The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1348 Unexpected

"Are you confused?" Bei glanced at Li Zedao indifferently, and exhaled a puff of smoke. At this time, she had finished smoking the first cigarette, and then lit the second one.

Because of the heavy wind and heavy rain, the windows could not be opened, so the whole small space was filled with smoke.

Li Zedao smiled wryly and nodded. He was indeed a little confused. It seemed that things were completely different from what he thought. He thought that fc was an extremely evil organization that had penetrated deeply into the officialdom. Now it seems that it is not so one thing.

"To put it simply, the fc organization changed its name many years ago and became the current fx organization, which means 'rejuvenation'." Bei explained, "After the organization was established, it was indeed It was with the idea of ​​revenge. After all, even if they were rehabilitated in the end, how could the huge harm and grief brought about by them be cured in a short time? At this time, only crazy revenge can calm down the pain in their hearts. A kind of anger and unwillingness."

"It's just that in the end, due to various reasons and some people intervened to dissuade them, this powerful force finally put down their hatred, gave up the idea of ​​revenge before, and participated in the subsequent reform of the country Come, and change the name, and become the powerful and secretive organization with a very strong official color... fx! To put it bluntly, the current economic and military capabilities of China are so powerful, fx organization function must."

"The members of this organization are located in all major areas of China, and even a certain boss at the top is also a member of this huge organization. This organization cooperates with the ruling party to govern and protect this superpower, but it is hidden in the dark It’s just unknown.”

"..." Li Zedao was stunned, and swallowed uncontrollably, there is such a thing? He suddenly remembered what Huang Wen had said to him before. Huang Wen said, you haven't reached that height yet, so it's hard for you to imagine many things, and it seems that is indeed the case.

"Then what's going on with the fc organization?" Li Zedao was still a little confused. I thought to myself that I am not stupid, and my comprehension ability is quite strong, so the reasonable explanation is that there is something wrong with this woman's way of expression.

"The fc organization is one of the important components of the fx organization, and Huang Ye is the person in charge of this component." Bei said, "Furthermore, fc does not mean revenge. 'f' naturally refers to the mysterious and powerful fx. organization, but 'c' is not the so-called hatred you know, but 'create', that is..."

Sweeping at Li Zedao in the north, he slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Create!"

"So, the so-called fc organization is actually the creative department of the fx organization?" Li Zedao asked with difficulty, his eyes widening.

"It can be understood that way." Bei nodded and said, "Actually, the current international situation is extremely complicated, and the peripheral forces are eyeing you. The Dongtu you know is just one of them, which is not too big, and even many forces are there. Gathering momentum, planning to do something unfavorable to China, including the super big family Rothschild, and Ito Junichi from the island country... The fc organization led by Huang Ye is responsible for dealing with these evil forces in the dark. Looking for an opportunity to give them a fatal blow, of course, this matter is very secretive, very few people know about it, and those foreign forces have no way of knowing, even, they may have never even heard of the fc organization, let alone the fx."

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and immediately "Boom!" A muffled thunder followed.

Then the lightning seemed to penetrate into Li Zedao's mind, causing him to have a flash of inspiration, as if he had caught something.

"So, the previous matter about the snake head was actually a...conspiracy from beginning to end? Was it carried out at the behest of the superior?" Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he asked very hard, his thoughts were surging, and he couldn't help it for a long time. calm.

Now think, the loss of the serpent's head,

In fact, a series of reactions followed.

Because of the snake head, Master's reputation was immediately ruined. He became a stinky mouse, a so-called traitor, a traitor, his prestige and power in China, or Master who had a premonition that something was going wrong. It was withdrawn, or it was secretly disintegrated.

Later, because of the snake head, Li Zedao went to the island country, which directly turned the island country upside down. The sword demon Junichi Ito was killed, and the hated Jinguo Shrine became Junichi Ito's prostitution. It was burned, and Nisuo, which supported the economy of the island country, also collapsed, so that the economy of the island country has retreated for at least five years, and now it does not dare to point fingers in front of China.

Then, because of the snake head, Li Zedao went to Las Vegas again. This time, the biggest gain was nothing more than that, under the arrangement of Huang Wen, Li Zedao and Mr. Pete killed Firefox and let Rothschild The family suffered a lot...

Is this actually carefully planned by the fc organization led by Huang Wen? Is the result obtained by fc or the fx behind it, or even what the big guys above want to get?

And Master... is the victim of this conspiracy? Or, did his death have a deeper meaning?

"In addition to helping this country secretly deal with those forces that are trying to harm China, the fc organization is also responsible for various research." Bei continued.

"For example... Onimaru?" Li Zedao's expression became a little ugly. When he said this, he had already stopped the car on the side of the road, and now he stared at Bei with scarlet eyes terrifyingly.

Bei nodded: "For example, Onimaru."

"So...the higher authorities apparently forbid the development of ghost pills, but they actually turned a blind eye to it? Is it tacit approval?" Li Zedao's expression became even more ugly.

"Yes." Bei looked at Li Zedao, and clearly gave the answer that Li Zedao didn't want and had already got.

"For example, some other anti-human studies that even require a lot of living organisms to do experiments and kill many people?" Li Zedao's expression was already a little grim.

"Yes." Bei once again gave an answer that Li Zedao couldn't figure out but didn't really want.

"So... more than 20 years ago, my master was sent to destroy Yingmen who developed Onimaru, and they planned to bring Chen Yibing, the maker of Onimaru, back to China. The real reason was not because Onimaru was evil and anti-human. Such an evil thing shouldn't exist, but because...Chen Yibing is helping those forces outside the country, and he didn't work for the country?"

"Yes." Bei's answer was still without warmth or human touch.

The ferocity on Li Zedao's face increased a bit.

"I know what you're thinking." Bei said lightly, "You're thinking, why should you secretly take away those homeless bums, beggars, or people with mental problems, or people in prisons? Those death-row prisoners, cruelly deprived of their names to conduct research on Onimaru and other aspects, right?"

Li Zedao took a deep breath and nodded.

"It's just that other countries are also conducting related research. They are studying the kind of soldiers who can't be killed, the kind of genetic weapons with extremely powerful lethality. If we don't study it, we will fall behind. Being behind means being beaten Afterwards, the shame of a hundred years ago may have to be tasted again!"

Bei explained coldly: "So, sacrifice those insignificant idlers..."

"Idlers?" Li Zedao sneered, "Then why didn't you sacrifice yourself? Not Huang Wen? You didn't even sacrifice the big bosses above? What's the difference between your casual taking of other people's lives and executioners? So, don't treat yourself as a The savior, that would make me sick."

"Have you watched a very popular movie in the past two years called "2012"? Why are only those important politicians, those super rich, and those scientists qualified to board the Ark of Joa? It's not because of their fate. Noble, no one's life is more noble than anyone else's life! It's just that this world is like this, the law of the jungle, the weak are a crime, it's that simple! If those idlers are more powerful than me, then there is nothing wrong with sacrificing me Yes, it's a pity that they are alive, and sometimes they are really no different from a walking dead."

Bei said: "We are not saviors, and we don't have the ability to take care of the billions of people in China. We can only take care of the majority of people! We just want to say, don't fall too far behind other countries, and even become the whole country. The overlord of the world, in this way, other countries, those evil forces lurking in the dark will not dare to provoke our China, and by then, the wars of aggression and massacre that broke out before will no longer happen."

Li Zedao was speechless. He felt that if he continued to speak, he would become... a villain who judged a gentleman with a villain's heart and disregarded the country's safety, or even a traitor.

"Then... why did my master die? Why did he have to die?" Li Zedao asked after a moment of silence.

Bei looked at him indifferently, and said coldly: "Because he is a good bait, as long as he throws out his bait, the fc organization can cooperate well with those forces, and then There will be a very good opportunity to stab them from behind! Also because your master has five safety buckles, and Simei has been integrated into them, so even if you don't do anything to him, he will die soon; what's more The important thing is that we must get the five safety buttons in his hand, so that we can successfully open the tomb of Duanmu Weizhuang, and let your master kill yourself quickly... It is unrealistic. As for the so-called revenge of the past, To smear his reputation is just to show those forces, and now it seems that the effect is quite good."

"Shut up!" Li Zedao roared in a low voice, looking at Bei with murderous eyes, like a lion in a rage.

Bei looked at Li Zedao with indifferent eyes.

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