The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1350 Brother-in-law

Li Zedao actually wanted to stop Bei in front, and asked her, are you shopping? Yeah?

But, dare not, what if this woman kills his brother directly in front of so many people?

After walking on the fifth floor with steps that were basically the same frequency and size, as if carefully measured, Bei went straight to the elevator, came to the third floor, and finally walked into a coffee shop.

Of course, from beginning to end, Li Zedao followed behind foolishly and cheaply. Bei walked into the coffee shop, and he followed in.

"It's finally over." Li Zedao exhaled a long breath with a painful expression. All the shopping with the girls in the past added up, and they are not as tired as this time.

After entering the coffee shop, Bei found a seat by the window and sat down. Li Zedao sat down helplessly and asked, "What do you want to drink?" The little girl with the iconic smile is hanging there, right?

"Coffee," Bei said.

"...You are so humorous." Li Zedao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said to the waiter, "Two cups of... cat poop coffee, thank you."

Cat poop coffee... Then I couldn't help but think of Antarctica. Although I put it down, I can't help thinking about it, especially when drinking coffee.

In fact, in terms of temperament and dress, Antarctica and Beibei have a lot of acquaintances. The standard equipment of the two is leather clothes and pants, and both of them are cold.

It's just that the coldness in Antarctica is deliberately pretended, which is her layer of camouflage, while the coldness in the North Pole is really cold, the kind of coldness that comes from the heart.

Earlier, after taking a bath in the hotel, Li Zedao had contacted Yanhuang and had a brief chat with Yanhuang. Of course, the most important thing was to know the situation in Antarctica.

Yanhuang said, Antarctica's mood has stabilized... As long as it doesn't see you, it's basically fine.

Li Zedao was very hurt after hearing this.

Bei glanced at Li Zedao's face, looked up at the waiter and said, of course, his tone was cold and not friendly at all: "No coffee, two cups of black tea."

Li Zedao took a surprised look at this woman's beautiful face, so this is considered to be indirect...consolation? Afraid of being sad and diverting your attention? This woman is quite interesting. Looking back at the slightly embarrassed waiter, he said, "Then double the amount of black tea."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter nodded and left quickly. She can feel it... This handsome guy has offended that beauty, and the two of them are having a fight, look how cold that beautiful woman's face is... When will I find such a handsome boyfriend? At that time, I will definitely not show him a cold face, I will definitely not...

Then there was a silence, Li Zedao didn't know what to say, and Bei didn't mean to speak. At this time, she was looking outside with indifferent eyes.

This floor is mainly for entertainment and leisure, so there are many items for children to play.

There were a few kids there who were having fun beating the little people that came out of the machine with plastic clocks.

Bei was looking at those children, his eyes were indifferent but serious.

Li Zedao could probably guess that this woman should be thinking of those happy times when she was young with her parents, right? At that time, her parents should be like the parents of those children outside, taking her out to play from time to time, right?

Looking away from her icy little face, Li Zedao also looked outside, and then his eyes lit up.

Who is that three-year-old boy who is carved in powder and jade and wears a red children's suit with Thomas the train printed on it? Isn't Qin Xiangjun's son Xiaobao? Of course, now Qin Xiangjun and He Xiaofeng are married, so Xiaobao also changed his surname, and his first name is He Chaocheng.

But, how could Xiaobao be in Rong City? He Xiaofeng and Qin Xiangjun are now in the honeymoon period, so they traveled all over the country and came to Rong City for their honeymoon?

Muttering in his heart, Li Zedao stretched his neck and glanced a few times,

But he didn't see the figures of He Xiaofeng and Qin Xiangjun, thinking that these two people probably stayed where he couldn't see, and then took care of Xiaobao. After all, with their temperament and the kind of love for Xiaobao, It is impossible to leave Xiaobao there alone to play.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao still didn't intend to go out to say hello or something. After all, the family of three was enjoying family happiness over there, so why bother?

Of course, Li Zedao also worried whether such a warm picture of a family of three would seriously stimulate Bei's nerves.


Just as Li Zedao thought, at this time Qin Xiangjun and He Xiaofeng were indeed drinking afternoon tea in another shop nearby that Li Zedao couldn't see when he was sitting there.

On the third day after their wedding, they started their planned honeymoon trip. Rong City was the third stop. They originally planned to take Xiaobao to the Giant Panda Base to see pandas today, but they had no choice but to go It was windy and rainy, and the formation was forced to be cancelled, but Xiaobao didn't want to stay in the hotel room, so the two of them braved the rain and brought him to the shopping mall.

"Wife, I'm so happy to have you." He Xiaofeng withdrew his face from Xiaobao, looked at Qin Xiangjun with a gentle voice and ambiguous eyes.

Qin Xiangjun stretched out his hand, held his hand gently, and said softly, "Me too."

Then her pretty face flushed slightly, with a hint of shyness on her face: "Wait for Xiaobao to sleep at night..."

"No, the doctor specifically explained that it's not allowed in the first three months of pregnancy." He Xiaofeng said quickly, "I'm fine."

"What are you thinking about?" Qin Xiangjun glared at He Xiaofeng and blamed, "I mean my back is sore, give me a massage when Xiaobao falls asleep...behave well, I'll help you with that..."

"Hey, I promise to satisfy you." He Xiaofeng already had a silly and wretched smile on his face.

"Stupid." Qin Xiangjun pursed her lips and smiled shyly, then looked at her son Xiaobao next to the toy machine, the smile on her face froze suddenly, then she let go of He Xiaofeng's hand and ran outside.

"What's wrong?" He Xiaofeng froze for a moment, looked outside through the window, jumped up from the sofa, and rushed outside like flying.

Before Qin Xiangjun ran to him, he shouted, "What are you doing? Stop!"

Next to the toy machine, a man with an inch head was pinching Xiao Bao's pink face. At this time, Xiao Bao's face was already blue and purple, but he stared at the man with an inch head stubbornly, tears rolled in his eyes, but Just don't want to flow down.

Behind the cropped man, a chubby little boy was rubbing his eyes and crying heartbreakingly, as if someone had snatched his favorite toy away.

At the same time, in the coffee shop, seeing that guy dared to pinch Xiaobao's face, Li Zedao stood up from his chair and was about to go out.

"Your son?" Bei came back to his senses, and watched Li Zedao say this.

"...You think too much, that little boy is called Xiaobao, the son of my brother-in-law." Li Zedao said, but sat down again, because he had already seen Qin Xiangjun and He Xiaofeng running over, and He Xiaofeng was there, the inch-cut man If you can't get any benefits, you don't need to come forward.

"Which brother-in-law?" Bei asked coldly.

"..." Li Zedao was helpless, is it interesting to be so cynical? Then he pointed to He Xiaofeng who ran over there and said, "That's it."


When the inch-cut man saw Qin Xiangjun running over, he instantly felt extremely amazed. There are many beauties in Rong City, but such ones are really rare in terms of body, face and temperament.

Then, immediately afterwards, he pretended to be very angry, and said angrily: "What are you doing? How do you educate children? Can you just hit someone on the head with a hammer? My son's head is very smart." Yes, can you afford to accompany me if I am fooled?"

While speaking, he pinched Xiaobao's face again and again.

"Mom..." Seeing Qin Xiangjun coming, Xiaobao burst into tears.

"Let go of your dirty hands." Qin Xiangjun was so distressed that he slapped off the man's hand with an ugly face, then hugged Xiaobao up and comforted him softly.

"Hehe, the chick is quite hot. She smells like our Sichuan girls. Did you say that my hands are dirty? None of the women who have been touched by me say that my hands are dirty." The inch-cut man looked at her wretchedly. Qin Xiangjun said that he was not afraid of spoiling the child standing behind him at all.

"If you don't believe me, why don't I touch you?" The inch-cut man gestured to touch Qin Xiangjun. Of course, although he was arrogant in broad daylight, he was actually not that courageous, so this time The action was more like a stroking gesture, but coupled with his facial expression, the humiliation was already evident.

At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded beside his ears: "How dare you beat a child and moles a woman in broad daylight?"

When He Xiaofeng said these words, he had already grabbed the man's wrist, and then pulled his right arm downwards. When he raised his arm upwards under his natural reaction, he suddenly reversed his strength and raised it too. He jerked his arms up.

"Crack!" There was a sound of broken bones, and the right arm of the cropped man was torn off by He Xiaofeng.

As the chief of the Lihu District Police Station and responsible for his good looks, He Xiaofeng's skills have always been very good. Of course, compared with Li Zedao and his type of masters, he can't even keep up with flattery, but to deal with this kind of bum , that is really more than rubbing.

He Xiaofeng was very angry, not only because the inch-cut man spoke rudely to Qin Xiangjun, but also because the man pinched Xiaobao's face, and more importantly because of his expression when he pinched Xiaobao's face...wretched! What did he think of such a small child? What's even more beastly is that it was a boy.

Therefore, He Xiaofeng decisively struck a ruthless hand. Of course, because of his professional habits, he charged him with a crime before doing it.

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