Soon, the one-centimeter-thick bottle cap was completely separated from the bottle body. Li Zedao suppressed the excitement or inexplicable nervousness in his heart, stretched out his hand, took out the bottle cap and put it aside, and then took a deep breath. , Then I shook the medicine jar, and I could clearly hear the sound made by the contents of the jar hitting the jar wall. The sound was not loud and dull, but I could tell that the contents inside should be spherical objects. So, it's a pill of some kind?

At that moment, Li Zedao put the mouth of the medicine jar to the palm of his hand and poured the medicine jar over, then shook it slightly, and soon, a strangely round and black pill-like thing rolled out of the bottle and fell into Wang Zi's palm However, when I got it, it was extremely cold, and there seemed to be a faint chill around it, as if it was made of the legendary thousand-year-old ice.

Li Zedao looked at the pill-like thing in the palm of his hand that seemed to be eerily cold, and his brain froze.

"Onimaru?" These two golden characters flashed in his mind instantly!

Yes, it's a ghost ball! This black thing is almost exactly the same as the ghost pill that Li Zedao is familiar with, not only in appearance, but also in the aura it exudes.

Ghost pills are made of human souls, so they have a very strong yin energy, giving people a gloomy feeling. The pill in Li Zedao's hand now gives people the same feeling, even, that kind of yin The aura is many times stronger than that of Ghost Maru No. 2 that Li Zedao saw before. It feels as if there are many ghosts standing behind you sticking their tongues at you.

So, this is really... Onimaru?

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, but wasn't Guiwan secretly developed by a biologist named Chen Yibing more than 20 years ago? Later, the organization called "Shadow Gate" that Chen Yibing hid was taken away by his master, and Chen Yibing, the godfather of Guimaru, returned and planned to return to China, but unexpectedly died in an air crash.

Now Li Zedao also knows that the fc organization where Huang Wen is hiding is extremely deep but possesses extremely terrifying power, power and financial resources is also secretly developing ghost pills, and the Yan Luo Temple founded by his father is just Huang Wen used it to develop a branch of Ghost Pill, and the method Huang Wen adopted was to cast a wide net and catch more fish.

Of course, Li Zedao knows that until now the fc organization has still not been able to successfully refine the ghost pills. The ghost pills on the market are all "stocks" developed by Chen Yibing back then, and the quantity is already extremely scarce. One is less than one, and now it is hard to find one on the black market, and only fc, a rich and well-connected organization, can sell ten or eight of them, and most of them are Onimaru No. 2.

In fact, there is not much difference between Onimaru No. 0, No. 1 and No. 2 only from the appearance, but the kind of Yin energy exuded by itself can let you judge which number it is, of course Yes, the premise is that you have been in contact with Onimaru.

But now, the "Onimaru" in Li Zedao's hand is undoubtedly a ghost pill in Li Zedao's eyes. Number? Or even number four? number five?

Li Zedao is already messed up, how is this possible? After all, the maker of the ghost pill is Chen Yibing, and the one in his hand was put into this medicine jar by Chen Tuan more than a thousand years ago and then handed over to General Wolf...

So, not Onimaru?

But it really looks a lot like Onimaru!

Puzzled, Li Zedao put the medicine jar back into the medicine jar, tightly corked the bottle, and after carefully putting it away, took a look at Old Zhao, who was snoring and sleeping soundly, and then got up and left.

Passing through the entire cave, under the gaze of the strange but familiar eyes of the villagers, Li Zedao returned to the steps and waited here. When he saw Li Zedao coming, he greeted him.

"Your grandfather drank too much and fell asleep.

" Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Haha, it's because my grandfather doesn't know your details, otherwise he wouldn't dare to drink with you." Shang shrugged his shoulders, thinking that his grandfather was asking Li Zedao for a drink and ended up drinking by himself, "Leaving?"

He was actually very curious and wanted to ask what my grandfather told you, but after thinking about it, he still didn't ask. After all, he and Li Zedao didn't know that well at all. That old man is a strange thing, his mouth is stricter when he drinks too much.

"Well, it's time to go, otherwise, Huang Wen might come to kill me." Li Zedao said.

Shang nodded and understood what Li Zedao meant. After all, Huang Wen wanted to collect eight yellow stones, and he was one of the participants in the matter of entering the magic cave. If he killed Xi and took away the stones, it would be a big problem for Huang Wen. , if Li Zedao and Bei didn't go back now, it would mean that the two yellow stones were gone again, Huang Wen must be crazy? Maybe he really brought someone to kill him.

"Thank you," said the master, "I owe you my life, and I owe you a great favor."

Li Zedao shrugged: "Just remember it in the future."

"If there is a chance, I will definitely return it." The boss nodded seriously, "Oh, by the way, your car is still parked in front of that dilapidated adobe house, no one should dare to disturb it, those three brothers are in the village. The rascals are famous, so those villagers don't have the guts to go wild outside their houses, even if there is no one in the house."

"Got it... let's go, no need to give it away." Li Zedao smiled, and then stepped up the steps.

Looking at his back, I feel a little helpless, as if I didn't say I want to give it away.

Going up the steps and leaving this absolutely secret cave with a bent waist, Li Zedao stood on the protruding stone and looked at the abyss that was so close at hand. Admire the villagers of Lang Village for their courage to come down to this place, most people fainted from fright.

Turning around, his legs tensed slightly, and his body jumped upwards. Li Zedao had already returned to the top steadily. Looking forward, he saw Bei lying on a rock like a frightened mouse. He jumped up from the rock all of a sudden, and then looked at him as if he was looking at a dead person.

So, she was tired of standing and it was inconvenient to sit, so she had to lie down? And when he heard the movement, he knew that he had come out, so he got up quickly, saying that nothing happened? Li Zedao thought it was a little funny, it seems that no matter what type of women, they like to do that kind of deception.

"Do I need to tell you what that old man asked me for?" Li Zedao walked towards her and asked. Of course, it is impossible for Li Zedao to tell the truth. Regarding the thing that resembles a ghost pill in the medicine jar, it is impossible for Li Zedao to say anything. Of course, he did not dare to swallow it. How will the body react?

The same cannot be said about the pure blue stone.

As for what Old Zhao said, what kind of husband and wife relationship does this woman have with him... Damn it, I can't say that, otherwise this woman will definitely kill someone.

So... Li Zedao began to make up a set of rhetoric in his head that he thought he could not find fault with.

Bei looked at Li Zedao indifferently, turned around and left without saying anything.

"Uh... well, there's no need to make it up like this." Li Zedao touched his nose and smiled helplessly, keeping a distance of about two meters to keep up.

After more than an hour, the two went down the mountain and returned to the entrance of the village, and then continued to walk into the dense forest where many trees had been washed away by the flash flood.

This time I didn't meet any bears. Presumably even if there were bears, they would have been washed away by the flood long ago. However, many trees were broken, the road was difficult to walk, and the direction was difficult to distinguish. Fortunately, Li Zedao's super strong The memory and reasoning ability are there, so they passed through the dense forest smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, I crossed the small river without a bridge, and then turned over three mountains, and finally returned to the foot of Wolf Mountain. After that, as long as I turned over this desolate mountain, I could return to Xitiao Township.

At this time, the time has come to the evening.

"Take a rest overnight and get up and climb again tomorrow morning?" Li Zedao looked at Bei and asked. He was actually not tired, but he could tell that Bei's walking posture was a little awkward. Although she tried her best to hide it, Li Zedao still noticed it. After all, the injury was there, and it was normal for walking to cause discomfort to the wound.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao indifferently, and nodded.

"Go to the one behind the big rock over there, it can block the wind, then I will find some dry firewood, build a fire, and see if I can catch some wild game, rabbits, pheasants, etc. I have eaten compressed biscuits these days I'm about to vomit." Li Zedao pointed to a big rock not far away and said, "Then, I have to replace the wound for you. I picked the herbal medicine and it's in my backpack."

Bei's eyeballs widened all of a sudden, and he stared at Li Zedao, as if you were still trying to take advantage of me, and asked coldly, "Return?"

"It's the last time." Li Zedao was a little helpless, the woman's eyes were too hurtful, and he had proved that he was not that kind of person with actions twice in a row, why did this woman still not believe in him? At this moment, Li Zedao really wanted to find a mirror to take a good look. Could it be that his beard, which has no time to take care of his makeup these two days, has grown out, so he looks wretched?

"Don't move around tonight and have a good night's rest. Tomorrow, you can take the car after crossing the Langshan Mountain and returning to Xitiao Township...Of course, if you want to lie on your stomach, I have no problem."

Bei bit his lips: "It's best to be the last time, otherwise... I'll kill you! If you can't get a car back in Xitiao Township, I'll kill you too!"

Li Zedao said poorly this time, as if he didn't take advantage this time, he smiled and turned around to look for dry firewood.

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