The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1366 Meeting Ceremony

So, they confessed and apologized with snot and tears. The premise is that she is an expert in orthopedics, and she might have a way to treat the legs of their beloved grandson... Bei has long known that this is the result, so, Because I didn't express any hope in my heart beforehand, so seeing their reaction now, I naturally didn't have any surprises.

Facing such relatives, facing such grandparents, her heart has long been like a pool of stagnant water, without any ripples.

She looked indifferently at the titular grandpa who was yelling at him, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "You are right about one thing..."

She turned her head and pointed to Zhang Xiaoyang on the hospital bed, and said coldly: "This guy's hands and feet were broken, and the thing under his crotch was scrapped, it was indeed because of me... Oh, I mean, his hand It was broken by my kick."

"..." Everyone's eyes widened instantly.

Bei pointed to Li Ze who was watching a play over there and said, "As for the legs and crotch, it has nothing to do with me, he did it."

"..." Everyone's wide-open eyeballs followed the North Pointer and landed on Li Zedao, who was smoking a cigarette leisurely over there.

"Uh... I did break the foot, but I didn't mean it. I just took a step back and accidentally stepped on him, and I just stepped on that place." Li Zedao quickly explained, full of Face embarrassment.


The old man and the old lady were blushing, and were too excited to speak.

So this broom star is now able to bring people back to settle old scores? She first deliberately beat their precious grandson into a bad shape, and now she comes here to humiliate... It's too vicious, how can there be such a vicious person?

Zhang Chunchao's face is already extremely ferocious, damn it, dare to hit my son so hard? How dare you come here to be so arrogant? Do you really think that an uncle like me dare not smoke you?

At the moment, I couldn't bear it anymore, stared at Bei viciously, and shouted hoarsely: "Stinky bitch..."

The big hand suddenly raised up, and it was about to slap Bei's face fiercely!

However, Bei's speed was much faster than him!

"Slap!" She slapped the face of this uncle who was related to her blood.

"Slap!" She slapped Zhang Chunchao's face again.

"Bang!" She kicked Zhang Chunchao's stomach, which had already been stunned by two slaps, causing his body to fly upside down towards the door where Li Zedao was sitting.

Seeing that this woman used such a "hidden weapon" to try to "hurt" herself, Li Zedao was taken aback, and at the same time stood up quickly, and kicked Zhang Chunchao's ass with the "handsome guy kicking the dog", knocking out the "hidden weapon" "Kick back.

"Bang!" Bei kicked out again, this time kicking Zhang Chunchao's crotch heavily, and then everyone seemed to hear the sound of something breaking.

This time, Zhang Chunchao didn't fly upside down, he lay heavily on the floor, his red and swollen pig's face was twisted into a ball due to the pain, like a bun.

Then, the north foot suddenly lifted up and stepped on Zhang Chunchao's arm.

"Crack!" Zhang Chunchao's hand broke!

Bei kicked again, and stepped on Zhang Chunchao's right thigh.

"Crack!" Zhang Chunchao's right leg bone was broken with a crisp sound.

Bei is a fair person, so Zhang Chunchao's injuries were almost the same as Yang Kai's.

Bei ignored Zhang Chunchao who was howling on the ground, and then looked at the second elder who was already in a state of sluggishness and hadn't reacted yet.

Because Bei's attack speed was too fast and his methods were too harsh, they decisively failed to react. As for the woman with heavy makeup, it was even more unbearable. Seeing such a terrifying scene, they had already shrunk in the corner and shivered. trembling.

Bei Leng said coldly: "This is a meeting gift for you, I hope you will like it."


" killed someone..." the old lady screamed,

His body was already collapsed on the ground, and he shouted in horror, "Chunchao... son, how are you? Son..."

Zhang Guanxin stared at Bei with wide-eyed eyes, and his body trembled extremely, as if he had seen a ghost.

Then, he was holding his heart, his face was flushed, his expression was extremely painful, and the next second, his body shook and he sat down on the ground with his mouth wide open, as if he couldn't breathe.

"Never see you again!" Bei said, before turning to leave.


The fate of the old couple was hard, and in the end they didn't just go like this, they were rescued. As for Zhang Chunchao, when he was rushed into the operating room, the police had already arrived. His fate was the same as Yang Kai's. Most of his life will be spent in prison.

After Bei left the hospital, he didn't go back to the hotel, but asked Li Zedao to stop, and then pushed the road.

Just like shopping in the mall before, her eyeballs hardly looked at the stores on the left and right, and ignored the handsome guys who passed her by and swallowed secretly. She just kept her head slightly lowered, and her steps were almost the same size. Take big strides, and move forward step by step with the same frequency.

The whole person feels as if she is a body without a soul.

Li Zedao followed her unsteadily, yawning from time to time, looking around boredly...why are there no beauties? Where have all the beauties gone today?

Finally, after walking for a full hour, Bei finally stopped and looked back at Li Zedao with indifference.

"Just say what you want. I'm a good narrator, or do you want to borrow my shoulder for a few bites? You can also discuss it." Li Zedao patted himself on the shoulder and said righteously.

He knew very well that when he was in the hospital, the woman's revenge was basically self-abuse. Even if the old man and the old lady were disgusting, blood would dissolve in water after all. Not so good.

"Do you think I'm cruel?" Bei asked after a moment of silence.

It was this question again, and Li Zedao gave the same answer: "Do you care about what I think of you?"

Bei was silent for a while, and finally said coldly: "Yes."

"..." She admitted so generously, but Li Zedao didn't know how to answer.

"I mean...if you were me, what would you do?" Bei continued as if to explain the "yes" he said.

"If I were you..." Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "Maybe he will hit harder than you."

Bei was very satisfied with Li Zedao's answer, thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow...go back to Yanjing?"

She said this with the meaning of asking. If Li Zedao said no, then it is not impossible to stay in Rong City for an extra day and go to the scenic spots. Unfortunately, Li Zedao didn't hear it at all, thinking that The itinerary has been confirmed, he nodded and said, "Well, good."

Therefore, Bei's heart suddenly became empty. After returning to Yanjing, he could not get so close to him, and he could not talk nonsense to him. He eats tofu, so he can't bite him anymore...

Unknowingly, she fell in love with the feeling of being with Li Zedao, his lowliness, his shameless smell, and the smell of him... From Bei's point of view, Li Zedao It’s poppy. You clearly know that it’s a drug. Once you become dependent, it’s extremely difficult to leave, but you’re either curious or the poppy itself is so beautiful and attractive, so you get close to it, so ... Now she already has the feeling of wanting to stop.

So, when Li Zedao nodded and said back when he was so indifferent, she felt inexplicably blocked, wishing she could go over and beat him up. Does he really want to go back to Yanjing?

Seeing the woman's sudden murderous look, Li Zedao quickly made a defensive move: "Sister, I really hope I didn't provoke you, right?"

Bei looked at him with cold eyes, and wanted to beat him even more! She wanted to say, why didn't she provoke him? When you sealed my acupuncture points in Wolf Village and did such an excessive thing to me, that was provocation; after you saved me, that was provocation; you helped me dry my wet clothes, and you changed them for me Medicine, that’s provocation; you told me that I brought you luck, that’s provocation; you accompanied me to ktv and listened to “Mom is the only one in the world” for most of the night, that’s also provocation; even, now you’re a fart Follow me on the big road, that's all provocation...

Of course, it is impossible for Bei to say such a thing, that is not her style, all she can do is stare at this bastard with murderous eyes, and then, in her mind, this bastard is killed by her He beat her up hard, and finally knelt down obediently in front of her and sang "Conquer"...

"How about going back to the hotel to rest?" Li Zedao felt hairy all over his body when she saw her, and carefully put forward his suggestion, "Or which scenic spot should I go to?"

It's too boring to just press the road like this, right? Normal people can't feel this kind of thing at all...Of course, Li Zedao just thought about it in his heart and didn't dare to say it.

"Go to ktv." Bei said.

"..." Li Zedao's heart was trampled by a group of mud horses!

"Is there a problem?" Bei asked coldly.

Li Zedao shook his head resolutely, retorting that she was joking with his own life, and Li Zedao would not do such a stupid thing.

"Forget it, I'm not going." Bei turned his head and pointed to a large shopping mall in front of him and said, "Go there, I want to buy underwear."

"Uh...what to buy?" Li Zedao was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had heard it wrong. After all, open is not this woman's style. If she really wanted to buy underwear, how could she tell herself? Let yourself go!

"Underwear." Bei Leng repeated coldly.

"Uh...then I'll wait for you at the KFC." Li Zedao pointed to a KFC not far away, and he knew it was time for him to leave.

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