The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1361 I want to abolish him

bp;bp;bp;bp;"If you bite your face, you won't bleed." Bei looked at Li Zedao and said again.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"" Li Zedao was stunned, his body trembling, feeling so cold. He didn't expect that a woman like Bei could tell such a cold joke, uh, no, who has a thick skin? You have a thick skin!

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Actually, my skin is very thin, you see now that I'm holding your hand, my face is blushing, but you aren't." Li Zedao pointed at her small face and said .

bp;bp;bp;bp;"You can let go now!" Bei said. Her face was not red, but her heartbeat had already accelerated uncontrollably.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Li Zedao let go of her cold little hand, frowned and muttered: "Why do I think it's a coincidence?"


bp;bp;bp;bp;"That little bastard we beat up this morning." Li Zedao whispered, "The crippled boss called him Brother Yang or something. Besides, his hands and feet were kicked off by us, and his face was kicked by us." It collapsed, and I accidentally stepped on my lower body."

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Careless?" Bei sneered coldly.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Human "skin" actually has three realms, one is thick-skinned, but shameless, and the third is shameless! Obviously, "faceless" is the highest state. Bei firmly believes that Li Zedao's face has reached the third state, and has even broken through this state and reached another state that Bei does not know how to describe. Otherwise, how could he Can you say the three words "accidentally" without blushing?

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Uh, it was really accidental." Li Zedao sneered, "Oh, now is not the time to talk about this, don't you think it's a coincidence? The guy lying inside was also beaten, what's his name For Xiaoyang, the same limbs were broken, the nose was collapsed, and the lower body was also severely injured."

bp;bp;bp;bp;Bei's eyes widened slightly, and he looked back at Zhang Guanxin and his group who were waiting at the door of the operating room: "The same person?"

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Very likely." Li Zedao said.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"If it's true, the attack is too light." Bei said.


bp;bp;bp;bp;About twenty minutes later, the red light outside the operating room went out, the door of the operating room was opened, and the doctor and nurse came out.

bp;bp;bp;bp;The few people who were waiting for him outside surrounded him with a "wow!"

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Doctor, how is my baby grandson? He's fine, right? It won't endanger illness, right? It won't affect fertility, right?" Liang Chunhua asked anxiously. What makes me most concerned is actually what my son said, "The lower body was trampled on hard." This is really the root cause of the disease.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"It's too dangerous to be sick." The doctor responded, "We have reattached the broken hands and feet, but the injury is too serious, especially the knee, the bones are broken, It is basically impossible to recover completely, and I am afraid I will have to use crutches in the future.”

bp;bp;bp;bp;"What?" The old lady felt dizzy, almost fainted, and directly collapsed on her son Zhang Chunchao, whose eyes were staring far away and his face was full of violence.

bp;bp;bp;bp;The old man's face was flushed, and he grabbed the doctor's arm, and his tone was full of helplessness and pleading: "No, no, doctor, please Heal my eldest grandson, no matter how much it costs, he is only seventeen years old, how can he be on crutches? It doesn't matter how much it costs."


With the current level of medical care, no matter which big hospital you go to, or even go abroad, it is impossible to get a good treatment. "The doctor said apologetically and patiently, looking at another doctor standing next to him, "Also"

bp;bp;bp;bp;The doctor answered: "His lower body has also been severely injured, and his sex life and fertility will be greatly affected in the future. Of course, there is still hope for recovery, but it will take a long time. Treatment."

bp;bp;bp;bp;It was another bolt from the blue!

bp;bp;bp;bp;So, this is not only a matter of relying on crutches to walk, but also a big problem for the succession of the family. This is really going to cut off the roots of their old Zhang family. This is to cut off their children and grandchildren. Therefore, the old lady simply rolled her eyes and lost consciousness.

bp;bp;bp;bp;The old man's face turned even redder, his blood pressure soared, and his eyes darkened.

bp;bp;bp;bp;After a while of confusion, the old couple were directly pushed into the emergency room.


bp;bp;bp;bp;"Are you happy seeing this scene?" When Li Zedao said this to Bei, the two had already arrived at the corner of the stairs.

bp;bp;bp;bp;This is actually not a smoking area, but the default is that you can smoke here, and because it was not cleaned in time, cigarette butts can be seen everywhere on the stairs.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Happy." Bei glanced at Li Zedao, responded coldly, and then lit a cigarette.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Li Zedao can tell that this woman is actually unhappy, at least not as happy as imagined, yes, after all, blood dissolves in water, even if they hurt her back then, they are her relatives Grandpa kisses grandma kisses uncle and so on, that boy who will become a useless person in the future is still her cousin

bp;bp;bp;bp;Li Zedao knew that this woman was not as cold and ruthless as she appeared on the surface. For example, when he was in Langshan, he let Lao Wang go. When she was in the village, she also let Shang and those villagers go!

bp;bp;bp;bp;Speaking a little further, when she was able to retaliate, the unlucky one was the man who took her father's life and those criminal police who showed indifference to this matter. Cold-blooded relatives, she chooses to forget, and chooses not to have these people.

bp;bp;bp;bp;If it wasn't for returning to Rong City this time, I'm afraid there would be no possibility of seeing each other again in this lifetime.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Before Li Zedao said anything, the sound of footsteps came, probably someone got addicted to cigarettes and came here to smoke, but they stopped before reaching the corner of the stairs.

bp;bp;bp;bp;After a while, a familiar voice came over, it was Zhang Chunchao's voice, full of viciousness.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Lao Yang, I really want to kill someone! Damn it"

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Bang!" The sound of fists pounding heavily on the wall resounded.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Okay, don't torment yourself like this, the wall is not the one to hurt your son." A strange man's voice came over, "What did the police say?"

bp;bp;bp;bp;"The police said that when they received the call and rushed to the scene, the assailants had already left." Zhang Chunchao said, "According to the witnesses at the scene, the assailants were a pair of young men. It was not only my son who was injured, but also four or five of his classmates, their hands were all broken, as if there was a conflict when buying scratch cards.”

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Wait, what do you mean, two young men, a man and a woman, beat up your son and his classmates like this?" The strange man's voice was full of shock, "You I know that son, he is a good fighter in school, let alone he has four or five classmates, what is the origin of the boy and the girl? It's very evil."

bp;bp;bp;bp;"No matter what their origin is? Damn, I chopped them up!" Zhang Chunchao said viciously, "Old Yang, I can't go away from the young ones, the old ones, so I'll trouble you , Find those two guys for me before the police find them, I want them to die!"

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Don't worry, I will try my best, we are brothers, your son is still my godson." The strange man said, "Besides, it's okay even if the police catch them first, don't forget We know each other very well, give him a call and ask him to arrange it, it will be easy to make them clear up the fire, I will call to arrange it, by the way, when I visited the old lady just now, she has been What the hell are you talking about committing crimes against Lone Star and Broom Star?"

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Oh, it's about my dead brother's daughter who doesn't know if she's dead or not." Zhang Chunchao said, "When my brother's daughter was born, my dad made a fortune teller, what kind of fate Committing the fate of a lone star will kill relatives and bring bloody disasters. In the end, you also know that my brother and sister-in-law died, and she was brought back to Phoenix City by her grandma. I heard that it didn’t take long. Her grandma died too, so I don’t know whether she will live or die after that.”

bp;bp;bp;bp;"My mother thinks that Xiaoyang's accident this time was also restrained by my brother's daughter!" Zhang Chunchao said in a deep and hot voice, "Damn it, if she really restrained her, I killed her!"

bp;bp;bp;bp;"It turns out that there was a lot of commotion about your brother back then. I can't tell that such an honest person like your brother actually took drugs and hid them. In the end, he was killed in the police station." It's a pity that you hijacked the police and tried to escape, what a beautiful woman."

bp;bp;bp;bp;Zhang Chunchao said: "My sister-in-law is really pretty, she was the girl of our dreams at that time, but we still had sex with his picture? I heard that something happened to my brother, I first The first reaction was that my little uncle would naturally have to take care of my sister-in-law, but I didn't expect that she would die later."

bp;bp;bp;bp;"You're a fucking beast."

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Damn it, you sounded like you didn't want to sleep with my sister-in-law back then."

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Yes, if it weren't for the sake of her being your sister-in-law, even if she was in jail, I would have given her to a strong woman. Don't think I don't know that you, a beast, want to do that too sort of thing."

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Okay, call now"

bp;bp;bp;bp;The voice became smaller and smaller, and the two walked further and further away.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Here at the corner, Li Zedao tightly wrapped the cold body of Bei to prevent her from moving. It's just because so many years have passed, they still talk about her fate as the so-called lone star, and it's also because they humiliated her mother behind her back.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Seeing that she was about to rush out, Li Zedao quickly grabbed her hand, but he couldn't hold her for a while, so he had to hug her instead.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"You can let go now." Bei Leng said coldly.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Li Zedao knew that the murderous aura in her body had been restrained by her, and he knew that if she didn't let go, she would kill him next, so he immediately let go of this cold body.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"My mother is beautiful." She looked at Li Zedao and said.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Li Zedao nodded: "I know." I want to see your grandpa and grandma, and I know that your father's genes are not very good. If your mother is not good-looking, you probably are not their biological up.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"I want to abolish him." Bei said again.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Who? Zhang Chunchao or someone else?" Li Zedao asked.

bp;bp;bp;bp;There is no temperature or emotion in Bei's voice: "What do you say?"

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