"Oh, I'm afraid this kid can't help beating. If I hit him with a stick, he will die. For more latest chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ." Xiao Chu responded lazily and walked out, really not interested Ah, beating such a thing really doesn't give you any sense of accomplishment, and it doesn't sound good when you say it.

As soon as the words fell, "Crack!" There was a sound of broken bones.

Then... If there is music, at this moment, the drum set should be roaring continuously, and then there will be a "clang", and it will stop suddenly! Or if there is thunder, there should be a "bang" at the scene, wrapped in the strongest lightning, directly hitting the ground in front of you, and then silently.

In short, it was as if everything in the world was suddenly frozen, the music was frozen, the breathing was frozen, the eyes were frozen, and the breathing was also frozen.

Of course, Xiao Chu is still the same Xiao Chu, the difference is that he is no longer the posture of holding an iron rod reluctantly just now, but lying there, holding tightly with his right hand. My left arm... that arm had already been 'pulled' off by a stick, and that face was twisted into a bun because of the pain.

"Ah..." His screams resounded throughout the room, breaking the eerie silence.

Sun Jian was dumbfounded, and so were the remaining seven fitness coaches. They opened their mouths wide and stared blankly at Li Zedao, who was lying on the ground and standing there holding an iron rod in his hand.

They didn't see how the other party did it at all. They snatched the iron rod from Xiao Chu's hand in less than two seconds, and even gave it back to Xiao Chu. Smashed Xiao Chu's arm!

At the same time, outside the room, Li Ping and Cheng Yang felt indescribably relieved when they heard the screams that had changed in voice.

"Son, I'll 'give' this matter to your Uncle Sun. Mom will take you to the hospital and talk about it..." Li Ping looked at her son's pig-headed face, panda eyes, and collapsed eyes while venting her anger. The nose is really cut like a knife, I hate that kid to death in my heart.

"I'm fine, mom, I want to see what kind of miserable end that 'bastard' will end up before I leave." Cheng Yang said viciously.

"Then does it hurt... Oh, you really want to feel sorry for Mom." Li Ping wiped her tears, hating that bastard in the room even more, "Don't worry, Mom will be fine." I’m here to help you vent your anger, but I told your Uncle Sun that you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t lose your life.”

"Mom, there is a 'female' inside, and that 'female' is more vicious than that man... She even stepped on my stomach twice." Cheng Yang said pitifully.

Then the tone suddenly became 'gloomy' and cold: "I want to 'flower' her face!" Want to learn music and become a star? go to hell! Ruin your face and see how you will be a star in the future.

"Damn woman, okay, then scratch her face... Don't worry, mom won't let her go just because she's a girl... Oops, do you love me so much? Does it hurt? Phew..." Li Pingxin was in constant pain, and gently blew on the wound on his son's face.

In the room, except for Xiao Chu who was lying on the ground and howling, the others were still in a state of being unable to believe what they saw.

So, this harmless kid is very capable and terrifying? So he just said that and 'showed' that smile not because he is stupid but because he... is confident?

"Still beating?" Li Zedao weighed the iron rod in his hand, looked at Sun Jian and said with a cold smile.

"You come from... a certain mysterious army?" Sun Jian stared blankly at Li Zedao, and asked with great difficulty. After all, he is a retired soldier, so he immediately thought of that. He has heard that there are several special forces in China, one of which is called the Dragon Organization. Killing their little soldiers is just like playing.

"Guess." Li Zedao smiled very strangely and mysteriously, "Forget it, you are also a veteran, right? Let me show you something. After reading it, remember to keep it secret for me."

With that said, Li Zedao took out the colonel's certificate and threw it to Sun Jian.

Sun Jian took it, swallowed his saliva, opened it, and then... the cold sweat on his forehead suddenly fell, colonel, his military rank is colonel!

The other coaches who came over were also dumbfounded when they saw it.

The shock that this kid is the colonel brought to them was much stronger than the scene where this kid snatched Xiao Chu's stick and broke his arm with a speed that their 'naked' eyes couldn't keep up with.

Sun Jian's heart fell to the bottom all of a sudden. If he was just a boy with terrifying skills and no background, he would have to rush over, otherwise he would have no way to explain to his sister-in-law. However, he is a colonel. ** is a soldier from a certain mysterious special forces with super powerful skills. If you continue to attack him... the consequences will be unimaginable.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand, and Sun Jian hurriedly 'handed' the certificate back to him, but his expression was extremely complicated. This made a big mess, and Brother Cheng's family would be in trouble.

Then, instinctively, he gave a military salute to Li Zedao, and other coaches who were soldiers also hurriedly saluted Li Zedao.

"I don't know how Cheng Yang told his mother and you about this matter. Simply put, Cheng Yang likes my 'woman', but what should I do if I like it but can't get it? Then take Her boyfriend had surgery, so I beat him up." Li Zedao said, "I was carrying out a very important matter, but he wasted a lot of time, and the compensation for the loss is not too much Bar?"

Sun Jian's face was stiff and he didn't dare to say anything. He felt that this time there was a lot of trouble. This colonel must be carrying out some secret mission, but he was disturbed by Cheng Yang. If the mission failed because of this yes, then...

Jin Suyan listened, but her expression was blushing. Of course, she knew what brother Zedao meant by carrying out a very important thing.

"Take her away, and don't forget to tell the 'woman' outside who is obviously in a menopausal state, if you want to expose this matter..." Li Zedao looked at Sun Jian and said with a faint smile, "Then resign, she Not a good character public servant."

"Yes." Sun Jian said with a complicated expression, and saluted Li Zedao again, then lowered his body, and put the pained but frightened Li Zedao outright because he knew the terrifying identity of the other party, he didn't dare to say anything again. The screaming Xiao Chu helped her up, then gave those fitness trainers a look, and a group of people came to the 'door' in a desperate manner, opened the 'door', and walked out.

The last one to leave still didn't forget to close the 'door' gently and carefully.

"Old Sun, it's settled... Could it be that he shot someone too hard all of a sudden and killed him?" Seeing that the expressions of Sun Jian and his party were a little weird, Li Ping who greeted him also felt a little bit of a shock in his heart. If she is not dead, she has too much room to manipulate, but if she dies, things will become very difficult.

"Sister-in-law..." Sun Jian's expression was strange, and he didn't know how to speak.

As a result, Li Ping's heart fell to the bottom of the valley, so... was the person beaten to death? No wonder, the sharp screams could still be heard at the beginning, but after that, there was no sound at all.

So, people were really killed? what to do?

"Old Sun...how did I tell you? When...you..." Li Ping looked at Sun Jian with a messy expression, these few words almost jumped out word by word. from.

"Sister-in-law, he is not dead." Sun Jian said.

"Uh..." There was a big down and a big up, so Li Ping couldn't react all of a sudden.

"We...we can't beat him. As soon as he made a move, Xiao Chu's arm was broken." Sun Jian said again.

"..." Li Ping looked like you were joking with me. Standing there, Cheng Yang's expression also became numb. When he heard that the bastard was dead, he was overjoyed at first, and then suddenly felt a surge of fear. After all, this was a murder case. Even if his mother is the head of the Chaoyang District Personnel Bureau, even if his father is the instructor of the company in the military region, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold him back, right?

But now, according to Uncle Sun, they couldn't beat him, and one of them's arm was broken as soon as he made a move, so... the scream before was made by this guy, not that bastard? So, after that, they didn't continue to do anything at all, and they were so scared that they almost lost their courage and hurried out?

"Sister-in-law...we really can't fight...the most important thing is, we can't do anything." Sun Jian swallowed, calmed himself a little, glanced at the 'door' with fear, and then said in a low voice , "His rank is colonel..."

Li Ping's eyes widened all of a sudden, she looked at the 'door', and said with great difficulty: "You said... What kind of colonel is he... Heh, grandson, don't make such jokes with your sister-in-law , your Brother Cheng has been in the army for several years, and he is only a lieutenant. You have seen that kid, he is so young, he is probably about the same age as our Xiaoyang, right? Could he be a colonel?"

Sun Jian also knew that this matter was too unimaginable, but he could still tell the authenticity of the certificate, not to mention that such a terrifying skill was there.

"Sister-in-law, do I dare to joke casually about this kind of thing?" Sun Jian said with difficulty, then glanced at the idiot standing over there, and said in a low voice, "He said, the truth about this matter After all, Xiaoyang fell in love with his 'girl', so he troubled him, but he taught him a lesson. He also said that he was about to perform a very important thing, but was delayed by Xiaoyang, so he did it. Will be angry and make a claim... I suspect that he is on a classified mission."

"..." Li Ping's mind simply froze.

"In addition, he finally said that if you want to expose this matter...unless you resign, he said...you are not a good public servant of the people." Sun Jian said with difficulty.


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