"My friend is...a taekwondo master." Li Zedao said casually, and then pointed to the guy lying on the ground to explain briefly, "This guy saw that she was good-looking, so he took off his clothes and wanted to mess around. So that's it."

When Li Zedao said this, the nature of the whole matter changed, and this guy was wearing a pair of underwear all over his body, so Li Zedao's argument was very convincing.

"This...let the police handle it." The manager of the hotel nodded and glanced at the man on the ground. His eyes were filled with pity. As a man with a sense of justice, he usually hated him. Those bastards who want to flirt with a beautiful woman, but at this moment, he feels that this bastard is very pitiful, really pitiful.

Li Zedao was about to say something when the door of the room was opened, and Bei's cold face appeared there.

"I've already called." Bei looked at Li Zedao and said, "Leave in fifteen minutes." After speaking, that face disappeared there without delay.

So, don't worry about wiping her ass.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders back to the manager and said, "Don't worry, the matter has been dealt with." After finishing speaking, without waiting for the manager to say anything, Li Zedao returned to his room, intending to make simple preparations and leave in fifteen minutes .

"Uh..." The manager and the other hotel staff were trampled on again.

"Manager...they won't escape, right?" one of the security guards asked in a low voice. Naturally, he didn't believe Li Zedao's words that "the matter has been dealt with" and he was more willing to believe that they were planning to escape.

"...Stay here, anyway, the police are coming soon." The manager said. It was the first time he had seen such an arrogant guy, but somehow he had an unpleasant feeling in his heart. Could it be that this man and woman had a great background? Otherwise, why would you still be so calm after beating people half to death? After all, you have no reason to beat people up like this even if you take advantage of it.

Ten minutes later, five criminal policemen appeared in the corridor. One of the criminal policemen looked nervously and respectfully at the closed door, then pulled the hotel manager aside and said a few words , I don't know what to say, the manager's face turned pale with fright, and there was already a look of horror on his face when he looked at the door.

No wonder, dare to beat people to death but don't take it seriously at all.

As for the others, they carried away the guy who was still lying on the ground, and no one knocked on the doors of Li Zedao and Bei's room, and then... this matter ended here, or it was nothing at all. Nothing happened. As for the shocking blood stains on the wall, they appeared for no reason.

After another five minutes, Li Zedao opened the door and walked out, only to see a cleaning aunt was wiping the little blood on the wall with great difficulty.

After hearing the movement, the cleaning aunt turned her head and subconsciously looked back at Li Zedao, quickly turned her head back and continued to wipe.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the next room was opened, Bei walked out, closed the door casually, glanced at Li Zedao indifferently, and then strode towards the elevator entrance.

Li Zedao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, touched his nose, and followed.

After going downstairs, the two came to the lobby of the hotel one after the other.

After seeing Li Zedao and Bei who came down, the hotel staff all had extremely unnatural smiles on their faces without exception.

The manager of the hotel came up to him with two umbrellas, and tried his best to put a smile on his face: "You two... are you going out? I've already prepared the umbrellas for you two."

"Thank you." Li Zedao reached out and took the two umbrellas to express his gratitude.

As for Bei, he always kept a straight face and didn't even look at the manager when he opened his eyes.

"The other two have any problems or dissatisfaction during their stay. Please call the lobby at any time. I am here 24 hours a day, and we will work hard to do it well." Hotel Manager Said kindly.

Li Zedao nodded with a smile: "There is indeed one thing that makes me unsatisfied."

The hotel manager's complexion changed, and he asked in a busy manner, "Say it, tell me."

"Stop letting people stuff that little card into my room." Li Zedao said helplessly, "The woman on the card is so ugly, aren't you insulting my taste? It doesn't make any difference to throw garbage in the house, you know?"

"Uh...we will definitely do a good job in related work, and resolutely prevent the card party from going up to distribute small cards from happening again." The manager hurriedly expressed his opinion, and cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao coldly, and murmured in his heart: "This bastard is pretending to be innocent again, is he afraid that he will call the phone number on it if he can't hold back?"

Anyway, Bei didn't believe that Li Zedao didn't stare at those cards for a while, nor did he believe that he didn't want to call the phone number above.

After walking out of the hotel, it was windy and rainy outside, thunder was rolling, the weather was so bad, so the streets of this luxurious metropolis had lost the hustle and bustle of the past. The wind and rain passed by in a hurry.

Li Zedao handed one of the umbrellas to Bei and asked, "Have you thought about where to go?" In this weather, going to those famous scenic spots is not a good choice. Of course, if this woman insists on going, of course Li Zedao Accompanied by... the tragic scene of that pervert is now deeply engraved in his mind.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao indifferently: "No."

She really didn't know where to go, or rather, she didn't think about it at all, she just... well, she just wanted to get closer to this guy, and the inexplicable irritability in her heart after getting close to him It's gone, simple as that.

And the matter of "approaching" can only be realized by leaving the hotel. You can't go to his room or let him come to your own room, right? So, even though it was windy, rainy, lightning and thunderous outside, Bei still came out headstrong.

She knew she was dazed, so...be dazed.

Seeing Li Zedao's helpless expression, although Bei had a sullen face, he felt inexplicably wanting to laugh in his heart. Li Zedao showing such an expression was very funny.

"How about finding a big shopping mall?" Li Zedao thought for a while and made his own suggestion.

"Okay," Bei said. She doesn't care where she goes.

"Then find a shopping mall." Li Zedao heaved a sigh of relief. In this kind of weather with heavy wind and heavy rain and thunder coming down from time to time, if this woman said to go to Dujiangyan, if she was lying on Qingcheng Mountain... Li Zedao thinks, kill me, don't you If you kill me, if you are not sure, you will be struck to death by lightning!

At that moment, the two opened their umbrellas and entered the rain curtain, and got into the car parked in the parking lot in front of the hotel.

Bei actually opened the co-pilot's door and got in. After getting into the car, Li Zedao looked at the expressionless woman with some surprise, and said, "Let me first check where there is a big shopping mall nearby."

I thought, this woman's reaction is a bit strange, shouldn't she go in the back seat?

Bei nodded without looking at Li Zedao, took out his cigarette and lighter, and lit one.

Li Zedao glanced at it, and was stunned again. He recognized the bag of ladies' cigarettes she was holding in her hand, which was exactly the one he bought for her earlier.

Without daring to think about it, and pretending not to see it, Li Zedao took out his mobile phone and searched for the surrounding shopping malls and routes. After finally confirming the destination and route, Li Zedao started the car.

"Do you want to know more about the f organization?" Bei glanced at Li Zedao and asked.

"Yes?" Li Zedao glanced at her and said with a smile: "Farewell, I don't want to embarrass you too much." In fact, Li Zedao knows that even if he and Bei have some intersections now, when they return to Yanjing, there must be two Parallel lines that do not intersect, after all, there is a Huang Wen standing between them.

No matter what, Li Zedao wanted to get rid of Huang Wen's control in the end, and even, if there was a chance, Li Zedao would kill him. He would never allow such a huge threat to follow him around like a shadow.

But it was obvious that this woman couldn't get rid of Huang Wen at all. Even, one day in the future, when she planned to kill Huang Wen, this woman might jump out to stop her.

"Master Huang said, I can tell you about it." Bei Kan was an idiot who glanced at Li Zedao and said coldly.

"Uh...then tell me." This was embarrassing, Li Zedao thought that this woman was completely conquered by his own charm, so he planned not to hide anything from himself.

"Do you know that there was a decade-long turmoil decades ago?"

"Easy to understand." Li Zedao nodded.

Bei continued: "During the turmoil, many heroes who made great achievements in the War of Resistance were imposed various crimes, criticized, paraded in the street, locked in a cowshed, and humiliated in various ways. Many were unwilling to be humiliated in the end, or committed suicide, or were tortured to death, and even after death, the corpses continued to be humiliated... Afterwards, the descendants of these persecuted heroes gathered together and established the f organization."

Li Zedao's eyeballs widened slightly, there is such a thing? Immediately asked: "So, Huang Wen didn't create the f organization? He is just a member of the organization? Are these people planning to take revenge? To take revenge on those who hurt their relatives during the turmoil? Even... revenge on this country?"

Bei glanced at Li Zedao, nodded and said: "F organization was not founded by Huang Ye alone, and even the f organization you are talking about now cannot be said to be the organization that was established back then, and the organization that was established back then is now gone. The name was changed, and it was called fx organization, which means 'Renaissance'."

"Uh..." Li Zedao was a little dazed.

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