Li Zedao felt aggrieved and helpless, so why not praise you? But a man should have a broad mind, so Li Zedao didn't want to argue with this woman, and continued: "Then, here comes the question, why did the whole village move away?"

Bei was stunned for a moment, yes, why did the whole village move away? Although this village is very small, according to Lao Wang, there are only about 20 households with about 60 people, but it is still a very complete village after all. I am afraid that the ancestors have lived here for hundreds of years, right? How do you say move away?

Because bad weather is coming, if you don't move, there is a danger of destroying the village, such as violent storms or earthquakes? Or is it because a large number of hungry wolves and beasts suddenly appeared around, and if they don't move away quickly, they will become the lunch of the beasts?

Thinking about it, Bei suddenly realized that his thoughts were being taken away by Li Zedao. He was so depressed that he couldn't do it anymore, and said coldly: "Why do they move the whole village away? It's none of my business? I only care about the whereabouts of Shang. It seems that he If you haven’t returned to this village, even if you did, you would have left long ago.”

Li Zedao looked up at the surrounding mountains, and said in a firm tone: "No, he must have come back here, and, in all likelihood, he is with the villagers in this village, and these villagers are also in his Make arrangements to leave the village and find another place."

Bei frowned: "How do you know?"

"Feeling plus speculation." Li Zedao looked at her and said seriously.

"..." Bei wanted to kill someone.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Think about it, if a family or two move away, it is understandable, or if you are tired of staying in the village and want to see the outside world, but moving the village is a big deal Yes, why did they leave? Because their lives were threatened, and it was a very serious one! The only things that can threaten their lives are natural disasters and man-made disasters. Do you think natural disasters are possible? Even if it is possible...would it be too coincidental? Is it one o'clock? The natural disaster that wiped us out appeared as soon as we came here? So, it can only be a man-made disaster."

Bei frowned tightly: "You mean... Huang Ye?" She suddenly remembered that Li Zedao had just asked her a question that she hadn't answered. Li Zedao asked her that you think Huang Wen and Dong What kind of people are they.

Bei already had the answer to this question in her heart, and she even belonged to the same kind of person as them.

Most of the time, they are bloodthirsty, moody, and regard life as worthless. That is to say, when they find this wolf village, even if they have not returned to this wolf village, they will kill everyone in this village. , and then collect their ghosts to develop ghost pills.

It's not that they haven't done this kind of massacre, and there are quite a few times! Of course, the massacres were mainly foreigners, such as islanders, or hooligans and radicals from countries that were very unfriendly to China, and many of them died at their hands.

So, Shang has indeed been back here, and he knows the bloodthirsty and cruelty of Huang Ye and his group of people very well, so he directly moved the whole village and took them to a safe place!

After trying to understand this matter, Bei's face was already full of murderous intent, he looked at Li Zedao and said, "So, we are late?"

Li Zedao shook his head: "Although he is a master, such a master will lead more than 60 people, and among the more than 60 people, there must be women, children, old and young, and even livestock such as chickens, ducks and dogs. It's only been two or three days since they left, so they can't go far, and they can't really completely leave this place where their ancestors may have lived for hundreds of years or even longer, so the only possibility is that they are hiding here Somewhere in the mountains, hidden and unknown."

As he said that, Li Zedao pointed to the surrounding mountains: "Hiding for ten days and half a month, they will come back when the man-made disaster is eliminated."

Bei thought for a while, and felt that Li Zedao's analysis made sense, and said coldly, "So... we have to wait here for ten days and a half months?"

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "Ten days and a half months, I said casually,

Do you think it might be ten days and a half months before you feel safe and let them come back? Food, livestock and other things were taken away, which proved that the government made them fight a protracted war. Maybe they would not come back for two or three months. "

Bei was stunned for a moment: "Then go up the mountain to search?"

Unknowingly, she seemed to regard Li Zedao as the backbone, and asked Li Zedao what he meant to let him make up his mind. Of course, she didn't realize this herself.

Li Zedao smiled wryly again, and said, "What kind of person is your superior?"

"Cruel, treacherous and cunning." Bei blurted out without even thinking about it. After thinking about it, he added in a cold tone, "We are all similar."

"Yeah, he is cruel, cunning and cunning, otherwise he wouldn't have poisoned his accomplices." Li Zedao said, "Such a person chose to remove the villagers and protect them instead of ignoring their lives, which is enough to see the village The people here are important to him, such a person is determined to protect them, and he knows how terrifying the enemy he is going to face, so do you think he will be easy for us to find?"

Li Zedao pointed to the mountains with deep clouds all around him: "Besides, where should we start looking? Is the mountain in the east or the west? Or is it in the south? This mountain is so big, we are born again For those who are not familiar with it, search it from the beginning to the end, it will take us a month to relax, right? Well, even if you find him in the end, if he doesn’t fight with us and takes us all over the mountain, you can’t do anything to him Isn't it?"

Bei was furious, and his face was full of murderous intent: "Then what do you say?" They didn't have that much time to spend here, you know, when they left, Huang Wen said that it would take fifteen days at most , there must be a result, and now, it has already taken four or five days.

"Why don't you contact Huang Wen? Just say that Bei is not here, and then we can go back. How nice." Li Zedao said.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao as if he was looking at a dead person, then raised his long legs and kicked Li Zedao across the face.

Li Zedao was taken aback, and hurriedly took a step back, narrowly dodging her attack, and said helplessly, "I said, why do you want to hit someone again, and I didn't provoke you."

"You asked me to lie to Master Huang." Bei Leng said coldly.

"...How about I come and tell him?" Li Zedao wanted to vomit blood, this girl is the old man's brainless fan! Besides, it's a white lie, okay? White that a lie? Yeah?

"I won't lie with you." Bei retracted his long legs wrapped in black leather pants, and said coldly.

"Then what do you want?" Li Zedao was so depressed that he was dying.

"Find it, kill him, and get the stone."

Li Zedao waved his hand and said angrily: "Then you can look for it yourself, or wait here for a few months until those villagers show up, and then threaten them to force you to show up or even find a knife to wipe your own. , or go into the mountains and find it slowly, I will go back first."

Then, Li Zedao waved his hand at the woman, turned around and left simply and gracefully.

"You..." Bei stunned and shouted, "If you dare to leave, we will kill your whole family!"

Li Zedao stopped suddenly, turned around suddenly, his face was extremely cold, and said word by word: "The thing I hate the most is that others use people around me to threaten me. I am very angry when you say that!"

"And then?" Bei's eyes were fearless, and he looked at Li Zedao coldly, with a fierce murderous aura already exuding from his whole body. She knew very clearly that the other party was already angry, and even had killing intent towards herself... so what? Just kill you.

"Then... as a woman, how can you provoke a man in this environment? Are you not afraid that I will rape you first and then kill you, or that I will rape you first?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes and laughed. A face full of evil.

Is this being threatened or being... molested? Bei's cold expression froze in an instant, and he said in a cold and vicious tone, "You...damn it, I'll kill you!"

Then, the two long legs tensed suddenly, and the body jumped up high, and the black leather boots on the feet kicked towards Li Zedao's face.

"I might be able to find it in a few days, or even a day." Li Zedao ignored the kick that was kicking towards his face, and said casually, and even yawned.

The leather boots stopped abruptly about ten centimeters away from Li Zedao, and then slowly retracted.

"After you find him, I will kill you!" Bei said murderously.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Whatever you want... Anyway, you are not my opponent!"

"..." Bei regretted why he stopped his attack abruptly just now, and just knocked his annoying face down with a kick.

Then, Li Zedao already had an embarrassed expression on his face: "Besides, maybe, you fell in love with me before leaving this place, you know, my charm is very great, the highest level of being tall, rich and handsome Ah, no woman can resist my charm. Are you a woman? If you are, you can't resist. If you don't believe me, let's bet a dollar...Of course, if you are not a woman, just pretend I didn't say this. "

Bei's body trembled extremely, and he felt something dripping from the corner of his mouth. He gave Li Zedao a hard look, then turned around and left. If she didn't leave, she really couldn't help it and ignored all the consequences. Chop this guy up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Li Zedao shouted. The expression is very proud, motherfucker, fight with me.

Bei didn't look back, and didn't say anything to Li Zedao, she went straight to an adobe wall, and kicked it out.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Then, the wall began to crack, followed by a loud "Boom!", the entire adobe house collapsed and dust billowed.

"I will kill you, I will!" She turned her head and stared at Li Zedao firmly, just like looking at a dead person.

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