Bei looked at Li Zedao no differently from looking at a dead person, and was about to pounce on him again, but was shocked to find that his body was already hard and unable to move.

"Unlock my acupuncture points!" She looked at Li Zedao and roared. This guy has this skill, she knows it.

"Let go of you to kill me? Or do you want to kill my penis? I'm not that stupid." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Just stay here, at most three days and three nights The acupuncture point will be untied by itself, of course, if Xiong Xiazi comes and eats you during this period, or appears on the Internet and rapes you first and then kills you, then it has nothing to do with me."

"I won't kill you." Bei compromised, his whole body calmed down, and his little face returned to the coldness it used to be.

"The subtext is that you won't let go of my penis?" Li Zedao looked like you thought I was an idiot.

"...I won't do that." Bei's stiff body was shaking, thinking that this guy is not stupid, isn't that nonsense? I have to avenge my sister!

As soon as he thought of being humiliated by him just now, Bei really had an urge to want the other party to die and die again, and then die again ninety-nine times and eighty-one times.



Li Zedao looked at this delicate little face seriously, and thought for a while: "I still don't believe in your character."

" damn it, I'll kill you!" Bei almost vomited blood, only felt that his body had become a crater now, and something was about to erupt at any time.

"Why don't you swear?" Li Zedao looked at her with a smile and put forward his suggestion.

Bei shut up and stopped talking, the way he looked at Li Zedao was no different from looking at a dead person.

"Forget it, let's not embarrass you anymore, who made me a good person?" Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders, and still untied the acupuncture points on her body, what else can I do if I don't understand? It's impossible for her to swear, and she can't really leave her here and pat her ass away, right?

Bei moved his somewhat stiff body, and wanted to pounce on Li Zedao, and then chopped up the bastard to feed Xiong Xiazi, but when he remembered his strangely smiling eyes, he knew that if he really dared to do that , once it accidentally falls into his hands again, this pervert will definitely use even more perverted and insulting methods to humiliate himself.

Gritting his teeth tightly, he said, "One day, I will kill you."

Li Zedao chuckled, and said shamelessly, "Impossible, maybe you already have a crush on me now, and you will love me even more in the future."

Beidakou took a breath, calmed himself down, then pointed to the road and asked, "Why don't you go there? It's right there."

"I'm not there." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

Bei frowned: "Impossible, isn't the LED light on the instrument already on? It is impossible for this kind of machine to have problems."

I took out the instrument and saw that there were three LED lights flashing on it, two of them were blinking fast and very bright. Naturally, the instrument detected the stone that had been integrated into the tongues of her and Li Zedao, and the other one had a slightly slower frequency. A little, but enough to prove that the location of the detected stone is already very close.

Li Zedao said helplessly, "You are an idiot..."

"You are an idiot!" Bei said angrily. This bastard, insulting his body... Of course he can't forget it, he even insulted his IQ, really damn it!

"Think about it, the two of us have been fighting here for a long time, hugging and that..."

"Shut up! Or I'll kill you!" Bei was so angry that his body began to tremble again. Who hugged you? Only fools hug you!

After glancing at Li Zedao with cold eyes, he thought for a while, yes, if he is around, when he and that bastard are hugging ... endlessly, this is an excellent opportunity to attack, even if it is If you don't show up, it's okay to shoot coldly,

But he didn't do anything, why?

"Come on, come out!" Bei glanced around a few times with cold eyes, and shouted loudly.

"Stop shouting, I told you he's not here." Li Zedao said helplessly, "If he was here, he would be hiding within ten meters from us, and we wouldn't be able to find it?"

"How is this possible? This instrument..."

"The instrument is correct. There is indeed a yellow stone nearby." Li Zedao looked around and said.

Bei was stunned for a moment: "Another stone appeared?"

Li Zedao took a look at her breasts tightly wrapped in leather clothes, and thought that the words of big breasts and no brains were actually quite reasonable. Of course, such words were just thought about, and could not be said.

Immediately explained patiently: "Elder sister, if there is such a stone here, it would have been found and taken away by the superiors long ago, and will it be left there for you to find?"

Bei's mind was also messed up, staring at Li Zedao coldly and asked in displeasure: "Then what's going on?" I was really depressed to death, she was usually very smart, how could she be with this guy? become stupid? I can't figure out many things.

"To put it simply, after killing Xi to get the stone, he didn't integrate the stone into his tongue. Now the stone we detected is the one that Shang took from Xi." Li Zedao said .

Bei frowned: "How is this possible?" After all, the most important thing for Shang to do after escaping was to hide and improve his own abilities, so they all believed that Shang must be impatient to integrate the stone into his tongue Yes, and also took the ghost pill given by Master Huang.

"Why is this impossible?" Li Zedao pointed to the instrument in Bei's hand and said, "If I go up, after some consideration, I will definitely not integrate the stone into my tongue. Do you have nothing to do to expose your traces?"

Bei was stunned, yes, why didn't she think of this? Not only she didn't expect it, Dong and the others didn't expect it either, they all decided that the master must have impatiently integrated the stone into his tongue and then took the ghost pill to improve their own abilities, but they didn't think at all that if it was integrated into the stone, it would be easier to expose themselves trail.

"So there must be a trap set by Bei that can kill us, and that stone is a deadly bait. If we walk a few steps forward, that trap might be triggered." Li Zedao looked at the front with a slight expression He said solemnly, "I just don't know what kind of trap he set."

"So, at this time, Shang is hiding somewhere to monitor our every move, waiting for us to fall into the trap he set?" Bei frowned and glanced around, but there was no such The feeling of being watched.

Li Zedao shook his head: "I'm not sure about that." He didn't feel like he was being spied on either. He wasn't an expert like Mr. Pete or Huang Wen. If he was watching around, they would definitely feel it. In addition, there was no hidden camera in the surrounding grass. If there was one, it would definitely not be able to escape their eyes.

So Li Zedao actually didn't understand what the hell was going on here. The only thing he knew was that as he was moving forward, in all likelihood, a big hole had already been dug and he was about to bury them.

"So, you want that black bear to come forward to explore the way?" Bei frowned and asked, no wonder this guy just asked her if the blind bear in the dense forest, who was anesthetized by her with an anesthetic needle, woke up. This kind of idea, but this is a good way.

"If you don't want the bear to die, you can go explore the way." Li Zedao laughed.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao as if he was looking at a dead person and said, "The effect of the anesthetic lasts at least five hours. After that, we spent an hour walking through the dense forest, and stayed here for about two hours."

Therefore, the bear had to sleep for two hours. Li Zedao nodded and said, "Let's go then, and we'll talk about it after carrying the bear who is still sleeping soundly."

Bei nodded in agreement.

Now the two stopped talking nonsense, left the trail, went back to the big rock at the entrance of the village, and then entered the dense forest again. This time, because they knew the route, they were not afraid of any danger hidden ahead as before. Walking slowly, but rushing forward quickly, so the journey that originally took more than an hour has now arrived in less than 20 minutes.

Just as Bei said, the effect of the anesthetic is still there, so the blind bear who weighs more than three hundred catties is still sleeping soundly there.

"This is a second-class protected animal in the country. If it died, you wouldn't report to the police uncle, would you?" Li Zedao looked at Bei with a smile and asked.

Bei Xiang glanced at Li Zedao like an idiot, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with this bastard.

Li Zedao smiled and didn't care. He walked up to him, picked it up, and then the two of them rushed back. In less than half an hour, they arrived at the entrance of the village, which was more than ten meters high and looked like a small mountain bag. It looks like a big rock there.

"Put it at the intersection, I'll wake it up, and let it be in an extremely violent state, and then run forward." Bei said, and took out the needle and medicine from the backpack.

She is a doctor of insects. When she came back to the deep mountains and old forests, she naturally brought a lot of things with her, such as the empty glass bottles, and *, Li Zedao didn't know what kind of potion it was.

According to Li Zedao, he threw the unlucky black bear who was still sleeping soundly at the intersection of the path, and when he was ready, he pierced the needle into the top of the bear's head, and then pushed the medicine in the needle into the black bear's body .

"After two minutes, the bear will wake up and be in a state of rage. It will become extremely aggressive, at least twice what you encountered before." Bei said.

Li Zedao smiled: "Then we have to stay away, I don't want to fight with such a bear."

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