The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1360 Don't let go

When the old couple Zhang Guanxin and Liang Chunhua were anxiously waiting for the elevator to get off at the elevator entrance, Bei and Li Zedao had already walked behind the couple and waited for the elevator to get off with several other people.

The anxious old couple subconsciously looked back at the young couple, and then turned around without thinking too much, just as if they came to the hospital to visit patients or something, and waited with the others. There is no difference between people who take the elevator down to go upstairs.

So, they didn't recognize Bei.

It’s no wonder that when Bei’s mother gave birth to Bei, she was a girl. The patriarchal old couple never looked at their granddaughter. Later, Zhang Guanxin, who was self-taught, calculated Bei’s birthday. Bei Ming committed the crime of Gu Xing, who would kill his relatives, and even directly regarded her as the god of plague.

Afterwards, until Bei was five years old, they didn't even pay a single glance at Bei. Then, Bei's parents had an accident. They firmly believed that Bei Ke was killed. Naturally, nothing but resentment towards this granddaughter The only thing left was fear. That day, in front of Bei's father's dead body, Zhang Guanxin even slapped Bei directly. He didn't take a closer look at what Bei, who was already five years old, looked like.

And now the Eighteenth Change of the Women's University, the broom star who killed the Lone Star back then has now grown into a slim beauty.

So, how could the old couple recognize that the good-looking girl behind them was the granddaughter who they hated, hated, feared, and wished she would die quickly, who would kill her relatives?

Bei looked at the backs of these two, her grandfather and grandmother in terms of blood relationship, her eyes were as cold as ever, and her face was expressionless.

It's just that Li Zedao at the side knew that the whole woman must not be as calm and indifferent as she seemed on the surface at this time. After all, at least half of her tragic experience when she was a child was caused by the two old people in front of her.

Seeing that her hanging hand was already clenched into a fist, Li Zedao's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he couldn't take it anymore and was about to kill someone?

Without asking if the woman agreed, Li Zedao quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed her fist... Li Zedao felt that he was very great, because this move was undoubtedly a desperate move, and if he didn't pay attention, he would die. Very tragic.

Feeling that his cold little hand was suddenly held by a warm big hand, Bei's eyes widened slightly, and he looked up at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao didn't dare to meet Bei's eyes, but raised his head slightly, looking at the Tiannv ceiling with a curious baby's look, as if he didn't know that his hand had already held Bei's little hand.

Bei came back to his senses, and then he seemed to have forgotten that his hand was being held by the other party, he didn't struggle or anything, let alone retracted.

The elevator door opened, and the two elderly people walked in with each other's support. Li Zedao took Bei's little hand and followed several other people waiting for the elevator.

The elevator began to rise slowly. In less than two minutes, it stopped and went up and down. From time to time, people went out and people came in.

During this period, Li Zedao kept holding Bei's cold little hand at the risk of his life, but he didn't dare to let it go. What made him a little puzzled was that the woman's reaction was so calm, and she didn't even show a slight struggle. Could it be... this Women actually like being held by me like this? Well, it must be like this, otherwise why not struggle symbolically?

Finally, the elevator stopped steadily on the eleventh floor. Zhang Guanxin and Liang Chunhua walked out in a panic. Li Zedao took Bei's little hand and followed closely.

"Did you forget something?" Bei Leng asked coldly, without any human emotion in his tone.

Li Zedao's eyes shrank back from the backs of the old couple who were walking forward in a hurry, and looked at Bei: "Huh? What's the matter... Oh, you said hands..."

Seeing Bei's eyes were so unkind, Li Zedao quickly let her go,

He sneered and said, "I'm not... afraid that you won't be able to hold back the murder?"

Bei looked indifferently at the grandparents in name, and said coldly: "I really wanted to kill people just now, and the closer I get to them, the stronger the feeling."

This can be regarded as indirectly explaining to Li Zedao why I didn't break free after you held my hand, because if you didn't hold my hand, I would really kill someone.

Li Zedao felt that she needed such a cryptic explanation, because he would not foolishly want to say that you didn't break free because you liked being held by my little hand... Well, the little ninety-nine in my heart had already been thrown out by Li Zedao Feed the dog in my mind.

Then, Bei followed behind them and walked forward.

Li Zedao followed: "I don't need to shake your hand anymore, do I?"

"You can try it," Bei said.

"Uh... I don't think it's necessary anymore." Li Zedao sneered, if he really shook her hand this time, this woman would really kill someone.

In front was the operating room. There were several people waiting anxiously at the door of the operating room, and there were even two policemen in uniform.

"Chunchao, how is Xiaoyang? What happened?" Zhang Guanxin, supported by his wife, yelled at a middle-aged man before he came up to him.

Liang Chunhua was even more anxious, her eyes were red and her nose was sour: "That's right, Chunchao, what happened to my precious grandson? I didn't make it clear on the phone, this... I'm so anxious..."

The middle-aged man hurriedly greeted the second elder: "Dad, Mom, please keep your voice down, this is a hospital, and Xiao Yang is still undergoing surgery inside."

Bei, who was not far away, watched, and said to Li Zedao in a low voice, "That man is his youngest son, Zhang Chunchao."

"What do you mean, something happened to Zhang Chunchao's son, the second elder's grandson. He was doing surgery inside, and the police were there, so...was he chopped off or hit by a car?" Li Zedao nodded in agreement.

Both of them had amazing hearing ability, so even though they were about twenty meters away, they could clearly hear their conversation.

"What's going on here?" Zhang Guanxin urged.

Violence appeared on Zhang Chunchao's face, and he said in a deep and harsh voice: "I was beaten when I was having breakfast around the school, my hands and feet were broken, and my nose was collapsed. In addition, I heard that the lower body was also stepped on." The foot...whether the root cause of the disease will be found, we will have to wait for the doctor to come out after the operation to know..."

Liang Chunhua's body was still limp, and she began to cry and curse, beating her chest and stamping her feet: "This... ouch, how could this happen? Who is the one who is so heartless and dares to kill my precious grandson like this..."

Zhang Chunchao quickly supported his mother and sat down on the chair beside her.

"My precious grandson, who did it..." Liang Chunhua continued to beat her chest and feet with snot and tears, and even cursed the person who dared to kill her precious grandson with all kinds of ugly words.

Zhang Guanxin blushed, pointed at his son Zhang Chunchao angrily, and cursed: "How did I tell you? Ah? Did I tell you that I did a fortune telling for Xiaoyang, and it showed that he had a bloody disaster. Let you pay did you become a father? Ah? If something happens to Xiaoyang, I...I...kill you..."

"My precious grandson...Buddha bless, bless my precious grandson is fine, just let me live ten years less...How can I kill a thousand dollars? I curse your whole family to be hit by a car when they go out..."

A nurse came out of the operating room, frowned and said, "Patient's family members, please be quiet, so as not to disturb the doctors who are doing the surgery inside."

As soon as they heard that their voices would affect the doctor inside to perform the operation, the old couple, who were so distressed by their grandson, calmed down a little.

Watching this scene, Bei's voice became gloomy: "Grandson...hehe..."

She wanted to go there very much, slapped the grieving old man and old lady hard, and asked them, why did you treat me like this at the beginning, because I was a granddaughter and not a grandson?

Just because you told a fortune teller that I was destined to be a lone star? Just because your son and your daughter-in-law feel sorry for their flesh and blood and are against you, so in the end they died and you didn't even shed a tear and didn't want to seek justice for them? Just because I committed the crime of Lone Star, you say that I am a murderer and killed my parents...

The darkness that had been buried in the depths of my heart for a long time emerged in my heart again! She clearly remembered that day, when she was only five years old, she was crying in dazed fear in front of her father's corpse, and then this grandpa whom she met for the first time after remembering the incident came over.

What kind of face is that? dark! Hate! cold! There was no kindness, no distress, no comfort, only that cold slap that almost made her faint...

Bei took a step forward, and then, her hand was grabbed by Li Zedao again.

"Don't let go." She stared at the people in front of her with cold eyes, and her tone was full of murderous intent.

"Don't let go." Li Zedao sighed softly, and said, "Let me lean on your shoulder? The chest is also fine."

Bei looked back at Li Zedao, leaned his head lightly on his shoulder, then opened his mouth and bit down violently.

"Hiss..." Li Zedao's eyes widened and he gasped, but he didn't push away the woman who was biting his flesh fiercely, because he knew that this woman who had been suppressed for a long time needed to vent... But, you can't either. Bite me? You can bite yourself.

It wasn't until he felt the smell of blood in his mouth that Bei let go of his teeth, looked up at Li Zedao, and asked coldly, "Does it hurt?"

Li Zedao grinned and bared his teeth, his eyes full of grievances: "Nonsense! Can it not hurt? Let me try to take a bite?"

"Your zodiac is not a dog." Bei said.

"..." Li Zedao was speechless, what he said made sense.

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