The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1358 The Law of the Jungle

Bei randomly picked up a few lottery tickets, glanced at the winning instructions on the back of the lottery tickets, and then threw them back. She still knew how low the probability of winning was for such things.

She just wanted to know, if he didn't win, how would Li Zedao fulfill what he just said. He just said, with the good luck you brought me, I will definitely win the lottery...

What if you don't win? If you don't win, I'll beat you up.

At that moment, Li Zedao stared wide-eyed, and finally picked out three scratch cards, looked back at Bei and smiled, "You want to try it too?"

Bei shook his head indifferently with indifferent eyes: "Childish!"


"Then I can shave myself, don't say that I didn't leave it to you later." Li Zedao said, he started to shave, and soon, his eyes were bright, and his face was as excited as if he had eaten bee poo, "Ha... ...I won the lottery, I won the lottery..."

"Did you hit it? How much?" Bei was taken aback, and inexplicably became interested.

"Two yuan!" Li Zedao was very proud, and he waved the scratch card in front of Bei's eyes as if showing off.

The corner of Bei's mouth twitched, and he almost kicked this guy to death, your sister, you are so excited to win two dollars! Did this guy forget that he paid ten bucks for his scratch card?

Those onlookers in the surrounding area almost vomited blood when they heard that they had won two yuan. Damn it, you just won two yuan. How excited are you? I thought it was thousands of yuan?

Li Zedao still said with an excited expression: "A lot, I have never won before, you really brought me good luck."

"Keep scraping!" Bei said coldly.

"Sure." Li Zedao continued to scratch, took a look, and shouted excitedly, "Look, look, I hit it again, this time it's a thousand."

Bei's eyes widened slightly, and he rushed over to take a look, and sure enough, he got a thousand hits! Is this guy really so lucky? Or... did I really bring him good luck?

For a moment, Bei's heart felt crisp and numb, as if the sun had finally come into the dark corner for a long time; the dry, cracked and barren land was nourished by clear water.

When the people around heard that this time they had won a thousand dollars, their minds became active in an instant. Although this kid only won two dollars the first time, the second time it was like a rocket.

I won a thousand prizes all at once, and what is even more rare is that I won two prizes in a row. That can only show one thing. The God of Wealth is taking a nap at this stall today, and the few people who are eager to try are planning to buy a few.

"You take the last one." Li Zedao smiled and handed over the last scratch card in his hand.

Bei glanced at him, hesitated for a moment, reached out to take it, then, lowered his head and slowly scraped it up, scraped it away, looked at him a few times, raised his head, looked at Li Ze and said, "Fifty thousand."

" much?" Li Zedao thought he heard it wrong.

"Fifty thousand." Bei repeated with wide-eyed eyes.

Obviously, she didn't believe that Li Zedao would have such good luck that he won 50,000 yuan. Of course, it was even rarer than winning 50,000 yuan. He only bought three tickets, but all three tickets won. In the case of hands and feet, what kind of luck is needed for this?

So, he has the kind of see-through eyes in the novel, which can see through the silver paste coating on the scratch card? Bei quickly dismissed this idea, after all, if Li Zedao really possessed such a heaven-defying skill, it is impossible for Huang Ye not to know about it! Besides, his reaction just now was stunned, which proves that he didn't expect to hit so many hits.

So, really luck?

Li Zedao took it over and took a look, and heard the sound of swallowing saliva all around. After the sound of swallowing saliva, they started chattering.

"There's another winner! What luck!"

"Yeah, you're so lucky, have you gone out to read the almanac?"

"Boss, give me two too, maybe the God of Wealth is really here!"


"Okay, boss, let's not play anymore." Li Zedao pushed the three scratched scratch cards to the disabled boss.

The boss was completely convinced by the young man's unbelievable luck, and immediately took the scratch card with a smile on his face. He was not afraid that Li Zedao had so many of them, but he would like to thank him for attracting a large group of people. His business will definitely be much better this day.

A piece of 50,000 yuan, a piece of 1,000 yuan, and a piece of 2 yuan. The boss who is good at mathematics calculated the total amount at once: "Congratulations, the total is 51,002 yuan."

Boss, it is an honest person who is sincerely happy for this young couple, but when he said this, all the onlookers couldn't help but gasp.

This is more than 50,000 yuan. Although some of the people watching the excitement are not short of money, more than 50,000 yuan is still a lot of money, let alone those who get up early and set up breakfast stalls to make money? More importantly, they didn't forget that these two people made so much money in just a few minutes. .

For a moment, everyone looked at this pair of handsome men and beautiful women, full of surprise and other complicated expressions.

"Tsk tsk, lame Zhang, you won't fool me, will you?"

Just as the onlookers were envious or envious of Li Zedao and Bei having won such a bonus all at once, a strange voice sounded, and then the crowd of onlookers gave way, and the corners of the mouths of five sultry youths With a cigarette in his mouth, he walked over with squinting eyes.

The one in the lead, with blond hair, looks very Han Fan, and it was he who spoke just now.

As soon as Zhang Laizi saw these people, his expression suddenly changed, and he smiled apologetically: "Brother Ming, who am I to fool you? Look, is there some misunderstanding?"

"I misunderstood you!" Brother Ming's face that looked a little immature was extremely old-fashioned, "Our brothers came here to shave more than 20 sheets two days ago, did you shave more than a dozen yesterday? Mom Yes, I didn't win any of them! Now it's an evil way, this kid and this beauty just scratched three cards, and they won all of them? The amount is... 50,000? Is there such a coincidence? Could it be that you are a lame Zhang looking for it? Let me ask you to perform a show, so that you can make your stall business better, right?"

As he said that, he glanced at Li Zedao with disdain, and then looked at Bei greedily, the lustful light in his eyes was undoubtedly revealed.

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding people immediately resonated, and felt that what this young man said was very reasonable. If you bought more than a dozen tickets and only won one or two, it would make sense, but you only bought three. Zhang actually hit all of them... It's too unreasonable and reasonable, so it must be Trust.

Zhang Laizi looked panicked, and quickly explained: "There is no such thing, there is no such thing, you two are really lucky, I didn't find it, and the lottery tickets are covered with silver paste. I cheated and cheated even if I wanted to." Not coming, are you?"

While explaining in a panic, there was unavoidable sadness in my heart. Although these boys look old-fashioned, they are actually kids under the age of 18. They are students from a technical secondary school nearby, and they are famous for fighting. Don't worry, they ruined all the stalls around here.

For example, at his lottery stand, if they give you ten yuan, they will take away several lottery tickets from you. For example, at the pancake stand at Lao Li’s house, it is common to get credit for eating pancakes.

They are all honest and honest and do a small business to support their families, so under normal circumstances, don't speak, and dare not get angry.

"Really?" Brother Ming frowned, and said coldly, "Do you think I will believe it?"

Then he looked at Bei, who was extremely cold, glanced a few more times at her tightly wrapped chest in black leather clothes, and said with a smile: "Beauty, do you think you can hold... tsk tsk... you can't hold it with one hand." ah."

But Bei didn't even look at him, and whispered in Li Zedao's ear: "You said that the greatest value of this kind of guy who bullies the weak is to serve as the raw material for ghost pills?"

"Uh..." Li Zedao smiled wryly, but he had to affirm that what Bei said was right. If there were fewer or no such people, then the world would definitely be peaceful.

"Also, the law of the jungle, the weak prey on the strong, and being weak is a sin... The stall owner is too cowardly. If he has the courage to shake his fist, would these people dare to be so arrogant?" Bei added.

"I know what you want to say." Li Zedao responded in a low voice, looking at Bei's glistening earlobe, he had the urge to take a bite, "The law of the jungle, the weak prey on the strong, and the weak are a sin... But this is the truth , However, not everyone can bear the consequences of throwing their fists... For example, think about your father, if he admits to being cowardly at the beginning, will there be anything later?"

Bei Na narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at Li Zedao, and remained silent.

"It's like me. I'm trying to make things right for Huang Wen. Do you think I'm too cowardly and should punch him?" Li Zedao asked again.

Bei froze for a moment, then shook her head slightly. She felt that Li Zedao's compromise was a very wise choice.

Brother Ming saw that after he said the molesting words, the beauty didn't react at all, but muttered something to the boy beside him, his face stiffened immediately, and then he laughed exaggeratedly.

"You actually ignore brother's existence? He's so personable, I like it!" He said, and then he reached out to lift Bei's chin and tease her! Don't all the gangsters in the movie have this action? It's so handsome, so Brother Ming has learned everything!

Every time he sees a beautiful woman, he will tease him like this, and then seeing the beautiful woman's face turn pale and run away, he laughs very proudly behind him, he really enjoys it.

"What I want to say is that you have to see the situation clearly before throwing a punch. For example, right now, you can throw a punch." Li Zedao said, and then he punched out, directly hitting the defenseless Zheng Yi With a wretched smile on his face, he stretched out his hand to Brother Ming's face in the north.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Brother Ming's body flew out, and then he lay heavily on the ground, looking at his face, his nose had already collapsed, and blood kept coming out from the corners of his nostrils and mouth.

Everyone was dumbfounded, watching this scene in a daze. No one thought that this handsome guy who had just won more than 50,000 yuan would suddenly make a move, and the shot was so heavy that he knocked out the little gangster in the neighborhood with a single punch. They were beaten badly.

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