The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1385 Going to extremes

"Oh, by the way, the colonel inside is called Li Zedao, who is also from the Yanjing Military Region, so, sister-in-law, hurry up and find me Brother Cheng... Maybe I am Brother Cheng..."

"Li Zedao? Li said his name is Li Zedao?" Li Ping's eyes widened and her face was ashen. . For more latest chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ.

She remembered the last time, her eldest son Cheng Ming offended a man named Li Zedao, and was beaten up severely by his husband Cheng Dagang and even broke his 'leg'.

Afterwards, she also asked someone to find out about Li Zedao, and finally learned about his terrifying background, so in the end, even though she thought her husband was too harsh, she knew that it would be impossible not to beat him up, and the whole family might have to follow him if he didn't. Bad luck.

It's just because of face, and because she's used to being domineering at home, even though she knew her husband was right, Li Ping continued to fight him coldly.

And now, his youngest son Cheng Yang actually provoked that Li Zedao again...

Li Ping turned her head with a stiff neck and glanced at her son Cheng Yang. She felt dizzy and at the same time had the urge to strangle her own son to death.

Heaven, earth, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Tathagata Buddha, what crime have I done, you want to treat me like this and let me give birth to such two stupid things?

did i do something bad no?

Am I desperate? no?

Did I accept bribes 'privately'? No... Well, I admit, I have accepted it several times, but the other party is trying hard to 'force' me to die in front of you if you don't accept it, can I not accept it? What's more, I didn't finish my work without taking the money!

I didn't do anything to be sorry for the country or the people. I am a good public servant of the hard-working people... Why do you treat me like this?

"Sister-in-law... sister-in-law, are you alright?" Seeing that Li Ping's body was shaking so badly that she was about to collapse on the ground, Sun Jian quickly helped her up.

Seeing such a reaction from her, Sun Jian already understood that his sister-in-law must have heard the name "Li Zedao", and knew that this person could not be provoked at all, otherwise the reaction would not have been so great.

"Mom..." Cheng Yang expressed his concern with a messy face. He couldn't quite hear what Sun Jian said in a low voice behind him, but he could clearly hear what that kid was actually a colonel.

His first reaction was, how is this possible? Uncle Sun is too stupid. If people say he is what he is, then he really is what he is?

Seeing my mother looking at me with that look in the back,

He knew that this time he really kicked hard on an iron plate.

So, what kind of colonel is he really, even, my mother has heard of him, otherwise, the reaction would not be so big.

So, that bastard coquettishly said that his uncle was the captain of the police station, so he was digging a hole for himself?

"Don't... don't call me mom, I'm not your mother..." Li Ping looked at this pig-headed face, her voice was full of powerlessness. At this time, she didn't know that she was being fooled by her son. After more than ten years of officialdom, it's really a mess.

He looked at the ‘women’ people of others, so it ’s true to find something. It’ s true that he was violent, but ... the content of the text message was fake, and it was originally sent by his “good son”.

You can play tricks with others, you can, not only you can, your mother, I will praise you without hesitation, saying that my son is really 'great' and so clever. But how can you play tricks with your mother?

At this moment, Li Ping's heart was broken and brittle, and she knew that her official career had come to an end. If she didn't resign, there would really be big troubles in the future. If she was really extremely honest Yes, that's easy to say, but the cruel thing is that she has accepted a few bribes and provided a lot of convenience to others, so once these things are dug out, it is not as simple as losing the official and resigning.

"Mom..." Cheng Yang's expression became even messier.

"I...kill you..." Li Ping stretched out her hand and was about to 'slap' that pig's face, but after all she couldn't bear it, and finally the raised hand slapped her face fiercely.

"I... What the hell did I do to give birth to such a thing as you..." She said with a bit of emotional breakdown after 'slapping' her old face.

"Sister-in-law..." Sun Jian tried to persuade him.

"Mom..." Cheng Yang, who was completely messed up, wanted to say something.

But Li Ping's emotions seemed to break down, and she slapped herself hard, screaming, "Why are you still waiting? Why don't you hurry back?"


In the room, after feeling that there was no movement outside, Jin Suyan looked back at Li Zedao and said, "Brother Zedao..."

"Are you in a hurry?" Li Zedao teased.

" can it be? You really hate it." Jin Suyan was so ashamed that she said, "It's just..."

"You think your brother is too pitiful? His mother is even more pitiful? Because I lost my job in a word?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

Jin Suyan nodded lightly. In front of Li Zedao, she didn't need to hide anything. She whispered immediately: "Senior brother's behavior is indeed too much, but his mother..."

Li Zedao smiled slightly and said: "Think about it, if what they are facing today is not me, but an ordinary person with no power, then what will happen to that ordinary person? Broken hands and feet are easy! This one who indiscriminately intends to use power to suppress others is obviously not a good bird. If she is allowed to continue to climb up, it will only be the common people who will be unlucky."

Jin Suyan nodded thoughtfully, then stuck out her tongue and smiled embarrassedly: "Brother Zedao, I think it's easy."

Li Zedao smiled: "You are so kind, you don't want others to be pitiful..." Such a girl with such a dark experience can still have such a kind heart instead of becoming dark, Li Zedao thinks this rare.

"Keep going..." he said with a smile, "don't be like me, you're all black-bellied."

Kim So-yeon defended Li Zedao: "How can there be? Brother Zedao is very kind." If he was not kind, why would he help them before? How could they take good care of their emotions and that bit of pitiful and ridiculous self-esteem?

"Continue to praise me, don't stop, I like others to praise me the most."

Kim So-yeon said very seriously: "Oh, brother Zedo, you are very handsome...but I don't dare to like you because you are handsome."

"Why is that?" Li Zedao asked. He heard the word "dare", so he already knew the answer.

" already have many 'women'." Jin Suyan lowered her head slightly and said very seriously. This is the truth, if it wasn't because of Li Zedao's special situation, there are already so many 'women', Kim So-yeon would not be able to muster up the courage to express her thoughts at all.

Li Zedao now knows why he has so many 'women'. It's one thing to be attractive like a 'flower' and can't bear to refuse. The most important thing is that there is a kind of "why?" The taste of "...Why accept her but not me? Where am I worse than her? I'm shorter than her? Uglier than her? The 'chest' is smaller than hers? Ass not as big as hers?

Li Zedao couldn't answer these questions, so let's accept it.

A few minutes later, Li Zedao received a call, which he expected, but the person who made the call was Sun Jundong, which was beyond Li Zedao's expectations.

Only then did Li Zedao know that this Cheng Yang turned out to be the younger brother of Cheng Ming who pretended to be 'forceful' with Sun Jundong's younger brother Sun Junxi at the foot of the Great Wall that day.

Sun Jundong's tone was full of intercession, after all, the relationship between the two families is not bad: "Young Master Li, look..."

"Don't worry, as long as that Li Ping resigns, and then Cheng Yang doesn't go to Teacher Li Gu's class, I will pretend that this has never happened." Li Zedao said, "As for inviting me to dinner and apologizing in person, there is no need. "

Li Zedao glanced at Jin Soyan and said, "I don't have time."

"Okay, Young Master Li." Sun Jundong said quickly: "Young Master Li, don't worry, she will take the initiative to ask the organization to resign."

"In addition, the car you sent earlier was painted by Cheng Yang, and it was parked at the 'door' of the Sky One restaurant. You can deal with it yourself." Li Zedao said.

"Okay, Young Master Li, shall I send you a new car right now?" Sun Jundong asked.

"No need, I don't have anything else to do, just call me." Li Zedao said.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao turned around and saw Jin Suyan looking at him seriously, and said with a slight smile, "This time, it's okay."

With a face full of shyness, Jin Suyan nodded lightly, then walked up to Li Zedao, leaned her little head on his chest, and said in a voice that was almost angry: " start bullying me, You can bully me in any way..."

She picked up his hands, put one between them, and put the other behind her... Then, her whole body trembled slightly.

The scorching breath sprayed on Li Zedao's chest, her slender neck coiled up from her chest like a snake, she raised her head, put her bright red lips next to his earlobes, and said: "Brother Zedao, I really really really... like you so much... Oh, take a shower first and bully... You can bully while taking a bath..."

Li Zedao, whose breath had become thicker, simply picked her up and strode towards the bathroom.


In the middle of the night, in a black Audi across the road from Regal Hotel, Cheng Yang's red and swollen eyes stared fixedly at the opposite hotel.

There was still a lighted cigarette dangling from the corner of his split mouth. At this time, the wound at the corner of his mouth had been split open and blood was seeping out, but he still sucked on it as if he didn't feel any pain.

After all, Cheng Yang was not reconciled and was very upset. He really couldn't swallow this breath, so he came here again! Moreover, this time, he came here with the idea of ​​dying with the other party.

This is a person who is proud and conceited, has a bit of brain, and has never suffered a disadvantage since childhood. Once this kind of person suffers a disadvantage, he will not be able to swallow it no matter what, and it is easy to go to extremes.

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