The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1351 Looking forward to something big

A man who was caught off guard... At least that's how the inch-cut man thought about it. His entire right side was torn off by the other party, and the heart-piercing pain hit him, making his bun face distorted. At that moment, he The intact left arm was clutching his severed arm tightly, rolling and crying on the ground, the situation was unbearable.

The little chubby boy who was crying to death before saw his father in such a miserable state, he was so frightened that he forgot to cry.

Qin Xiangjun hugged Xiaobao in his arms, comforted him softly, gently wiped away his tears, and blew on his little face, his eyes were red with distress, and he glanced at the crying man on the ground, showing no sympathy at all , On the contrary, I feel very relieved.

He Xiaofeng came over and took Xiaobao over. Xiaobao didn't speak, but lay silently on his shoulder, looking pitiful.

"Xiaobao, it's okay, Dad has already knocked down the bad guy." He Xiaofeng said softly, "But, why did he pinch Xiaobao's face?"

Xiaobao had an aggrieved expression, as if he was about to cry again: "Xiaobao is playing hamsters, that fat man wants Xiaobao's hammer, but if Xiaobao doesn't give it to him, he will grab it, and Xiaobao will hit him with the hammer... "

He Xiaofeng took a look at the chubby child. Seeing that He Xiaofeng was looking at him, the child backed away in fright. Then he couldn't stand still and sat down on the ground, and burst into tears again.

He Xiaofeng is so depressed, he thinks that I am not your father, I am a good public servant of the people, the embodiment of justice, I can't do that kind of thing that both people and gods are angry with.

"Xiaobao don't cry." He Xiaofeng comforted him distressedly.

"Well, Xiaobao didn't cry. My mother said that Xiaobao is like the new father. He is a man who stands up to the sky. A man can't cry. So when the bad uncle pinched Xiaobao's face, it hurt so much, so Xiaobao didn't cry. ..." When the little guy was talking, he wiped away his tears with his chubby little hands, indicating that he wasn't crying.

"How is the new father?" He Xiaofeng asked.

"Not good..." Xiaobao replied in a childish voice, "Hello, Uncle..."

"..." He Xiaofeng regretted that he had asked this question, and his heart was bursting into tears, thinking that I am your father, you can't turn your heart towards him.

He Xiaofeng also couldn't understand why Xiaobao was so clingy to Li Zedao, as long as Li Zedao was around, he would follow him, no one could hug him back.

Seeing the jealous He Xiaofeng looking at him, Qin Xiangjun glared at him angrily.

He Xiaofeng accompanied by a smiling face,

His eyes accidentally glanced at the coffee shop on the left and right, and met a smiling face behind the glass, and then his eyes widened.

Li Zedao? Didn't this kid go to Yanjing to perform some mission? Why is it in Rong City? Beast, have you made a new one?

The screams of the inch-cut man and the almost heart-piercing cries of the chubby child attracted a large crowd of onlookers. Soon, the staff of the shopping mall also ran over. They didn't know how to deal with it, or they simply didn't have the ability to deal with it, so they quickly called the police and notified the security personnel of the mall to come over to prevent the situation from expanding further.

"It's okay, I'll be fine at the police station to make a record later." He Xiaofeng looked away from Li Zedao's face that deserved a beating, looked at Qin Xiangjun and said with a smile.

Qin Xiangjun reached out to hug Xiaobao back and nodded. He wasn't too worried about this kind of thing. After all, He Xiaofeng was also the director of a district in Fenghuang City.

Soon, the security guards from the shopping mall rushed over. The security captain squatted down to inspect the man's injuries, and said, "His arm is broken. Everyone present, please don't leave. Let's wait for the police to come and deal with it." This issue."

As he said that, he glanced at He Xiaofeng a few times, so these words were actually addressed to him.

He Xiaofeng smiled: "Of course we have to wait for the police to come."

"Wait for your mother... Do you know who I am?"

He looked at He Xiaofeng as if looking at a dead person: "Okay, you are fine... just wait... If I let you walk out of the shopping mall safely today, I will be your grandson."

He Xiaofeng smiled coldly and didn't answer. He has been a policeman for several years, and he has been threatened countless times. In the end, those who threatened him were his grandsons.

The inch-cut man gritted his teeth, fumbled in his pocket with his left hand, and finally took out a mobile phone, dialed a number in front of everyone.

Soon, the phone was connected, and a man's flattering voice came over: "Young Master Zhou, what instructions do you have?"

"Instruct your mother, my hand was cut off by the National People's Congress on the fifth floor of Taihe Tianjie, please bring someone here... Remember to bring the guy, I want to kill someone!" the man yelled.

"Young Master Zhou, there are a lot of people in that place, so bringing a guy will affect that too much..."

"Damn it, it's less than ten minutes, you kid, don't come to see me in the future." The cropped man stared at He Xiaofeng with unfriendly eyes, and shouted at the phone angrily.

"Yes, yes, Young Master Zhou, I will definitely be there in ten minutes." The man quickly changed his words.

The staff members looked at each other in dismay, looking at the posture, they were planning to beat people to death, this...

"Sir, the police will be here soon, trust us, we will cooperate to deal with this matter and give you a satisfactory tape, the compensation that should be compensated, the apology that should be apologized... You see, I will send you first Go to the hospital?" The security captain tried to dissuade him when he saw that things were showing signs of trouble.

"Fuck you, do I look like someone short of money? Besides, what's the use of the police? Even if the police come, I dare to beat this bastard to death in front of them!" Cun Tou said viciously. Another burst of severe pain hit him, and he wailed again.

If it was a few minutes ago, He Xiaofeng might have been worried after hearing this guy's arrogant words. After all, he was in the system and had deeply realized how dark the world is. For example, last time, Baili Changhe dared to face them. He wanted to throw Li Zedao down from the thirteenth floor.

If this inch-cut man is very powerful in Rong City, then he has to think about retreating quickly. After all, this matter is really not the police, and it is really not something that he can solve with the police. The most important thing is, this is not Phoenix. City, is the city of Rong that is very strange to him.

But now, not only is he not worried, he's also... looking forward to it, because with Li Zedao around, let's make a big fuss. Anyway, with this kid on his back, the next thing he needs to do is to continue spending his honeymoon with his lovely wife That's it.

Qin Xiangjun looked at He Xiaofeng worriedly, He Xiaofeng gave her a reassuring look, and then pointed to the Nana coffee shop.

Following what he pointed, Qin Xiangjun looked over, and when she saw Li Zedao sitting over there, she was also slightly taken aback, she didn't expect to meet him in this place.

It is undeniable that once, facing this boy, she was tempted, but in the end, she gave up. On the one hand, she couldn't accept the fact that so many women have a man together. On the other hand, she also saw After she came out, Li Zedao didn't have any extra thoughts on her.

At that moment, Qin Xiangjun smiled slightly and nodded, then turned to look at He Xiaofeng: "No wonder you are not worried."

He Xiaofeng chuckled, and glanced at the inch-headed man who was crying on the ground, there was infinite sympathy in his eyes, thinking that this guy was going to be in trouble.

Then, he walked up to the security guard and said, "I was the one who was hurt. I will wait here for the police to come. Let these onlookers go away. There are many people with children. If there is any violent scene It's not good for children."

Several security guards looked at each other, nodded, and then dispersed the crowd of onlookers: "Parents with children can leave first, please stay and be a witness for the rest."

The security captain looked back at He Xiaofeng and said, "This matter... I'm afraid it's going to be a big mess. I'm calling the police and telling them to come over quickly."

He was really worried that the people called by the inch-cut man would arrive first, and then they would beat up the family of three. Will they persuade them or not?

Persuasion, no way, this guy with a severed arm is not easy to mess with at first glance, maybe he will have to fight with the other party at that time; don't persuade, let alone, in case these people beat people up in front of them, security guards If they were maimed or even killed, they would have to pack up and leave.

However, with the police around, it's easy to handle. The police can't control it, and our little security guards can't control it.

"It's okay." He Xiaofeng smiled, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I'm the policeman, you just need to let the onlookers leave, because the next scene might be really bloody and violent."

The security captain's eyes widened slightly: "Are you... a policeman?" It doesn't look like that, but it looks like a little boy who eats and drinks... Oh, old boy.

"Not like?" He Xiaofeng was really dissatisfied with the security captain's reaction.

"Uh... like, like." The security captain said against his conscience, but he was slightly relieved. After a while, as long as he revealed his identity as a policeman, I believe that this man with a broken arm would not dare to let people mess around. No wonder, Everyone called someone to come over, but he still looked confident.

At the same time, when those people heard that they had to stay as witnesses, they all dispersed in a snap. The devil is willing to be this witness. Who wants to cause trouble these days?

Of course, they didn't really leave, but stretched their necks from a distance to watch... These days, no one wants to get into trouble, but at the same time they like to join in the fun.

"Scatter, scatter, scatter, gather around here to dry birds?"

"What about you, don't you hurry to get out of the way?"

There was a commotion and yelling, the crowd dispersed, and then I saw a group of strong men rushing over, each with a fierce posture, and because of the heavy rain outside, the hair and clothes were more or less intact. The hanging water droplets added a bit of murderous aura.

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