The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1324 Unmanned Village

Li Zedao's eyes were very good, and he saw that what was shot was not a bullet, but a needle-like thing, which directly pierced the bear's head, so it should be the first kind of thing, and it was anesthetized The effect is very powerful.

So, soon, the bear's bulky body was already limp to the ground.

"I only kill people." Bei looked at Li Zedao and said coldly, "I especially want to kill you."

"...Eldest sister, heaven can learn from you. I'm not a scumbag. I'm wholehearted towards them. If you don't believe me, you can ask them later." Li Zedao said helplessly, "Besides, I'll compensate you when I go back. A pair of boots? Even if you buy a pair of tens of thousands of dollars, I will recognize it."

Bei looked at him as if he was dead, but he didn't say anything. Then he jumped down from the tree, walked up to the sleeping bear, stretched out his hand, and finally pulled out the anesthesia needle on its head. Get up, throw aside casually, then look back at Li Zedao and say: "If you don't see Wolf Village after walking through this dense forest, you will die!"


Finally, after walking out of the dense forest here, Li Zedao looked at the small village in front of him, and felt that inexplicable emotions were hitting his lacrimal glands, his nose was sore, and tears almost flowed out.

"Here we are in Wolf Village, I don't have to die." He looked back at Bei and said.

Bei looked at him with the eyes of an idiot: "How can you be sure that it is Wolf Village?" While speaking, she also took out the instrument that could detect the existence of the magical stone. To put it bluntly, she actually I am also willing to believe that this small mountain village surrounded by mountains is the wolf village that Lao Wang mentioned.

In fact, last night when Lao Wang was talking to Li Zedao about the route and some iconic things, such as a strange big rock, a lush tree, etc., how many times did he close his eyes and meditate in the cave? I also listened a bit, of course, her memory is not as perverted as Li Zedao's, and she didn't listen carefully, so she didn't remember much.

To put it bluntly, she believed in Li Zedao's ability. After all, he was completely transformed by Shenwan. To be more precise, she believed in Shenwan's heaven-defying ability, not Li Zedao.

She remembered that Lao Wang said that in front of the village entrance of Wolf Village, there was a large stone that was more than ten meters high and looked like a small lamp hill. There was a big wolf head carved on the stone. Behind the big stone was the small village.

Now, she had already seen the big rock covered with moss and various weeds, and also saw the wolf head with the engraving on it still clearly visible, so this place should undoubtedly be the Wolf Village.

Li Zedao laughed, women are duplicity. For example, she kept saying that she wanted to kill herself, but she didn’t want to kill herself at all. For example, when she said how did you know this is Wolf Village, she was already sure that this was Wolf Village. , of course, at this time, you can't expose the smallness in her heart, otherwise she will really kill someone if she becomes angry!

After basically confirming that this is Wolf Village, Bei's face holding the testing instrument in his hand became even more icy cold, and the chill emanating from his whole body made one's heart palpitate.

Li Zedao also cleared up his mood, and the whole person has already become vigilant. After all, what they are going to face now is a master who may be stronger than them and is said to be very scheming. How unjust it is to live in a rural area.

In fact, before we set off, Li Zedao told Yanhuang, just give each of us a ghost pill, so that our skills can be multiplied, and then there is no need for two people to join forces, one of them is enough to entangle us.

The answer Huang Wen gave was that they have actually reached the bottleneck, and taking ghost pills is no longer useful. As for whether the skills have doubled after taking ghost pills, he is actually not very clear. After all, the potential of each person's body is different. The same, but what is certain is that after taking ghost pills,

Even if the skill can be improved, it is definitely not a multiple increase, at most it is a little improvement. One person may not be his opponent, but two people working together are more than enough to kill him.

That's right, if the bottleneck hadn't been reached, Huang Wen wouldn't need to enter the ancient tomb at all. Judging by the power he controls, he must have a lot of ghost pills in his hand, right? After his tongue melted into the yellow safety buckle, he could eat ghost pills as a meal, and then break through the bottleneck of returning to nature in one fell swoop!

That is to say, the stronger the internal force is, the smaller the force that Onimaru will have on it, or it will lose its effect altogether.

At the moment Li Zedao simply said that you can give me one, maybe I haven't reached the bottleneck.

Huang Wen said that I am your great-grandpa, you ask me for something, can I not give it? Very generous, he gave Li Zedao a ghost pill No. 2.

Being taken advantage of again, Li Zedao was naturally very upset, and the depressed ghost swallowed it. Then, his ability has improved, but not too much. With his current strength, it is still no problem for Huang Wen to beat him with masters like Mr. Pete and Yanhuang. Of course, he can beat Pa Bei. A few of them are nothing to worry about.

The two walked unhurriedly past the big stone with a rough-looking wolf's head carved on it by someone, and walked into the village.

The houses in the village are all adobe, and the roofs are covered with reeds, straw or branches. Grass.

"How do you feel... there's no one there?" Li Zedao said, frowning.

Bei's brows were also frowned, and she couldn't feel any breath of living things. This small village is so lonely and desolate, no one can be seen, no human voice can be heard, and even the sound of dogs barking cats and chickens can't be heard. No, just like a deserted village that has been abandoned for a long time.

At the same time, only two LEDs on the instrument in his hand were flashing red light, which proved that they were not hiding in the surrounding area, at least not within a radius of 100 meters from them.

Li Zedao frowned even more: "Old Wang said that he entered this village by mistake half a year ago, and the enthusiastic people in the village invited him to eat wild game and drink the wine they made themselves...then they all moved away. Did it happen? Or did some major change happen in the middle? Plague? People are gone, and those domestic animals are all dead? If so, where are the corpses?"

Li Zedao didn't find any corpses or bones, and there was no smell of corpses in the air.

Bei still didn't answer Li Zedao's words, his eyes glanced around indifferently, and glanced at the instrument in his hand from time to time.

"Go inside and have a look?" Li Zedao's eyes fell on an adobe house not far away.

Bei glanced at him and nodded.

Although there seemed to be no ghosts in the surrounding area, neither of them dared to be too careless. While paying attention to the movement around them, they slowly approached the adobe house, and came to the wooden door made of simple wooden blocks. , the two looked at each other, and then Li Zedao kicked over.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and the wooden door was simply torn apart. Li Zedao even felt that the adobe house was shaking, and the dust on the wall fell down. Fortunately, it didn't fall down.

There was a lot of movement, but it quickly returned to the original dead silence, as if nothing had happened.

After confirming that no master was hiding in the room, Li Zedao stepped into the dark and damp room, while Bei turned his head and glanced around vigilantly before following in.

The room is not big, and there is a small hall when you enter. A dark table is placed there, and there are two chairs in front of it. There is nothing on the table.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand, stroked the table, rubbed it, and frowned even more.

On the left is the room, on the right is the small dark kitchen with a stove.

There was almost nothing in the room, not even a minimum of clothes. As for the small kitchen, there was only a heavy iron pot on the stove, but there were no shovels or spoons, and no seasoning.

Li Zedao glanced at the pot, stretched his hand over, picked up the small piece of fleshy bone of an unknown animal that was left in the pot, there was still a little minced meat on the bone, put it on his nose and smelled it, Then he threw the meaty bone back into the pot again, clapped his hands and turned to leave.

"Let's go." He said to Bei.

"What did you find?" After walking out, Bei asked. She knows Li Zedao's ability in this area. After all, he is a guy who has been completely transformed by Shenwan, and he is in the top state in every aspect, so he must be able to discover something and draw conclusions close to the truth.

"I'm going to look elsewhere." Li Zedao said, and then strode towards another adobe house.

Bei glanced at his back, didn't ask any more questions, and took the initiative to follow.

A few minutes later, the two walked out of the adobe house.

"What kind of person do you think Huang Wen is? What about them?" Li Zedao asked with a glance at Bei, and then looked around at the surrounding mountains.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Bei frowned slightly, his tone cold.

"The situation in the two rooms is similar." Li Zedao said, "There is not much dust on the table in the house, and the bones and meat left in the pot only have a little sour smell, and they have not started to rot. The small room is clean. , I couldn’t even find a pair of underwear, and there were livestock feces on the ground, such as that dog poop, which hasn’t dried out..."

Li Zedao looked at Bei's delicate face and said, "What does this mean?"

Bei frowned, and said: "It means that the people in this village have only left for two or three days at most, and they did not flee in a hurry, but were prepared and planned to move the whole village, otherwise it would be impossible to take things with them like this." Clean, even the chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep and other animals are taken clean, not a single one is left behind."

"It's really smart." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"...I'll kill you." Bei glared at Li Zedao, and felt insulted. For the first time, she felt that being praised was such an uncomfortable thing.

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