He's just a little bastard. He usually frightens those honest people, or does some things like stealing chickens and petting dogs. When has he seen such a bloody and brutal scene? His eldest brother, his other two brothers, didn't have any resistance at all, and they just got down on the ground! Especially his elder brother... the men thought he was dead. , visit the latest chapter: ШШШ.79xs.СоМ.

"Did Cheng Yang ask you to come?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes..." The man swallowed, not daring to hide anything.

"Did you also spray the paint on the car?"

"Cheng Yang asked me to spray..." the man said cautiously.

"Where is Cheng Yang now?" Li Zedao nodded and asked.

"In room 1010..."

Li Zedao kicked over him, kicked him in the stomach, and simply sent him flying, and then said coldly: "Damn, I hate spineless guys the most."

Listening to the man lying there who couldn't stand the pain in his internal organs, he was so wronged that he burst into tears, and said in his heart that if he knew that he would be beaten by you, I would let you know how strong I am.

Li Zedao turned his head, looked at Jin Suyan who was looking at him with admiration, and said with a slight smile: "I'm going to beat up that annoying guy, will you wait for me here for a while?"

"Brother Ze Dao, I'm with you... I don't want to stay with them." Jin Suyan pointed to the few people lying on the ground and said.

Li Zedao smiled slightly: "Then let's go together."

Immediately, the two left the room, closed the 'door', and walked towards room 1010, which was not far from the room 1015 they opened.

At the same time, in room 1010, Cheng Yang and Lu Xiaodong were sitting there with serious expressions, listening to the classical music played from the mobile phone.

This is the "Passion of Matthew" composed by the famous German musician Johann Sebastian Bach, known as the father of Western music. This piece truly reproduces the betrayal, arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus by Judas Scenes such as crucifixion and burial.

The two of them were the first students of Mr. Li Gu, so they learned a lot from Mr. Li Gu, including classical music.

This music was sent to them by Teacher Li Gu, who asked them to write down some thoughts after enjoying and studying. Now they are idle, so the two resolutely played the music to enjoy and exchange ideas together.

Although we don't like each other,

But they all know that the other party is not bad in music, especially Lu Xiaodong, because of his family, he has unique conditions in music education.

At this moment, the 'door' of the room was knocked open, and someone strode into the room. The two looked up subconsciously, and then their eyeballs suddenly widened.

Walking in turned out to be Kim So-yeon and her boyfriend!

Among them, Jin Suyan's face was full of anger, but her boyfriend had a faint and peaceful smile on his face, but it gave people a feeling of hiding a knife in his smile.

Cheng Yang's heart twitched slightly. He asked someone to arrange a very sweet encounter for this kid first. In this way, Jin Suyan must not misunderstand him? Afterwards, the immortal jumped and beat up the kid severely, and then the tone was more than half out.

But how did he come here? What about those people? Wrong room? Or... is it 'revealed', so the other party came to the 'door'?

Because of his guilty conscience, Cheng Yang couldn't do it if he wanted to greet Li Zedao and his junior sister who came in naturally.

As for Lu Xiaodong, he came here with the attitude of watching the excitement, so he will not say anything stupid at this time.

Finally, Cheng Yang smiled very reluctantly, and said: "Junior Sister? You are here? Oh... I came here with Junior Brother Lu to enjoy the music and exchange ideas..."

Thinking that going to a hotel with a man would be too weird after all, so he added: "Teacher Li Gu arranged for us to have a music project, isn't it quiet here?"

Then, he picked up the mobile phone that was placed there, and the "St. Matthew Passion" was still playing on the mobile phone at this time.

Jin Soyan still had an angry expression on her face, and Li Zedao still had a weird smile on her expression.

Cheng Yang watched with a sneer in his heart, and then turned off the music playing on his phone.

"Let's talk." Li Zedao said.

"What are you talking about?" Cheng Yang asked, you are sick, do I know you very well? What can I talk to you about?

"Talk about compensation."

"Compensation?" Cheng Yang said he didn't understand.

"There is a saying in the ancients that a moment of sex is worth a thousand gold... You have to delay me for at least half an hour, right? If it's too much, I'm at a loss, so I'll count it as half an hour." Li Zedao said seriously, "Half an hour , That's two quarters, two quarters are worth two thousand gold, how much is two thousand gold converted into Huaxia currency? Forget it, since you are Su Yan's senior brother, I can give you two million. I won't pursue the matter of the car being painted by you How about it?"

"..." Jin Suyan's face turned red in an instant, her face was full of shyness, how could Brother Zedao say that? It's...it's not even night yet.

The corners of Cheng Yang's mouth simply 'twitched', thinking that the guy is a psychopath? Then he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, what are you talking about? I don't quite understand."

"I'm a smart person, and you are too stupid, so I know very well that you did this..." He looked at Lu Xiaodong, "You also have a part?"

"..." Lu Xiaodong didn't know whether to nod or shake his head, after all, he didn't know who was strong and who was weak, so he couldn't nod or shake his head.

"That means he has a share, at least, he is also a dog-headed military advisor, right?" Li Zedao said immediately, and then 'showed' a harmless smile.

Seeing such a smile, Lu Xiaodong suddenly felt that it was not too good. He suddenly regretted it, why would he be so idle and have nothing to do to participate in this kind of thing?

Cheng Yang smiled coldly and said, "Did you have some misunderstanding?"

Now that everyone has torn their faces, he is not going to give this guy any more face. He has that kind of proud prince disease again, and said with a cold expression, "Anyway, please go out and don't disturb us. Brothers enjoy the music..."

Of course, he also saw that something was wrong at a certain moment, but at this time, the man's face simply covered his rationality, no matter what, he had to beat this kid to death!

Cheng Yang didn't even look at Jin Suyan, he simply regarded her as air, and thought to himself, don't give me a chance in the future, or I'll play you to death!

Jin Suyan said angrily: "Cheng Yang, you are too much, my brother Ze Dao didn't provoke you, why did you spray that word on his car? Now let people go to make trouble? I thought you were quite "What about a good person, I didn't expect the means of doing things to be so shameless... If you like me, you can pursue me openly, what is it to do such excessive things secretly?"

Jin Suyan now understands why Cheng Yang wants to sabotage.

"Shut up!" Cheng Yang's face darkened, and he said angrily, "What do you think you are? I like you if you want 'chest' or 'chest' or butt or butt? Soak in 'piss' according to what kind of virtue you are, a girl from the countryside! If it weren't for the sake of senior sister Zhou Xiaolu, I wouldn't bother to talk to you."

After hearing his words, Jin Soyan was very angry, and Li Zedao was even more angry, dare to say that his woman has no breasts? He just 'touched' it just now, yes, and she is still young, and she will be bigger in the future!

Of course, he didn't explode immediately, because he knew that when Kim So-yeon was in school, she was a member of a certain "gang". 'The child is actually very aggressive in his bones.

Besides, it is a very serious matter for a beautiful girl to be told to have "breast" or "breast" or butt or butt, so Li Zedao had to tell her to fight back to calm down.

Sure enough, Jin Suyan pointed at Cheng Yang with a gloomy face and cursed: "In this case, why did you approach all kinds of things like a pug before to please you? You pretended to be handsome when I rejected it? You obviously waited there on purpose. Did you say that you happened to meet?"

Cheng Yang sneered: "That's because I want to pursue Senior Sister Zhou Xiaolu, aren't you related to her? I'm just using you as a springboard, stupid! But, I'm also stupid. I guess Senior Sister Zhou isn't too stupid for your behavior." You? So, stay away from me in the future, I will be annoyed when I see you. "

Jin Soyan looked back at Li Zedao and said, "Brother Zedao, am I ugly compared to sister Zhou?"

This is a joke, and Li Zedao is also very happy in his heart, because Jin Suyan can make such a joke, which proves that her mentality has changed greatly, and she has become more confident. At least she is very satisfied with her appearance. quite confident.

"You both look good." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

Kim So-yeon pursed her lips and nodded with a smile: "Yeah."

Cheng Yang listened, with a sneer on his face: "Hehe, it's really... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? A woman like you is like a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road. Ten of them together can't compare to that of Senior Sister Zhou. a finger."

And that tone and expression, as if you know Zhou Xiaolu very well... What are you pretending?

This is planning to stir up conflicts within his family, so Li Zedao looked at Cheng Yang and said, "I am very contradictory when you say these words. Originally, it was fine to ask you to pay me two million, but now... ..."

"I'm sorry, get out, or I will let you live or die right now." Cheng Yang scolded.

"Okay, I'm not contradicting anymore." Li Zedao said, and walked towards Cheng Yang step by step.

"What do you want to do?" Cheng Yang sneered, "Want to fight? I..."

"Slap!" He hadn't finished speaking yet, his face was already slapped flatly, and the words that he hadn't finished speaking were also forced back.

Cheng Yang's father was the company instructor of the Yanjing Military Region, so influenced by his father, he was also interested in military boxing, so he had a series of combat training under his father's guidance since he was a child. Big, when it comes to fighting, I'm really not afraid of anyone.

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