The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1340 Old Zhao's Bitterness

Li Zedao held back the abnormal turmoil in his heart at this moment, and patiently waited for the old man to continue talking.

For what Old Zhao is going to say next, he is not just curious. After all, for Chen Tuan, for this man who has been deified and is like a god, some of his amazing deeds , Li Zedao is too familiar.

It is said that he created the inner quick method, with that method, anyone can cultivate the inner strength to become a master of martial arts; he also found the grave of Duanmu Weizhuang, a generation of ghost doctors, and he even planned to soak in Duanmuweizhuang's The widow...Of course, I don't know if Li Zedao is real or not; then, I don't know what method he used to divide the five-colored stone into five pieces, which even a master like Huang Wen can't do anything about, and finally polished it It became five safety buckles.

Li Zedao could see that Huang Wen had a keen eye, and he only admired the man who was covered with bugs all over his master, but he admired Chen Tuan completely.

Therefore, Li Zedao was really curious, did Chen Tuan leave anything behind after saving General Wolf, let the General Wolf gang guard it, and finally hand it over to the man who had Fuxi bones and both hands were severed...

Li Zedao thought about it, isn't he the man appointed by heaven? Otherwise, why did this old Zhao head look at his face and his palm, and then he was so excited that he said something like he had eaten bee poo? It’s been thousands of years and he finally waited for you. What else is there to complete the mission? of?

Old Zhaotou is good at wine. After drinking two big bowls, which is two catties, of his fifty-year-old daughter's red stomach, he was not satisfied at all. Instead, he hooked up the wine bugs in his stomach, and wanted to open the cork. A bowl, after thinking about it, reluctant to part with it, immediately got up holding the wine jar.

"Uh...why didn't you say it?" Li Zedao asked.

"Suddenly I want to drink plum wine." Old Zhao said, "I'll go get a jar of plum wine."


Soon, Old Zhao came back with a wine jar in one hand, and poured a big bowl by himself. Of course, he knew that the kid in front of him didn't drink, so he didn't intend to help him.

This time he didn't do it in a bowl, but took a sip of the hot and sour plum wine in his mouth, and continued to chat: "In the past, my ancestor, General Wolf, was chased like a dog by the pursuers. when..."

"..." Li Zedao's face twitched, thinking that if that majestic wolf general knew that there was an unfilial descendant like you who dared to bury him like this, he might be so angry that he would come back to life right away?

"At this time, that master wearing a wolf mask appeared out of nowhere. He beat up dozens of pursuers in three or five hits, then led the way, and finally brought General Wolf and his party to this cave." As Old Zhao said, he slightly raised his head at a forty-five-degree angle, glanced at the cave, his face was full of gratitude, as if he was General Wolf, not the grandson of General Wolf the grandson of the grandson...

"Then, the wolf-faced master took off the wave mask on his face, revealing the face under his mask. My ancestor, the wolf general, recognized him immediately. Who is it if it is Chen Tuan?" ?When Zhao Kuangyin visited Chen Tuan for the first time in Huashan, my ancestors followed him and had a relationship with Chen Tuan, so my ancestors knew him, but what Zhao Kuangyin was going to do when he visited Chen Tuan , my ancestor, General Wolf, is not very clear, and naturally, I am also not clear." Old Zhao's head was afraid of Li Zedao's questioning, so he came up with such a sentence and directly blocked Li Zedao's words.

Li Zedao nodded slightly, and muttered proudly in his heart: "I know what Zhao Kuangyin wants to do with Chen Tuan."

"Afterwards, General Wolf expressed his life-saving grace to Chen Tuan again and again, and Chen Tuan told him that you don't need to be polite... just ask my ancestors to help you." Old Zhao looked at Li Zedao and said, "The life-saving benefactor offered to help. General Wolf naturally nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Chen Tuan gave something to General Wolf and told him that one day in the future, someone will appear here, and he only needs to give him the things I gave you..."

"What is that?" Li Zedao looked at Old Zhao's head anxiously, swallowed and asked.

As if he didn't hear Li Zedao's words, the head of old Zhao picked up the wine bowl, took a sip of plum wine, and said with infinite emotion: "After handing over the thing to General Wolf, Chen Tuan expressed his embarrassment. That person may be very capable. It won't appear until a long, long time later, but he will definitely appear someday in the future! General Wolf hurriedly said, if I don't wait, I'll give it to my son, and if my son doesn't wait, I'll give it to my grandson... In this way, a thousand years have passed, and now this thing has been passed on to me, it has been a thousand years, and we have repaid Chen Tuan for saving his life."

"So, what is that...?" Li Zedao swallowed again.

"Boy, at this moment, shouldn't the question you should ask the most be...why would I think that person is you?" Old Zhaotou asked.

"...Because I have Fuxi bones, my hands are broken..." Li Zedao said, please, you were so obvious just now, so do you still need to ask?

Old Zhao nodded: "Yes, General Wolf asked Chen Tuan what kind of person he was? Chen Tuan said that he was a man with Fuxi bones and both left and right hands! Later, Chen Tuan taught The simple physiognomy of my ancestor General Wolf, when we parted, he even counted, saying that you must go down the mountain and build a small village to settle down. When the village is destroyed by fire and water at the same time, it will happen. The vision, that is to say, the person who has the Fuxi bone and has lost both hands has appeared..."

"Uh..." Li Zedao's face twitched violently. I don't study much, so don't lie to me.

"So, General Wolf waited and waited until he was a hundred years old, but he still didn't get that person, so he left his last words to his son before he died, and then his son waited and waited, and so on, Just waiting for my life... so much bitterness, so much anticipation, alas, let's not mention it..." Old Zhao poured down a big bowl of plum wine, and it seemed that all the bitterness was contained in this bowl of wine.


"All in all, the village has been flooded several times in the past thousand years, and there have also been fires, but it has been flooded and fires at the same time. This is really unprecedented!"

Old Zhao looked at Li Zedao with a somewhat smug expression: "So, why do you think I agreed to let the donkey's egg be resettled* and blow up the embankment of the deep pool on the mountain so that the flood would wash away the entire village? As soon as water and fire come, won’t there be water and fire? The village will be gone... Doesn’t that prove that the person we’ve been waiting for for thousands of years is about to appear?”

So... can it still be done like this? Li Zedao only felt that his face was twitching abnormally. It turned out that it was for this reason that the old man allowed his grandson to destroy the entire village. In fact, he really wanted to ask a question, what if he didn't have Fuxi bones and his hands didn't have severed palms?

"If Chen Tuan, the old guy who has cheated us for a thousand years, didn't brag." Old Zhao Tou added.


The old Zhao said with infinite emotion: "You said, why didn't I think of it earlier? If you take the initiative earlier, you will destroy the village with water and fire. Didn't you just show up? You have waited for so many years for nothing."

"..." Li Zedao's face twitched even more. If you were earlier, you would not have been born at that time.

"Sure enough, you just showed up. I don't need to wait for you in this broken place. I can move out of this ghost place with peace of mind. Even the poor place in Xitiao Township is better than here. Ah, at least there are more people, there is electricity, and there are bicycles, unlike this place, everything is the most primitive." Old Zhao said, picking up the bowl of wine and taking a big gulp.

Li Zedao understands it. This old man has already had the idea of ​​taking the people in the village to move out of this ghost place, but because of the promise passed down from generation to generation, the last words, so he is holding back... Really worthy of it It's General Wolf, a general who keeps his promises. This has been passed down for thousands of years. The soldier's boldness and gene of his promises are now being well brought out from the old Zhaotou.

So, when he really appeared, he was so happy and so excited.

Of course, in the last generation, that kind of gene has basically disappeared, and it has become sinister and cunning.

"So, what Chen Tuan gave to General Wolf is..." Li Zedao asked again, swallowing his saliva, and this was what he was most concerned about.

Old Zhao looked at Li Zedao with his slightly hazy drunken eyes, hiccupped, then reached into his bosom, touched it, and finally found out a small black box the size of a palm He came out, then threw it at Li Zedao and said, "The thing that Chen Tuan gave to General Wolf is in this box, see for yourself."

Saying that, Old Zhao heaved a sigh of relief, his nose was sore, he was about to cry, and he finally let go of the heavy burden on his shoulders, so that he could leave the bear with the village. A place where there are more blind people than people.

This is a great thing and must be celebrated! Therefore, he simply lifted up the entire wine jar, raised his head, opened his mouth wide, and the silver wine poured continuously into his big mouth, like a waterfall.

On the other side, Li Zedao looked up and down at this old wooden box. Of course, except for the age, it is not made of good wood, and the craftsmanship is not so sophisticated, rather rough, presumably Old Zhaotou's grandpa or grandpa's grandpa made it by himself, just to store the thing Chen Tuan gave him.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down, he slowly opened the box, and then his eyes widened suddenly, as if he had seen a ghost.

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