The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1381 Love Even If You Die

Just when Cheng Yang wanted to say something, at least for the time being, it was necessary to give in, Li Zedao simply kicked him in the stomach again. .Fastest update access: щщщ.79XS.сОΜ.

With a sound of "Bang!", Cheng Yang flew out and fell heavily on the ground. Due to the effect of inertia, he slid another meter or two and rolled directly to Lu Xiaodong's feet. Lie on the ground in a posture of dog eating shit.

Lu Xiaodong was really startled, and subconsciously took a step back.

Li Zedao looked at Lu Xiaodong, who was startled and took a step back. The next second, he raised his hands subconsciously and made a gesture of surrender, and said in a trembling voice, "No... It's none of my business... I just... accidentally ran into my senior brother..."

Lu Xiaodong knew that he was very spineless and would offend Cheng Yang to death, but compared to offending the devil in front of him, offending Cheng Yang was such a trivial matter.

"Really?" Li Zedao asked.

"Really...Really..." He nodded busyly, and looked at Jin Suyan as if asking for help, "Junior Sister, although you are very good-looking, I already have Xiao Mengjun in my heart, so I didn't pursue it." You, usually far away from you, you know that..."

"Okay, step aside." Li Zedao said, he was really too lazy to deal with such a bad character. Of course, the most important thing is that Li Zedao believed his words.

Lu Xiaodong was relieved, and quickly stepped back with a smile on his face, not daring to breathe loudly, afraid that the devil's attention would fall on him again.

"Uh... oh... um... huh..." I don't know if it's because of excessive pain, excessive fear, excessive anger, or being stimulated by Lu Xiaodong's such heartless words. He almost vomited blood, and there were faint and strange sounds from Cheng Yang's throat. At this moment, he only felt that his internal organs had been displaced, and his stomach was full of acid.

"Okay, let's continue with the compensation that we didn't finish talking about just now. It's still the same sentence. Since you are my wife's senior brother, you are also my senior brother. I don't want more, just pay two million yuan. Li Zedao walked over, looked down at this "strange" face and said.

Then, I couldn't bear it anymore, what a beautiful face, how did it become like this? It seems that the attack was too ruthless... Li Zedao was so moved by his kindness.

"Wife..." Jin Suyan's face turned red again, she bit her 'lip' lightly, and looked at Li Zedao as if her eyes were filled with water, extremely sweet. If the two senior brothers were present, she would have gone over to kiss Li Zedao a few times.

"..." Cheng Yang raised his head with great difficulty,

Looking at this devil with a blurred vision, he has already beaten himself like this, it's fine if he doesn't pay the medical expenses, but he still wants... compensation?

And how could he be so shameless that he was his senior brother? If you are really a senior brother, how can you have the nerve to make such a heavy hand?

Sorrow came from it, his collapsed nose suddenly became sour, and tears almost fell down.

"What's your expression? It's as if I'm deliberately tricking you." Li Zedao said with a displeased expression.

Cheng Yang's grievance was abnormal, tears had already 'mixed' with blood and fell down... A man doesn't flick his tears easily, but they haven't reached the place where he is sad... Cheng Yang is very sad now! He wanted to say that you didn't mean to trick me, you were already planning to bury me.

two million? I didn't hurt a hair of your hair at all, but it took a few minutes for you to open the room, and you dare to ask for two million? The lion's mouth is not as big as yours, is it?

"Too...too much?" He said very carefully and with difficulty. In fact, what he wanted to say was, was it too much? Of course, he was already prepared in his heart to be knocked out, but... he didn't expect to be slaughtered so badly. His family has some money, but he doesn't have enough money to go to that level, okay?

"You mean... my time is worthless?" Li Zedao sneered, stretched out his hand, and already grabbed a chair beside him.

"...I didn't mean that." Cheng Yang was taken aback, and quickly denied it. He beat him a few times with his fists, and he almost died. If he used a chair, wouldn't he be beaten to death?

"I mean, I'm just a student, I don't have that much money...can I give my family a call?"

Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "Okay, then you can fight."

It's been tricked... Cheng Yang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, calling to ask for money was just a cover, his real purpose was to call for rescue, but fortunately, this bastard was still not smart enough to think of this.

"Damn it, when my mother brings someone here, I'll make sure you don't want to die, and I'll give you back a thousand times what you gave me!" Cheng Yang roared viciously in his heart.

"Wait... I warn you, don't play tricks." Li Zedao looked at Cheng Yang and threatened, "For example, if the police or other people trouble me, I will trouble you later Yes, it won’t be as simple as beating you up then! Of course, I’m not afraid of the police, let me tell you, my uncle is the deputy captain of the Chaoyang District Police Station.”

When he said this, Li Zedao had an awesome look on his face.

Therefore, Cheng Yang got more information. This is a stunned young man with terribly well-developed limbs but a lack of brain. As for his background... His uncle is the captain of the Chaoyang District Police Station?

"Damn it, bastard, I'm going to kill you!" He muttered viciously in his heart and at the same time he said with difficulty, with a sincere tone, "No, no, just let me bring the money... I'm still a student, and I'm still a student. I'm afraid you will trouble me later."

"Also, I don't want you to 'harass' my 'woman' in any way in the future." Li Zedao said again, "Can you promise me?"

"Yes." Cheng Yang said. I have already started to fantasize about the tragic end of this damn woman.

"Okay, hurry up and get someone to bring the money." Li Zedao said, and then looked at Lu Xiaodong.

The latter was taken aback again, feeling as if he was about to stop breathing. Is this his turn?

"Do me a favor, bring those bastards lying on the ground in my room to this room." Li Zedao said, "It's an eyesore."

"Uh... yes, I'll go right away, I'll go right away..." Lu Xiaodong said quickly.

"After the money is delivered, come find me in my room." Li Zedao looked at Cheng Yang and said again, then turned around and took Jin Suyan's little hand, turned and left.

Behind him, Cheng Yang's panda eyes, which were half covered by blood, were full of viciousness.

Under Li Zedao's "obscene" power, the thin scholar Lu Xiaodong's strength became much stronger than before, and one by one he helped up the four men and one woman who were crying in Li Zedao's room, and sent them off. Arrived at room 1010 that he and Cheng Yang opened.

After moving the last person away, Li Zedao asked him to do what he should do, then closed the door of the room, and looked back at Kim So-yeon who was looking at him with hot eyes.

"Let's wait a while until we finish dealing with the rescuers he moved in," Li Zedao said. According to Li Zedao's observation, Cheng Yang is proud and conceited, and he thinks that people in the world are inferior to him with one finger. Although Li Zedao beat him up now, he has a heart of fear, but this fear is very fast. will turn into resentment.

Therefore, Li Zedao planned to step on the backer behind him, so that he would not dare to jump around in the future.

"Yeah." Jin Suyan nodded lightly. Of course she knew that Brother Zedao must only know that Cheng Yang didn't want someone to send money over at all, but to send rescuers, and he was planning to save all the troubles. They are all resolved.

Of course, I also know that Cheng Yang will definitely think that they don't know that he is going to rescue soldiers. After all, he is such a proud person, and now he has been beaten to the point of losing his mind.

She glanced at Li Zedao shyly and ambiguously as if filled with water, and then said guiltyly: "I'm tired, I want to take a walk..." Then, she went to the 'bed', lay down, looked at Li Zedao, her brows were full of Shy, said: "Brother Ze Dao, you are tired from beating people, let's rest for a while."

"...I'm tired, so tired. The skin on that guy's face is so thick that my palms hurt." Li Zedao said, and then he went to the 'bed' and lay down next to Jin Suyan.

So obviously, the moment Li Zedao lay down, Jin Suyan's whole body trembled, and then her breathing seemed to be stagnant.

"Don't be nervous." Li Zedao said with a smile, "At most, I just ate you..."

"...Brother Ze Dao..." Jin Suyan blushed and hummed softly.

Then the bed was slightly shaken, a hot body plunged into Li Zedao's arms, Jin Suyan put her hands on Li Zedao's waist, leaned her head on his chest, and put a leg on him on the 'legs'.

Then, Kim So-yeon understood why the 'female' protagonist in TV dramas and movies always likes to sleep curled up in the arms of the male protagonist like this, because it is very comfortable, practical and safe, of course, because it is the first time, So, still very nervous!

Then, inevitably, the knee and the bend of the 'leg' touched somewhere it shouldn't, and she felt it.

However, she didn't escape, but her body tensed up.

Then, she clearly felt a hand 'touch' towards her 'buttocks', and then her body tensed up suddenly.

"Not enough time." Li Zedao said.

"Huh?" Kim So-yeon.

"Otherwise I'll eat you." Li Zedao said again.

This time, Jin Suyan understood, she was shy and breathless, and said in a low voice: "It's the same if I eat later... I won't run away."

Li Zedao smiled slightly: "Sing to me, or there will be a fire."

"Well, what do you want to hear?" Kim So-yeon whispered, she understood what "on fire" meant, because she felt like she was on fire too.

"Just sing... love even if you die?


"What's wrong? No?" Li Zedao asked.

"No, Brother Zedao, this song is too high, I'm like this... I don't have enough breath." Jin Suyan explained in a low voice, in her current state where she doesn't even dare to breathe, let alone such a high song No, just humming a softly tuned song will not work.

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