The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1337 General Wolf

"Just to tell me about this?" Li Zedao smiled. Not only is this guy not stupid, but on the contrary, his thoughts are extremely meticulous and terrifying. How could he spare the lives of those guys from the Rothschild family? So Li Zedao knew very clearly that even if he didn't mention it, he would kill them.

"This matter... I just mentioned it by the way." Shang said with a smile.

Li Zedao was a little puzzled: "Then..."

"My grandfather is also the patriarch of this small village, he wants to see you." Shang said.

"Uh..." Li Zedao was even more puzzled, "Your grandpa wants to see me? Have I met your grandpa before? Or do you have younger sisters and sisters who can't get married, and then you mentioned something like me to your grandpa?" When you were a handsome guy, your grandfather was tempted and planned to marry them to me?"

"..." Standing behind Li Zedao, Bei Jian began to habitually shameless again, and almost kicked him. If you don't kick such a lowly person, you will feel sorry for yourself.

"...I don't have a younger sister." Feeling helpless, he shrugged his shoulders, "As for why the old man wants to see you, I don't know very well. I just mentioned you to him, and then the old man asked me to hurry up Going down the mountain, I will welcome you up the mountain... I guess I want to thank you well, after all, because of you, my villagers and I have successfully escaped from the vortex."

Li Zedao looked wary: "Are you sure you don't have an older sister or a younger sister?" This guy looks so ugly, his older sister or younger sister must be natural, so Li Zedao doesn't want to provoke him.

"...No." The corners of Shang's mouth twitched violently.

"The wolf fur and bear paws you mentioned were also moved into that cave by the villagers?"

"...Yes." The corners of Shang's mouth twitched even more.

"Let's go." Li Zedao said happily, "You can't keep your grandfather waiting for too long."

"..." Shang and Bei Qi stared at Li Zedao with that kind of extremely disdainful eyes.

Right now Li Zedao was walking and chatting at the front, and Bei was following behind, appearing extremely aloof and indifferent. Occasionally, she would stop when she encountered a small insect that she was interested in. Since then, she has been soaked in water, and now she is gone. Taking out glass bottles and other utensils from the dry backpack to catch the insects, Li Zedao would obediently stop and wait for her after following her.

No way, they couldn't afford to provoke this woman.

Because of being bitten by a poisonous spider, his hands and feet are stiff, and his climbing figure is indeed like a robot. Of course, compared to this uncoordinated movement, the kind of heart-like pain that strikes from time to time It's even more unbearable, but the toughness of Shang is there, so his performance is quite relaxed.

After all, he is the kind of man who can continue to perform professionally when his penis is burned, so this kind of pain is really nothing to him.

Li Zedao didn't bother to get two needles to help him relieve the pain. He is a stingy man. He didn't forget that this guy treated him to a super meal before, which made him deeply understand what is called ice and fire. Ah, so... you just need to be in pain, no one can die anyway.

"As you said before, there are only about twenty families in this village?" Li Zedao asked.

"To be precise, there are twenty-one households, and the population is sixty-four including mine," Shang said.

"Then why is this place called Wolf Village? Because there is a wolf mountain in front of it? Or is it because there are often wolves around? Or do you think your ancestors were wolves? If wolves were natural enemies for you, you probably wouldn't be there at the entrance of the village. Carve a wolf's head on a big rock?" Li Zedao seemed to be a curious baby.

Shang shook his head and said, "The reason why this village is called Wolf Village is not because of Wolf Mountain, nor because there are wolves around, but because of my ancestor, General Wolf."

"General Wolf?" Li Zedao shook his head in a daze. Was there such a General Wolf in history?

He glanced at Li Zedao, and there was an indescribable respect between his words,

Said: "You must have never heard of this wolf general, right? But I think you must know Song Taizu, and the allusion of 'a cup of wine releases the power of soldiers'?"

Li Zedao frowned, is it Zhao Kuangyin again?

"My ancestor, General Wolf, was one of Zhao Kuangyin's supporters. The army he led was called the Wolf Army. In the end, General Wolf followed Zhao Kuangyin to fight in the north and south, and finally established the Song Dynasty."

It said: "It's just that what waited was not the glory and wealth, but Zhao Kuangyin's suspicion and the frame-up of his colleagues. Zhao Kuangyin simply erased all the military exploits of General Wolf, and even erased this person. He wanted to punish him. Afterwards, General Wolf led his clansmen and several old subordinates and fled all the way. After many times of siege and interception, he lived a life of ups and downs. Finally, under the help and guidance of a mysterious master wearing a wolf-head mask, General Wolf led The man found the hidden cave, and finally managed to escape the pursuers."

"The chasing soldiers have searched for many days to no avail, only when General Wolf and the others have all fallen into the abyss, or when encountering wolves and being eaten by wolves, there are no bones left, so I go back. Go back to your life." Shang continued, "Afterwards, General Wolf led his people out of the secret cave and down the mountain, so the current Wolf Village came into existence, and the wolf-headed group on the big rock at the entrance of the village is actually the flag of that army. on the totem."

"Of course, the reason why it is called Wolf Village is also to express gratitude to the mysterious man wearing a wolf-head mask for saving his life." Shang added.

"So." Li Zedao nodded.

"No one in the village wants to go out?" Li Zedao asked again.

Shang shook his head: "No, a few young people in the village have gone out to make a living, as for the older generation, they never thought about leaving, especially my grandfather, he said that even if he died, he would not leave Wolf Village. "

"Then how did you follow Huang Wen?" Li Zedao asked curiously.

Shang smiled and said: "About when I was five years old, my grandfather took me over the mountain to the town, and exchanged the game for some money to buy some daily necessities. At that time, I met Huang Wen, and he looked at me. , patted my head and said, little boy, I see that your bones are amazing, you are a unique martial arts prodigy, and you will definitely become a master among masters in the future..."

"...Then, he took out a copy of "The Tathagata God's Palm" and wanted to sell it to you for ten yuan?" Li Zedao was speechless. I don't read much, so don't lie to me.

He just laughed and didn't explain much about this matter. Of course, Huang Wen did say that when he met him, but it seemed that Li Zedao didn't believe it.

I chatted while walking, so I didn't feel that time passed very slowly. Two hours later, Shang took Li Zedao and Bei, who had never said a word along the way, through a dense forest and finally came to an extremely steep cliff.

"It's here. This is the entrance of the cave, just below the cliff." Shang looked back at Li Zedao and Bei and gasped.

His face was covered with sweat, not only because his body was not coordinated at all and he was really tired from walking, but also because the pain caused by the wound was really unbearable, and it was also because Li Zedao talked too much There are too many questions... For the first time last time, I felt that speaking was a tiring thing.

Li Zedao nodded and sighed: "Sure enough, it's quite secretive. Ordinary people can't find it here at all. Even if they find it, they don't dare to come forward. Even if they have the courage to come forward, who would have thought that the entrance of the cave is there. Below the cliff?"

Shang Xiaoxiao nodded: "That's true, go in first, I think my grandpa is already waiting at the entrance of the cave." As he spoke, he slowly approached the edge of the cliff

"Can you?" Li Zedao asked. This guy has walked such a long mountain road after being bitten by a spider. Looking at him now, it is obvious that his physical strength has been exhausted. Don't accidentally fall into the abyss.

"Yes, there is a protruding rock at a height of more than two meters, and the entrance of the cave is right next to the rock, so it is not too dangerous and quite safe." While speaking, he had already reached the edge of the cliff, Then he jumped, and his body fell down.

Li Zedao looked at Bei, and leaned out his head to take a look, but saw that Shang was already standing on the protruding rock he mentioned. Seeing that Li Zedao had an urge to yell, "Safe your sister, I saw that the so-called protruding stone only extended about half a meter forward, and after that it was a bottomless abyss. If you are timid A little bit, I don't have the guts to go down at all, and it's the kind that won't go down even if I die.

It seems that the villagers in Lang Village are very courageous, at least they dare to jump down, you know, most people standing in this place, might have already fainted from fright.

"Come down." Shang looked up, grinned at Li Zedao, then bent down and "disappeared" there.

Standing on it, Li Zedao stretched his neck, and he could probably see an arched hole more than one meter high and one meter wide. It seems that as long as he climbs through this hole, he can reach another brand new world.

Li Zedao looked back at Bei and said, "You don't have a fear of heights, do you? And your butt..."

"Believe it or not, I killed someone to silence me?" Bei said in a cold tone, even lifting his feet up

Li Zedao chuckled: "I'll go down first." As he said that, he jumped on the protruding stone, and then he saw the entrance of the hole even more clearly.

The entrance of the cave is not high, only about one meter. Looking inside, you can vaguely see the steps that should be hewn by hand. At the same time, you can faintly hear a slight sound coming from the cave.

"Come down." Li Zedao said to the north above, and then bent down to drill in.

Bei immediately jumped on the rock, and then bent down to follow.

Once inside, there are steps going down under your feet, the steps get wider as you go down, and judging from the traces, it should be half natural and half man-made, which is convenient for walking.

There are not many steps, only a dozen or so steps. Li Zedao roughly estimated that he walked down three or four meters. After walking the steps, I found myself in a huge cave.

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