"Touch!" With a muffled sound, the man's face instantly froze and twisted into a bun. The next second, his knees knelt heavily on the ground, and then he covered his crotch with his hands, and his body became an arched shape. His mouth was opened wide, but he couldn't make a sound because of the pain. [Feng\\/Huang\\/Novel.com updates fast, no pop-up window, please search for f/h/xiao/shuo/c/o/m]

Bei looked at the guy kneeling at her feet as if he was looking at a dead person, then grabbed his hair and slammed his bun face against the wall of the corridor.

"Bang!" There was another muffled sound, and the man's face came into close contact with the wall, and blood was splattered instantly, leaving little blood stains on the white wall, which looked so eye-catching and meticulous. , looking at the man's face, bloody and bloody, the whole person has completely lost consciousness.

Then Bei Na let go of the hand holding the opponent's hair, and the man's body collapsed there simply like noodles.

Standing not far away, a woman with heavy make-up and white thighs in a short skirt just happened to see such a terrifying scene. First, she widened her eyes, and then let out a scream of "Ah...", as if being molested. Like.

As in the past, she came to this hotel after receiving the job, and after making a fuss with the whore-client, she took the money and left. In her opinion, this kind of work is easy and pleasant , The most important thing is that the "salary" is much higher than those so-called white-collar workers who look so arrogant in the office but often secretly eat instant noodles.

It's just that when she was about to walk to the client's room, she witnessed such a tragic scene.

She saw the woman kicking the man's crotch so hard, and hearing the sound, the thing was probably useless, and then she grabbed the man's hair and carried him like this He got up and slammed his head against the wall, and the blood splashed everywhere... So, he killed someone.

Bei looked back at the woman, his eyes were cold and without any warmth.

The woman's eyes matched the terrifying eyes, her face turned pale with fright, her legs were so weak that she almost knelt down on the ground, she turned around and ran away scrambling.

"Kill...killed...help..." Her shrill scream echoed in the corridor.

Li Zedao in the room heard the movement, opened the door and looked, his eyes were slightly dilated. Looking at this scene, the guy in underwear lying on the ground seemed to be dead. This is a desperate plan. Molesting Bei and then being beaten half to death in turn.

Well, this is a very typical and cruel example of being cool and unrealistic.

"Are you alright?" Seeing Bei's cold eyes sweeping towards him, Li Zedao hurried out to express his concern for his combat partners.

After asking, Li Zedao felt a little regretful, because how could something happen to such a pervert who knew at a glance that he usually masturbates too much, so he might not be able to stand still? Since she can't have something, isn't it insulting her to ask her like this?

Sure enough, Bei looked at him with a little more coldness in his eyes.

Li Zedao felt a little guilty for no reason, and said with a dry smile: "Uh, it's okay, it's okay, how could you be okay..." Then he squatted down slightly, intending to check whether the man is dead or not. Well, that's a bit of a hassle.

"I act with discretion." Bei said coldly.

Therefore, there is no need for Li Zedao to check. Since Bei said so, it proves that no one can die. It's just that face... Li Zedao felt pain when he looked at it.

And his crotch, the panties were actually dyed red, so... the egg was broken? Li Zedao felt inexplicably cold in his crotch.

"Master Huang said, Dong and the others just got up and went back and forth, and they didn't return to Yanjing so soon, so we can stay in Rong City for two days, what do you think?" Bei looked at Li Zedao and said, his tone still indifferent.

And although these words were intended to be a question, Li Zedao knew that this woman had already made a decision, so if you don't want to be like that guy lying there at this time, you have to be smarter.

Therefore, Li Zedao said very cleverly: "That would be great. I heard that there are many interesting places in Rongshi, such as Sanxingdui Ruins, Wuhou Temple, Du Fu Chaotang, Giant Panda Breeding Base, Wolong Nature Reserve. , Shixiang Lake, Luodai Ancient Town, Huanglongxi Ancient Town, Pingle Ancient Town, Dujiangyan, etc... we can take a good tour."

There is a tourist map of Rong City in the room. After taking a bath, Li Zedao browsed it boredly, so he wrote down a lot of famous scenic spots in Rong City.

Bei nodded slightly: "It's still early."

Li Zedao was stunned: "So... are you going out now?"

"Is there a problem?" Bei asked indifferently.

"Uh... no problem, of course no problem." Li Zedao said with a smile, because this guy ended up so tragically, let alone the wind, rain, lightning, thunder and thunder outside, even going out with hail the size of an egg is fine.

"It's just, what about this...?" Li Zedao pointed to the middle-aged man lying on the ground.

Bei Xiao's face was indifferent, and the words he said did not contain any human emotions: "Is it related to me?"

Uh... this, is it okay? Don't be so confident, can you act as if you didn't beat the person? Li Zedao looked at this indifferent pretty face in a daze, and then glanced at the crotch of the middle-aged man, which was already stained red with blood, so... it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter.

At this moment, the sound of chaotic footsteps came, and I saw a few people running towards this side at a fast pace. Three security guards in uniforms ran in the front, followed by the hotel's security guards. The manager, several staff members, and the woman who had witnessed the "tragedy" before were also there.

She is a witness, so the hotel will naturally not let her leave.

Of course, the hotel is clear about this woman's occupation. Even the manager, security guards and other staff basically know this woman who has been here many times.

The hotel has always turned a blind eye to such things as someone inserting a small card into the guest room.

In recent years, the hotel’s revenue has not been very good, and its performance has been worse year after year. The occupancy rate and room prices are falling. The saturated market and rising costs have also increased competition and reduced profits. The occurrence of illegal sex-erotic transactions can increase the occupancy rate of the hotel and even the room price, which will also produce the "hourly room" effect.

To put it simply, if a hotel is fully occupied, it has a 100% occupancy rate. If all the rooms have changed a group of guests within half a day because of "hourly rooms", it is equivalent to a 200% occupancy rate. Under the sluggish market situation, many economical hotels have set up more "hourly rooms" and acquiesced in the "card party". The not too high-end hotel that Li Zedao and the others stayed in is no exception.

Of course, when the police come over in a while, the hotel will not foolishly say that she is here to pick up the guests. They have already made a statement with that woman. She is here to stay in this hotel, and they have already opened a room for her. .

Without exception, these people all had expressions of panic on their faces, after all... a fatality! At least from the woman's point of view, the man was dead.

"Just...that's...the person she killed..." The woman pointed at Bei who stood there like an outsider, her voice trembling.

Thinking of what the hotel manager said a few minutes ago, she quickly added: "I... saw it when I was about to go back to the room."

Then, the staff of the hotel all looked at this iceberg beauty type woman. What made them very depressed was that this woman didn't even look at them.

The three security guards squatted down quickly and checked the "corpse". Then the three of them looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. Although this guy looked so tragic, he was still alive.

"Manager, he is still alive." The security guard said.

The male manager in his thirties was also completely relieved when he heard the words, and said, "Have the police called an ambulance?"

"Called." Another security guard replied.

The manager nodded, then looked at Bei who had never looked at them, and said, "Madam, we have already called the police, and if there is anything to do, let the police deal with it."

The subtext is, don't think about running away, don't make things difficult for us, wait for the police to talk about anything, to put it bluntly, the hotel will not and is unwilling to participate in the grievances between guests.

After the manager looked at Bei and said this, he felt a little timid, not because the other party was a beautiful woman, but because of the violence of the other party and the icy aura emanating from his body.

Bei didn't even look at the manager, but glanced at Li Zedao and said coldly, "Leave in half an hour."

After speaking, he turned and returned to her room.

"Uh..." Li Zedao was speechless.

The hearts of the others were trampled crazily by millions of mud horses. This woman is too... Arrogant, right? But why is there such an inexplicable feeling in my heart? That is, it is normal for this woman to be arrogant, this is a reaction she should have, and it is not her if she is not arrogant.

Then, the eyes of these people fell on Li Zedao as if they had made an appointment.

"Is that lady your...friend?" The manager of the hotel asked very hard. The two of them opened two rooms, and with that woman's attitude, they didn't look like boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Friend." Li Zedao smiled wryly, and nodded. It is impossible to pat his ass and leave. The woman said that she would leave after half an hour, but she actually meant to let Li Zedao take care of this matter within half an hour. things, and don't bother her... Li Zedao wants to cry, you are not my woman, why should I wipe your ass for you?

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