The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1365 Strange scene

"Yes, Expert Zhang, please, I must save my grandson. The old man knelt down for you." Zhang Guanxin's fat body struggled and was about to kneel down.

Except for Li Zedao, everyone, including Dr. Zhao and even Zhang Guanxin himself, thought that this expert Zhang would be polite, and quickly helped the old man, and then said seriously, old man, that it is the doctor's bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded like this.

However, Expert Zhang didn't. She just looked at Zhang Guanxin indifferently, and watched him kneel down.

After Zhang Guanxin knelt down, the corners of his mouth twitched, he was really puzzled, he was just pretending, so why did he really kneel down?

Then, these people became a little numb, their eyes staring back and forth between Expert Zhang and Zhang Guanxin who was kneeling in a daze, and the scene was a little weird and awkward for a while.

Li Zedao took a step back quietly, and stayed away from the north... No matter how you say it, this is disrespectful, and he will be struck by lightning. He is afraid that a thunderbolt will strike this woman, and it will bring disaster to him. What should I do?

Then, Bei's voice broke the eerie silence.

Her indifferent eyes came back from the kneeling Zhang Guanxin and fell on the old lady, saying coldly: "Let go."

As if grasping a hot potato, the old lady quickly let go of the young expert, with an expression of embarrassment or something, in short, it was wonderful.

"...Old man, you don't need to do this, this is what we should do..." Dr. Zhao quickly reached out to help the old man with the same wonderful expression.

"You, go out." Bei looked back at Dr. Zhao and said coldly.

"Uh..." Doctor Zhao's face turned red instantly, and then forced a stingy smile on his face, "Then...then I'll go out first."

After finishing speaking, quickly leave the ward with a very strange atmosphere.

Li Zedao seemed to have nothing to do with himself, grabbed a chair, walked to the door of the ward and put it down, sat down on his buttocks, then took out his cigarette and lighter a little bored, lit one, and it looked lively up.

Then the old couple and the younger couple are dead again... How can the doctor smoke in the ward? And looking at his posture, why does it feel like he is watching something lively?

Zhang Guanxin felt that he should say something, at least not let him smoke here, right? But, I didn't dare, this is an expert, a life-saving straw, and the hope for his precious grandson to stand up again.

Zhang Chunchao also felt that he should say something. After all, this too weird. The two so-called orthopedic experts, a man and a woman, are too weird, with strange expressions and strange actions...but, I don't know what to say.

As for Liang Chunhua and Zhang Chunchao's daughter-in-law, they were both afraid of their husbands and had no opinions. Their own men didn't say anything, so naturally they didn't dare to say anything.

Therefore, the ward once again fell into a very strange dead silence. The eyes of the four members of this family alternated back and forth between Li Zedao and Bei, with wonderful expressions.

Bei walked slowly to the ward, looked at Zhang Xiaoyang's disfigured face on the bed, and then swept the thick gauze wrapped around his leg and arm, looked back at Zhang Guanxin and said coldly : "Mister, I heard that you can tell fortunes?"

"Ah..." Zhang Guanxin was taken aback. How could this expert know about this?

Zhang Chunchao hurried over, lightly touched the dazed father's shoulder, and gave him a few glances, telling him not to be dazed and cooperate quickly. Zhang Chunchao couldn't figure out what the hell this female expert was doing, but he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. After all, the attending doctor, Dr. Zhao, had no reason to just call two people over to fool them.

He secretly gave Dr. Zhao a big red envelope before, asking him to help as much as possible. Now that the expert is here, the red envelope must have worked.

The old man came to his senses, nodded and said, "I have studied the Book of Changes for decades, and I know a little bit about fortune-telling."

"Then help me figure it out.

"North said.

"...that... Expert Zhang, what is your birth date?"

After Bei very straightforwardly reported his birthday, he said coldly, "Old man, I'm in trouble."

"It should be, it should be." Zhang Guanxin said quickly.

Then he squinted his eyes slightly, muttered something to himself, pinched his fingers in a decent manner and counted, the whole person was no different from the old magic stick on the side of the road.

Li Zedao, who was sitting there watching the excitement, almost didn't laugh, pretending! Let's pretend! All idiots know, next you must say Expert Zhang, you are destined to be rich and powerful.

Then, slap in the face!

What made the family's eyes widen again was that Expert Zhang also took out a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one in a cool and unrestrained manner.


Zhang Chunchao wanted to say, how about a slap in the face? Damn, playing with me, right? But after glancing at his son on the hospital bed, he forcibly held back the anger in his heart.

After calculating in a decent manner for a while, Zhang Guanxin looked at Expert Zhang, who was smoking a cigarette indifferently, and said, "I figured it out, Expert Zhang, you are... the life of the rich and powerful, and everything is smooth sailing in both career and life." ,that……"

Bei slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and his voice was cold and low: "Really? Why don't you do the math? If you make a mistake, your grandson will not only have to walk with a cane, but his other The legs will also have to be disabled, and then I will only be able to sit in a wheelchair."


"What do you mean? Ah? What do you mean? Tell me clearly, otherwise you don't want to come out of this door today!" Zhang Chunchao, who is usually flattered and irritable, exploded at once, and roared to give this so-called The bullshit expert slapped me a few times, "Are you a fucking doctor? Threats? You still smoke? You fucking court death..."

"Chunchao... shut up!" Zhang Guanxin hurriedly stopped his violent son, "Why are you talking to Expert Zhang? Get out of here!"

Liang Chunhua anxiously grabbed her son tightly to prevent him from messing around.

Zhang Guanxin looked back at Expert Zhang, and smiled with an old face: "Expert Zhang, I apologize to you on behalf of my son, he has such a bad temper... I really did not miscalculate, you are indeed rich and powerful Life……"

Bei squinted his eyes and glanced at him: "Great wealth and great wealth? Shouldn't it be... the life of the lonely star will kill the dead?"

"..." Zhang Guanxin paused.

"I clearly remember that when I was just born, you told my fortune-telling that I was destined to commit the Lone Star's fate, and I would kill you!" Bei said again, with a hint of sarcasm in his cold voice. in it.

"..." Zhang Guanxin's eyes widened suddenly, his old face was full of horror, and the finger pointing at Bei trembled visibly, ""

" are Zhang are Zhang Jiujiu?" Zhang Chunchao's eyes widened suddenly, and he cried out. Now he finally understands why when this female expert came in, he felt a familiar feeling as soon as he saw her. It was because she knew his dead sister-in-law by seven or eight percent.

But now the more I look at her, the more I feel that she is a copy of my sister-in-law. The more I look at her, the more I look like her. The only biggest difference is that my sister-in-law is cowardly and submissive, while this woman is too cold and arrogant, just like a piece of cake. It was as if the ice stood there.

" are Jiujiu...the bastard..." Liang Chunhua's eyes also widened, as if seeing a ghost.

Only Zhang Xiaoyang's stepmother, who was confused about the situation, murmured in her heart, "Zhang Jiujiu... who is it?"

"Old man, did you make a mistake back then, or do you make a mistake now?" Bei Leng asked coldly.

Zhang Guanxin was speechless, and his old face was even more flushed, as if a pair of big hands were slapping his old face viciously, his expression was quite wonderful.

He never imagined...or rather, he didn't expect that the granddaughter who was despised by him when she was born and even wished for her to die sooner would appear in front of them so forcefully.

No wonder, her expression and her overall state are so wrong, it's totally different from other doctors... She's being slapped in the face.

He looked at the strange girl, and wriggled his throat hard: "...Jiujiu, back then... Grandpa was sorry for you. If you want to blame, you have to blame grandpa. This is with your uncle's family, and with you." It doesn't matter, brother... Grandpa, I beg you, I must save your brother no matter what..."

So, this is playing the family card? For some reason, Bei felt very sick and wanted to vomit.

"...Grandpa... I'm sorry, grandpa was so confused back then..." Zhang Guanxin knelt down again, crying even more, "Grandpa knelt down for you, and I apologize..."

"Jiujiu...Jiujiu, my precious granddaughter...Grandma also knelt down for you...Grandma begs you, save Xiaoyang, he is also your younger brother..." The old lady also trembled The fat body knelt down, and begged, wiping away tears with endless remorse.

Bei felt even more disgusted. Who said the words "broom star" just now?

Bei looked indifferently at the second elder who was kneeling in front of him and confessed, and said coldly: "I'm very sorry, I can't heal his injury, and his leg is useless. I came here today just to humiliate him. That's all for you."

"..." The expressions of the old man and the old lady froze instantly, and Zhang Chunchao who was standing there had a gloomy expression on his face.

"It can't really be cured?" Zhang Guanxin obviously didn't give up.

"It can't be cured." Bei said coldly.

Then, the old man trembled violently and got up from the ground. His face was flushed, and he pointed to the north with a look of excitement, and shouted: "The broom star! You are the broom star! Just say it, my precious grandson Well, why did you encounter this catastrophe, because you came get out of here...get out...get far away..."

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