The middle-aged man who collected the rags briefly introduced himself, and he said his name was Lao Wang.

这个名字李泽道很不喜欢,心想影子那个破妞要是在,现在指不定要挽起袖子狠狠的揍这个眼神总是时不时的闪烁一下幽光特别是在小心翼翼的扫了一眼北之后眼里的The guy with the inexplicable gloomy light is even worse, right?

While beating, he would also curse: "Ma Dan, you look like a bastard and you have the nerve to call me Lao Wang? Let you be called Lao Wang... let you be called Lao Wang..."

According to Lao Wang, they have three brothers, surnamed Wang. When they were born, their Lao Tzu directly chose such names to save trouble. The eldest was called Da Wang, Wang Da Wang, and the second child was called Wang Xiao Wang. He was ranked third, so it could only be Wang Lao Wang.

Since the roads leading to Wolf Village are all mountain roads, it is impossible to drive there. Therefore, under Lao Wang's suggestion, Li Zedao and Bei, who had never said a word, agreed to park the car at the gate of Lao Wang's house. Lao Wang said he would The eldest brother, Dawang Wang, is at home and can help watch the car. Of course, there is no need to charge extra money.

At the moment, Old Wang was leading the way with the big sack on his back, while Beijiao followed slowly behind.

Without Bei's consent, Li Zedao did not dare to invite Lao Wang to get in the car. Of course, Lao Wang is also very self-aware, and he is not so thick-skinned to take the initiative to say that he wants to get in the car.

After crawling like a tortoise on the potholed road for about ten minutes, the car finally followed Lao Wang to a dilapidated adobe house with traces of thatch on the roof.

The house has a dilapidated small courtyard, which is full of all kinds of rags and sundries. A local dog is lying there lazily. When it sees someone coming, it looks up and doesn't bark. The chickens were pecking over there, and even the two pigs in the corner were digging the soil over there, so the weird stench that filled the whole courtyard was self-evident.

However, both Li Zedao and Bei have received special training and are extremely adaptable to various environments, so they don't think there is anything wrong with it. At most, they just frown and get used to it.

In addition, there was a man with a dull expression sitting on a small stool over there, smoking a cigarette, and when he saw Lao Wang coming with a car, he stood up.

"Third, what's the matter?" He watched Old Wang shout in a dialect that Li Zedao couldn't understand, and he also looked at Li Zedao and Bei who got out of the car with the eyes that Li Zedao was already familiar with.

Especially after seeing Bei, his eyes stared straight down, and the cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth almost slipped down.

Li Zedao saw very clearly that his throat was rolling and he was secretly swallowing.

"My elder brother, King Wang." Old Wang looked back at Li Zedao and Bei Hanhou and said with a smile, "Wait a moment, I'll go and tell my brother about the situation, and we'll set off." Yard walked in.

Maybe it was because they thought the place was too dirty and smelly, so they didn't invite them in.

Li Zedao looked at Bei and said, "I want to find a place to pee..."

"You want to die?" Bei looked at his cold response.

Li Zedao smiled apologetically: "I just asked you if you urinate, and if you urinate, I will help you ask where the toilet is... Of course, there is probably no toilet in this kind of place, and it is all solved on the spot. If you urinate, I can help you out... "

Bei's long legs with small leather boots lifted slightly, and said coldly, "I still have a pair of leather boots in my backpack."

"..." Li Zedao thought of how powerful her hidden weapon was, and almost vomited blood. He decisively shut up, turned around and left, walked around to the other side of the adobe house, looked around, and made sure that no one was there, especially the cold one in Bei. The woman didn't peep, and there were no vicious dogs or poisonous snakes looking around, so she opened the zipper with confidence and put the water in.

After releasing it, Li Zedao zipped it up and was about to leave when he suddenly heard a rustling sound.

The movement came from a dilapidated window on the side.

Li Zedao frowned, walked quietly to the window, and squinted his eyes to look inside. At the same time, a man with disheveled hair suddenly stood up from the ground, rushed to the small window, and appeared in front of Li Zedao. within sight.

This is a woman, a woman with empty eyes and no color, a dirty face with dried blood stains on her face, with iron chains on her feet, tied there like a dog woman.

Li Zedao's skills and courage are there, even he is a man who has even seen a real ghost, so suddenly a woman with disheveled hair appeared in front of him, but he was not startled, it's just that he had already thought of something and frowned. Already tightly wrinkled up.

But at this time, the disheveled person was obviously stunned when he saw Li Zedao, and then she opened her mouth wide, making that sharp voice that Li Zedao didn't understand what she wanted to express, and started desperately He patted the window, causing the dust on the window to fall down with a crackling sound.

At this moment, footsteps and Lao Wang's voice came from behind: "She is my sister-in-law, she is a little out of order, and she always bit people before, so my brother had no choice but to lock her up. to you?"

Li Zedao looked back at Old Wang, pretending to be terrified and said with a smile: "It really surprised me."

Old Wang smiled honestly: "It's okay, she can't come out... I already told my brother, he will help take care of the car, don't worry, let's go."

"Let's go." Li Zedao nodded and said.

Looking back at the smashed small window again, Li Zedao narrowed his eyes again, and then left.

Under the leadership of Lao Wang, the three set off towards the majestic but desolate Wolf Mountain ahead.

Li Zedao carried a small bag with him, which contained food such as water, bread and beef jerky. Of course, there were also some things needed for first aid, such as silver needles.

Bei, who was dressed in a black leather jacket and leather trousers, looked cold and abnormal, and was also carrying a backpack, which was much larger than Li Zedao's. In addition to food and drink, Li Zedao also knew that there were some empty glass jars in it.

Li Zedao now knows that, like Dongfang Ming, the second-generation super official, Bei also has another layer of identity. She is actually an insect expert and works at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Those empty glass jars were, of course, for catching insects and the like that interested her.

This layer of her identity was told to him by Dong chatting with him before departure. Dong also said that there was an incident of mutated mosquitoes biting and infecting people in a village in the northwest. The vaccine has saved the lives of more than half the village.

But Dong took the initiative to chat with him. Li Zedao's eyes were actually full of vigilance at first, and he asked Dong, are you the same as Nan? Dong let him go, and then said, the reason why I want to chat with you is because we are the same kind of people... We are both handsome, even you are more handsome than me! Li Zedao couldn't agree more with this statement, so he let go of his vigilance and chatted with him.

Now Li Zedao also knows that there is a pair of leather boots in this backpack... This woman is too unhygienic, even put the shoes together with the food.

Lao Wang takes people's money and also wants to reduce the burden on others, so he mustered up the courage to show courtesy to Bei and said that I can help you carry your backpack.

Bei looked at him with eyes as if looking at a dead person, Lao Wang smiled awkwardly, and then dared not say anything more.

The reason why Wolf Mountain is called Wolf Mountain is naturally because there are many wolves in the mountain, but it was so long ago that Pharaoh didn’t know how long ago, according to Pharaoh, it’s been here since he can remember. Didn't see any wolves either.

Of course, in order to show that he didn't charge too much, he hurried to the mountains. Maybe there might be one, but don't be afraid if you encounter it. Wolves are afraid of fire and rattles, and he will have a way to scare it away when the time comes.

As for why he went to Wolf Village, according to him, he actually entered the village by mistake. At that time, he went up the mountain with his second brother Xiao Wang to hunt, and wanted to see if he could hunt wolves, skin them and sell them. You know , A good wolf skin can be sold for thousands of dollars, but in the end, he climbed mountains and waded into the wolf village by mistake, but still did not see the wolf.

Then, he emphasized again that maybe he could meet a wolf this time.

Lao Wang is a very qualified tour guide. As soon as he changed to lead the way, he introduced the surrounding scenery and some rare plants and rocks.

Of course, because of the long-term toil on the mountain road, his physical strength is naturally very good, climbing the mountain road seems to be walking on a flat road.

However, what surprised him was that this man who was more beautiful than a woman climbed up the mountain like walking on the ground, and what surprised him even more was that the same was true for the woman who was too good-looking. The heartbeat quickened, and he was panting heavily. The man and the woman were fine, their faces were not blushing, and their hearts were not beating, so they followed easily.

What's even more frightening is... that woman was still wearing leather boots with heels!

These two are professional marathon runners? Or a mountaineer? Otherwise, how could it be possible to use such physical strength?

What made Pharaoh almost fall off is still to come, because there are too many thorns and thorns along the way, it is really hard to guard against, so although he has rich experience in mountain walking, and his skin is rough and fleshy, he is also on the face. There were a few cuts on their upper bodies, but the bodies of these two people were still so clean, and there were no scratches on their faces. They even seemed...not sweating!

This is so unscientific.

Bei finally saw the little insect he was interested in, and stopped directly without saying hello to Lao Wang and Li Zedao who were walking in front, and then took out tweezers and a glass bottle from the huge mountaineering bag he carried with him, and then Putting on transparent white gloves, he carefully picked out a spider-like insect with teeth and claws in the crevice of the stone, and put it into the bottle.

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