The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1323 That's a Dog

"Be careful, Lao Wang said that there may be wolves." Li Zedao said looking back at Bei.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao indifferently, thinking, aren't you a wolf? satyr! If it wasn't a pervert, how could it harm such a girl? It's time to kill!

Walking into the woods one after the other, Li Zedao soon saw the wolf...Of course, he was not so sure whether the big guy who was crawling up from the ground was a wolf, because that guy was the same as him once. The wolves I saw in Yanjing Zoo seemed to be different. The wolves seemed not so big and not so fat.

"Is that a wolf?" Li Zedao looked back at Bei, an expert working in the Institute of Zoology, and pointed to the big guy in front of him who had gotten up from the ground.

Bei glanced at the big guy, his face changed slightly, then he looked at Li Zedao with an idiot's eyes and said, "What does your wolf look like? It's a dog."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly: "You said... a dog? Isn't that too big? Do you think it was raised by a family in Lang Village and one of them escaped without being watched? After all, if Lao Wang If I'm not lying, you'll be walking through this dense forest to Wolf Village."

Li Zedao felt that this set of rhetoric was so impeccable that no one could fault it. Think about it, what is the name of that village? Wolf Village! As the name suggests, it is always attacked by wolves, and the chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep raised at home have become delicious meals for wolves, so they have raised such a tall and mighty dog, and the wolves will not dare to mess up when they see it. coming.

Bei glanced at him and said coldly, "If he lies, I'll kill you!"


"However, what you said makes sense." Bei very rarely affirmed Li Zedao once.

This woman is sure of herself? Li Zedao was a little surprised, more in a blissful way, presumably after three or four days of contact, she was gradually conquered by her own charm, right?

"Uh...why are you running?" Li Zedao was taken aback, "Uh, why did you climb the tree?"

Li Zedao saw that Bei's figure flashed, and he rushed to a big tree, and his long legs stretched slightly, and he jumped onto the tree.

At the same time, the "dog" who had stood up stared at Li Zedao with eyes as big as copper bells emitting a violent breath, then suddenly opened his mouth, roared, and rushed towards Li Zedao.

Li Zedao's expression froze obviously, and he suddenly realized that the dog that was rushing towards him looked very similar to the blind bear he had seen at the Yanjing Zoo, the roar, the head, This... Oh my god, what a blind bear!

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently, not because he was frightened by Blind Xiong, but because he felt so ashamed that he wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in, and he thought the bear was...a dog?

Damn, it's okay to insult this bear, why should you insult yourself?

In real life, many people always have a wrong perception of bears, thinking that they are fat all over their bodies, so their speed must be very slow.

In fact, the bear can run at a speed of thirty-four kilometers per hour, which is far beyond the speed of a human. In other words, if a strong bear is still on the marathon track, then of course it will be the bear that wins the championship up.

Moreover, the speed at which they exploded at the beginning was extremely astonishing. In addition, when Li Zedao found the bear, the bear that had just woken up was less than 30 meters away from him.

Therefore, when Li Zedao, who realized it later, realized that it was not a wolf, let alone a dog, but a black bear and felt ashamed over there, and then secretly scolded Bei that woman was too bad, the bear had already rushed to He was in front of him, and while roaring, that huge body crushed towards Li Zedao.

Li Zedao really hated this big guy who made him lose face to his grandma's house, so instead of retreating, he took the initiative to rush at the bear.

With Li Zedao's current skills, whether it is his eyes or his grasp of timing, he can be called a monstrous existence, so at the moment when he jumped at the bear,

Li Zedao attacked with all his strength, hugged the bear's big front leg at once, and then used his ingenuity to gently lift it, so the fast-running black bear couldn't stand still at all, and it rolled over and rolled out.

Made of black bear skin and rough flesh, such a fall naturally failed to cause too much damage to it. At that moment, it shook its huge body, roared and got up, and then seemed to feel that the human standing in front of it was not easy to mess with. , so he didn't take the initiative to attack, but took two steps back a little.

It's just that its breathing became more violent, and its two big eyes stared at Li Zedao with an extremely cruel and fierce light.

Li Zedao knew that this big guy was simply looking for an opportunity, or accumulating energy, and it would attack him again. At this moment, a terrifying aura emanated from him.

Animals are extremely sensitive to the dangerous aura, so the blind bear can naturally feel the dangerous aura emanating from the human being, and it is precisely because of this dangerous aura that the bear is there Confronted with Li Zedao, but didn't rush over immediately!

Li Zedao turned his head and glanced at Bei, only to see her sitting leisurely on the trunk of the big tree, with her two long legs swaying slightly, as if watching the excitement.

"Oh, by the way, the bear is a second-class national protected animal. If you kill it, you will be sentenced." Seeing Li Zedao looking at him with resentful eyes, Bei said coldly.

"I...Damn it!" Li Zedao was almost choked to death by this woman's words. It's against the law to kill people, and they have to be shot, but whoever shot them last night killed two people, and even killed the third person's, uh, chick. The chicken is overcooked... that can be counted as a crime of intentional injury, right?

Choked severely by this woman's words, the powerful aura that Li Zedao could exude naturally dissipated a lot, and as a sensitive head, and when he encountered a weak one, he would directly rush over and tear the other party into pieces. The beast that was so strong that it ran away with its tail between its legs, the bear immediately roared and rushed towards Li Zedao.

A ferocious beast that weighed more than three hundred catties and was known for its strength and was still in a state of being completely enraged rushed towards him. Li Zedao knew very well that if he resisted stubbornly, he would really be an idiot. If you are not seriously injured, you have to be hit with a disgraced face and severe pain all over your body, right?

So seeing the opponent rushing over, Li Zedao simply turned around and ran away!

The speed of the bear is indeed faster than that of a human, but Li Zedao's current speed has already surpassed the scope of a human. Therefore, when the black bear thought that he was about to succeed, the trace of the human disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The reason why the black bear is also called Xiong Blind is because its eyesight is rubbish, it belongs to the kind of high myopia. When a big tree ran over, it also felt the breath of that human at once, so it roared and chased after it.

When the bear chased him to the tree, Li Zedao had already climbed up the tree three or five times, and then sat down on the thick tree trunk where Bei was sitting, and said with a somewhat resentful expression: "We are now... comrades-in-arms at any rate. Right? Why are you cheating on me? You clearly recognized that it belonged to Xiong Xiazi."

Bei looked at him like an idiot: "You said it belonged to a dog, didn't you?"

"But, you agree with my point of view." Li Zedao felt ashamed, thinking that he, who is so wise and mighty, would treat a bear as a dog. This... can't be tolerated.

"I just don't bother to refute an idiot's point of view." Bei Mian said coldly and expressionlessly.


Bei glanced at Li Zedao's twitching face and his little resentful and resentful eyes, then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Li Zedao looked at Bei's face thoughtfully. He felt that something had changed in her... What had changed?

Oh my God, she actually laughed, she actually knew how to laugh? A very calm smile, comfortable and natural, like a hundred flowers blooming instantly, glamorous and incomparable.

However, such a smile is very stingy, and before Li Zedao could take another look, Bei had already suppressed such a smile completely, and then said coldly: "You, want to die?"

What she was referring to was of course Li Zedao staring at her face endlessly.

Li Zedao smiled apologetically, quickly looked away, and then fell on the bear that was roaring under the big tree.

After it chased under the tree, it stretched out its claws to climb the tree, but obviously, this is not what it is good at, then it backed up two steps and hit the tree pole with its head. As a result, the big tree was only slightly After shaking a few times, it sat down on the ground.

It finally realized that there was nothing it could do about that human being, so it became even more angry, its blood was boiling, roaring, screaming, and circled around the big tree, but it was unwilling to leave.

"What should I do?" Li Zedao asked. Experts like him and Bei naturally don't have to be afraid of this black bear, but it is a trouble after all. Once they fall down the tree, this black bear will definitely chase after them. Of course they can get rid of it in the end, but it takes time and effort after all.

Besides, this woman works at the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and she even said the words that made Li Zedao choke to death without blushing... The bear is a second-class protected animal in the country, and you will be sentenced if you kill it... ...So it's perfect for her to deal with this black bear.

Bei didn't answer Li Zedao's question, but opened the backpack, found a pistol from inside, and aimed it directly at the bear with a cold face.

"Uh..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he carefully reminded, "That...the bear is a second-class protected animal in the country, and you will be sentenced if you kill it..."

Bei glanced at Li Zedao like an idiot, and then pulled the trigger.

The expected gunshots did not sound, and then there was a muffled "Hoo!".

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