The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1363 offended me

"Good job!" Bei said, then sat down on a chair, lifted his too long legs, and leaned coldly on another chair, then took out a cigarette and lit one.

"Hey, won't you help?" Li Zedao had a bitter face, this store is a bit big, how long will it take if he smashes it all by himself?

"Do you think it's appropriate for me to do this kind of thing as a woman?" Bei slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"...Are you a woman?" The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched so badly that she had the nerve to say she was a woman? How can a woman be so cold, so violent, so ready to kill?

Bei's eyes turned cold all of a sudden, and he said coldly, "What did you say?"

This bastard, after looking at his own body, dare to say that he is not a woman?

"Uh... I said that such a rough thing as smashing a store must be done by boys, how can girls do it? Just sit and watch over there, I promise that there will be no whole place in this bar. "Li Zedao realized that he had said something wrong, so he hurried to make up for it.

"Idiot!" Bei looked at the bastard indifferently, muttering in a voice only he could hear.

In a room in the corner of the second floor, the two security guards who were in charge of watching the venue were shocked when they heard the huge movement coming from downstairs, and ran out to take a look.

In fact, strictly speaking, they are not the kind of regular security guards, they belong to the kind who are looking at the venue, they are Yang Kai's younger brother's younger brother. When the bar is not open, they stay here in turn to prevent A thief comes in or something.

Of course, this kind of thing basically never happened, after all, what kind of place is this? Who dares to come here to steal things?

But now, they actually saw a man downstairs smashing the bar counter and the wine cabinet with a chair! It was so unbelievable, so unbelievable, so they stopped first, and then ran down and cursed angrily: "What are you doing? What are you doing? You are looking for death, why don't you stop now? Do you know who owns this bar?"

"Damn it, hurry up and stop..."

Li Zedao didn't seem to hear the roar of the two security guards, and continued to smash the so-called foreign wines, cocktails, blended wines, or even fake wines that were not bought at a high price but were extremely expensive. .

"Stop... you're courting death..."

Two roaring security guards finally rushed to the front, and one of them even raised a stick in his hand and was about to hit the head of this unscrupulous troublemaker.

"Damn it, I was thinking about smashing it with a tool that I didn't take advantage of, now it's all right." Li Zedao was overjoyed when he saw the stick swinging towards him, and with a stretch of his hand, he had already snatched the other party with the stick. Weighed it in my hand, it was very handy.

"Thank you." He said to the security guard who was in a daze as he saw the stick being taken away inexplicably.

"..." The faces of the two security guards were even more idiotic.

"Do me a favor, help me smash this bar, I can't do it alone." Li Zedao said sincerely.

"..." The two security guards looked at each other, and they could both see the other's stricken face.

"What? Don't give face?" Li Zedao was angry. He hated the shameless guy the most, so the stick in his hand greeted the two dazed security guards.

A few minutes later, the two security guards with bruised noses and swollen faces began to bury their heads in the bar, which was supposed to be guarded by them.

Li Zedao grabbed a chair and sat down next to Bei, flattering him, "Wait for a while. According to this speed, we can smash everything in about half an hour."

Of course, Li Zedao was somewhat disappointed. After all, when you watch other movies, the big brother brings dozens or even hundreds of younger brothers, standing at the door and covering a large area. When he gives an order, everyone rushes to work. The autumn wind smashed down the shop like fallen leaves... It's not like they are doing now, they have to wait for a long time, they are not handsome, cool or majestic at all.

How about... Let the two security guards make a few phone calls to invite more people to come over?

Bei coldly glanced at this bully guy,

She didn't speak, inexplicably, she felt that the two young men who were crying and smashing things were very pitiful, really pitiful.

In the end, the first floor was almost smashed, the Dali tabletop was broken into pieces, the sofa was scratched, all the lights on the ceiling that were used to create effects were all smashed down, and all kinds of stickers pasted on the walls were smashed. All the decorations were also spent, only the two chairs under the buttocks of Li Zedao and Nanji were still intact.

Then, weeping, dragging their tired bodies with heavy steps, panting heavily, they came to the VIP booth on the second floor, the box, and continued to work.

"After work, I'll buy you a cigarette." The violent psycho yelled at them.

The two security guards looked at each other, and there were more tears.

Finally, after finishing all the miscellaneous work, they went downstairs and came to this violent psychopath. They shook their heads and said cautiously: "That, it's all smashed..."

"Good job...a cigarette." Satisfied, Li Zedao gave each of them a cigarette, and then lit one himself.

The two dared not take it, but felt that the cigarette in their hands was no different from burning charcoal.

"Do you know Yang Kai?" Li Zedao asked.

The two security guards looked at each other and nodded slightly, that was one of their big bosses, how could they not recognize him?

"Call him and tell him that the bar has been smashed, let him come over." Li Zedao lightly exhaled a puff of smoke.


"Is there a problem?" Li Zedao raised the stick in his hand.

"No...not..." One of the security guards was crying, and quickly explained, "The two of us are too low-level, and we can't contact Mr. Yang."

"Then contact your boss." Li Zedao said with a very reasonable smile, "Can you get in touch?"

"Yes... yes..." The two security guards hurriedly nodded, and then called their boss.

Half an hour later, a convoy consisting of several vans, various small cars, and the best one, a Mercedes-Benz S600, rushed towards the bar in a mighty manner. He jumped out of the car, and led by the murderous Yang Kai who got off from the Mercedes-Benz S600, he rushed into the bar whose gate had been smashed.

When he saw the tragic scene in the bar, the drinks all over the floor, the broken glass scum, his eyeballs suddenly became round, the veins on his forehead popped up, and the corners of his mouth twitched, he almost lost his feeling.

He took a few deep breaths to stabilize his mind, and then his cold eyes fell on the young man and woman standing there. It's like a million dollars.

The phone said that the bar was smashed by a pair of young men and women, and the other party threatened to let him come over. Are these two people in front of you?

The two younger brothers who were in charge of watching the scene were lying on the ground, their lives and deaths unknown... In fact, they were lying down and pretending to be dead at the suggestion of Li Zedao, otherwise if Yang Kai knew that more than 90% of the bar was coerced by them Damn it, Yang Kai and the others have to peel off their skins?

When they lay down and pretended to be dead, they were moved and cried, thinking that this psychotic violent man was actually kind and not as vicious as they imagined.

The murderous look in Yang Kai's eyes suddenly became stronger, he waved his hand, and said in a low and hoarse voice: "Just keep your breath."

Then, the dozens of young men standing beside him were holding a machete, some with a machete, and some with a stick, all with cruel expressions on their faces, and rushed towards Li Zedao and Bei who grew up there.

Bei always had an indifferent expression, and she didn't even bother to look at these people. When these people rushed towards her in a mighty way, she didn't even bother to move her eyelids, let alone move her body.

Li Zedao glanced at the woman sideways, and knew that the woman had no intention of doing anything at all, and he had to come, so he shrugged helplessly, and then jumped out, the stick in his hand had already hit the rushing On the iron rod that the man at the front swung over.

"Kang Dang!" After a muffled sound, there was another "Kacha!" sound of bones breaking, and the iron rod in the man's hand was simply blown away, and his wrist was even broken.

After that, every time Li Zedao swung his stick, one person would fall down.

One minute, maybe even shorter. In short, the cigarette in the corner of Yang Kai's mouth hadn't even had time to light it. This fight, which was seen by both sides as brutal and murderous, was over. The ground was full of people, the least injured That, one arm was also broken.

Yang Kai opened his eyes wide and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. The cigarette had already slipped from the corner of his mouth, and his breathing had already stopped. What about pretending to be dead?

Then, he felt that he should say something, he looked at the young man who was looking at him with a smile, and said with great difficulty: "I don't did Yang offend the two of you?"

How could he be crazy if he was so arrogant and smashed his bar, and he was so good at fighting? It's also unlikely that other competing forces who have had friction sent it to smash the scene. After all, they don't have that much face to let such a person work for them, so... Are they seeking revenge?

"You didn't offend me, but you offended her." Li Zedao pointed to Bei who was beside him and said. After thinking about it, he felt that he was too dishonest. Although this woman was very dishonest, he was not that kind of person, so He changed his words and said, "No, if you offend her, you offend me... So, you offended me."

"..." Yang Kai looked at Bei, and Bei glanced at Li Zedao, as if he was looking at an idiot.

Then, her cold eyes fell on Yang Kai, being stared at by such eyes, Yang Kai shivered inexplicably, this woman's eyes are really too cold, as if he is already a dead person .

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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