It was precisely because she knew that Sun Jian could be trusted and that someone on his side could be used, that's why Li Ping called Sun Jian and asked him to help. -79 Novels-

Before the car arrived at the Regal Hotel, Li Ping made another phone call, and finally got in touch with the manager of the Regal Hotel. Li Ping told the manager straightforwardly that he turned a blind eye to this matter. That's fine, the hotel will not be involved in the follow-up, even if it is involved, she is capable of handling it.

The manager of the Regal Hotel has already been 'accounted for' in advance, and they are busy at the moment, saying that they will act as if they don't know anything, and they don't know when these mighty people who came over will sneak in Those who went upstairs in the hotel didn't know what happened in room 1015, and they even cooperated with people to temporarily turn off the hotel's surveillance system. When someone came to check, they would say that the system was malfunctioning.

It is precisely because the hotel adopts such an attitude of not offending acquiescence, and because it is very easy, Li Ping with a 'gloomy' face easily took Sun Jian and his party into the elevator to the tenth floor, and arrived at In front of room 1015.

At the same time, in room 1010, Cheng Yang, who had a hard time checking the outside world through the cat's eyes, finally saw his mother leading Uncle Sun Jian and his coach in the gym aggressively, the corners of his mouth turned up a bit. The extent of cruelty, he knew very clearly that Uncle Sun and the coaches in his gym were not good at it, they were all very capable masters, this time that bastard was dead.

Pulling the corner of his mouth, it would inevitably involve the wound, and he grinned in pain, bared his teeth and gasped.

His mother brought someone to kill him. He originally wanted to go out to meet him, and then went to trample someone with her in a coquettish way, but it hurt... Take a breather and let's talk.

"Sister-in-law, is Xiaoyang in this room?" Sun Jian asked in a low voice.

"Room 1015, that's right." Li Ping said with a cold face and a 'yin' tone. When I thought of the content in the text message and the photo, I couldn't help but feel like I was cut by a knife a few times, bastard, why are you so cruel? She even beat her son's handsome face like that.

Li Ping had reason to believe that the other party must be an ugly monster, because she was jealous of his handsome son.

"Just wait, I'll see what's going on inside," Li Ping said.

"Okay." Sun Jian nodded. After all, we don't know exactly what's going on inside right now, how many people are inside, whether there are knives, etc. Of course, they are really not afraid of fighting, they can easily fight three of them, but they are afraid that the other party will take Xiaoyang as a hostage. It would be bad to accidentally injure him at that time.

So, Li Ping walked to the door of Room 1015 alone, while the others waited first.

Now Li Ping took a deep breath,

Knock on the 'door', at this time, even if the people inside looked out through the cat's eyes, they could only see Li Ping, but Sun Jian and the others could not be seen.

At the same time, Li Zedao and Jin Suyan in the room were still playing some ambiguous games. After hearing the knock on the door, Li Zedao said, "Our senior brother's rescuers are here."

"It's annoying." Jin Suyan whispered, with a shy but sweet expression, just like a newly married daughter-in-law.

Li Zedao smiled, stretched out his hand, stroked her warm little face lightly, and got up.

"Brother Ze Dao, you..." Jin Suyan looked at his crotch shyly but persistently.

"Uh... who made you so attractive? Just take a few deep breaths." Li Zedao said with an embarrassed smile, and then took a deep breath.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..." The knocking on the door became more and more urgent. It was conceivable that the people outside had become impatient, or in other words, they couldn't suppress their anger.

However, Li Zedao continued to take a deep breath in a leisurely manner. He looked down and saw that it was almost there. Then he walked to the 'door' of the room. He didn't bother to see who was outside through the cat's eyes, so he directly opened the 'door', and then With a faint smile on her face, she looked at the frosty middle-aged woman standing at the door and knocking on the door.

"You detained my son?" Li Ping looked at Li Zedao who opened the 'door', and asked straightforwardly, "Then let us parents bring two million to redeem him?"

Her voice was serious, very confident, or in other words, very leadership, so Li Zedao quickly came up with some general information. This is an official figure, and her position should not be low. She is usually arrogant. I'm used to being instigated by her, and she has a strong desire to control. She hopes that everything will be implemented according to her idea, and it will be difficult to accept if she crosses the line slightly.

The most important point is that I have entered menopause, so my temper is very bad.

While talking, Li Ping was also looking at Li Zedao, and she used the corner of her eye to look around Li Zedao's body to watch what was going on inside. In the end, she only saw a beautiful little girl standing there.

So at a certain moment, she wondered if she had knocked on the wrong door, because from this point of view, this should be a pair of men and women in love who came out to steal food, how could it be the ones who detained her son? Bastard... The most important thing is that Li Zedao looks too harmless, no matter how you look at it, he is a sunny boy who is harmless to humans and animals.

However, Li Zedao's next sentence immediately dispelled all doubts in Li Ping: "If your son's name is Cheng Yang... Where is the money?"

Li Zedao smiled like a ruffian, glanced at this charming woman and said, "Look at you, you don't look like you have a huge sum of two million... oh , want to transfer money? That's fine too."

"Where's my son?" Li Ping asked calmly, looking into the room from her angle, she didn't see any trace of her son, except for the little girl standing there. Other accomplices.

So, her son wasn't actually in this room? The bastard's other accomplices took her son somewhere else?

"Didn't you see your son?" Li Zedao asked with some doubts, and then he probably knew what little trick this Cheng Yang was playing.

In Li Ping's view, the other party's words were simply playing tricks on herself, so she exploded and said, "Young man, are you going to 'hand over' my son? I promise, you will definitely do it for you now." I regret what I did."

"Coincidentally, I also want to say that you should also regret what you did next, if you insist on doing so." Li Zedao said with a smile. Although he couldn't see those people hiding outside, he could already feel the rough breath they breathed out. The way of nature, this 'woman' brought people here, but the number of them was not small. Judging from their breathing, they are all irritable and aggressive.

This is undoubtedly a threat to Li Ping's ears, the threat of naked-'naked'-'naked', the other party is threatening her, saying, if you don't obediently take the two million and even plan to make a move, You won't be able to see your son.

So, at a certain moment, Li Ping's heart inevitably panicked, no matter what, the safety of her son is the most important thing, isn't it?

At this moment, a weak and wronged voice came to my ears: "Mom, you are finally here...Mom..."

The expression on Li Ping's face froze, and when she looked back, she saw blood on her face, and the guy whose face had been beaten terribly appeared there, looking at her pitifully.

In an instant, Li Ping's heart was pierced. If she was not so familiar with the voice and the eyes, she would not have dared to imagine that the man in front of her would be the handsome son who made her feel proud.

After calling out "Xiaoyang" with tears in his eyes, his face suddenly turned cold, and he said in a vicious voice: "Old Sun, I will trouble you next, as long as no one is killed."

As soon as the words fell, Sun Jian led the eight coaches and appeared at the door aggressively. They even "touched" the blunt weapons hidden in their bodies, such as "sticks", balls, iron bars and the like. .

Li Zedao took a few steps back... This person has come over, isn't it rude to block the 'door' and prevent them from coming in?

It's just that Sun Jian and his party naturally got the wrong idea. They thought that the opponent's retreat was because they were afraid of instinct, so they entered the room one by one with a murderous look. The coach who came in behind He also kicked provocatively, kicked on the 'door', and closed the 'door'.

Sun Jian first sneered at the ignorant boy, and then at the little girl standing over there. Apart from that, there was no one else.

So, there were only these two young men... to be precise, one, and the weaker girl was completely ignored by him, and he could kill three of these girls with one slap.

For a moment, Sun Jian was a little disappointed, just one, not enough for his teeth, let alone so many people came. He is the guy who has a bad temper and likes to use his fists to solve things. Back then, when his gym just opened, a few young people came to make trouble. Young was beaten up, and since then, there has been no disturbance.

But the disappointment is disappointment, he still has to do it, so he raised the 'bat' in his hand, and said to Li Zedao's face with compassion: "Boy, get down, don't resist, you will suffer like this!" The damage will be less."

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Uncle, take him away, I don't need to embarrass you."

"...Heh..." After Sun Jian and the eight coaches listened, smiles appeared on their faces without exception. They were all amused by this kid's ignorant words.

"Xiao Chu, go ahead." Sun Jian said. They really couldn't do such a thing with so many people beating up such a weak boy who seemed to have a brain problem, so Sun Jian 'handed over' him to Xiao Chu, who was considered the weakest among them. A soldier who has just been demobilized for less than half a year.

Xiao Chu, who was holding an iron rod in his hand, came out helplessly, and said, "Brother Sun, you are too bullying, I'm afraid I'll be 'thumped' down with the stick, and you'll be 'thumped' to death, what should I do?"

"If you dare to 'slap' him to death, I will 'smash' you to death!" Sun Jian scolded with a smile, as if he was about to kick over, "Hurry up, my sister-in-law is waiting."

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