The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1322 High-Tech Products

Old Wang went down the mountain in the dark. Before he went down the mountain, he took a look at the thorn bush, squeezed out two tears, and said sadly in his heart that the elder brother, the second brother, and the third brother are sorry for you, and there is no way to help you collect the corpse. Rest in peace, then carefully glanced at the entrance of the cave, trembling, and gave Li Zedao a grateful glance, and then left quickly, with such fast speed and neat legs, he quickly disappeared into the night.

Li Zedao looked at his disappearing back, and his heart inevitably felt heavy. This is the best way he can think of to really help that woman, at least to make her life better in the future, instead of being completely treated as It was tied there like a dog, even worse than the dog tied in the yard.

He found a large rock that had been blown dry by the wind and lay down next to the entrance of the cave. After a long night of sleepless nights, Li Zedao looked at the sky and counted the stars out of boredom.

One, two, three...

Li Zedao counted the stars all night, but in the end he still couldn't count how many stars there were, but he managed to count the moon... one. Then, he was lucky enough to see the sunrise.

But there is a thick layer of clouds in the distance, and a trace of fish-belly white can be vaguely seen in the clouds.

"It's so beautiful." Li Zedao couldn't help admiring, quickly took out his phone from his pocket, and took a photo of the unobstructed beauty in the sky.

Gradually, the fish-belly white in the east began to take on a trace of gold, and in his expectation, the sun, like a shy woman, first quietly showed a small face, but even though it was only a little , but it made the sky in the distance covered with a layer of luxurious gold.

Then soon, the sun exposed his whole body bit by bit, getting brighter and brighter, and then Li Zedao felt that his face was instantly hit by a wave of heat, and there was a very comfortable feeling I felt it, and the coolness I felt just now disappeared without a trace, making people feel warm all of a sudden.

"Ah, the sun is shining brightly at the beginning, and thousands of mountains are like fire. A round is carved into the sky, chasing away the stars and the waning moon..." Li Zedao faced the sun, his face was full of holiness, and whispered softly.

At this moment, he felt that he was Li Bai, Du Fu, or Bai Juyi...

Then, a foreign object slammed towards him, and Li Zedao reached out to grab it without knowing it. It was his small backpack.

Then when she turned her head, she saw that Bei was already standing there with her big backpack on her back, staring at her coldly.

"Goodmorning!" Li Zedao grinned, and then pointed to the rising sun, "Isn't it spectacular? Was it attracted by such a background? This reminds me of a poem, ah, the sunrise Fusang Zhang Gao, everything in the world is as thin as a hair..."

Bei looked at Li Zedao like an idiot, then kicked over and kicked a stone next to his feet like a ball, and the stone hit the big rock Li Zedao was sitting on very simply, sending out There was a piercing muffled sound, and sparks came out of friction.

Li Zedao was startled, smiled obediently and shut up, quickly put his backpack on his back, then jumped off the big rock, stretched his waist in a daze and said, "Let's go."

Li Zedao knew that this woman acquiesced to his actions last night and put Lao Wang back as a guide, otherwise she would have come out with a knife, so she doesn't mention Lao Wang now, as if she never Like this person.

So Li Zedao's impression of this woman changed slightly. She was actually not as cruel and annoying as he had imagined before.

As for why she hated the kind of scumbags who loved each other and even killed a few, Li Zedao wondered in his heart whether she had been hurt by someone. Of course, he would never dare to ask more about such things, and he didn't want to die. ah.

For experts like them, Old Wang can actually be regarded as a burden. Now that the burden is gone, the speed of walking up is obviously much faster.

Li Zedao found his way by relying on the so-called route that Lao Wang said,

Bei followed unhurriedly, keeping a distance of four or five meters from Li Zedao all the time, as if he couldn't help but want to kill him when he got close.

Occasionally, after encountering a small insect that interests her, she will stop at all without saying hello, and then take out her tools from her backpack and start catching them. At this time, Li Zedao will stop, and then stare looked aside and asked what it was.

Bei usually glanced over coldly, and then a word that was harmless to Li Zedao spewed out from her mouth: "Get out!"

"Oh, by the way, is there any photo above?" Li Zedao simply cut a small snake that suddenly fell from the tree above into two halves, and turned to Bei, "After arriving at Wolf Village, if we act separately or something, if I foolishly ask the villagers if you know someone called here, and the other party says that I am here...wouldn't it be too funny?"

Bei glanced at him, and his tone still made you not feel any human warmth: "It is said that his name in the village is donkey egg, as for the photo, there is no need for it, he must have worn a mask to disguise himself very well gone."

"Donkey egg..." Li Zedao smiled, looked at Bei's cold but undoubtedly seductive face and said, "Even if you wear a mask, I can recognize you through your eyes."

"Really?" Bei said, with a hint of sarcasm in his cold tone, "Then why didn't you recognize that guy Nan? Didn't you recognize Master Huang?"

"This..." Li Zedao sneered, he was somewhat embarrassed to be despised by a beautiful woman like this.

"You didn't recognize You either," Bei said again.

"Right?" Li Zedao was taken aback. Could it be that he is also someone he is familiar with?

"Huang Yu, the dean of the School of Archeology at Phoenix University, your teacher, your uncle Huang." Bei mocked.

Li Zedao's eyes widened instantly, Huang Yu turned out to be... right? Isn't he a hideous face under the gay face?

Li Zedao wanted to swear.

After holding back for a long time, he said fiercely: "Fucking shit."

"Then, how can we find his trace?" Li Zedao asked.

Bei took out a device the size of a mobile phone from his backpack and threw it at Li Zedao.

"What is this?" Li Zedao began to look at the dark instrument, and there were two small LED lights flashing red on the instrument.

"High-tech products." Bei said, looking at Li Zedao's eyes is no different from looking at a turtle. Fortunately, Li Zedao's thick skin is there. If he is a bit shy, he will definitely be embarrassed now.

"The red lights of the two LEDs above are flashing, which means that there are two traces of that magical stone within a radius of 100 meters." The closer the stone is."

Li Zedao suddenly realized that he remembered what Huang Wen said before. He said that he had invented the so-called detection tool, and he could find the magical colorful stone with that detection tool.

Looking at this palm-sized thing, Li Zedao secretly exclaimed, it really is high-tech enough, even if the yellow part of the multicolored stone has been integrated into his tongue, it can still be detected.

Therefore, if the boss is really hiding in the wolf village, then this instrument can undoubtedly find his traces. After all, the boss himself knows how terrible it is to offend Huang Wen, so now he has nothing but to hide He must have quickly integrated the stone into his tongue, then took the ghost pill given by Huang Wen, and improved his strength as quickly as possible, so that he could have a better chance of saving his life.

"So, we won't act separately?" Li Zedao threw the instrument back to her.

Bei looked at him like an idiot and said, "You are not my opponent."

"I know, I know, and you too." Li Zedao understood.

A stone rose into the air, like a bullet, and slammed into Li Zedao's forehead. Li Zedao was startled and dodged in embarrassment. Then he looked at the woman helplessly. At one glance, I thought she was still as annoying as before.

Then he thought of a question, frowned and asked: "Is there such a device on the upper body? We can know it when we get close to him?"

Bei glanced at him, then nodded slightly: "Yes."

"..." Li Zedao smiled wryly. It seems that a surprise attack is impossible at all. Of course, maybe he was not in Wolf Village at all, or he fled back to Wolf Village, but he has already left by now.

Now the two continued to climb upwards, and after an hour, they successfully climbed over the Wolf Mountain. Of course, this does not mean that they have reached their destination. You have to cross a small river without a bridge, and you have to cross a small dense forest to see the small village surrounded by mountains, with only about 20 families whose combined population is probably less than 60 people.

Of course, the next road is much easier than climbing this wolf mountain.

After the kind-hearted Li Zedao crossed the Langshan Mountain, he was full of self-blame. He found that the five hundred yuan that Lao Wang asked for was really a conscience price. He was innocent, how could he bargain?

So Li Zedao decided, when he went back, he had to find him to comfort him, at least give him some medical expenses, right? The little chicken is cooked...

Going forward, I finally saw a small dense forest that Lao Wang said. According to what Lao Wang said, after passing through this dense forest, you will be able to see Wolf Village. This kind of gratitude, Lao Wang said that there may be wolves in the woods, and told Li Zedao to be more careful.

Of course Li Zedao didn't know that when Lao Wang said this, he was actually praying in his heart that it would be better if a pack of wolves appeared, and then he would eat up that horrible woman until there was nothing left.

Let you burn my penis, let you burn my penis... Old Wang's heart is full of resentment.

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