallet, pulled out a hundred-yuan bill and a fifty-yuan bill, and handed them over.

The middle-aged man looked at the thick stack of red banknotes in Li Zedao's wallet, and his eyes flickered with inexplicable color.

Li Zedao glanced at him, put his wallet back in his pocket, and thought to himself, don't think about me, let alone that violent woman, otherwise you might not even know how you died. !

After the middle-aged man put the money in his pocket, he glanced at Bei, his eyes flickered again inexplicably, then he looked at Li Zedao and asked, "What are you doing in Wolf Village?"

"Looking for relatives." Li Zedao said casually, it can't be said that he is going to kill someone, right?

Of course, it is unknown whether Shang is hiding in Wolf Village.

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