Look at the two instruments in your hand at this time, one of which is naturally the one in Beishou. Once that kind of stone appears within a radius of 100 meters, the LED light on it will start to flash. The closer the distance, the brighter the light , the faster the flashing frequency, and the other is a mobile phone, the screen on which can display the specific location of the tracker tied to the stone. [Feng\\/Huang\\/Novel.com updates fast, no pop-up window, please search for f/h/xiao/shuo/c/o/m]

Turn on the phone right now, tap the screen a few times, and soon, a picture similar to a map appeared on the screen, and a small red dot flashed there.

After scanning the screen for a few times, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "I found it."

Then he looked up and glanced around, identified the direction, then put away the instrument in his hand, took out a small strong flashlight, put on the mask and breathing air that had been prepared in advance, and then turned to the Leap out of the water.

"Plop!" There was a muffled sound, water splashed everywhere, and then, the whole person disappeared on the water.

Half an hour later, the water that had calmed down suddenly splashed everywhere, and the figure above appeared there, and then, he quickly returned to the shore, and put the mask and respirator on his face Take it off, and then stare at a box made of thick iron in your hand with slightly bright eyes.

At that moment, he let out a soft breath, tore off the iron lock on the box, opened the box, and with the light from the small flashlight beside him, his eyes flickered with an inexplicable glint to look at the tracker lying inside. Stones bound together.

Reaching out to take it out, he removed the tracker on the stone, threw it away, opened his mouth, and was about to put the stone into his mouth, letting it melt into his tongue.

After hesitating for a while, he didn’t say anything in the end. He thought to himself, on the premise that the bodies of Bei and Li Zedao were not found, the matter could not be regarded as a perfect ending. Impossible, but let's find the body first.

After thinking for a while, he carefully put away the stone, then opened the waterproof backpack on his back, took out the instrument, his eyes lit up suddenly, and saw two LED lights flashing red on the instrument, one of them The stone is very bright, and the frequency of flickering is extremely fast, naturally it is because he has such a stone on his body.

The flickering frequency of the other LED light is much slower, and it is also very dark. This proves that there is Li Zedao or Bei's corpse within a range of 100 meters. Of course, it is also possible that the stone has long since disappeared. They rolled out of their mouths, but they were definitely dead anyway.

In that case, I don't think I have any chance of surviving, especially the person who touches the * will definitely turn into a pile of minced meat,

Because there are many extremely powerful guns around, according to Delong and the others, even if Mr. Firefox encounters them, there must be no chance of survival!

Afterwards, there was another flood that followed, so the public almost 100% believed that these two people had already turned into an incomplete corpse, or even a pile of minced meat!

Holding the instrument up, he checked the specific direction in all directions. He found that as long as the instrument was moved forward, the frequency of the LED lights on it would flash a little faster, so the approximate direction was determined in this way.

At the moment, I stared at the LED light on the instrument, and drove forward slowly to ensure that the direction did not deviate too much. As I moved forward bit by bit, the LED light became brighter and flickering The frequency became faster and faster, and at the same time, the expression on his face became more and more excited. He knew that he was getting closer to his goal.

At this moment, with the light from the flashlight, I saw a dark shadow lying there.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he strode forward, his eyes were cold, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised to stare at the corpse. At the same time, as he got closer, the LED light on the instrument also gave off a dazzling light. And flashing quickly.

Yes, it was a corpse, or so the gods thought.

Half of the corpse's body was soaked in the water, and the other half was lying on the wet, cold and stiff ground with its face on the ground, so his face could not be seen.

His body was wet, his clothes had been scratched, there were many scars, and there were many dead branches and leaves on them.

Although I didn't see the face of the corpse, I knew very clearly that it was Li Zedao's corpse, not only because the clothes on his body were already tattered and covered with blood, but I still recognized him, and because other than him There is no one else.

"I have to admit that you are very powerful." The corner of Shang's mouth curled up in an extremely strange way and muttered to himself, "In that kind of big explosion, you can still leave a whole body, amazing... You helped me when that vicious woman in Bei killed me, and you let me go in the end, which saved me a lot of energy. So, seriously, I owe you two favors. The first favor, I still owe you I brought the woman who was imprisoned by those three guys here, and now I'm with my grandpa."

"As for the second favor, then...you can bury it for me. There are beautiful mountains and rivers here, and you can rest in peace, but you can't help you bury them until those two guys see your body. Can't wait to see your corpse..."

"Now, give me the stone in your mouth." Then, he squatted down, stretched out his hand, and was about to turn the corpse over.

However, the moment his hand suddenly touched the corpse, his face changed suddenly, and a very bad feeling was already welling up in his heart, and his body even made quick movements. In response, the hand clenched into a fist and slammed it hard on the head of the corpse.

However, the corpse exploded suddenly, and the speed was faster than him, and it also smelled like a sneak attack, so I felt that my body suddenly became abnormally stiff, and I couldn't move. , the whole person is like a sculpture.

He knew very clearly that the acupuncture points on his body were sealed. This is Li Zedao's great trick. If he is not careful, he will fall into his way, and then completely lose his resistance and become a lamb. Now , he was caught and turned into a lamb.

The upper eyeballs turned to look at Li Zedao, who was already squatting there, washing his hands and scooping up water to wash his muddy face. His face was full of disbelief, and he asked with great difficulty. : "So... this is a trap?"

How can this be? Yes, how is it possible? How did he survive the bombing and the impact of the flood? And his movements are so fierce and vicious, one can tell that he has not suffered any serious injuries!

Well, if it is said that he was lucky with shit, so he survived and did not suffer too much damage, it is still acceptable to do so much, after all, in a person's life, he will still step on shit several times in his life.

But what happened to him lying there to lure himself into the bait? His every move is within his calculations? This makes the boss completely unbearable, he is the hunter, isn't he? He perfectly turned into Lao Wang, fooled them hard, and dug such a big hole to bury them, but in the end...it seemed to be him who was buried.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came, and by the light of the flashlight he dropped aside, he saw a beautiful figure appearing in front of him.

Then, his eyeballs widened again, and his face was dull.

north! It turned out to be North! This woman is not dead? Her small face is still so delicate, her expression is still so indifferent, it doesn't look like she has suffered much damage!

"Yes, this is a trap." Li Zedao said with a cold smile after washing his face.

Originally Li Zedao wanted Bei to be the bait, but Bei didn't agree or refute, but just stared at him indifferently, so Li Zedao knew that this bait could only be used by himself, and then he reluctantly lay on the bed Been dead there for most of the day.

"Say, should I call you Mr. Shang or Old Wang?" Li Zedao looked at Shang and asked. This is the first time he sees himself. This is a public face, not surprising, but Li Zedao is not so sure whether he is wearing a human skin mask now.

Bei smiled wryly, it seemed that he knew everything, otherwise he would not have been able to dig such a hole for himself to jump into. After all, he still underestimated this guy who had been completely transformed by Shenmaru.

In fact, when I was in Xitiao Township, when I saw that Li Zedao had also participated in it, I felt a bit of a bad feeling in my heart for a certain moment, but it was just because of the strong confidence in myself, this kind of bad feeling The feeling was quickly thrown aside by him.

"Of course, no matter what, thank you for this super gift. I was almost blown to death by a bomb, and then almost choked to death by water. Bei was even more unlucky than me. Her..."

Bei looked at Li Zedao coldly, and interrupted him: "Shut up, or I'll kill you."

Li Zedao apologized and shut up obediently.

Bei took his eyes back from Li Zedao, stared up indifferently, then picked up the instrument that had fallen aside at this time, with three LED lights flashing red quickly, and asked coldly: " Did the stone melt into your tongue?"

"No, it's on me." She said with a bitter smile on her face, and she was secretly glad that if she had really integrated the stone into her tongue just now, then this woman would definitely chop herself up without hesitation, of course Well, he probably doesn't have much time to live.

Bei stretched out his hand, groped on him, found the stone, and carefully put it away. He was secretly relieved that this operation was successfully completed.

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