It took some time, and Li Zedao picked up a lot of dry branches and started a fire, but unfortunately, he didn't find any pheasants, rabbits or wolves around, and Li Zedao wanted to show off his skills... No Does it mean that if you want a woman to like you, you have to grab her stomach first?

Of course, Li Zedao didn't expect this woman to have a good impression of him, but... At least don't just say that I killed you or something. (No pop-up window, the best novel reading experience is in 【Feng Novels】)

By the time Li Zedao lit the fire, the sun had completely set, and the surroundings were dark and lonely. Occasionally, there were slight abnormal noises from unknown insects or animals, which added a bit of silence.

At that moment, Li Zedao took off his coat and spread it on the big rock, then stuffed the leaves of the herbs into his mouth and chewed them, then turned his head and made an invitation gesture to Bei, indicating that you can get down and take off your pants.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao as if he was looking at a dead person, his ears turned red, and he gritted his teeth. After all, he climbed up, lay down, and then stretched out his hand to gently pull down his pants while his eyes were closed. .

Li Zedao inevitably drank a few more mouthfuls of herbal juice, and then helped her change the medicine again.

Because of Li Zedao's acupuncture, plus herbal medicine and Bei's tongue blended with yellow stones, the wound healed very well, and there were no problems such as inflammation at all. According to this recovery speed, so, this is really true. It can be said that the dressing was changed for the last time.

"It's ok." Li Zedao said, turning around, "There is no need to change the medicine. Go back to Xitiao Township, and I will ensure that you can sit in the car."

Bei got up, pulled up his pants silently, then looked up at Li Zedao's back, feeling empty for a moment.

"So... the days like this are over from now on, so, from now on, you will be a stranger to him besides a stranger? Maybe we will pass by with a knife in the future?" She thought to herself, and soon, she forcibly put out the pain in her heart. Those messy thoughts.

"Long night, sleepless, let's talk?" Li Zedao sat down by the fire and looked at Bei Xiaodao, looking for something to say.

Bei looked at him without speaking or nodding.

Don't speak, so it is the default. Li Zedao asked, "You have been by Huang Wen's side since you were a child."

Bei was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly: "He was the one who took me away from the orphanage."

"So." Li Zedao nodded, stretched slightly, and leaned his back against the rock,

Then he said, "I fell asleep."

"..." Looking at Li Zedao's closed eyes, the corners of Bei's mouth twitched. She really wanted to hit someone! What about long nights of sleepless chat?

There was nothing to say all night, and no animals like wolves came to harass or anything.

Early the next morning, the two tidied up and set off again. At the same time, Bei didn't even want to talk to Li Zedao at this time. angry.

Li Zedao saw that her expression was no different from that of wanting to kill, so he didn't bother to say anything right away.

The other person was very dull, one after the other, it took most of the day, and finally turned over the Wolf Mountain, and he could vaguely see the poor little village of Xitiao Township in front of him.

Returning to this ghostly place again, Li Zedao still felt a little bit emotional, after all, this trip was really dangerous, and he was almost blown up by a gun so that his body was missing a part.

Of course, the harvest is also extremely rich, and somehow he became the destined person with the Fuxi bone and the broken palm of both hands that the ancestors of Lang Village had been waiting for for generations to get out of, and then got the pure blue stone left by Chen Tuan and A pill that resembles a ghost pill.

Along the way, Li Zedao was thinking, what kind of pill is that? In addition, can Chen Tuan really count what happened thousands of years later? If he was really such a strange person, why did he die unexpectedly in the end? Most importantly, what was he trying to do with such a pill?

Of course, even if Li Zedao had a high IQ and a strong analytical ability, when faced with such a weird thing, his mind would naturally be a mess.

At the moment, the two walked into Xitiao Township. Just like before, the villagers looked at them as if they were seeing aliens. After all, the man and woman were dressed in the same rags as they were. It's rotten, the mud on it is muddy, and the dust is dusty, but the face that can't stand it looks good.

Ignoring the eyes of the villagers, the two continued to walk inside, and finally came to Old Wang's adobe house.

It's still the dilapidated adobe house and the messy yard, but the chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs in the yard are gone. I'm afraid the owner is not at home so the livestock are hungry. It's very simple. I left the courtyard to find something to eat.

The car was still parked there, and there was no sign of being tampered with. It seemed that, as mentioned above, the three brothers were notorious, and no one dared to come to their door to touch the car. It was inevitably covered with a thick layer of dust, and even the windshield and the hood had a few bubbles of chicken droppings that had been dried by the wind.

These days, chickens are more courageous than humans!

"Clean it up." Bei frowned as he looked at the chicken shit, and then said to Li Zedao who was beside him. This was the first sentence she said to Li Zedao all day.

"Why me?" Li Ze said helplessly, I also feel disgusting, okay?

"First, I'm a woman, and second, I'm hurt..."

Bei looked at Li Zedao and added, "You know it."

"Uh...I know..." Li Zedao's old face was already a little red, he really knew.

Third..." Bei looked at Li Zedao as if he was dead, and didn't continue, she just lifted her long legs.

"Uh... There's a potter's wheel in the yard. I'll go find a bucket or something and get some water to wash the car. It's still early anyway." Li Zedao said decisively.

Then, he admired himself so much that he was indeed a aware of current affairs!

After simply washing the car, it was already half an hour later. After that, the two got into the car. The difference was that Li Zedao was in charge of driving now.

Bei got into the back seat... and sat with his body slightly tilted. After changing the medicine last night, although the wound has healed by most of the way, it is still painful to sit down, but compared to It was so strong before that even riding a car was a problem.

It's just that after the car drove on the potholed road for a while, Bei took a few glances at Li Zedao, who was concentrating on driving, gritted his teeth, and lay down... It's still comfortable to lie down.

Li Zedao glanced through the rearview mirror, a little funny, but he didn't dare to tease, otherwise he had reason to believe that this woman would definitely become angry from embarrassment.

The car left Xitiao Township soon and came to the county. After refueling, Li Zedao bought some food in a nearby store, including two packs of cigarettes, one of which was of course smoked by himself. , and the other pack is women's cigarettes, prepared for Bei.

Back in the car, Bei sat up and was on the phone. Seeing her expression, Li Zedao knew that she must be talking to Huang Wen on the phone.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao who got into the car, and then continued to speak into the phone: "Well, we have arrived in Cangshan County now, and we will arrive in Yanjing soon... Well, the wound is not serious..."

Seeing her smile, Li Zedao took out a cigarette and lit it, and then slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

A minute later, Bei hung up the phone, then looked at Li Zedao and said, "I told Huang Wen what happened to us in Wolf Village, and we joined hands with members of the Rothschild family to arrange resettlement in and out of Wolf Village." That kind of powerful gun... I also said that the villagers of Wolf Village are missing, but Shang and two Rothschild members were killed by the two of us."

Li Zedao smiled: "How does it feel to lie to him?"

He didn't say anything, but the way he looked at Li Zedao was the same as looking at a dead person.

"Here." Li Zedao threw her a pack of Ms. cigarettes, "There is only this brand, and the one you smoke is not available, so I will buy it. After arriving in Rong City, the capital of Sichuan Province, I will have it."

Bei glanced at Li Zedao, the rare coldness on his face melted a little, then picked up the pack of cigarettes, took out one in his mouth, took the lighter Li Zedao handed over, and lit the cold storage coolly, deeply He took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the smoke.

Under the smog, that cold but delicate little face has become a little ethereal.

"Do you know how I got into the orphanage?" She said, with no expression on her face, her voice was not loud, neither happy nor angry, neither smiling nor sad, "Because my parents all died overnight."

Li Zedao looked at this woman who seemed to have changed her personality suddenly, and remained silent.

"Afterwards, none of the other relatives wanted me to be attached, so I went to the orphanage..." She looked at Li Zedao, "Have you ever been to the orphanage?"

Li Zedao froze for a moment, then shook his head.

"When a guest comes, it is the brightest moment for the children. They are clean, with new clothes, hot meals, and meticulous care... As for the usual time, it is dark and gloomy, whether it is In such a hot summer, you will feel cold." Bei said, still neither happy nor angry, neither smiling nor sad, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her, although it was her own experience .

"So, I think your Tiandao Foundation can help those children more in the future. Compared with those who are dying of diseases, those children actually need help more." Bei looked at Li Zedao and said, "Of course, I know this kind of words You don’t like to hear it, in your worldview, all living beings are equal, and no one has the right to take the life of others at will, right?”

Li Zedao smiled wryly and nodded.

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