The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1335 I am the victim

"I really want to know how you escaped. In that case, I don't think you have the ability to escape." Shang looked at Bei with bitterness on his face. Since he was going to die, he had to die clearly, right? doesn't seem to make any sense.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao, but did not speak. She knew very clearly that if it was not Li Zedao who came back this time, but Dong and the others, they would have died here long ago.

Because they will not be so cautious, their reasoning ability, association ability and control of details are not so perverted, they will not think of letting that big bear jump the big hole that was dug for them... Or in other words, they would never have imagined that there was such a big hole there, and their previous pride would only make them firmly believe that they were doomed!

Li Zedao smiled slightly and said, "You can tell by looking at my face."

The supervisor looked at Li Zedao's face very seriously for a while, then shook his head and said, "I still don't know."

Li Zedao pointed to his face and explained seriously: "This is a very handsome face, so Lady Luck was deeply attracted by my face and fell in love with me, so, I am in Lady Luck With the help of him, he escaped smoothly, it's that simple."

Hearing Li Zedao's words, he already felt like a thunderbolt. He was overwhelmed by Li Zedao's shameless boast.

He had known for a long time that Li Zedao was a thick-skinned and shameless guy, but he didn't expect that he was much more shameless than he imagined.

As Bei listened, that cold and beautiful little face was also twitching, and he really wanted to kick over and kick this extremely shameless guy into the water.

"However, buddy, I have to admit that your thoughts are really scary, and you are also very courageous. You have figured out every move of us people, and you dare to appear in front of us pretending to be the old king. What people admire is that such a dedicated person can continue to act even when the little dick is cooked... Admire, admire." Li Zedao said sincerely, this guy is not going to be an actor. What a loss for show business.

Bei smiled wryly: "Isn't it a complete defeat?" He cursed inwardly, damned lady luck!

"Kill me, but let me go, my grandfather and the villagers, they are all innocent." Looking at Li Zedao, he said. He knew that this man had a soft heart, which could be seen from the fact that he tried to save the crazy woman who was imprisoned by Lao Wang and his three brothers.

Therefore, it seems that the hope of the survival of his grandfather and those dozens of villagers is pinned on this man.

"Why should I kill you?" Li Zedao looked at him and asked strangely.

"...don't kill me?" Shang was stunned for a while.

"Since the stone hasn't melted into your tongue, there's no need to kill you." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Could it be that you want to die?"

He glanced at the woman Bei, then shook his head and said, "Of course I don't want to die if I can live, but..."

"In my eyes, you are already a dead person." Bei coldly interrupted Shang's words.

After understanding what this woman meant, this woman actually planned to let her go? So the look in the eyes of this woman is full of surprise. You know, this woman is a ruthless master. It is very difficult for her to spare their lives. Don't did the style change so much? Influenced by Li Zedao?

"It's not impossible to let you go, but there are two conditions." Li Zedao said, "First, the members of the Rothschild family who helped you must die. Damn it, I was almost killed by theirs." They were killed by the bombing. Now that I think about it, I still have lingering fears, and I think it will be a great trouble for you if they don’t die? Second, I’m afraid you will have to stay in this place honestly from now on, otherwise you will be punished by Master Huang. If someone finds out, you will die, your villagers will suffer, and so will Bei and me.”

The boss nodded: "I understand that members of the Rothschild family, Karen and Deron, were with my grandfather and other villagers in that cave. Of course, they drank too much, so they must still be breathing now. Go to sleep..."

Li Zedao smiled: "I'm afraid it's not because you drank too much, but because you gave him some kind of medicine?"

Bei grinned, acquiescing.

At that moment, Li Zedao stretched out his hand and released the acupuncture points on his upper body.

Standing up and stretching, he said, "Is that how you really let me go? Are you not afraid that I will continue to make trouble in secret?"

Li Zedao smiled sadly: "You can try."

Shrugging his shoulders, he also laughed, but soon, the smile on his face had froze, and a look of pain had appeared on his face. When he raised the hand that had become a little numb, his face changed slightly. He squinted, and saw that there was already a spider lying there behind his arm for some unknown reason.

Obviously, the spider bit his arm hard just now.

He didn't panic and quickly threw the spider away and trampled it to death, but looked at Bei. He was too familiar with this woman's details, so he didn't need to think about it, she must have set the poisonous spider.

"Although this kind of spider is poisonous, at most it will make your body uncoordinated for a few days, and you can't die." Bei looked up and said coldly, took out the glass bottle and tweezers, took off the poisonous spider on his upper hand and put it in Put it in the glass bottle and put it back in the backpack.

Smiling wryly, it's not just physical incoordination, it's also very painful, okay? Didn't you see that I was in so much pain that cold sweat was breaking out on my forehead?

Li Zedao patted his shoulder with sympathy, and wanted to say who made you leave a big hole in this woman's ass, so that this woman can't sit down at all now, and can only sleep on her stomach, this is so Can a stingy woman not take revenge?

Besides, if the spider bites your arm but not your ass or even your penis, you should be laughing.

But noticing the dead-looking eyes cast by Beitou, and really worried that the spider would appear on him in a while, Li Zedao resolutely swallowed what he wanted to say.

"Let's go, I'll take you up the mountain." Shang said. Proposing to take Li Zedao and the others to the secret place where they were hiding was an indirect expression of his position again, and he really didn't intend to make any resistance.

Li Zedao and Bei looked at each other, then smiled and said: "No, I'm so wet and uncomfortable, I want to light a fire to dry it up, and then you can go and deal with the Naxi people of the Rothschild family. , Tomorrow, the water will probably subside almost, and we should leave."

Looking at Li Zedao and nodded, he didn't insist anymore.

"Thank you." He said sincerely.

"Thank you yourself." Li Zedao said.

I understood from the Internet that what Li Zedao was referring to was that he rescued the woman who was imprisoned by Lao Wang's three brothers.

"Then, goodbye, come and find me when you have time, I will treat you to drink the wine made by my grandfather, I promise you like it." Shang said.

"Okay." Li Zedao nodded with a smile.

Shang nodded to the north again, then turned and left, and quickly disappeared into the night.

"I'm surprised that you didn't kill him." Li Zedao looked at Bei and said.

"Why should I kill him?" Bei asked back.

Li Zedao subconsciously looked at her buttocks wrapped in the buttocks, because the pants were scratched by the sharp stone, so you can see a little skin that is easy to daydream.

Bei frowned: "Do you want to die?"

Li Zedao quickly opened his eyes, then ran to find some dry firewood, lit a fire, and planned to dry the wet clothes on his body to pretend to be a dead person.

"I think you can turn around first, I'm going to take off my clothes." Li Zedao looked at Bei and said embarrassedly.

"..." Bei glanced at this guy as if he was looking at a dead person, then turned around and strode away.

"Oh, by the way, don't go too far, and don't come back too late, I can dry the clothes in half an hour, and I will change the dressing for you after I dry the clothes." Li Zedao said, "You It’s not me, the body has its own healing ability, if the dressing is not changed, the wound will be difficult to heal.”

Bei's body trembled violently.

"I'll kill you!" She said murderously, and then turned her head abruptly!

"Ah, what are you doing?" A scream broke the eerie silence around him.

It wasn't Bei who screamed, but Li Zedao!

Then the miserable cry made Bei's head crash again. She stared at Li Zedao with wide-eyed eyes, completely in a state of bewilderment.

Originally, she turned around to let this bastard feel the anger in her heart at this moment, but when she turned around, she was stunned.

The first thing that came into view was Li Zedao...'s body. To be precise, it was Li Zedao's naked body who didn't even know when he didn't even wear pants, so...she saw everything, very clearly.

Just when she was blushing and feeling short of breath and dizzy, this bastard actually covered his lower body and yelled. Did he think he would molest him?

"Hey, keep watching, why don't you turn around quickly?" Li Zedao covered his lower body with his hands, curled up slightly, and shouted with an aggrieved expression, "I'm not the kind of casual person, okay?"

"..." Bei simply bit his lips until the blood dripped, and then he was completely relieved, and then turned around quickly!

Her face was flushed and her heart was beating extremely fast. At the same time, she wanted to kill someone very much, very much!

"Li Zedao, I will definitely kill you!" She said murderously, then stomped her feet heavily, and left as if fleeing for her life.

Li Zedao's expression was even more aggrieved, and he muttered to himself: "Why are you so unreasonable? Obviously I am the victim."

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