"I also want to say, take a step back and open up the sea and the sky." Li Zedao looked at Bei and smiled as if he was a normal person, "It's like this."

As he said that, he took a step back, and then... accidentally stepped on Brother Ming's crotch.

"Oh..." An extremely sharp scream came out of Brother Ming's mouth full of blood. While screaming, the whole person sat up directly, and the full face It was the bloody face that had been distorted into a bun.

"Take a step back...the sea and the sky are brighter?" The corner of Bei's mouth twitched, and he worked hard to keep his face sullen, not letting himself show a smile.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know where you were lying." Seeing that someone stepped on him, Li Zedao quickly lifted his foot up, turned his head and looked down at Brother Ming, and said apologetically.

"..." Everyone looked at Li Zedao as if they were looking at a monster. How could they not see that this guy who was shamelessly apologizing stepped on it on purpose.

Brother Ming raised his head, looked at Li Zedao complicatedly with eyes full of pain, and roared hoarsely: "You...you...damn, don't... Hurry up, fuck me..."

So, the remaining gangsters finally came to their senses, looked at Li Zedao, and shouted, "Damn, dare to attack our brother Ming? Get rid of him!" Then, they all took out folding knives and the like on their bodies. Yes, he is about to rush towards Li Zedao.

These days, most of these little kids who came out to be gangsters before they reached the age of adulthood became gangsters because they watched a few underworld Hong Kong movies, or they had relatives and friends who were doing well outside the campus. Everyone is very good. I'm afraid, so I follow along. To some extent, they are much more terrifying than those who really roll around in society, because they are immature, do not know how to measure, are unpredictable, and do things without measure... Even, even if he really killed someone, there is still the so-called minor protection law, the gold medal for avoiding death.

So, they really dare to kill!

Just like now, they all took out their pocket knives and came out, and the face that still looked so immature was full of sternness, as if they were facing a big enemy.

At the same time, when the onlookers saw that the knives had been pulled out, they naturally backed away in panic, and some even pulled out their phones to call the police, after all, it might be fatal.

However, before they took two steps back, the panicked expressions on their faces froze all of a sudden, and they looked at the handsome and lucky boy in disbelief. The sound of bones breaking and screams.

In just a few seconds, the four punks were all lying on the ground in pain*. Seeing how their arms and legs twisted, they must have been interrupted.

How can he fight so well? He is... Bruce Lee?

Li Zedao had a faint smile on his face, as if this matter had nothing to do with him at all. He walked up to Brother Ming who was looking at him with horrified eyes and said, "It's very majestic and arrogant. You don't usually bully people, right? Have you ever raped a girl? Have you ever secretly mutilated someone's hands and feet?"

"...Yes...No...No...Really not..." Brother Ming opened his eyes wide, his body trembling non-stop, his eyes looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"That's it." The smile on Li Zedao's face was restrained, and his voice had already cooled down, "You always have to pay back when you come out to mess around, and you have to pay the price for doing something wrong, so..."

Li Zedao raised his right foot abruptly.

Brother Ming suddenly realized something, with a look of fear on his face: "You...don't mess around...ah..."

Brother Ming hadn't finished speaking when he let out a scream like a pig being slaughtered.

His leg bones were crushed by Wang Zi's foot, shattered, followed by his knees, which were kicked into deformities abruptly.

Brother Ming was so painful that his body bent into a bow shape, he hugged his right leg tightly, his face was pale, cold sweat and blood flowed down his face, he couldn't even speak out from the pain, but he couldn't pass out, it was very clear Feeling the kind of pain that seems to come from the soul.

Immediately afterwards, something even more horrifying and jaw-dropping happened. I saw that cold and beautiful girl walked up to Brother Ming who was crying over there, and kicked his right leg that was holding her. hand.

Then, the sound of "Crack!" was heard again, and Brother Ming's hand was kicked off! This time, he didn't even wail, he just rolled his eyes and lost consciousness.

Li Zedao knew that the reason why Bei kicked his arm off was entirely because this guy said that "I can't hold it with one hand"... Li Zedao felt that there was still something wrong with this kid's judgment, because a The hand can still be supported... Li Zedao tried it.

After Bei kicked his hand off, he didn't say anything to Li Zedao, and walked towards the parked car with an indifferent face. Of course, those onlookers had already consciously made way for him. Well, avoiding beautiful women is no different than avoiding poisonous snakes.

"Hey, you should wait for me anyway." Li Zedao looked at Bei's back with a speechless expression on his face, then turned to look at Zhang Laizi who was already in a daze, and said apologetically, "Boss, I have delayed your business. , you can keep those bonuses for yourself... That's it."

After talking about it, I chased north.

"You... this..." Zhang Laizi was even more frightened, and even felt his teeth chattering, unable to speak clearly.


"How did you do it?" After Li Zedao got into the car, Bei looked at him coldly and asked.

"Didn't I already said, you brought me good luck." Li Zedao said sincerely.

He was also shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that all three of the cards he got won the prize, and the winning amount was higher than the other...Of course, he had already prayed silently in his heart several times before choosing the scratch card. , I even greeted the Tathagata Buddha, the Jade Emperor, and so on, and bless him to pick three winners, otherwise if I don’t win, what I said before, you will not only kill me, but also bring me luck. , can't it be bullshit? This woman had to kill herself in a fit of anger? Even if there is no killing and beating, it will be unavoidable, right?

Now it seems that she is really lucky, this woman can really bring good luck to herself! Even, in Wolf Village, if it weren't for the kind of luck brought by this woman, he wouldn't have been blown to pieces?

Bei stared at Li Zedao indifferently and said nothing, with an expression that I will kill you if you don't tell the truth.

Looking at Bei's expression, Li Zedao knew that this woman did not believe what he said, so he said, "Look into my eyes."

"look in."

"Did you see the sincerity in it?"

"I saw a bunch of dogs..." It was so disgusting, Bei changed his mouth, "Eye shit."

"..." Li Zedao quickly took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera and took a picture as a mirror. Sure enough, there was eyeballs... so disgusting, so embarrassing!

Li Zedao quickly took out the tissue paper on the car, then carefully wiped off his eye gum, checked again to make sure that his big eyes like stars in the sky were perfectly presented in front of the public, then put down his phone, and put down his face again. Looking at Bei: "You are watching..."

"Get out!" Bei twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around, and closed his eyes very simply.


The old breakfast shop that Bei mentioned is located at the gate of Bilin Community in Wanjiawan Community is still there, and as she said, the fried dough sticks in this breakfast shop are really good, and they are served with a bowl of soybean milk. Taste... Li Zedao really felt that it was no worse than the dishes carefully prepared by God of Cooking.

"Aren't you going to kill people?" Li Zedao turned his eyes from the gate of the neighborhood opposite to him and landed on the body sitting opposite him, and asked in a low voice. Although he was convinced that Bei didn't kill her grandpa and grandma who had abused her before, but women are fickle, who knows if they will kill her directly in a while?

"Did I say I didn't intend to kill someone?" Bei glanced at him coldly and asked back.

"Uh..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he said cautiously, "At least it's your own grandpa and grandma. It's been so long, what hatred can't be let go?"

Bei asked coldly: "After all, it's your biological father. It's been so long, and he's already dead. Why can't you let him go?"

"..." Li Zedao was speechless.

Bei didn't say anything, stood up, left the breakfast shop, and walked towards the gate of the opposite community. Li Zedao had no choice but to follow.

At this moment, Bei stopped and stared indifferently at an old man and an old lady who came out of the community quickly.

The old man was in his seventies, wearing a black robe, with a long white beard, and round glasses. He seemed to be acquainted with the fortune tellers on the street.

The old lady has a fat body and is wearing a floral plaid dress.

Both looked very anxious and flustered, as if they had encountered something important, they ran to the side of the road, stopped a taxi, got in, and left quickly.

"Your father... the Zhang Guanxin and Liang Chunhua you mentioned?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes." Bei said coldly, "Follow and see where they go."

In the end, Li Zedao and Bei drove behind the taxi and came to the Third Hospital of Rong City. It seems that someone from the old couple had an accident and was sent to the hospital, so Zhang Guanxin and Liang Chunhua looked like this Panic.

"Mr. Zhang's youngest son should have had an accident." Bei, who was walking behind the old couple into the hospital, said coldly, "I heard that he had a fortune teller back then, and his youngest son is the fate of the rich and powerful. It will become a great weapon."

Li Zedao glanced at this cold little face and asked, "So is it a big weapon now?"

"I don't know, I haven't investigated that much." Bei said, "In my memory, I seem to have heard my dad mention that he is an ignorant little bastard."

Li Zedao was a little surprised: "I thought you had investigated everything clearly."

"I'm not that boring." Bei glanced at Li Zedao, and said coldly, "Unlike you, some things have to be remembered for a lifetime, as if they have been wronged so much."


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