"Oh, I won't sing anymore... шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом The update is so fast." Li Zedao also felt that Jin Soyan's voice was trembling in this state, so he fell silent and said cheekily, "That fire has started, please help me ...will you?"

"Ah... um..." Jin Suyan understood, her face was hot, "I saw it at school..."

"Have you seen it? That little movie?"

"Well, it's not mine. It's in the phone at the same table... You know my school is a bunch of precocious scumbags who don't like studying..." Fearing that Li Zedao might misunderstand something, she quickly added an explanation.

"That will give you a chance to practice..." Li Zedao said. After speaking, he felt that he was a beast, and then... wanted to do even more beasts.

Jin Suyan was embarrassed, her trembling little hands began to 'grope', and the moment she stopped, Li Zedao didn't react too much, after all, she was used to it, but Jin Suyan took a deep breath and almost cried out.


In room 1010, Cheng Yang got up from the ground with the support of brother Lu Xiaodong, and sat on the 'bed'.

"Brother, are you okay?" Lu Xiaodong asked, he really wanted to leave this place of right and wrong quickly, but he knew very clearly that if he left like this, it would be tantamount to completely offending Cheng Yang to death. Although he was offended, but after all, it was justifiable and he didn't offend Death, right?

"I can't die..." Cheng Yang spat out a mouthful of blood, and said coldly, he glanced at the little 'thugs' he found lying on the ground, and he was even more frightened, that guy His skills are truly terrifying, so he really doesn't blame Lu Xiaodong for his reaction just now.

If such a dark-bellied and frail scholar just acted righteously and expressed that he wanted to touch my brother, you touch me first, Cheng Yang would think that this guy is too fake, and even think that this kid is a pervert who has taken a fancy to him .

Of course, Cheng Yang had already contacted his mother at this time, and he had already contacted Lu Xiaodong when Lu Xiaodong struggled to carry those guys in.

It's just that instead of calling, he sent a message. After all, his real purpose was to send rescuers instead of money. What if the violent madman who came out of nowhere heard it?

Besides, he has his own considerations.

The content of the text message was: Your son played with my wife, and I caught him now! Bring two million to Room 1015 of Regal Hotel on Wansheng Road, otherwise I will not only beat your son up, but I will make things big!

The text message also carried a photo he just took of himself,

Cheng Yang felt that after seeing the photo, his mother probably couldn't believe that the person in the photo could be her son!

After sending the text message, Cheng Yang simply turned off his phone!

So this matter changed completely. Cheng Yang knew that after seeing the content of the text message, his mother, who has always been very spoiled, must have called first, and then turned off the phone, and then this matter was true. Yes, her son really fell into someone's hands and was beaten so badly that even his mother didn't recognize her when she saw her. Afterwards, the other party dared to snatch her son's cell phone so arrogantly and then sent her this text message.

Cheng Yang also knew that his mother would not believe that his son would sleep with other people's wives... Her son is so handsome and talented, and his family conditions are not bad, so why does he need to sleep with other people's wives?

I don't even believe that his son was caught after sleeping with someone else's wife... After all, if her son really slept with her, she wouldn't be so careless. She is more willing to believe that her son has fallen into some kind of peachy trap, and then she will be furious, she will explode, and then, with a strong heart to protect the calf, she will definitely use all kinds of In the end, they came to this hotel in a mighty way.

In addition, Cheng Yang also guessed that his mother would definitely not call his father, and she would use her means to deal with this matter personally, because his father is a soldier, a fairly honest soldier, and usually talks more about it. The truth, not fists, if she gets the news, she must not be allowed to 'recklessly' come.

Besides, the husband and wife are still at odds and in a state of cold war! The reason for the cold war is that a few days ago, Cheng Yang's brother Cheng Ming "privately" called several soldiers under his father's command, asking him to teach someone a lesson, but in the end he kicked a big iron plate, and his father In a fit of rage, he beat Cheng Yang's brother Cheng Ming severely, and even broke one of his brother's 'legs'.

Cheng Yang's mother felt sorry for the child and felt that her husband was too harsh, and the two had a big fight afterwards.

All, what Cheng Yang guessed now is that the mother will bring people to kill her in a mighty way, and then beat up the two sluts in room 1015 indiscriminately as soon as she comes over. I'm talking later.

What Cheng Yang wanted was such an effect, and the other party didn't have any background, only an uncle was the captain of the Chaoyang District Police Station, so Cheng Yang was really not afraid of making things big.

"Although you guys failed to do things well, I will still pay the money as it is, and treat it as medical expenses." Cheng Yang looked at the four men and one woman who were paralyzed there due to pain and said , "Then, it's as if it never happened."

The man in the lead touched the bloody face and said gratefully: "Thank you Cheng Shao." It's only natural to use people's money to eliminate disasters, and now they don't It can be said that it is very righteous to eliminate the disaster, but Cheng Shao still gives them money.

Cheng Yang nodded, looked at Lu Xiaodong and said, "Junior brother, please open a room and send them to rest or send them to the hospital... Then you and I didn't meet today, you don't know anything .”

Lu Xiaodong understood what Cheng Yang meant, nodded his head and said, "It's true that we two brothers didn't meet today, and nothing happened."

Cheng Yang's words really fit his heart, and now he can't wait to get away from this vortex as soon as possible.

Lu Xiaodong didn't want to believe that the weird boy would dare to be so arrogant just because he had an uncle who was the captain of the police station in Chaoyang District, but it was obvious that he was blinded by hatred and anger Cheng Yang believed it.

Remind him? Remind him that it's better not to make trouble, or things may get out of hand? Lu Xiaodong thought about it and gave up... He doesn't have that obligation, does he?


Just as Cheng Yang expected, his mother Li Ping, who is in charge of the Personnel Bureau of Chaoyang District, received this message from her son's mobile phone with the message that her son was beaten up After receiving such information, and calling her son's cell phone and finding that her son's cell phone had been turned off, she immediately exploded, her face was so gloomy that it seemed that several catties of water could be squeezed out with just one twist.

She immediately picked up the landline and wanted to call her husband who was an instructor of a company in the Yanjing Military Region and tell him something had happened to her son.

But thinking about his kind of pedantry, some time ago he was so serious that he discounted the "legs" of his eldest son Cheng Ming, and he was so angry that he couldn't make a call, and then called another Number.

Not long after, the phone was picked up, and a man's voice came over: "Hello."

Li Ping said, "Old grandson, it's me, your sister-in-law, Li Ping."

"So it's sister-in-law, what's the matter?" On the other end of the phone, the man immediately showed great enthusiasm.

"My sister-in-law has encountered something, and I want to ask you to help me." Li Ping said straight to the point, with a sense of sexuality in her tone that couldn't be concealed at all.

The man’s name is Sun Jian, who was Li Ping’s former comrade-in-arms of her husband Cheng Dagang. Later, he was demobilized and opened a gym. He also gave Cheng Dagang several gym gold cards. Do some exercise.

In short, the relationship between the two is pretty good.

These days, Sun Jian's son plans to apply for the civil service examination. Sun Jian naturally approached Li Ping and asked him to help him in the dark. Li Ping said that he still had to pass the written test.

So at this time, Sun Jian could already hear the anger in her words. In addition, the relationship between the two families was good, and the matter of his son's civil servant examination was even more troublesome, because he immediately stated: "Sister-in-law, tell me, as long as I can help I'm busy, I have nothing to say."

"Our family's Xiaoyang had an accident, and he was detained by a few bastards, and they beat him." Li Ping said, her eyes seemed to burst into flames, but her voice was a little choked up.

When she thought of her son being beaten like that, her heart felt like a knife was piercing her heart.

Sun Jian was shocked when he heard this. Is this kidnapping?

Later, after Li Ping briefly explained, Sun Jian realized that it was not kidnapping, but that Cheng Yang was detained in a certain hotel for some unknown reason, and the other party even arrogantly said that he would exchange him with two million.

Sun Jian understood what Li Ping meant. She didn't want the police to 'intervene'. Instead, she planned to get back on her own and take revenge on the other party. If the other party beat her son, she would pay back ten times or even a hundred times.

"Sister-in-law, does Brother Cheng know about this?" Sun Jian asked.

"Don't mention him, that bastard doesn't even consider them his own sons." Li Ping said fiercely.

Sun Jian also heard that his old comrade-in-arms broke his son's 'leg' some time ago. At that time, Sun Dagang asked him for a drink and said that he was almost cheated to death by that bastard. You know, husband and wife The two are now arguing.

Immediately said: "Sister-in-law, I'll bring someone over to meet you right now, let's go to that hotel to find a place together."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Li Ping said.

Half an hour later, Sun Jian called all the seven or eight fitness trainers in his gym, even armed with blunt objects, and then drove to join Li Ping, and then a group of three cars headed towards Wansheng Road Regal Hotel drove past.

These few fitness coaches who work in Sun Jian's gym are all veterans or sports school graduates, all of them are muscular men, and their skills are naturally good, and they have never been afraid of anyone in fights.

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