The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1378 Too insulting

Of course, this is a joke. At this time, the door of the room is being knocked "bang bang...". If you don't open the door, you will be knocked open, and the "door" board will even be smashed for you. Rotten posture, so, how to continue?

While speaking, Li Zedao got up from Kim So-yeon's body, and at the same time, Kim So-yeon also got up, 'rubbed' her hot little face, lowered her head to her 'chest', her face covered Shy smile. , visit the latest chapter: ШШШ.79xs.СоМ.

"I'm not 'Hua' Mulan..." she muttered.

Li Zedao walked over while feeling very depressed, and didn't bother to see through the cat's eyes who the guy who knocked on the 'door' was. He opened the 'door' very simply, and then, a limp body jumped in. in his arms.

I don't know why, but Li Zedao's reaction once was that this 'female' is Bei... Li Zedao himself also felt very baffled why he thought of Bei.

But, soon, I noticed it, no! Because the 'woman' in the north never used perfume, at least Li Zedao didn't smell any perfume on her body, what she exuded was a very light but pleasant body fragrance.

And the 'woman' in her arms has a very strong smell of perfume on her body, not the smell of too high-end perfume... After staying with Nintendo and the others for a long time, Li Zedao still understands good perfume and bad perfume little bit.

Besides, the height is not right, Bei is tall and tall, and the woman in his arms reaches up to his neck at most...

So, it wasn't Bei, and it wasn't any woman he knew well.

At the same time, when Jin Suyan saw that the moment the door opened, there was a woman directly into Brother Zedao's arms, and her eyes widened slightly.

Of course, the emotions in her heart did not contain any jealousy or grievances, because she knew Li Zedao's situation to some extent, and it was precisely because of this that she had the courage to express her heart to him.

If Li Tedao only had a 'girl' friend, then Jin Suyan would never dare to like such a boy, because... there would be no results.

Li Zedao is not a casual man, how could he allow a casual 'woman' to throw himself into his arms casually?

Therefore, he punched out very simply.

"Ah..." The woman let out a miserable cry, her body flew upside down, and finally fell heavily on the thick carpet in the hotel corridor.

The woman was hit hard,

The bones felt as if they were falling apart, and he froze for a few seconds, then he struggled to get up from the ground, and cursed loudly: "Damn it... crazy, dare to beat my mother... Fucked ..."

Li Zedao's punch just now was just to push her away, not to kill the enemy, otherwise this woman would probably be a dead person now, instead of cursing people angrily like now.

It was only then that Li Zedao could clearly see the appearance of this 'female'. After makeup, she was still 'pretty' good-looking. Of course, the most attractive thing was not her appearance, but her attire, with a large piece of 'spring' leaking out of her chest. "Light, the short skirt with big legs that show white flowers can hardly cover the buttocks, and the sexy high heels that are ridiculously high... this Much like a "Miss" in a special profession.

"Even if there is such a small card in the room, I haven't called yet..." Li Zedao said coldly while muttering in his heart, "I knocked on the wrong 'door'."

Then he simply closed the 'door'!

"Uh..." The woman's face was messy.

After closing the 'door', Li Zedao looked back at Kim So-yeon who was staring at him with wide eyes and a big mouth, and said with some embarrassment: "Well, I knocked in the wrong room... You know that I am not a random man, so she As soon as I hugged me like this, I subconsciously gave her a punch..."

Jin Soyan couldn't help but pursed her lips in joy, brother Ze Dao is indeed not a casual person, but he is not a casual person.

At the same time, Jin Soyan felt less nervous and shy in her heart, so she naturally remembered those "steps", so she said, "Brother Zedao, I'll take a shower first..."

"In a while..." Li Zedao shrugged helplessly, "Trouble is coming..." He could already hear footsteps and conversations outside the door. Of course, the sound insulation effect of the door is good , and Jin Suyan's mind was not there, so she couldn't hear the movement from outside.

"Trouble? The police... against pornography?" Jin Suyan was slightly taken aback.

"...What are you thinking about?" Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, stretched out his hand and pinched her nose, and then said in her ear, "The trouble will be solved soon, and then we will wash together... oh, my It means that I have to wash it, and if we do it together, we can help the country save some water, right?"

Jin Suyan's face turned red again, but she looked at Li Zedao shyly, and nodded slightly: "Yeah."

As soon as the words fell, the 'door' was knocked heavily again, this time it was louder, almost as if the 'door' was about to be smashed down.

"Sit down and wait for me." Li Zedao lightly pressed Jin So-yeon's shoulders to let her sit down on the chair, then walked over, once again went to open the 'door', this time, the four looked fierce The big man broke in and blocked Li Zedao very simply, followed by the woman who was just pushed out by him very simply, at this time the woman looked at Li Zedao with a full face The resentment and grievance, obviously, Li Zedao's punch seriously hurt him.

Of course, it's not the body that hurts, but the mind and self-esteem!

It's not that women haven't been pushed before, but in the past they were always pushed onto the bed, but this time it's good... This bastard is too insulting!

The woman who came in at the end simply closed the door, so, a typical catch a turtle in a urn! Of course, it doesn't matter who is the turtle.

"Boy, you are so arrogant! Dare to play with my wife?" The big man in the lead pointed to Wang Zi, then pointed to the resentful and wronged woman, showing an expression that even he himself was afraid of. Said, "What's even more beastly is that you beat her and threw her out after you finished playing?"

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched. This excuse for making trouble is far-fetched, and enough... insulting!

First of all, how could he fall in love with this kind of woman with such high taste? Furthermore, and the most important point, it only took him twenty minutes since he opened this room, and within twenty minutes he finished the game and pushed the person out... Is it that fast? So bullying! So insulting! unacceptable!

"That Cheng Yang asked you to come, right? Playing such a game is going to make my 'girl' misunderstand me? In addition, the paint on the car I parked at the 'door' of the restaurant is also sprayed by you , right?" Li Zedao didn't bother to write ink, and directly exposed their old background

"Uh..." The man's expression was a little silly, how could he know everything?

Jin Suyan's eyes widened when she heard this, and she quickly figured it out. She already had an angry expression on her face. It turned out that he was playing tricks in the dark, and he was too bullying.

"...I... I don't know what you're talking about, I don't know what Cheng Yang is." The man shouted loudly, first covering up his guilt, "I only know that you played with my wife After that, you still beat someone... So, I will beat you up too, isn't it too much?"

"It's not too much." Li Zedao said, "After playing with someone's wife, you still beat someone. It is indeed right to be beaten up afterwards, but the problem is... I didn't play with your wife, just like your wife , can I get hard?"

"...Damn it!" The woman really felt insulted to death, and immediately cursed angrily, wanting to scratch this bastard to death!

Handsome is 'quite' handsome, but the mouth is so vicious?

"You're looking for death!" The man was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words, and at the same time he cursed viciously, he raised his big hand and was about to 'slap' Li Zedao's face!

But Cheng Shao said, to cripple this face, add 20,000 more! With this slap, 20,000 can be easily obtained.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny! Before his hand could 'draw' like Li Zedao's face, Li Zedao grabbed his head all at once, and then slammed it against the wall!

"Bang!" Before he, the three men, and the woman had recovered, his forehead had already hit the wall heavily.

The good "****" was disturbed and insulted, so Li Zedao's strength was not small, just one touch, the man's head was already bleeding, and the blood flowed into his eyes, which made it difficult for him to see.

Still not relieved, Li Zedao grabbed his head again and smashed it towards the wall again.

"Bang!" After only two hits, the man simply passed out. Of course, because Li Zedao's movements were too fast, the man didn't even have time to scream and beg for mercy.

It wasn't until his boss seemed to be dead that the remaining three men realized this and shouted one after another.

"You... what are you doing?"

"Let go of our boss...or I'll kill you..."

"'re finished, you've got a big problem...we'll let you live but not die..."

Let go, let go, what are you talking about? Li Zedao let go of the hand that was holding the other's head, and the man who had passed out simply collapsed and remained motionless, as if he was really dead.

"Kill...kill..." The woman screamed decisively when she saw the man's bloody face.

"Slap!" There was a crisp slap, and the screaming woman turned around twice on the spot, and then fell to the ground... She was fainted by Li Zedao's slap.

Then Li Zedao went over with both feet and kicked two of the men's stomachs fiercely. The two of them were kicked flying and fell to the ground.

"Do you still fight?" Li Zedao looked up at the last man who was looking at him with a silly face, and said coldly.

The man swallowed, with a look of horror on his face, and in the next second, he knelt down decisively: "Master, I was wrong..."

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