At this time, an old man with silver hair was already waiting in front of the steps.

The old man is not tall and thin, not fairy-like, nor gloomy, cold or majestic... At first glance, he is a very ordinary rural old man.

He was dressed in gray rough linen clothes, with a pair of dusty cloth shoes on his feet, and his dark old face was full of traces carved by the years.

However, when Li Zedao met his eyes, he felt that this old man was not ordinary at all, because it is impossible for an ordinary old man living in a remote village to have such bright eyes.

Of course, Li Zedao had already expected that this grandpa on the Internet was not a simple guy at all. A rural old man with little experience would allow his grandson to "play around" over there, flooding the whole city with blood. The village was destroyed? The point is, the old man and those villagers don't seem to be afraid.

"This is my grandfather, the village head of Wolf Village. Everyone is used to calling him Old Zhaotou." The Bei Gang introduced, "Grandpa, they are the Li Zedao and Bei I told you about."

"Hello, thank you for helping our donkey and helping Langcun survive this disaster..." the old man looked at Li Zedao and Bei gratefully, and said sincerely.

Bei nodded indifferently, even if he responded, Li Zedao said with a slight smile: "It should be, after all, we and... Oh, donkey eggs are good friends, good friends should help each other, care for each other... "

Bei glanced at Li Zedao coldly, wanting to kill someone, why does this guy talk so much nonsense?

Anyway, I don't know what kind of heart she is in, but now she just feels irritated, the closer she is to this guy, the more irritated she is, and the further away she is, the more irritated she is, and the thought of going back makes her even more irritated, and then...she really wants to beat him up.

Listening to it, the muscles on his face are twitching slightly. This guy is really shameless, and his face doesn't change at all when he lies.

But old Zhao Tou laughed and said: "I haven't finished my words yet... This disaster was brought about by you. If you didn't come, the village wouldn't be destroyed."

"..." Li Zedao's smile was a little awkward, this old man, why is he talking so bluntly? So he wanted to see himself to talk about compensation?

"Of course, if you think about it seriously, it's not your fault." Old Zhao looked at Li Zedao and said, "After all, the disaster was caused by the donkey's egg. This little bastard, if he wasn't my grandson, I would have interrupted him a long time ago." legs."


"Grandpa..." smiled awkwardly.

"Haha, don't talk, don't talk, please, I've already prepared the plum wine I brewed myself." Old Zhao said, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth that had already lost several teeth, "Damn it, Those two foreign devils are so good at drinking, they drank half of the wine I saved last night, if I had known that they were going to lose their hair today, I would not have entertained them so warmly."


With a helpless look on your face, it means that you drank more than three-quarters of the half of the wine by yourself, right?

There are very primitive torches burning all around the entire cave, so even if the sun doesn't shine in, it looks bright. Moreover, the area of ​​the cave is huge. According to Li Zedao's preliminary estimate, it is nearly 1,000 square meters. Therefore, let alone a mere sixty people, even if there are hundreds of people, living here will not feel crowded.

Even the northwest corner was piled up with stones to isolate several places, where dozens of chickens, ducks and sheep lived there, and there were a few dogs lying on their stomachs and sticking out their tongues.

So the air is actually not very good, but for the villagers of Wolf Village, they have experienced even worse environments, so this kind of place is undoubtedly heaven.

For example, there are several heavy rains and mudslides here every year, so the village below the mountain will undoubtedly be temporarily submerged. At that time, they will go up the mountain in advance to take refuge in this cave where the wind and rain cannot hit.

At this time, those villagers gathered together, chatting and chatting, cooking in a large pot, playing chess, and two people were in front of the big stone in the corner, and slowly walked along the stone. The water that flowed down didn't know where it came from, but in short, there was a simple but happy smile on the face.

After seeing the old head Zhao leading people over, he would greet the old head Zhao. It is conceivable that this so-called village head has a very high status in the village, and then he began to look at Li Zedao and Bei with strange eyes, pointing Say something.

Li Zedao also saw the woman who was imprisoned by the three brothers of the Wang family whom she met in Xitiao Township. She was sitting there, staring blankly at a torch on the wall. Think about something.

"Maybe I was mentally ill before I was imprisoned, and my condition got worse after being imprisoned for so long, so my mental condition is very bad." I looked at the woman and looked back at Li Zedao and said, "I knocked her out After carrying it back, after waking up, it was still noisy, and I wanted to bite people when I saw it. After drinking the medicine brewed by my grandpa, the situation became more stable... Oh, my grandpa knows a little about the art of distorting yellow. He helped heal anyone who was sick."

"So." Li Zedao nodded.

Old Zhao shook his head with some emotion and said: "It's a good girl who has gone through such a cruel and dark experience. Those people are really inferior to beasts. When her condition stabilizes, what can she think of? Asshole, you send her back."

"Okay, grandpa." Shang said quickly.

Old Zhao looked back at Li Ze and said, "Boy, I heard from the donkey, you have a lot of research on Chinese medicine?"

"Uh...a little understanding, a little understanding." Li Zedao said very modestly.

"Haha, that level is the same as mine. I also understand a little bit." The old man laughed.


In the end, Old Zhao took Li Zedao and the others to a natural uneven stone table in the northeast corner of the cave, then looked at Li Zedao and said, "Young man, sit down, let's chat."

Li Zedao looked at him and nodded, and sat down on the stone beside him according to his words. He knew that the old man's purpose of asking his grandson to find him must not be so simple. Of course, Li Zedao is not a god, so he can I don't know what this old man wants to do.

"Donkey egg, take this little girl around and enjoy the scenery of our cave." The old man turned his head and issued the "exit order" to the north and the north.

"Uh..." Shang was helpless, if I had said it earlier, wouldn't we just stop following? Then he glanced at Bei nervously. After all, this woman has a very bad temper. When they were together before, they used to fight a lot, and they fought for their lives.

Bei looked at Li Zedao coldly and said, "I'm going out first." What's the beauty of this smelly broken cave? Besides, Bei was not at all interested in those scenic spots.

"Uh...Okay, then you go out and wait for me first." Li Zedao nodded.

Bei turned around and was about to leave, then turned to look at Li Zedao and said, "I'll only wait for you for two hours, if it's too late, I'll kill you."


Bei didn't say anything, turned around and strode away.

Shang nodded to his grandfather and Li Zedao, and then left, leaving space for his grandfather and Li Zedao, although he was actually curious about why his grandfather was looking for Li Zedao.

"Donkey, don't let other people come and disturb me." Old Zhao shouted.

"Understood, Grandpa." Bei turned his head and said, feeling even more curious in his heart, as if a cat's paw was tickling over there.

"Boy, that girl has a bad temper. You will suffer when you are with her. You may be beaten every few days." Old Zhao looked at Li Zedao and said, "This is not the most important thing. , the most important thing is that being thin is not good for fertility."

"...She's not my girlfriend." Li Zedao wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. Fortunately, Bei had already left, otherwise that woman wouldn't have killed her after hearing this!

"Not now, but in the future." Old Zhao looked at Li Zedao's face with a firm tone, "I have studied physiognomy, and you and that girl are married, but you are not married..."

"..." There was more cold sweat on Li Zedao's forehead.

This is getting more and more outrageous. Looking at the other party's face that looks more and more like a stick, Li Zedao interrupted him and said, "Grandpa, I don't know what you want from me?" Li Zedao wanted to find out what this old man was like. What do you want to do and go out quickly, after all, Bei said that he would only wait for two hours, if it was over, that woman would really kill someone.

"Your... surname is Li?" Old Zhaotou asked.

"Uh... To be precise, no, I changed my surname to 'Shangguan'. For some reasons, I changed my surname to Li." Li Zedao explained simply. Before Xiao Qiangwei asked him if he wanted to change his surname. After all, your father's surname was changed to Shangguan, and Li Zedao didn't change it in the end. After all, he had a lot of troubles with this father.

Strictly speaking, apart from being related by blood, Shangguan Haoyu's actions are not something a father can do at all.

"Oh, actually it doesn't matter what your surname is." Old Zhao Tou said very straightforwardly, "It's just that asking more will show that Lao Tzu's physiognomy is actually at a certain level."

"...So?" Li Zedao got up and left, hey, this old man is too boring and tired of watching those villagers, so he asked himself to come and talk with him, right?

Old Zhao looked at Li Zedao's face with a stick-like look and said, "Boy, put the hair on your forehead up and let me see your forehead."

hair? Grandpa, that’s bangs, isn’t it? Li Zedao was helpless, but he also stretched out his hand as he said, and raised his fashionable bangs that covered his entire forehead, revealing the entire forehead.

Anyway, this is a handsome forehead, so I am not afraid of you to see it.

The old man watched, his eyeballs became brighter and brighter, and he became a little excited, and then he gasped in amazement: "Fuxigu, you can't be wrong, it's really Fuxigu, young man, it's you, it's all up to you!" It's been thousands of years, and I've finally waited for you... You can't be happy too early, you can't be happy too early, you don't just have to have Fuxi bones..."


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