"I... didn't bring any money." Bei looked at Li Zedao and said, his heart was flustered, and it was more exciting, inexplicably unprecedented. It's like when she stole her mother's cosmetics when she was four years old and then planned to find a place where no one was around to apply it on her face to rebel... She planned to rebel once.

Li Zedao quickly took out his wallet, and was about to find a bank card from it.

Bei wanted to beat up this bastard again. Could he be a piece of wood? Is it a pure and ignorant little kid who doesn't understand anything? no! So...on purpose! Play hard to get! asshole! I can't believe you didn't follow me. Thinking about it, Bei very simply turned around and strode towards the big shopping mall.

"Here, just swipe...uh..." Li Zedao looked at her back, a little confused, so, did she want him to help her choose references? What are you kidding? I'm not just a casual person, okay? You are not my woman! But, it doesn't seem to matter, didn't so-and-so say that? I am not a human when I wake up casually...

So, Li Zedao hurriedly followed, and finally walked into the mall with Bei.

It's not the weekend, and it's not the end of get off work in the afternoon, so there are a little fewer people in the mall, but there are still quite a few. Look at the clothes, there are many students dressed up, of course, there are also many young and old. Look at that photo His face is enough to be his partner's father or mother.

Of course, Li Zedao is very simple and kind, so he is willing to believe that it is the father and daughter and mother and son out shopping...

At the same time, because of these crooked melons and dates, Li Zedao felt that he was much more handsome for no reason.

Bei's purpose is very strong. In addition, she has obviously been to this mall, so as soon as she entered, she went straight to the underwear mall on the third floor, and Li Zedao followed her, but she ignored her. It's as if the guy who followed her to the lingerie area was not accompanying her but a big pervert who followed her here.

Li Zedao took a look, and found that this area is full of women's underwear*shops, there are many women, pure men...it seems to be only me, but fortunately I have a thick skin...Uh, no, it should be said that my mind is pure, plus how much I have before It was the first time I visited an underwear store, so I got used to it, and I didn't feel embarrassed at all.

At the moment, his eyes were pure and innocent scanning the rows of underwear, as if he was looking at the rows of bookshelves, and he was a saint reading books.

Ahead, Bei has already stepped into the Victoria's Secret Hotel.

The salesperson greeted him with a signature smile on his face: "Good afternoon, ma'am..." He glanced at Li Zedao who followed him in, thinking that this boy is quite handsome... Well, his expression is not embarrassing, so he has a thick skin .

Bei's indifferent little face became more friendly, and he nodded slightly: "Yeah." Then, he began to look at the underwear.

The salesperson is good at observing words and expressions, and probably knows that this kind of cold and arrogant woman has a strong purpose. When she walks in, it means that she will definitely buy it. In addition, if she looks at the clothes and clothes, she must be financially capable. It is not a problem to buy underwear that costs more than a thousand yuan. Next, so hurry up and introduce it.

Of course, it's just that Bei basically didn't listen. She really wanted to buy underwear. The more important reason was that Li Zedao was here, which made her feel exciting and fun.

At that moment, she took a deep breath, gritted her teeth lightly, let her inexplicably faster heart relax a bit, picked up a black dress, looked back at Li Zedao, asked coldly with a blank face: "How about this one?"

This kind of practice is undoubtedly full of mischief, and it is very exciting... The stimulation made her heart beat faster for no reason, and her ears started to feel hot.

"Uh..." Li Zedao didn't expect this woman to come so suddenly... It was ambiguous, and he was stunned. Fortunately, his aura was stable enough, and he reacted quickly.

He carefully looked at the underwear in Bei's hand, as if he really wanted to help her reference, and said, "Is the size too big?"

"..." Bei could only feel the muscles on his face twitching.

The salesperson on the side even had a tense face and closed mouth. Can you imagine how difficult it is to force yourself not to laugh when you want to laugh?

Stared at by Bei Na's murderous eyes, Li Zedao felt a little wronged, he was indeed too big, and at least two sizes too big, and only someone like Alice could use such a big one.

"I'm talking about... the style, not the size!" Bei said angrily. Bastard, are you saying that you are young? Where is it small? Obviously quite big, okay?

"Uh...very good, very good." Li Zedao said quickly, and then muttered in his heart, "It's just...too conservative."

Bei naturally couldn't hear Li Zedao muttering in his heart, but she could hear the perfunctory tone of his tone, so the style is not very good... At least, he doesn't like it...

Bei's heart twitched violently. It's none of his business whether he likes it or not, and it's not... Bei knew that he was completely screwed.

"You choose..." She said this out of nowhere, and gave a lame reason as if to cover up something, "You paid for it...you have to choose naturally."

"Uh... how dare I pick you to wear it?" Li Zedao asked a little funny when he saw that she had started to do this kind of deceitful thing like this.

"I dare to wear it if you choose it!" Bei said.

"Really?" Li Zedao's eyes brightened.

"...Fake." Bei was simply defeated. With this guy's squinting eyes, he would definitely choose the kind of fabric that can't be blocked by anything. Should he wear it or not?

"I know you're a liar."

"Give me the card...wait outside." Bei Leng said coldly.

In the end, as if wanting to vent his anger, Bei bought ten of them in one go.

Under the gaze of the salesperson's extremely enthusiastic smile, she strode out of the underwear store carrying a few bags, and then looked at Li Zedao who was waiting there with indifferent eyes.

"Uh... you've worked hard, you've worked hard, I'll just come and get it." Li Zedao had good eyesight and quickly stretched out his hands to help her get things.

This is underwear, something close to the body... So, while Bei's heart trembled, he also threw the bag in his hand into his hands and let him carry it.

"If you dare to look into the bag, I will kill you!" She said coldly

Li Zedao chuckled, and wanted to say that when I was waiting outside just now, I had already seen what style you were carrying.

"What else do you want to buy?" Li Zedao asked.

Bei glanced at him, and said coldly: "Why do I feel that you are implying me that you haven't returned the bank card to you yet?"

"Uh... no, no, you're overthinking." Li Zedao shook his head decisively.

"You threw my boots out of the courtyard before. The money in the bank card is your compensation. Is there a problem?" Bei took out the bank card and shook it in front of Li Zedao, and said coldly.

"This bank card, let's take it as a souvenir." Xiao Jiujiu was like this in Bei's heart. As for how much money was in it, she really didn't care, and she was not short of money.

Li Zedao wants to cry, you look like you want to beat someone if you have a problem, dare I say it's okay? He also wanted to say, how about I pay you a pair of boots? Double pairs? Fortunately, the money in the card was not much, only half a million, and it was Nintendo who gave him pocket money when he went out this time... Li Zedao, who was so poor and frightened, felt pain in his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

"Let's go to ktv." Bei looked at Li Zedao and said.


"Book online first, just ask for a small package...a medium package is too wasteful." Bei said again.

"Xiaobao can get closer to you..." She thought so in her heart.

"have opinions?"

"No...no...I just wanted to suggest that we should go to ktv again..." Li Zedao smiled apologetically, and said cautiously, "That's right, can you stop listening to "Only Mom Is Good in the World" for most of the night this time? "... Oh, what I mean is, this song is so good, and it is true that only mothers are good in the world, that is... I am so moved after listening to it, I always want to cry, let's change to something more cheerful..."

"You can sing." Bei looked at Li Zedao the same way he looked at an idiot, there was no difference.

"I can sing too," she added.

So, for the next few hours, the two spent some time in a ktv, drinking wine and eating snacks, while singing songs, you and me.

"It's a great loss to the music world if you don't sing." Finally, Li Zedao looked at this woman who was completely different from the previous Bei, and said in amazement.

He didn't expect that this woman would be so provocative when she sang love songs, and she was so stylish when she sang rock and roll, and rap-style songs were no longer a problem... It was as good as a genius like myself.

"My dream when I was young was to be a singer." Bei said, "I have a natural feeling for singing... It's different from your skills obtained after taking Shenwan. You're cheating. I It was born."

"..." Li Zedao was helpless, could he still have a good chat.

Then, Bei ordered a song, a very explosive electronic music.

"Stand up and dance." She looked at Li Zedao and said.

"You can still dance?" Li Zedao looked skeptical, what kind of dance can she dance, mechanical dance?

"Yes." Bei was very dissatisfied with Li Zedao's reaction. What's so difficult about dancing?

"If I want, I will become the number one singer in the music industry, a singer who can sing and dance. At that time, there will be no such thing as your woman Zhou Xiaolu."

"……I won't."

"I didn't let you jump, you just need to stand, you are a pole."

"..." Li Zedao was dumbfounded, so it was... pole dancing?

At the same time as the explosive music sounded, Li Zedao stood there obediently, motionless as if he had become a steel pipe standing there, and then, Bei's fingers touched his face, so Li Zedao His body tensed even tighter.

Bei's body has become soft and flexible, her body rubbed against Li Zedao's body, and her own body fragrance penetrated into Li Zedao's nostrils, teasing every cell in his body to his heart's content.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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