The two quickly retreated to the big rock more than ten meters high, and then quietly stared at the blind bear lying on the ground.

Soon, the black bear's body moved, and then got up from the ground. Immediately afterwards, the bear seemed to be very frenzied, circling in circles, its paws slapping the surrounding ground continuously, and then let out that A deafening roar.

"Wait, we seem to... have overlooked one thing..." Li Zedao looked at the black bear that was getting more and more angry, swallowed his saliva and whispered to Bei who was beside him, "We don't seem to be able to guarantee that the black bear will definitely go to that one." Run wildly on the hillside?"

Bei also froze for a moment, and then said very irresponsibly: "I'm only responsible for making it wake up and be in a state of rage."

"...Damn it, it's rushing this way!" The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently.

But I saw the big black bear, which was completely in a rage, roaring and rushing towards the big rock where Li Zedao and the others were standing, while roaring and sticking out its big butt. Obviously, what does it smell like with its extremely strong sense of smell? There was a frightening fierce light in the scarlet eyes, and the chubby body was like a moving bunker, with the posture of dying together.

"Wait here, I'll lead him over." Li Zedao looked at Bei and said responsibly, there's no way, who made him a man? Well, in fact, the most important thing is that it is impossible for this woman to go, so she might as well take the initiative.

"You were supposed to go." Bei said coldly.


Li Zedao was too lazy to waste time talking with this woman who deserved a beating, and immediately rushed to meet the rushing bear.

Originally, the distance was not too far, and the speed of both sides was extremely fast, so in an instant, one person and one bear were already facing each other, and they were about to collide violently like two fast-moving cars.

"Aw..." The black bear roared with an earth-shattering roar, crushing the human who was rushing towards it with a posture of dying together, and was about to knock this human into the air and tear him to pieces.

Li Zedao is not that stupid to confront this irritable bear head-on, besides, he didn't rush out to fight this stupid bear, his legs tensed suddenly, his body was already like a The roc soared into the sky like a bird, passed over the top of Xiong Xiazi's head in an instant, and finally landed firmly on the ground, but instead of continuing to run wildly, he stopped and turned back to wait for the bear that was braking rapidly. , the bear already knew it, and the human had jumped behind it.

"Aw..." It roared, stopped hard, groaned, stabilized its body, turned around suddenly, then opened its fangs and roared, and rushed towards Li Zedao again, with a look of not tearing the opponent apart. The posture of not giving up.

Li Zedao turned around and ran, leading the bear to that road. Of course, he controlled his speed, so he had to wait for the bear, right?

At the same time, Bei leaned his back against the boulder, even took out a cigarette and a lighter, lit them, and took a puff in a cold and easy way, and said in a cold tone: "Two bears!"

One person and one bear, one in front and one behind, rushed into the small mountain road.

Just now, when Li Zedao and Nanji came in, they probably advanced a distance of nearly 100 meters, did not trigger the so-called mechanism, and did not encounter any danger. It is conceivable that the first 100 meters are safe, but after that Whether it's safe or not, Li Zedao doesn't know, so he won't take risks.

Therefore, after rushing into the small mountain road, in just a few seconds, Li Zedao had already rushed to the place about a hundred meters away from where he had stopped before, and then his feet stopped suddenly, and then his legs squatted slightly, stretched Immediately after that, he jumped up on the spot.

"Oh..." After Li Zedao jumped up on the spot, the black bear rushed towards him at a fast speed, and then continued to run forward. Of course, it must have discovered that cunning human being fled behind it again, but it was too big and bulky,

In addition, the speed is also fast, so naturally it has to move forward for a certain distance, so that there is a way to stop and then turn around and continue to attack that damned human.

At the same time, Li Zedao had already landed steadily, but he stared at the bear running forward with wide eyes. He really wanted to know what the hell was going on with this boss, whether it was as he had guessed that Shang really set up a plan in front of him. A trap enough to destroy them.

If not... That woman would definitely despise herself to death, right?

At this moment, when the bear continued to run forward for about ten meters and then stopped clumsily, planning to turn around to settle accounts with that human being, Li Zedao suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart. Unexpectedly, the figure retreated sharply.

But, it's too late!

Suddenly there was a violent explosion at the position where the bear was, and the whole bear of more than 300 kilograms was turned into a pile of minced meat, and a blood rain fell in the air!

But, it's not over yet!

"Boom! Boom..." The sound of explosions continued, and the entire path exploded, and the flames shot up into the sky in an instant. At the same time, many large rocks fell from the mountain on the side.

At the same time, Bei, who was leaning back on the boulder, smoking a cigarette leisurely and watching the excitement, saw that the trail suddenly exploded continuously, not to mention the flames soaring into the sky, and the boulders on the back of the mountain were still falling down. When she fell, her mind froze suddenly, her heart twitched suddenly, and the cigarette had already slipped from between her slender and white index finger and the middle.

he died?

At this moment, an extremely bad feeling suddenly surged in her heart. With the premonition ability of danger, her body rushed forward violently.

Immediately afterwards, another series of explosions of "Boom! Boom! Boom..." sounded.

There were several big explosions around the position where Bei was standing before, and several pieces of the ten-meter-high boulder were instantly exploded, and the rocks flew wildly.

Although Bei had a premonition of danger and sprinted forward for a certain distance, he was finally affected by the aftermath of the extremely powerful explosion. Under the attack of the heat wave, he flew out directly, and finally fell heavily on the ground. A big rock fell down and hit her back directly. Although the big backpack helped her block it, the rock was too big and heavy, so she still suffered serious injuries.

"Hmm..." Bei opened her mouth, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

At that moment, she only felt that her ears were buzzing, she was extremely dizzy, and her whole body was burning hot, as if her flesh and blood had been blasted all over her body, and the big stone was still pressing heavily on her back There, plus the injury was too serious, he couldn't get up in a daze.

At the same time, the explosions continued, and huge explosions occurred in every corner of the entire village, and the entire village was completely engulfed in flames.

Just when this big explosion happened, on the peak of the big mountain in the south, in the dense forest, from this angle, you can clearly see the extremely tragic and shocking scene of this explosion.

Three men appeared here, all staring at the explosion through binoculars in their hands.

It wasn't until the explosion happened that they started to use binoculars to stare at the village below, because they knew how powerful the man and woman in the village were. Once they stared at them through the binoculars, they would definitely notice everything. Yes, this is not conducive to the progress of the plan.

"Oh, it's really spectacular. John, the recognized new generation God of Gamblers, John, the so-called God of Cooking, and Li Zedao, the apprentice of the Hand of God, must have been blown into pieces by now, right?" One of the men said With a gloating smile on his face, he spoke English with a strong London accent.

"Oh, we can't jump to conclusions so quickly. After all, he is a master of our level. When we face such a sudden huge explosion, we will definitely be aware of it and take some self-protection actions. Of course they are no exception." Another man said, "However, even if he didn't die, he must have suffered serious injuries."

The man wearing sunglasses standing in the front looked away from the binoculars, then looked at the group with an indifferent expression, the thick smoke, and heard the muffled noise from time to time, he said: "Brother Karen is right. , in such a strong explosion, if they didn't die, they were seriously injured...then...oh, Mr. Karen, it's time for us to put out the fire."

"Haha, oh, yes, come on, my dear, it's time for us to put out the fire." Karen said with a cruel smile, and then took out a remote control from his arms, pointed at the red button on it, and pressed down.

There is a natural waterfall on the mountain in the east, and there is a deep pool on the top of the mountain. Several streams of water come together continuously, and the water in the pool overflows, forming a waterfall with a huge drop.

Now they have placed an extremely powerful gun in front of the dam of the deep pool, and that gun will blow up the dam in an instant. Once the huge deep pool loses the barrier of the dam, the water in the pool will be raging And down, the small mountain village at the foot of the mountain will be washed into ruins in an instant.

And the remote control that detonates the gun is in the hands of Karen, this is what they call fire fighting!

As Karen pressed the button, "Boom!" Another muffled sound came from the east direction, and then, "Boom..." Hong's explosive sound came over.

Then, a huge white curtain poured down from the mountain in the east, as if it was going to cover the whole land!

The huge water wave rushed to the foot of the mountain very quickly, engulfing the small village that was still burning fiercely in an instant, and then continued to wash away in the direction of the dense forest!

"Oh, this is really spectacular. Now, they must have seen God." Karen said, with an astonished expression.

Staring at the flood with cold eyes, he didn't respond, and stretched out his hand to his crotch, not daring to touch it, because it was so hot there, like a fire.

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