bp;bp;bp;bp;Rong City Vocational and Technical College of Science and Technology is a very ordinary vocational technical high school in Rong City. Those who come to this kind of school will not be able to go to ordinary high schools with poor studies, let alone Later, I was admitted to university or something, so I came here to learn a skill, or I simply came here to dawdle.

bp;bp;bp;bp;For example, Zhang Xiaoyang, he just came here to dawdle, and he formed the famous 5 with four other classmates.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Zhang Xiaoyang relies on his father and his godfather to run entertainment venues, and they are the kind of gangsters in the true sense of the society. There are dozens of people under him, so they often bully and bully other men. Classmates, harassed female classmates, even interrupted the hands and feet of male classmates, and even harassed a female classmate after drinking too much.

bp;bp;bp;bp;As for eating and drinking for free in the small street behind the campus every day, it is even more common.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Of course, these things are all over in the end, or they swallowed their anger because they were afraid of being retaliated, or

bp;bp;bp;bp;was suppressed by his old man Zhang Chunchao!

bp;bp;bp;bp;And today, a piece of news spread in the Rong City Vocational and Technical College of Science and Technology early in the morning, directly detonating the entire school. "

bp;bp;bp;bp;"I heard that at 5 this morning, I was beaten when I was eating free breakfast in the small street behind the campus"

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Yeah, yeah, I know about it, I'm here"

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Really, tell me"

bp;bp;bp;bp;"It's just a man and a woman scratching the lottery over there. It seems that it's wrong to buy three tickets, no, it's ten tickets, and all ten tickets won the prize. Do you know that the biggest one is actually ten?" Ten thousand days, one hundred thousand, I have never won two yuan, and then Zhang Xiaoyang was jealous, and said that the lame Zhang was acting, what a lie, and he was looking at other girls, flirting with her words, and planning to use hands and feet In the end, that guy, Bruce Lee's apprentice, just knocked Zhang Xiaoyang's face down with a single punch."

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Oh, I also heard that the scene was bloody, Zhang Xiaoyang's hands and feet were broken, and other people's hands and feet were also broken."

bp;bp;bp;bp;"I heard that Zhang Xiaoyang's dicks have all been cut off"

bp;bp;bp;bp;In short, the more rumors became more evil, even in the end, Zhang Xiaoyang lost his head and died on the street!

bp;bp;bp;bp;And in a deserted corner of the school playground, the sound of firecrackers was still going off. There was a pungent smell of gunpowder smoke and the red firecracker paper all over the floor.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Then, the sound of firecrackers sounded from the small street outside the school. Is it the New Year?

bp;bp;bp;bp;At the same time, there was such a bad criminal case where a student from a school was cut off in the street. Director He of the sub-bureau in charge of this case naturally did not dare to slack off, let alone a friend to contact him He said that the student whose limbs were severed was his godson, and asked him to do a favor.

bp;bp;bp;bp;So, Director He quickly held a meeting, organized manpower, and asked them to solve the case in the shortest possible time, catch the two murderers, and give the victim an explanation. Give Rongshi a better tomorrow!

bp;bp;bp;bp;However, before he finished the meeting, he received a call. After answering the call, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at the people under his hands, and cleared He cleared his throat and said, "Well, the content of the meeting just now"

bp;bp;bp;bp;A police officer quickly expressed his attitude seriously: "Director,

Please rest assured, we will definitely use the fastest speed to solve this case and catch those two suspects."

bp;bp;bp;bp;Director He glanced at him like an idiot: "Just ignore the content of the meeting just now, and continue to work on whatever you were busy with before. Don't worry about this case. The above has already done it." Send someone to take over, let the witnesses who have been invited to cooperate with the investigation also let them go."

bp;bp;bp;bp;""The other police officers were a little confused when they looked at each other.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Call Yang Kai who called him and asked him to ventilate? After thinking about it, He Ju gave up, he already smelled a sense of danger, and Yang Kai didn't know who to offend, it seemed that he was going to be in big trouble, the accident of his godson was just the beginning.

bp;bp;bp;bp;So, not only can't notify him, but also stay away from him, so don't be affected by it Well, block his phone, as if he didn't know anything.


bp;bp;bp;bp;Beizheng gave the phone to Li Zedao after reading a document someone sent to her mobile phone. Li Zedao glanced at it and wrote down some information about the document.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Yang Kai, male, 33 years old, one of the bosses of Tianle Group, and the other boss of Tianle Group is Zhang Chunchao. Tianle Group owns several nightclubs in Rong City, and also operates a battlefield. Naturally, it also raises a group of younger brothers, who are half-black and half-white. They have not a small amount of funds, so the two of them can be regarded as having a certain strength in Rong City. figure.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Li Zedao thought, it seems that Zhang Guanxin's so-called fortune-telling is not all nonsense, at least he fortune-telling said that his youngest son is destined to be rich and powerful, and he will become a great fortune in the future, which is quite accurate After all, judging from the current judging standards for the so-called masters, having money or power means that you have become a master.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Besides, Li Zedao heard this Zhang Guanxin say in the hospital, he said that he calculated that his precious grandson had a bloody disaster, isn't that true?

bp;bp;bp;bp;Of course, Li Zedao dare not say in front of Bei that the old man's hexagram is reliable, otherwise Bei would not kill him?

bp;bp;bp;bp;"The predecessor of Tianle Group is Chengyang Group." Bei looked at Li Zedao, and said some information that was not in this document, "The boss of Chengyang Group is Ma Liancheng, who used to be the police station of Chengdu City. The youngest son of deputy director Ma Tianan died in a car accident six years ago."

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Uh" Li Zedao listened, his eyes widened slightly: "The Ma Liancheng you mentioned is the one who clashed with your father in the shopping mall back then?"

bp;bp;bp;bp;It seems that this woman went on a killing spree six years ago, and even killed his whole family! Of course, the deaths of those people, without accident, all died of accidents, accidents without flaws!

bp;bp;bp;bp;Bei looked at Li Zedao indifferently, and nodded slightly: "You think I'm cruel? Killed innocent people?"

bp;bp;bp;bp;Li Zedao smiled wryly and nodded. He really felt that some of Bei's actions were inappropriate.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"My father is innocent, my mother is innocent, and I am innocent." He said coldly, "We deserve what happened to our family?"

bp;bp;bp;bp;Li Zedao sighed lightly, he didn't want to continue to argue with her on this issue, it doesn't make sense to talk about it unclearly, after all, everyone is dead.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Besides, if the time could go back to six years ago, and Li Zedao was by Bei's side at that time, and Bei wanted to kill the other's family, Li Zedao would not necessarily try to dissuade him.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Bei was murdered when he was five years old and his family was ruined. When he grew up and became capable, he took revenge on the other party and caused the other party's family to be ruined. This was reasonable, but somewhat unreasonable.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Actually, when persuading others, many people tend to make a mistake, that is, they feel that they have to give the other party the most calm and rational analysis, and feel that as long as they say the right truth, the other party will You should listen to it, then accept it, and make it so that they completely ignore that they are not the person involved, they are not in the same state as the person involved, and they have not considered the character of the person involved.

bp;bp;bp;bp;thought for a while and said: "This Yang Kai and Zhang Chunchao were originally Ma Liancheng's subordinates or employees, and they took over after Ma Liancheng died? Or did they pay for it later?"

bp;bp;bp;bp;If it's the former, then it's quite ironic. My brother was played to death by his boss or boss, and he would flatter the boss or the boss like a younger brother without knowing it at all. Is there anything else to do with the superior who doesn't flatter?

bp;bp;bp;bp;"All I know now is that I want to trouble Yang Kai." Bei Leng said coldly, as if that Yang Kai was already a dead person.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Then let's go." Li Zedao pointed to the bar in front of him that hadn't opened in the early morning, and said, "Smash this luxuriously decorated bar, That Yang Kai will obediently appear in front of you, kneel down and sing "Conquer"

bp;bp;bp;bp;This bar is the largest and most luxurious bar under the Tianle Group, and it is also one of the highest grades in Rong City, so as long as this bar is smashed, Yang Kai will really get angry Then come over quickly, and he will definitely not call the police. After the venue is smashed, this kind of half-black and half-white character will never trouble the uncle policeman. He can't afford to lose that face.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"He has no chance to sing." Bei glanced at Li Zedao like a fool, and said coldly, "I don't want to hear him sing either."

bp;bp;bp;bp;Another cold joke, Li Zedao's body trembled, it was so cold!

bp;bp;bp;bp;The two got out of the car and walked towards the bar in front.

bp;bp;bp;bp;It was noon, and the bar was naturally still closed, so the polished glass door was closed tightly, and it was pitch black inside.

bp;bp;bp;bp;As if he had returned to his own store, Li Zedao took out a paper clip, opened the lock with two or three clicks, and then pushed open the glass door.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Please." Li Zedao made an invitation to the door.

bp;bp;bp;bp;Bei glanced at him like an idiot, then walked in, Li Zedao followed closely, and closed the door behind him.

bp;bp;bp;bp;After finding the power of the switch, Li Zedao turned it all on, and in an instant, the entire interior of this luxurious bar was displayed in front of Li Zedao and Bei.

bp;bp;bp;bp;The bar has two floors. The first floor is the bar hall with a bar counter and a big dance floor. The lights must be dim, and if you want to do some small actions in this booth, no one will see it.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"The decoration is so high-end, it's a pity to smash it." Li Zedao muttered with some distress, and walked to the bar, picked up the chair, and moved towards the wine cabinet full of various wines Smashed it.

bp;bp;bp;bp;"Kang Dang!" There was a muffled sound, and the broken glass and wine splashed all over the floor.

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