The great Mr. Lu Xun said that there is no road in this world, and if there are too many people walking, the road will become a road.

Therefore, because there are traces of people walking here, this is a road, although this road is full of thorns and weeds, and maybe even poisonous insects are hiding in the weeds, ready to kill you hit.

Li Zedao walked very slowly. After taking a step, sometimes he had to stop for more than a minute, looking around, not knowing what he was looking for.

Bei just thought he was putting on a show, and didn't think much about it, besides, she was still silently calculating the distance in her heart, she never thought that she would be so bored that she would bet with him, oh my god, what did I do? Time to do such a naive thing?

However, no matter what you can't lose! No matter what you say, you can't help him beat his back! Therefore, Bei felt that he had to take the initiative to calculate the walking distance, and he must not give this bastard any chance to play tricks!

However, she was very relieved to mutter in her heart that she had advanced ninety-eight meters, and Li Zedao in front had already walked ninety-nine meters, as long as he moved forward a step or two, the bet would have been won!

"Hey, it's ninety-nine meters!" She reminded coldly, with a hint of schadenfreude in her tone, bastard, just wait to kneel down and slap yourself ten slaps and then apologize to me!

Hearing this, Li Zedao retracted the leg that was raised to step out, then turned around, looked at the woman like an idiot, and threw back the instrument in his hand to her: "Look for yourself."

Bei stretched out his hand to catch it, and glanced at the instrument with some doubts, his eyes widened suddenly, only to see that there were three LED lights flashing red on the instrument, instead of the original two.

So, lost the bet? So you really want to help him... beat his back? What are you kidding? At this moment, Bei really had the urge to kill him. If he killed him, there would be no such thing as a bet, would it?

Then she suddenly thought of something, her brows furrowed all of a sudden, and an extremely fierce murderous aura emanated from her whole body.

After putting away the instrument, she scanned the surroundings vigilantly. If an LED was on, it meant that Shang was lurking around, and maybe she was about to give them a fatal blow, so she couldn't help but pay attention to it. After all, she knew very well that Shang Strength.

"Let's go." Li Zedao said.

"Go...are you going in the wrong direction?" The muscles on Bei's face twitched violently. Why do you want to go back because you are right in front?

"Tell me, did the blind man in the dense forest wake up after you anesthetized him with an anesthetic needle?" Li Zedao asked with a frown.

"..." I couldn't keep up with the other party's thinking at all, and I didn't know what the other party was talking about or what they were doing, so Bei felt that he was going crazy, and the muscles on his face twitched even more.

"Go and have a look, if it doesn't work, I'm thinking of other ways." Li Zedao seemed to be muttering to himself, turning sideways around the north and leaving.

Beishen sighed, as if looking at Li Zedao's back, as if he was looking at a dead person, and then continued to move forward. Since you are afraid of death and danger, why don't you keep approaching, I will go by myself!

Then, Bei found that her arm was suddenly grabbed tightly by a powerful big hand.

In an instant, Bei's body stiffened suddenly, and then there seemed to be a breath like electric current flowing from her grasped arm, and finally swept her whole body, crisp and numb. Yes, that feeling has never been felt before.

Then, she came to her senses, she turned her head, her face was as cold as ice for a thousand years, her arm had never been grabbed by a man like this, never! Immediately, his eyes looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at a dead person, and said word by word: "You... court death!"

"...Shouldn't I just grab your arm? Is it that serious? Or let you grab mine too?" Li Zedao said angrily, "Besides, you think you are willing to grab you. If I don't grab you, Maybe we're all going to die!"

"Let go!" Bei shouted angrily.

She can't listen to anything now, she just wants to kill... It doesn't matter if she doesn't, but at least he has to chop off his claws!

Once his boots were touched by this guy, even if he didn't throw them out of the yard in the end, Bei didn't want it anymore, but now, his arm was touched...chopped off? What are you kidding? So, I can only chop off his!

"Let go, let go!" Li Zedao muttered, letting go of her arm.

The moment Li Zedao let go, Bei had already launched an attack, the fiercest attack!

She punched Li Zedao's face, and at the same time, that long leg kicked Li Zedao's crotch! Simultaneous attacks from the upper and lower routes did not have the slightest effect.

You know, when we punch out, the gravity of the body will tilt towards the fist, and it is difficult for the feet to keep up at the same time. Even if you can keep up, you will be constrained by speed and strength.

She attacks both up and down at the same time, it looks inconspicuous, and it doesn't seem to be a big deal. In fact, the operation of the brain and the coordination of the human body are extremely demanding. Of course, the lethality is also extremely powerful. , or his face will be flattened, or he will become a eunuch.

Of course, the feet are long, so the crotch will be hit first!

"Damn, did you really kill me? If you don't show any color to you, it seems to have given you the illusion that I'm really afraid of you?" In a flash, Li Zedao quickly counterattacked while his thoughts were rushing.

His hands were like lightning, and he hugged Bei's long legs wrapped in leather pants that were facing his crotch directly in his arms.

So the current Bei's posture is that one foot is on the ground, the other foot is lifted up, and Li Zedao hugs him tightly in his arms. He is almost in the state of a "horse".

Then, Li Zedao tilted his head, and avoided Bei's subsequent punch very simply.

At the same time, Li Zedao's anger has already been aroused, damn it, is that place you can touch? You are not my woman! So Li Zedao was very angry, and whenever he got angry, he wanted to take revenge! He... the other hand stroked the leg.

Bei's eyes were widened as she was thinking of continuing to attack. For a while, she felt her body numb and itchy, extremely uncomfortable, and her already stiff face turned red hot.

In fact, she really wanted to yell at the other party to let go of her legs quickly, but for some reason, her mouth was closed tightly, Yin Fang could only clenched tightly, and there was no way to open her mouth at all.

Then, when she felt the other party's big hand slipping to the base of her thigh, although she was still wearing leather pants, her body trembled slightly.

Then, Li Zedao clenched his fist with the hand that was stroking, and in the next second he punched Bei's... in the crotch!

Tat for tat! If I see you in the future, I want to kick other people's crotch if I don't look at it casually... It's even worse to burn it! Thinking of Lao Wang's miserable situation, Li Zedao felt inexplicably cold under his crotch.

This move is both shameless and shameless, and it breaks through the bottom line of a man's rogue and shameless...Of course, Li Zedao doesn't think so. In his opinion, this woman can kick him wherever he wants, so why can't he What about beating up women? Yes, why?

And the effect of this punch is naturally very obvious. After all, it is not only the most vulnerable place for men, but also for women, although Li Zedao didn't use too much strength!

Received such an unprecedented and extremely insulting attack, Bei could only feel blood rushing up, her brain simply crashed, and her whole body was paralyzed... her other foot was also She couldn't support her body anymore, so when Li Zedao let go of her long legs, she collapsed directly into Li Zedao's arms. Yes, she was now tightly hugged by Li Zedao.

I don't know if it was because she was shot hard or because she was stunned...Anyway, although she really wanted to get up in his arms and even kill someone, she couldn't move.

"You haven't answered my question yet? Is that blind bear awake?" Li Zedao's voice rang in her ears.

Then, Bei realized that he was really anxious and angry, so anxious that he wanted to cry, and so angry that he wanted to vomit blood! This guy dared to do such an unreasonable thing to himself, he really deserved to die, so she was very straightforward, she punched Li Zedao's temple, Li Zedao's reaction speed was different from ordinary people, and he blocked it with the same arm .

Then, she punched Li Zedao in the face again, and Li Zedao also struck like lightning, knocking off her slender arm that had slowed down a lot in panic.

She still refused to give up, her feet tensed and her knees slammed into Li Zedao's crotch!

Blood for blood! Tat for tat! If you dare to hit my sister, I will kill your brother!

Li Zedao has already eaten this woman thoroughly. Besides, because he took a Ghost Pill No. 2 before departure, even though his skills could not be doubled, he has improved somewhat, and beating this woman is no longer a problem at all. , so when the opponent's knee pushed against his crotch again, he very simply went over with one knee.

"Bang!" Two knees collided fiercely.

pain! Heartbreaking pain! The pain was so painful that Bei, who never knew what tears were, was about to cry. Why is this bastard's knee so hard? Made of iron?

"Stop making trouble, it's important to do business, or I'll be rude to you." Li Zedao said angrily.

"..." Beizhen was so angry that he almost fainted. He said that he was making trouble after he did such an exaggerated thing to himself?

She roared murderously: "Let go of me... let go of me... damn you, I'll kill you..."

"Can you change the lines?" Li Zedao said angrily, "It sounds like I want to hug you very much. The whole body is cold and hard. What's there to hug?"

"..." Bei felt that the sum of all the humiliation and pain he had suffered since childhood was not as much as it is now.

Speaking of which, Li Zedao expressed his disgust and let go of this body that was actually very hot and soft.

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