The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1339 Old Zhao's Secret

Li Zedao's face was confused, what kind of Fuxi bones? What has been waiting for thousands of years? Grandpa, don't lie to me if I don't study well.

"Look, this goes up to the top of Baihui Point, down to the center of Zhongzheng, the surrounding cities on both sides, straight up into the temples, and down to the blessing hall at the end of the eyebrows, forming a square seal." The old Zhao head ignored Li Zedao Pointing at Li Zedao's forehead with that masked face, he continued to stick to the end with an excited expression, "The Lord is rich and noble, and his name is long-lived, so he can enjoy the blessing of an emperor!"

"Uh...Grandpa, what exactly do you want to say?" Li Zedao asked with difficulty. It was the first time he felt that being praised was such an uncomfortable thing. The main reason was too mysterious. It was the first time Li Zedao had heard of Fu Xigu. The thing Li Zedao cared most about was the old man's words... ...It's been thousands of years, and it's finally you... What do you mean?

Old Zhao's head stretched out his hand, about to grab Li Zedao's hand.

Li Zedao subconsciously retracted the hand that was originally placed on the stone table, and the old Zhao head simply grabbed the empty space. Li Zedao could see that this old man still had some tricks, at least, the speed of his shots was fast and accurate. Ruthless, if it wasn't for his faster speed, he would have been eaten tofu long ago.

"Boy, show me your hand." Old Zhao looked at Li Zedao excitedly and said.

"...What exactly do you want to do?" Li Zedao became a little wary. This old man is planning to do something to him because he sees that he is handsome? Damn, don't think that you are the head of a village, you are the grandfather of Shang, and I dare not beat you when you are old?

"Look at the palmistry." Old Zhaotou said, "To make sure you are the one we are waiting for."

"Grandpa, I still don't understand what you mean..."

"Give me your hand first. If you are the one we are waiting for, then I will naturally explain it to you. If not, what can I say to you?" Old Zhao said so straightforwardly.

"...Left hand or right hand?" Li Zedao's eyes were still alert.

"Two hands." Old Zhao said, with a displeased expression on his face, "What kind of expression is that on your boy? I really want to do something like a beast to you? Bah, you boy, don't insult me!" Man, although you look better than the girls in the village, I don't have that kind of hobby."


If he didn't stretch out his hands, it seemed like he was really insulting people, so Li Zedao stretched out his hands reluctantly with a vigilant expression, and put them on the uneven tabletop.

Old Zhao's head looked like an old cat seeing a salted fish, and he immediately rushed over, grabbed Li Zedao's left hand, dragged it to him, and complained: "Boy, don't hold your fists, open your hands, Lao Tzu It's about palm reading, not about getting your fist."

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly, and spread his fists.

Old Zhao's eyes widened and he looked at Li Zedao's palm with a serious look, and then his eyes lit up suddenly, with an indescribably excited expression on his face.

Then, he let go of Li Zedao's left hand, grabbed Li Zedao's right hand, and continued to stare at the lines on his palm with wide eyes.

After that, he let go of Li Zedao's hand, and said excitedly: "Boy, you have broken palms on both left hands, do you know that?"

"Uh..." Li Zedao looked at the excited old Zhao and nodded slightly. He knew about it. There are three lines on the palm of a person, that is, the life line, the wisdom line and the emotion line. If the two major palm lines, the emotion line and the wisdom line, are combined into one and run across the palm, it is like a horizontal line separating the palm If two parts are similar, then this is usually not true.

There have always been some folk sayings about Duanzhang, such as a man who has a broken palm is worth a thousand gold, a daughter who is worth a mosquito, and what kind of woman will be able to knuckle if a broken palm is broken. Li Zedao even watched a TV series called "Duanzhang Shunniang" when he was a child. It's Koff's story, of course, and it's bullshit.

Therefore, Li Zedao never took the so-called severed palm seriously, let alone spread out his palm for others to see.

Then he said with a worried face, oops, I have broken my palm, what should I do? what to do……

Old Zhao stood up, pacing on the spot, with a look of impatience: "No, no, I'm too excited, too excited, I need to calm down... It's been thousands of years, and I finally waited for you!" It's here... that's right, drinking, drinking, drinking some plum wine will calm you down..."

Old Zhao was extremely excited, and muttered to himself for a while, then turned around and ran to fetch the wine he brewed by himself.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, looking at his leaving back, he was trampled by a group of mud horses in his heart, thinking that this old man is sick?

Soon, Old Zhao headed back. He had a big jug of wine in his right hand. Although the mouth of the wine jug was blocked with a wooden block, Li Zedao seemed to be exuding the strong smell of wine. As for his other hand , holding two big black bowls. If these big bowls were filled with wine, each bowl would weigh a catty.

"Boy, I am happy today, let's drink more. This is not the plum wine that I brewed. The plum wine...of course it is good, but compared with this jar of wine, it is far worse. Back then, my wife was pregnant. I brewed this altar of daughter red and planned to drink it when my daughter got married, but I gave birth to a bottle... Finally, I buried it for fifty years. What the hell, I'm still reluctant to dig it out." Old Zhaotou said, put the big bowl in front of Li Zedao, then tore off the cork, and started pouring wine into the big black bowl in front of Li Zedao.

Immediately, the aroma of wine wafted into the nostrils, mainly wine worms or those who have studied wine, their eyes lit up when they saw the silvery white wine.

It's a pity that Li Zedao didn't know much about wine, and even the corners of his mouth twitched, thinking in his heart that the wine had really been stored for fifty years? You won't have diarrhea if you drink it, right?

"Boy, do it." The old man picked up the bowl of wine in front of him with an excited face, then raised his head and took a sip.

Smash it, smash your mouth, that old face is full of satisfaction: "Good wine! Good wine!"

Li Zedao picked up the bowl, took a sip, smashed it, that's it, it's not even as good as plain water. Of course, you can only think about this kind of words in your heart, otherwise this old man who looks like a magic stick will surely make him anxious, right?

"You don't want to drink?" Old Zhaotou asked after seeing that Li Zedao only took a sip.

"Uh... drink, drink..."

"Boy, if you can't drink, don't force it. I never force people to drink. In my opinion, those who say that if you don't drink, you are not a brother and disrespect me are all brains. If you don't drink, you are not a brother? Brother The relationship between them is really fucking cheap..."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand long ago, picked up the wine in front of Li Zedao that he had just taken a sip of, then raised his head, and took another sip: "Good wine! Good wine!"

Li Zedao was dumbfounded, "Damn it, there's my saliva in there, this... Forget it, I'll cry if I talk too much."

"Grandpa, that... I have nothing to do, so I'll leave first." Li Zedao stood up and said, deciding to leave first. Listening to the old man over there talking nervously and unable to understand what he was saying, Li Zedao felt that it was a kind of torture, he might as well leave quickly, even though that woman always had a cold face, and I would kill her every now and then. You, but that face and that figure are much better than when you are facing this old man.

"It's something, something, you sit, sit, you're welcome, just treat this as your own home." Old Zhao head burped, and after eating two big bowls, his old face was also greasy The red light is on.

Li Zedao was helpless, thinking that if I was really rude, I should turn against you.

Old Zhao carefully put the cork back into the wine jar, stretched out his tongue, and licked off the wine stains around his lips, then looked at Li Zedao and said, "Did the donkey tell you about the wolf in our village when you went up the mountain?" The origin of the village?"

Is this finally getting into the subject? Li Zedao nodded, indicating that the donkey had said it.

Old Zhao said: "To put it simply, my ancestor General Wolf led people to flee all the way. After many pursuits and killings, he even fled into the mountains. Those pursuers were still chasing after him. The general met a nobleman wearing a wolf-head mask, and with his help and guidance, General Wolf and his party finally managed to hide in this naturally formed cave, and thus escaped the disaster."

"Everyone in the village knows about the fact that the expert wearing the wolf-head mask helped our ancestor General Wolf." Old Zhaotou said, his voice lowered, "but there is another one. I am the only one who knows about this matter. Of course, it was my father who knew about it before, and above all, my father’s father... In short, this matter has been passed down from General Wolf, from generation to generation, and finally passed down to me. Come on, I haven't had time to pass it on to Donkey Dan's father, but if you show up, then our mission will come to an end."

Li Zedao listened, his head was confused, but his unavoidable curiosity was aroused in his heart, and he asked, "Grandpa, what is it? What does it have to do with me?"

The old man didn't answer immediately, but raised his head slightly, as if he was lost in memory, as if he didn't inherit this matter from his old man, but he was one of the participants.

"This upright old god stick likes to pretend." Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

"Do you know who the wolf-headed master my ancestor General Wolf met?" The old man looked back at Li Zedao with a mysterious expression and asked.

"...Who is it?" Li Zedao had a hard time cooperating with the old man to act over there.

"Boy, have you heard the story about Zhao Kuangyin losing Huashan?"

Li Zedao stumbled, his eyes widened instantly, and he blurted out: "You mean, the master of the wolf-headed mask who saved General Wolf is...Chen Tuan?"

"It's Chen Tuan!" Seeing that Li Zedao actually knew about Chen Tuan, Old Zhao blushed and patted his thigh, saying happily.

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